The number four is a significant number in the Bible. It occurs more than two hundred times, and it is often used to symbolize completeness.
The most notable occurrence of the number four in the Bible is in Genesis 1:4, where God creates light and divides it into day and night. Four elements make up this division: air, water, earth, and fire. It also appears frequently in other ways:
- There are four corners of the earth (Job 38:13).
- The Bible contains four gospels (the good news stories of Jesus’ life).
- There are four rivers that flow from Eden (Genesis 2:10-14).
- There are four living creatures around God’s throne (Ezekiel 1:5-10)
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The Number 4 In The Bible
Creation of the Earth in Four Days
Genesis 1:14-19 – “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night… And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars… And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.'”
The Four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – the four gospels of the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection.
The Four Creatures Around the Throne
Revelation 4:6-8 – “Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures… Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.'”
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Revelation 6:1-8 – “I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest… When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, ‘Come!’ Then another horse came out, a fiery red one… When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, ‘Come!’ I looked, and there before me was a pale horse!” Throughout the Bible, the number four is often associated with completeness or wholeness. Whether it’s the creation of the earth in four days, the four gospels that tell the complete story of Jesus, or the four living creatures around the throne praising God day and night, the number four is a symbol of divine order and perfection in the Bible.
Meaning Of Number 4 In The Bible: It Plays A Significant Role
We can learn many things by studying the deep meaning of numbers. In numerology, numbers are used to observe the world around us and give sense to the freaky coincidences around us. We encounter numbers all the time, and it’s anywhere around us, even in the Bible.
Numbers have been mentioned numerous times in some Bible passages, and they hold a lot of hidden meaning. Thus, numbers are essential since the beginning of time. Biblical numerology is a specific study wherein we analyze and interpret the meaning of numbers behind the important events in the Bible.
Number 4 has been mentioned in the Bible multiple times. One of the meanings of the number 4 in the Bible is that it is a number of creations. Doubtlessly, the number 4 is exceptional and highly spiritual.
If you want to know more about biblical numerology and discover what information the number 4 can give you. Then, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you in finding what the number 4 means in the Bible. Moreover, this article will also share knowledge about the symbolic and prophetic meaning of the number 4.
Aside from the biblical meaning and aspects of number 4, we will also discuss its general meaning. If you keep seeing the number 4 anywhere, then know that it is not a coincidence. The number 4 has a message for you, and this article will guide you to decipher its hidden message.

Number 4 Meaning in Hebrew
Number 4 plays a significant role in many passages in the Bible. Number 4 was first mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis. Thus, number 4 is referred to as the number of creation in relation to the time when God created the heavenly bodies. On the 4th day of God’s creation, God made the sun, moon, and stars.
These celestial bodies that God made are to bring light and darkness into the world. On another aspect, God tells us that we cannot appreciate something unless it has differing features. We cannot recognize happiness if we don’t know sadness in the first place, and vice versa. Through these heavenly means, God communicates and sends his message to his disciples, like Abraham.
The sun, moon, and stars serve as an indication for people to track days, weeks, months, and years. Through the stars, people can also know the different seasons by observing them. God also made the four elements in the earth: the earth, water, and fire. Moreover, we also take into account the four seasons and the four cardinal directions.
There are many instances where the number 4 was linked in some of the events and individuals in the Bible. It’s still a wonder why “man” in the Bible was mentioned all the time. However, Eve, the first woman in the Bible, was only mentioned four times.
We cannot also neglect to notice that the life and ministry of Jesus Christ were discussed in the four gospels. The authors of these four gospels were Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John. Each of the four apostles described and narrated the life and teachings of Jesus in their view.
Prophetic Meaning Of Number 4
Number 4 has been mentioned repeatedly in the Bible. As mentioned, number 4 is considered the number of creations. All you can see around you, even when you look up at the night sky and during the daytime, is all of God’s beautiful art. God made all of these during the 4th day of creation to give day and night and provide direction, seasons, and even the most essential elements vital for life.
