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Script For Church Thanksgiving Celebration

    Looking for the script for the church Thanksgiving celebration? Read on for Thanksgiving dramas for church and short church drama scripts. Dear congregation, we could not be more thankful for our church family. We know that despite the challenging times we have faced together as a community, God has brought us through and always brings us through.

    So as we celebrate Thanksgiving today, let’s look at all of the things God has done in our lives that point to His unfailing love for us. In reality, we do not need to be thankful on this day any more than most days of the year. We only need to recognize His unfailing love by becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, who is able to save to this day all those who latch onto him because he lives forever and ever and ever! Amen, Amen!

    Let us welcome you to our special day. As we gather here today to celebrate friends, family, and loved ones, this is a time for Thanksgiving. This is a day for giving gratitude for the blessings of Jesus Christ. Thank you all for coming. I’m so glad you could join us. We have gathered today to celebrate the birth of Christ. Let’s pass around the basket and this time we’ll take it in turns to read a few verses from the Gospel of Luke:

    List 3 Emcee Script For Church Anniversary

    Script 1:
  • Welcome Address: Good morning, everyone. I am thrilled to welcome you all to our church’s anniversary celebration. Today, we gather to reflect on the blessings of the past year and look forward to what God has in store for us in the future.

  • Opening Prayer: Let us bow our heads in prayer as we thank God for His faithfulness and ask for His continued guidance and blessings on our church.

  • Introductions: I would like to introduce our special guests, leaders, and members of our congregation who have worked tirelessly to make this anniversary celebration possible. Please give them a round of applause.

  • Script 2:
  • Scripture Reading: A reading from the Holy Bible that reminds us of God’s faithfulness and love for His people.

  • Musical Performance: Our talented choir will now bless us with a special musical performance to uplift our spirits and praise God’s name.

  • Reflections: Let us take a moment to reflect on the growth and blessings our church has experienced over the past year, and give thanks for the grace of God that sustains us.

  • Script 3:
  • Special Message: Our guest speaker will now share a special message with us, inspiring us to continue serving God with all our hearts and minds.

  • Recognition of Volunteers: We want to acknowledge and thank all the volunteers who have dedicated their time and talents to serving our church community. Your selfless contributions are truly appreciated.

  • Closing Prayer: Let us join together in prayer, thanking God for His abundant blessings on our church and asking for His guidance and protection in the year ahead.

  • Emcee’s Script for Thanksgiving Reception of the Newly Ordained Priest

    Thanksgiving Reception

    Dones: What we are is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God. This compelling word of Eleanor Powell has been made true today as we gratify and appreciate the goodness of the Lord in this joyful celebration and in this faith-filled commitment and service to God.

    Jane:     Yes, today God gives as another good reason to celebrate in friendship, companionship and camaraderie as we welcome our newly-ordained priest who evidently manifested God’s powerful gift that enabled him to persevere and to progress in his calling to serve God and his people.

    Dones: Good Morning Ma’am Jane

    Jane:     Good Morning Sir Dons

    All:        Welcome to the THANKSGIVING RECEPTION of our newly ordained priest, Rev. Fr. Glenn Siohan Donoso, DCS.

    Dones:  Let us give him a big round of applause.

    Jane:     Celebrating with us this morning are these significant people who have been a source of inspiration to our celebrant, our respect to Rev. Fr. Perpecto G. Ecat, DCS, JCL, the Parish Priest of Del Carmen -our homilist, to Rev. Fr. Juls C. Dayola, DCS,


    ________________________________________________ GOOD MORNING!

    Dones: To formally start this affair, may invite everyone to stand for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem, under the direction of Mrs. Rosalinda T. Borja, Sto. Nino Parish Choir-President.

    Jane:  To express his Welcome Address: Let us all welcome our Parish Pastoral Council President, Mr. Tereso L. Cornita.

    Dones: Thank you sir for that warm welcome!

    Every Christian ought to be grateful for the gift of priesthood, we should be grateful to Jesus who instituted it. We must express this gratitude not only in showing reverent respect but also by offering our prayers and good works for priestly vocations.

    Ladies and gentlemen to pay homage to our dear celebrant! We will witness a series of presentations to be staged to us by the selected students of Catabaan Elementary School, Dapa Central Elementary School and the teachers of Don Enrique Navarro Memorial School which will also be followed by the presentation of the SIARELCO family.

