Praise and worship songs by RCCG. Christian songs for worship are the best songs for worshiping in Christian churches. It is a trend that Christians get together in one place to praise God at an appointed time. We know that praising God with music releases the spirit of worship and deepens the belief of believers in their hearts .
Anyone who has ever attended a worship service in a church or by different believers have heard praise and worship songs being played. As you are probably aware, worship songs are songs that bring out the unique value of each congregation, praise the creator and worshipping him and his son Jesus Christ.
The day we have all been waiting for has finally arrived! After much anticipation, the Nigerian branch of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is releasing it’s “Praise & Worship” song. So what does the new Praise Song sound like? What about new Worship song? Which one should you sing in your local church (RCCG or non-RCCG)? Curious? Read on!

Praise and worship songs in the RCCG are very well known to many people. This is because the songs are usually performed during the Sunday service, which is a gathering of Christians for worship and prayer. The RCCG also has a variety of praise and worship songs that are sung during special occasions like weddings, birthday parties or any other celebrations.
The RCCG Praise and Worship songs are written by different people from all over Nigeria but mostly from Lagos State. They have been written in languages such as Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Ijaw etcetera. In addition to this, some of these songs were written by foreigners who came from abroad but joined the church after hearing about it’s teachings.
There are a lot of praise and worship songs in the Church of God, RCCG.
The best part about these songs is that they are sung by people who are not professional singers. They are simple, easy to follow and understand. You can use them as background music while you do your house chores or even as a lullaby for your baby.
Churchgists is a community of people who love to sing and worship God.
List of RCCG Praise and Worship Songs Lyrics
- Witholding nothing (lyrics)
- Bless the Lord o my soul – Son of Man (lyrics)
- My God is awesome (lyrics)
- You do mighty things (lyrics)
- My heart sings (lyrics)
- The Vision (lyrics)
- You are God alone (lyrics)
- Bread of life (lyrics)
- Agnus Dei (lyrics)
- Draw me close (lyrics)
- You deserve the glory (lyrics)
- Glory to the Lamb (lyrics)
- I honour You right now (lyrics)
- Lord we proclaim You now (lyrics)
- I love to love You Lord (lyrics)
- You are awesome in this place (lyrics)
- Be glorified (lyrics)
- Welcome in this place
- Jehovah we praise You (lyrics)
- Because of who You are (lyrics)
- Awesome God (lyrics)
- Here I am to worship (lyrics)
- This is my desire (lyrics)
- Your majesty (lyrics)
- All honor all glory (lyrics)
- Down at Your feet O Lord (lyrics)
- Everything (lyrics)
- Your majesty I can’t but bow (lyrics)
- Above all (lyrics)
- How great is our God (lyrics)
- Blessed be the Lord God Almighty (lyrics)
- No other name (lyrics)
- Shout to the Lord (lyrics)
- Bow down and worship Him (lyrics)
- I’m forever grateful (lyrics)
- My redeemer lives (lyrics)
- I don’t mind waiting (lyrics)
- Hossanah in the highest (lyrics)
- I stand in awe of You (lyrics)
- This is the air I breathe (lyrics)
- Great is Your mercy (lyrics)
- I see the Lord (lyrics)
- More of You
- Halleluyah thank You Jesus
- Only You are holy (lyrics)
- God (lyrics)
- Mighty to save (lyrics)
- We cry holy (lyrics)
- I do worship (lyrics)
- I call You faithful (lyrics)
- O the glory of your presence (lyrics)
- You are welcome in this place (lyircs)
- We worship you today (lyrics)
- Majesty (lyrics)
- Worthy is the lamb (lyrics)
- Great and might is our God (lyrics)
- Still (lyrics)
- Let it rain (lyrics)
- Eagle’s wings (lyrics)
- When I think about the Lord (lyrics)
- At the cross (lyrics)
- Holy holy holy are You Lord (lyrics)
- In Your hands (lyrics)
- Heart of worship (lyrics)
- O Lord our God (lyrics)
- Jesus lover of my soul
- Great Are You Lord – Sinach
- Zion Is Calling
- Baba We’re In Your Presence Let It Rain – Sonnie Badu
- We Fall Down – Donnie McKlurkin
- Yahweh – Hiilsong
We have a collection of over 200 songs for you to practice and learn. You can also create your own songbook with our Songbook Creator tool.
We have a growing list of churches that you can join and sing with them online. We will also be adding more songs on a regular basis so make sure you subscribe so that you don’t miss any updates.