Number 4 lets us see and appreciate God’s beautiful creations. The number also tells us to protect these natural wonders that we have. We must safeguard and preserve God’s gift to us and not allow it to perish. Our actions have consequences, so we must be cautious and respectful of God’s creations.
Number 4 is also a warning from above to remind us of our duty as one of God’s creations. God made us for a purpose, and that is to take care of all his works and for us to do the things that are in favor of him. We must emanate love and peace to the people around us.
In the Bible, it is evident how God responded to those who did not abide by his will. Ever since before, humankind has disobeyed and tried to stray away from God. Because of these decisions, God has let them experience certain circumstances to let them know that there is only one true God who can save us and give us salvation. However, God still loves us despite being sinners and has an open arm to welcome us back again.
What Does The Number 4 Mean Spiritually
The first symbolism of Number 4 is creation. It is a number full of creative energies. The symbolism of the number 4 is not limited to the Bible alone. Its symbolism can also be applied to your way of life.
The most evident symbolism of number 4 in reference to creation can be seen in the Book of Revelation. It was stated here that humanity was divided into four groups. God divided people according to their nation, language, characteristics, nation, and tribe. Due to these four categorizations, there were different perceptions of who and what God looked like.
These four groups that God made are still evident in our present times. We are identified based on the language we use. The mother-tongue language that we’re using is an indication of where we came from. It is a mark of our identity based on where we originated.
These four indications are how God referred to us humans throughout the Bible.
Another symbol of the number 4 in the Bible is the four seasons. It also symbolizes the moon, stars, and sun. For these heavenly bodies, we’re made on the 4th day of God’s creation. This is also the day when the whole universe was created.
In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, the number 4 is said to represent the four angels. These four angels will be present on the day of the Great Tribulation; this is the time when people will undergo great suffering, persecution, famine, disasters, and war. But those who believe and have faith in God will be saved from all these sufferings.
Biblical Significance Of Number 4
Number 4 plays a significant role in the Bible. It holds a lot of hidden meaning in some of the verses in the Bible. One of these is that the number 4 was referred to as the number of completions.
The four apostles of Jesus wrote four gospels that talk about the ministry and life of Jesus Christ. These four apostles are Mark, Luke, John, and Matthew. Each of them shared and discussed their own perceptions and views of Jesus Christ. In conclusion, this passage means that no matter how you view Jesus Christ and what you know about him, know that God loves us and wants to save us all.
On the day Jesus Christ was crucified, his clothes were torn down and divided into four parts by four Roman soldiers. In the Book of Revelation, it is also mentioned that on the day of the Apocalypse, there will be four horsemen riding on four horses that each bear different colors. The first horse is colored white, the second is colored red, the third horse is colored black, and the fourth horse is colored pale white.
What Does The Number 4 Mean Spiritually
A Symbol Of God’s Creation In Perfect Synchrony
The Bible holds a lot of information and reveals to us the truth about the correct way of life and also Jesus’ teachings. The number 4 has been mentioned in the Bible numerous times, and it possesses a very spiritual meaning and an important message to all of us.
Number 4 symbolizes wholeness and totality. The Book of Revelations is where the number 4 is mostly mentioned. There are four living beings known as the hayyoth in Hebrew in relation to Christian and Jewish heritage. The four living creatures described in the Book of Ezekiel are considered God’s throne messengers and protectors.
The four creatures in the Book of Ezekiel are also called the cherubim. They have four faces: those of an ox, a lion, an eagle, and a man. These four faces of the cherubim allow it to see in all four directions. Thus, they also act as protectors. Moreover, these four creatures also have four wings and possess this boundless knowledge.
Even though these four creatures’ description seem disturbing, their true meaning and symbolism represent the complete harmony of the world above and the material world where we live in. It merely tells us that we are still connected with the higher spiritual plane by merging these characteristics of an angel with those of living creatures here on earth. The cherubs are the perfect representation of all of God’s creation combined in perfect harmony into one being.