    Let’s give them a resounding applause!

    Jane:    Thank you for that wonderful presentation!

    Sharing the same feeling of pride and joy for this wonderful blessing God bestowed upon us, is no less than the mother of the Municipality of Dapa. Friends! Let us set our hands together for Hon. Mayor Yulie Y. Ruaya, for her message.

    Jane:   To make this celebration worth remembering, here to fill our day with festive delight another set of presentations will be given to us by Dapa National High Schoo teachers, selected students of Siargao National Science High School and San Nicolas School and SIIT_________________

    Dones: Thank you dancers!

    Many Centuries ago, St Paul wrote to the Church in Ephesus: “When Christ ascended on high led a host of captives and he gave gifts to men. And his gift were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of Son of God”  Friends! To stand as living proof to this testament, let us all welcome our newly-ordained priest: REV. FR. GLENN SIOHAN DONOSO, DCS for his message.

    Jane:     Thank you and congratulations Fr. Glen!

    The gift of priesthood is God’s Gift to us! It’s God’s answer to our prayers! Hence, who could be happier and prouder this time seeing their son following the path of the Lord and received his priceless gift but the parents of our dear celebrant. At this juncture, we will now hear a response message to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Exuperio R. Donoso.

    A big hand for them please!

    Dones: This celebration wouldn’t be as fruitful as it is without the support provided by these wonderful parishioners! To formally give his Word of Thanks… Let us all welcome God’s instrument behind the success of this celebration: Rev. Fr. Juls M. Dayola

    God’s blessing be upon you we pray

    As you walk the journey of life in the Holy Priesthood of Christ

    Our love and prayers will follow you

    Our blessings will support

    May you remain faithful to Him forever and to be a blessing to all

    Congratulations Rev. Fr. Glenn S. Donoso, for accepting the call, the vocation to be work in the vineyard of the Lord.

    Thanksgiving Drama For Church

    Here is the sample thanksgiving speech for church anniversary that you can use during the celebration of the church anniversary event in church

    We have prepared a speech for you in PDF that you can download and start using, just click the PayPal button below and pay $9.75 and you will be able to get the speech immediately.



    As you look forward to the special event in your church, we want to walk with you.

    I’m sure you are in this page because you need help and I am here to provide you with the help that you need.

    It doesn’t matter if this is your first time being asked to give a Thanksgiving speech in church and so far you don’t know what to do or where to begin.

    That is the reason we are your partner in this process, so that you can have something to say during the event.

    Below here we are giving you a sample speech so that you can have a true picture of what you are expected to have during the occasion.

    We have been doing this for a long time, therefore we know what is expected.

    We have also prepared several templates that you can pick from  and use during the occasion.

    If you want to access the templates, just click this page and you will be able to download a template to use during the occasion.

    Here is a sample thanksgiving speech for church anniversary for you

    Thanksgiving Speech For Church Anniversary

    Our senior pastor (name the name of your pastor), the church management and my fellow church members.

    I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. 

    How are you this evening?

    The day has been good and we didn’t expect to witness the hand of God at work, we are grateful for everything and thank you to each and every one of you who prayed for the occasion of today. 

    It has come to an end with a high note.

    Let me start by thanking our almighty God for according us this wonderful opportunity to share love together as we remember the good deeds of our Lord.

    The same way we read how the Lord led the Israelites through the desert and protected them from their enemies, we have also experienced the same.

    The church has really grown since its inception and today we marked 40 years of service.

    Thank you to each and every one of you for finding time to come and celebrate with us; your presence is highly appreciated.

    We also have those who contributed in one way or another to making this day a success. We pray that our heavenly Father will continue to bless you mightily in all that you do.

    We have come to one of the celebrations of today and may our good Lord bless you as you go back.

    Thank you all.

    Short Church Drama Scripts

    Script for Church Thanksgiving Celebration

    This is a script to help you create your own Thanksgiving celebration at your church. It can be used as it is, or you can create your own version by adding more content or removing parts. (You could also make up some new songs or prayers that are relevant to your congregation.)

    Welcome everyone! Let’s all come together as we celebrate the bounty of our harvest and give thanks to God for his blessings.

    Let us sing the song “We Are Thankful.”

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