Passion translation bible pdf: You can find the bible in many different versions. Some are hard to decipher and some were translated for the modern world, which is distracting from the meaning of the actual text. What if you could read a translation that was as close as possible to the original language and still easy to understand? Get the Passion Translation Bible for free download and the Passion Translation Bible online for free.
It is the best resource if you want to know more about the Passion Translation Bible PDF. Passion Translation Bible PDF is like an easy guide you can use daily and gives specific points in your daily routine as well. It’s an eye-opener for many people who want to get knowledge about passion translation bible PDF, and it’s totally free of charge. Our Bible has stories of heroes and kings, warriors and prophets. It has celebration and worship and agony, compassion and forgiveness—the stuff of life.
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Passion Translation Bible PDF
The Word became flesh to dwell among us, not in a staid genealogy but in a compelling story…the Passion Translation catches the full spectrum of human experiences. It was translated by Dr. Brian Simmons, who is a professor of biblical languages and communication at Dallas Theological Seminary. The Passion Translation has several unique features that make it stand out from other translations:
This Bible is passionately translated to easily understand and memorize the word of God. Passion Translation: The most accurate bible translation to take your spiritual life higher. The Passion Translation Bible is a translation that speaks to a passion-filled generation. The Passion Translation is written in today’s language, is easy to understand, and accurately communicates the message of God’s Word. It’s so important that everyone stay up to date on God’s Word. That’s why we’ve created the Passion Translation.
The Passion Translation of the Holy Bible is a translation in modern English that is both accurate and readable. This translation was written from the heart because its missionary authors desired to reach the most people possible with God’s message.
The Passion Translation Bible Free Download
TPT Bible, The Passion Translation New Testament (English) Free. It contains multiple versions of all your favorite Bibles and in different languages, you can download the versions and use them without the need to be connected to the Internet.
It uses modern English so that everyone can understand it. It includes a dictionary in the back with definitions of words that may be unfamiliar to readers
The Passion Translation Bible is a new translation of the New Testament into modern English that was released in 2014. It was produced by Dr. Lance Wallnau, and it’s published by Charisma House. This translation uses language that’s more accessible to today’s reader, making it easier to understand. The Passion Translation Bible may be used by Christians who are not fluent in Greek or Hebrew, who are not familiar with older translations like the King James Version (KJV) or the New International Version (NIV), or who want a more contemporary translation than what they’re currently using.
Passion Translation Bible PDF
The Passion Translation was first published in 2012 with an accompanying study guide, which also contains information on how to use it as a devotional tool.
Read The Translation Of The Bible
The Passion Translation Bible is a modern translation that is designed for easy reading and understanding. This version of the Bible was translated by Eugene Peterson and Kirk Cameron in 2010. It has received mixed reviews from many Christian scholars, but it is one of the most popular Bibles available today.
Not only can you read this translation online, but you can also download it as an app on your Android or iOS device!
The Passion Translation Bible Online Free
This article is provided by BroadStreet Publishing Group, the publishing house for The Passion Translation.
The Passion Translation is a groundbreaking attempt to re-introduce the passion and fire of the Bible to English readers. The Passion Translation is a new, heart-level translation that expresses God’s fiery heart of love to this generation using Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic manuscripts, merging the emotion and life-changing truth of God’s Word.
Dr. Brian Simmons—linguist, minister, Bible teacher, and former missionary—serves as lead translator for The Passion Translation. As a missionary, he and his wife, Candice, pioneered church plants in Central America. As a linguist, Brian co-translated the Paya-Kuna New Testament for the Paya-Kuna people of Panama. He and his wife have started numerous ministries, including a dynamic church in West Haven, Connecticut. He is also a gifted teacher of the Bible. Simmons has authored several books and serves churches worldwide through his teaching ministry.
Brian began his biblical studies with The New Tribes Bible Institute and continued on to earn his doctorate with Wagner Leadership Institute, with a specialization on prayer.
While Brian serves as the lead translator for The Passion Translation, the translated text and the numerous footnotes are evaluated by respected scholars and editors to ensure The Passion Translation is faithful to the original text and heart of God.

So why another translation?
Many wonderful versions of our Bible now grace our bookshelves, bookstores, software programs, even apps on our phones. So why add one more? The reason is simple. God longs to have his Word expressed in every language in a way that unlocks the passion of his heart. The goal of this work is to trigger inside every reader an overwhelming response to the truth of the Bible. The reader will discover the deep mysteries of the Scriptures in the love language of God, the language of the heart.
God refuses to meet us only in an intellectual way.
God also wants to meet us heart level. So, we must let the words go heart deep—bringing words that go through the human soul, past the defenses of the mind, and into the spirit. There is a language of the heart that must express the passion of this love-theology. That’s why The Passion Translation is an important addition to peoples’ devotional and spiritual life with Christ.
Bible translations are both a gift and a problem.
They give us the words God spoke through his servants, but words can become very poor containers for revelation—they leak! Over time the words change from one generation to the next. Meaning is influenced by culture, background, and many other details. You can imagine how differently the Hebrew authors of the Old Testament saw the world from three thousand years ago!
There is no such thing as a truly literal translation of the Bible. Why? There is not an equivalent language that perfectly conveys the meaning of the biblical text except as it is understood in its original cultural and linguistic setting. Therefore, a translation can be a problem. The problem, however, is solved when we seek to transfer meaning, and not merely words, from the original text to the receptor language.
That’s the governing philosophy behind The Passion Translation:
to transfer the meaning of God’s original message found in the biblical languages to modern-day English. We believe that the meaning of a passage should take priority over the form of the original words. This way, every English speaker can clearly, naturally encounter the heart of God through his message of truth and love.
To transfer the meaning of the biblical narrative from one language to another requires interpretation. Undoubtedly, the process of Bible translation cannot be considered a perfect science, but more of an artistic, Spirit-led production. Dr. Simmons has sought to faithfully carry over the meaning of the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic into modern English along with the nuances of the Scripture’s poetry and prose to make it come alive to the reader.
If you’re hungry for God and want to know him on a deeper level, The Passion Translation will help you encounter God’s heart and discover what he has for your life.

Now, the Passion Translation New Testament 2nd Edition contains not only the ENTIRE New Testament, but also Psalms, Proverbs, and Song of Songs!
Additionally, we offer:
- The Passion Translation 2nd Edition Audio Bible
- Isaiah: The Passion Translation
- Genesis: The Passion Translation
- Harmony of the Gospels: The Passion Translation