RCCG Praise And Worship Song List
- “Praise To You” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “Prayer Of The Saints” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “My God Is Able” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “O Sing A New Song” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “In My World” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “I’m Not Ashamed” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “Coming Home” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “You Are Faithful” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
- “Let’s Go Back To The Beginning” – RCCG Praise and Worship Songs List
RCCG Praise And Worship Songs
RCCG Praise And Worship Songs Lyrics
- Praise You In This Storm – Casting Crowns
- Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – Hillsong United
- How He Loves – David Crowder Band
- I Will Rise – Chris Tomlin ft. Juicy J
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) – Matt Redman
- I’m Not Alone – Kari Jobe
- Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) – Passion ft. Kristian Stanfill
Popular Praise And Worship Songs Lyrics
- Every Praise (lyrics)
- You are God alone (lyrics)**
- Let the glory of the Lord (lyrics)**
- Let it overflow
- Our help is in the name of the Lord (lyrics)**
- O thou most high (lyrics)
- Lord You are awesome (lyrics)**
- Rejoice rejoice (lyrics)
- O give thanks (lyrics)**
- You deserve my worship (lyrics)
- O Lord we praise Your name (lyrics)
- And we will say (lyrics)**
- Bless the Lord with me (lyrics)**
- Glory Glory Lord (lyrics)**
- From my lips (lyrics)
- O Lord we praise You (lyrics)**
- Alleluiah eh (lyrics)
- O Lord I want to sing Your praises (lyrics)
- Days of Elijah (lyrics)
- Friend of God (lyrics)**
- Only a God like You(lyrics)**
- Beautiful One (lyrics)**
- I command my hands (lyrics)
- Hail Jesus (lyrics)**
- Trading my sorrows (lyrics)**
- Forever God is faithful (lyrics)**
- Sing out (lyrics)**
- Ancient of Days (lyrics)
- Blessed be the name of the Lord (lyrics)
- Oh happy day (lyrics)
- Firm foundation (lyrics)
- Open the eyes of my heart Lord (lyrics)
- He’s turned my mourning into dancing (lyrics)**
- Lord I lift Your name on high (lyrics)
- Lord You are good and Your mercies endureth forever (lyrics)
- My redeemer lives (lyrics)**
- Hear our praises (lyrics)
- Lord reign in me (lyrics)
- Blessed Jesus (lyrics)
- Mighty is our God (lyrics)
- For all You’ve done (lyrics)
- I can never forget what You’ve done for me (lyrics)
- He’s a wonder (lyrics)
- O sing for joy (lyrics)**
- For who You are (lyrics)
- Everyday (lyrics)
- Glory to glory to God (lyrics)
- We lift our hands in the sanctuary (lyrics)
- Lord You reign forever (lyrics)
- All around (lyrics)
- Come and let us sing (lyrics)
- I will sing (lyrics)
- Lift His name on high (lyrics)
- My life belongs to You (lyrics)**
- Hear my cry o Lord (lyrics)
- My life is in You Lord (lyrics)**
- God is (lyrics)
- Let there be light (lyrics)
- Jehovah Jireh (lyrics)
- Sing unto the Lord a new song
- Celebrate Jesus celebrate (lyrics)
- Sing For Joy – Don Moen
- Our God – Chris Tomlin**
- Lord I Need You – Matt Maher**
- Behold the Lamb – Robin Mark***
- He Is Exhalted – Twila Paris***
- Glad to Be In His Service – GREETINGS***
- Glad to Be In The Service 2 – GREETINGS***
- Glad to be The Service 3 – New Psalmist Baptist GREETINGS
- Hello, My Name is – Matthew West
- We Fall Down – Donnie Mcklurkin
Nigerian High Praise Songs List
- Witholding nothing (lyrics)
- Bless the Lord o my soul – Son of Man (lyrics)
- My God is awesome (lyrics)
- You do mighty things (lyrics)
- My heart sings (lyrics)
- The Vision (lyrics)
- You are God alone (lyrics)
- Bread of life (lyrics)
- Agnus Dei (lyrics)
- Draw me close (lyrics)
- You deserve the glory (lyrics)
- Glory to the Lamb (lyrics)
- I honour You right now (lyrics)
- Lord we proclaim You now (lyrics)
- I love to love You Lord (lyrics)
- You are awesome in this place (lyrics)
- Be glorified (lyrics)
- Welcome in this place
- Jehovah we praise You (lyrics)
- Because of who You are (lyrics)
If you want to learn more about the basics of worship song writing and how you can use it in RCCG, please seek for christian music producers online, since most of them are located within your local church.Just look for a website that offers such services.