Confirmation Of God’s Loving Presence And Guidance
Ever since, God has been guiding us in everything we do and the next step that we will take. People in the early days always doubted whether God truly existed. Some of us would not believe in the true power of God unless we saw some evidence and proof.
Thus, God sent us proof to testify that his existence is indeed true. There are four proofs of how God let us know of his presence through signs, the holy spirit, wonders, and miracles. Through these four pieces of evidence, God conveys his message to us and a way to warn us of what we should avoid.
We can also see God’s love through the blessings that he is giving us. God’s love and presence beside us are evident in all the gifts we receive, no matter how small or big. The wonder of small miracles in our lives is proof of God’s love for us. God will not abandon us and will come right away to rescue us if we call upon him.
Another proof of God’s love is Jesus Christ, his son. Throughout his lifetime, he extends himself to others to teach love and compassion and prove that there is only one true God. If we study the life of Jesus, we can learn a lot about giving love and forgiveness even to those who have forsaken us.
These four proofs are mostly mentioned in the Book of Hebrews. One of the pieces of evidence that God has given is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the symbol of God’s salvation through gifts and the transcendence of his ministry.
God sent signs as a witness that those who believe in him will receive a gift from the spirit in order to confirm his gift of salvation.
The miracles of God were demonstrated by Jesus, his son. Millions have witnessed how Jesus allowed the blind to see and, to the extreme, resurrected the dead. These miraculous incidents were God’s way of showing how powerful he is. Those miracles are a way God tells us that he can do all things as long as we believe and have faith in Him.
In regard to God’s wonders, most of us tend to get away from God’s guidance with the thought that we can handle anything. We cannot deny that all of us are sinners and have committed mistakes in the eyes of God. However, despite all our wrongdoings, God still loves us. That is the wonder of God’s love: no matter how we block him and ignore him, if we need help, he will come right away to rescue us.
What Does It Mean When You Keep Seeing Number 4?
Having to encounter the number 4 numerous times anywhere you go is surely not a coincidence. Keep in mind that numbers are being shown to you repetitively because they mean to tell you something. There are also other meanings the number 4 possesses aside from its Biblical meaning.
Our angels, spirit guides, and the universe communicate with us through numbers. Number 4 has an important message that you will benefit from in the future. Number 4, in general, is a symbol of stability and justice. This means that these two aspects are the most vital things that you need to maintain in your life.
The number 4 carries the energy of number 2; thus, it is related to stability, which also encompasses your relationships. The number is a representation that there is stability and harmony in your relationship. You feel safe and secure with your partner. Having number 4 in your life means that you prefer a stable and life-long partner to a short-term affair. This number will also appear to you if you are thinking of settling down with your partner already.
Since number 4 is related to the future. It means to tell you to keep a positive outlook on life. Maintain your faith and be patient for good things are about to come to you.
Number 4 may come to you if you are in a situation wherein you are about to start a project. Or if you are thinking of venturing into a new scene in life,. Number 4 is a message that highlights your passion and aspirations in life. The number is sent to you to give you a new perspective and let you see the unique abilities you have that will help you achieve your goals in life.
Seeing number 4 also means that it points out your positive traits and qualities as a person. The number confirms that you are an honest and loyal person to the people around you. You are loved and regarded highly by those close to you because of your genuine attitude. Your angels sent you the number 4 to tell you to stay who you are and be humble always.
In the scriptures, verses, and other books in the Bible, the number 4 is very evident, for it has been mentioned multiple times. The number 4 is exceptionally an auspicious and blessed number.
The meaning mentioned above of number 4 are just some of the most common meanings. However, the significance of number 4 can also vary depending on the person and the present circumstances he or she faces upon seeing the number.
Having number 4 in your daily life means that you are very blessed. Know that God love’s you and is always guiding you to stay on the safe path. Keep your faith high, pray, and continue being a good example to others.