It is well-known that during the reign of King Solomon, in the days of his glory, his wisdom, and his many years, as he made for himself a beginning in the enterprises at home and abroad which he set about, one was building the Temple by means of the plans given him by David his father – Acts 7:47. The Book of Acts of Solomon is a collection of 18 short stories, teaching us lessons on life in a way that will help us to live happier and more fulfilled lives.
Chapter One. In which we meet Solomon, who has the Midas touch, and is considered one of the wisest men in history. Multitudes of philosophers and theologians have attempted to understand how Solomon became such a powerful figure, but there are no conclusive answers. One thing’s for certain — he must have had the Midas touch. Looking at; The Book of Solomon, The lost scrolls of king Solomon.

The Book Of Acts Of Solomon
The Book of Acts of Solomon is a book that tells the story of King Solomon. It is one of the books in the Bible.
The book begins with King David telling Solomon that he will die and leave him as king. When David died, Solomon became king and ruled over Israel for 40 years.
Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem where God would live. He also built cities and palaces for himself and his people to live in while they worshipped God together.
The Book of Acts of Solomon is a book that contains the acts of Solomon during his reign over Israel. It is believed to have been written by an unnamed author and was included in the Septuagint, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible.
The book of Acts of Solomon is a fictional account of the life and reign of Solomon, the son of David and Bathsheba. It was written by Thomas Malory and published in 1485. The book takes place several hundred years after the death of King David, and tells the story of how Solomon became king.
The Book of Acts of Solomon is a work of non-fiction, written by an unknown author. The book was written to provide insight into the life and activities of Solomon, who was a king of Israel in the 10th century BC.
The writer does not identify himself, but claims that he lived at the time that Solomon lived. He also claims to have seen everything first hand and to have recorded it accurately.
The book records many incidents from the reigns of David and Solomon, including their wars against neighboring nations such as Edom and Aram (Syria), as well as some stories about their family life such as how David fathered three sons with Bathsheba after killing Uriah, who was her husband at the time.
The Book of Acts of Solomon is a book that is written in the form of a letter from Solomon to his son. The author describes the story of Solomon’s life and character, as well as his relationship with his father David.
The Book of Solomon
The Book of Solomon is a book of the Tanakh (the Hebrew Bible) and the Old Testament. It is considered deuterocanonical by Catholics and Protestants, but not by Jews. It was originally written in Hebrew language, but today it exists in a number of versions, including Greek, Latin and English translations.
The book contains “five books of Solomon” (1 Kings, 2 Kings and parts of Jeremiah), which are wisdom literature: psalms, proverbs and parables that express an understanding of God and nature shared by both Israelites and other ancient Near Eastern cultures.[1]
The main themes of the five books include wisdom and folly; the relationship between God’s justice and mercy;[2] good governance;[3] the importance of prayer;[4] and above all “the Kingdom” as a means to achieve justice.
The Book of Solomon, also known as The Song of Songs, is a book of the Tanakh. It is considered one of the five Megillot, or scrolls, that are traditionally read in Jewish communities on the holiday of Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks).
The Song of Songs is also read publicly on the holiday of Sukkot during an evening ceremony that includes the recitation of all 150 psalms. In this ceremony, the entire book is read to symbolize the joyous nature of the season.
The Bible tells us that King David wrote many songs and poems when he was alone in God’s house. He sang songs praising God and calling him “my God.” The prophet Amos says that King David wrote more than 1,000 psalms (Amos chapter 6). Among these were probably some songs about love for his wife Michal, whose beauty was famous throughout Israel.
The lost scrolls of king Solomon
The lost scrolls of king solomon is a collection of ancient scrolls that were discovered in the last century by archaeologists. The scrolls are believed to be many centuries old, and they contain the wisdom of King Solomon. The book of solomon is another ancient text that was written by King Solomon himself. It contains all his knowledge and wisdom regarding spirituality and life principles.

Solomon was a king who ruled over Israel after David had died. He was known as a wise man, who was able to judge fairly between two different parties and make decisions that were fair to both sides.
The Lost Scrolls of King Solomon is a book by Robert Allen. The book describes a series of scrolls which were written by King Solomon and his court magicians, and hidden away in the catacombs beneath the Temple Mount. These scrolls contained much wisdom that has been lost to humanity, but which is now being rediscovered.
The Lost Scrolls of King Solomon is part of a larger body of work known as The Keys to Immortality, which has been channeled by Robert Allen since 1982. The Keys to Immortality is an allegorical story about how consciousness evolves through time and space, with each incarnation being an opportunity for us to learn lessons that will help us evolve further in our next life.
The Lost Scrolls of King Solomon is a fantastic book about the history and mythology of King Solomon. It is written by Michael Lawrence Morton and published by Xlibris. The book describes itself as “a fascinating examination” of ancient history and mythology. The author claims that he has proof that many myths are based on real events in human history. The book contains several interesting theories about the origin of mankind and its journey through time. It also provides information about some lost civilizations that existed before recorded history began.
The author believes that there are many similarities between ancient texts from different cultures around the world. He also believes that these texts contain hidden messages which can be unlocked using modern technology such as computers and satellite imagery. He states that his research has revealed many previously unknown facts about human history, including:
The existence of a civilization called Atlantis which existed before recorded history began;
The existence of an advanced civilization called Lemuria which existed in what is now the Pacific Ocean;
The existence of an ancient kingdom called Agartha which was located beneath both Tibet and Mongolia;
He had several wives throughout his life, but he loved his first wife the most because she was very beautiful and intelligent. She had many children who were all kings themselves when they grew up. One day during dinner one of these sons came down from upstairs where he had been playing all day long with some toys while everyone else sat around eating their dinner quietly without saying anything while he waited for them all to finish eating before going back upstairs again so he could play some more without being interrupted by anyone else coming into his room unexpectedly while he was busy playing with his toys.”