You know why you want to talk to a pastor. You want to talk about life problems and find solutions, but you don’t even know where to begin looking for answers. And what usually happens when you try asking someone else for help? Most of the time, people just suggest things for you to try that don’t really address what’s going on deep down inside.
If you have a question about the Bible, prayer, or God, I would love to speak with you. I am passionate about helping people answer even the most difficult spiritual questions and teaching people how to live their lives in close relationship with God. Over the past 15 years, I have been privileged to help thousands of people through counseling and teaching. Starting a new church is hard. It takes a lot of effort and no small amount of courage. Pastors and laypeople on staff need to be able to understand the needs, fears, hopes and dreams of the congregation in order to effectively lead them to God.

Speak To A Pastor Now
We’ve all been there in one way or another. As church members, we need to tell the pastor something, and the only time we see him is as he makes his way to the service. Or, as a pastor, we’ve been the recipients of those conversations. We don’t want to appear rude, nor is our focus on conversations.
Here are some ways to talk with your pastor during that time:
What you should NOT say:
- “I have a complaint about xxxxx.” Even if your complaint is valid, that’s not the time to bring it up. Don’t distract your pastor from his focus on preaching the Word.
- “Did you hear about xxxxx?” He may have already heard, or perhaps he hasn’t. In either case, he’s likely not in the best position to hear the details. His mind is already moving toward the service.
- “I really didn’t like your sermon last week.” Again, it’s simply not the time to bring up that concern. Talk to him during the week if you must, not just before he prepares to preach again (and, to be truthful, he may not have liked his sermon last week, either, so you may need to cut him some slack).
- “I’m having surgery this week on Tuesday at 7:30 a.m.” He probably wants to know that information, but tell him when he can listen more completely. Use email or the telephone.
- “Please pray for me about xxxxx.” I know including this one on the “don’t” list might get me in trouble, but here’s my point: pastors are often bombarded with such requests on a Sunday. To expect him to remember every one (or even to write down every one while on the way to worship) is unfair. Use another means to get the word to him.
- “We just want you to know we’re leaving the church after this week.” Frankly, someone who gives the pastor this information just prior to a service might be both unkind and disrespectful. Why give him hard news just prior to his leading a service?
- I am really looking forward to attending this event. Please let me know if you will be attending.
- Sunday
- 9:00am
- 11:00am
- 5:30pm
- 6:30pm
- 1) 9:00am
- What is the name of the church?
- What is the address?
- What is the phone number?
- What is the email address?
- What is the pastor’s name and email address?
- What is the pastor’s phone number, if applicable?
- When does it meet for worship on Sundays (and other days)?
- 2) 11:00am
- 11:00am
- Address: 5836 N. Broadway Ave., Chicago, IL 60660
- Phone number: (312) 939-2345
- Directions (if applicable): Just north of Addison and west of Irving Park Rd. Parking is free in the rear lot on Lunt Ave. ($25 max). Service times are the same as those at our other locations! Join us for services that are high-energy, uplifting and inspiring! You will learn how to live a life that is full of purpose and meaning by hearing speakers share their experiences as they relate to God and his word. The service is designed for anyone who wants to be challenged using contemporary music along with relevant teaching messages from both pastors and guest speakers relating directly back to Christ’s teachings found in scripture.”
- 3) 5:30pm
- Service times are subject to change. Check the website for more details.
- Location of each service:
- Westside: 3600 E Olive Ave, Long Beach CA 90803 (562) 997-9777
- Eastside: 3000 E Artesia Blvd, Compton CA 90221 (310) 637-4970
- Southbay: 11085 Inglewood Ave #200 Long Beach CA
Talk To A Pastor 24/7
What you SHOULD say:
- “We love you, pastor.” That’s only four words, but they’re often needed ones. You might be the only person to say those words to him this week.
- “We love your family, pastor.” Assuming you love him also, these words may be even more important to the pastor than #1 above. A man who trusts that his congregation loves his family will look forward to worshiping with that congregation.
- “We’re praying for you.” When those words are more than just words Christians are supposed to say, they mean the world to a pastor. He needs to know his congregation is interceding for him.
- “We’re looking forward to the Word today.” When a pastor knows his listeners have come with interested and waiting ears, his excitement over preaching the Word soars. Let him know.
- “Thanks for being a man of God.” Integrity matters, and we too seldom thank those who model it before us. As a pastor, I would hear these words as both an encouragement and a challenge to fight to stay faithful and holy.
- “I want to contact you this week to see how I can best help you.” You don’t need to get into the details in this conversation. Keep it short, and be committed to your word. Your pastor may need to know he’s not alone in his work.