Summary of each book of the bible pdf: I’m going to summarize each book of the Bible. This post is amazing because it mentions the writer and exactly how the writings came to be such as The Gospels: Mark, Matthew, Luke. It needs to be updated with how many chapters are in each book of the bible though. We have curated the summary of the bible from genesis to revelation pdf and study guide for whole bible pdf for you.
The Holy Bible is the word of God and is a perfect gift from the creator of humankind to humanity. It carries a message of light and hope for mankind. The bible comprises the sixty-six books written by forty different authors over a period of fifteen hundred years, yet it is amazingly consistent from beginning to end because it was essentially written by One divine Author.
Churchgists will give you all you want on summary of each book of the bible pdf and so much more.
Summary of Each Book of The Bible Pdf
Pentateuch (5 books)
Historical Books (12 books)
Poetic Books (5 books)
- Job – Story of Job’s suffering
- Psalms – Collection of songs and prayers
- Proverbs – Wisdom literature
- Ecclesiastes – Reflections on life’s meaninglessness
- Song of Solomon – Love poetry
Major Prophets (5 books)
- Isaiah – Prophecies concerning Judah and surrounding nations
- Jeremiah – Prophecies of doom and restoration
- Lamentations – Lament for Jerusalem’s destruction
- Ezekiel – Visionary prophecies and symbolic acts
- Daniel – Stories of Daniel and apocalyptic visions
Minor Prophets (12 books)
- Hosea – Israel’s unfaithfulness and God’s love
- Joel – Day of the Lord’s judgment
- Amos – Social justice and judgment
- Obadiah – Judgment against Edom
- Jonah – Jonah’s mission to Nineveh
- Micah – Prophecies of judgment and hope
- Nahum – Prophecy of Nineveh’s destruction
- Habakkuk – Dialogue with God about justice
- Zephaniah – Day of the Lord’s judgment
- Haggai – Call to rebuild the temple
- Zechariah – Visions and prophecies of restoration
- Malachi – Call to return to God
New Testament
Gospels (4 books)
- Matthew – Life and teachings of Jesus
- Mark – Jesus’ ministry and miracles
- Luke – Gospel for Gentiles, focus on Jesus’ compassion
- John – Theological reflection on Jesus as the Word
Acts of the Apostles (1 book)
- Acts – Early church history and spread of Christianity
Pauline Epistles (13 books)
- Romans – Theology of salvation by faith
- 1 Corinthians – Correcting church problems
- 2 Corinthians – Paul’s defense of his ministry
- Galatians – Freedom in Christ
- Ephesians – Unity in the body of Christ
- Philippians – Joy in suffering and service
- Colossians – Supremacy of Christ
- 1 Thessalonians – Encouragement in persecution
- 2 Thessalonians – Eschatological instruction
- 1 Timothy – Church leadership and sound doctrine
- 2 Timothy – Final instructions to Timothy
- Titus – Instructions for church leaders
- Philemon – Appeal for a runaway slave
General Epistles (8 books)
- Hebrews – Superiority of Christ
- James – Faith and works
- 1 Peter – Suffering and glory
- 2 Peter – Warning against false teachers
- 1 John – Fellowship with God and one another
- 2 John – Beware of deceivers
- 3 John – Commendation of hospitality
- Jude – Contend for the faith
Revelation (1 book)
- Revelation – Apocalyptic vision of the end times
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by dozens of different authors over thousands of years. It’s often difficult to know where to start when reading the Bible, especially if you’re new to it.
The Old Testament is a collection of books that are considered to be sacred by Jews, Christians and Muslims. It contains the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament. The first five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) are known as the Torah or Pentateuch, while other books in the Old Testament include Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah.
The New Testament consists of 27 books written by various authors between AD 50-100. It describes Jesus’ life on earth and his teachings after his resurrection from the dead. The four Gospels (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John) tell about Christ’s birth and childhood; Acts describes his life after he began preaching; Romans explains his teaching about salvation through faith alone; Corinthians focuses on love among Christians; Ephesians explains how we can live in unity despite our differences; Philippians describes how ordinary people can become great Christians if they follow God’s example of love for others.; Colossians explains how Christ conquered death by dying for us so that we might live forever with him.
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Summary of Each Book of The Bible

Here is a brief summary of each book in the Bible:
Old Testament:
Genesis: The first book of the Bible, Genesis tells the story of how God created the world and everything in it. It also tells the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph’s brothers’ journey to Egypt, Moses’ life among the Israelites and his journey to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt.
Exodus: Exodus continues where Genesis left off by recounting God’s revelation at Mount Sinai to Moses and Aaron. It also describes how Moses led his people out of slavery in Egypt to freedom. This book includes many laws given directly from God to Moses.
Leviticus: Leviticus contains many laws given directly from God through Moses, as well as instructions for priests who would serve in His temple. It also describes how offerings were made for sins committed against God’s laws or for various other reasons such as thanking Him for His blessings or asking forgiveness for wrongdoing on our part toward others (communal sin).
Numbers: Numbers is mostly about Israelites wandering around in the desert before entering Canaan land where they will settle permanently under Joshua’s leadership according to God’s commandment (Deut
The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by different authors over the course of 1,500 years. It tells the story of God and His relationship with humanity.
Summary of The Bible From Genesis to Revelation Pdf
Here is a summary of each book:
Genesis: The first book in the Bible, it tells the story of creation and begins with Adam and Eve as they leave Eden.
Exodus: This book tells how Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
Leviticus: A book primarily about worshiping God, it also describes how sacrifices are to be made to Him.
Numbers: This book contains many laws given by God to Moses and his followers before they entered Canaan.
Deuteronomy: This final book in the Torah (“the Law”) explains why God chose Israel and tells them what to do when they finally arrive in Canaan.
Joshua: This book describes how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan after Moses died on Mount Nebo at age 120 years old (Deuteronomy 34). He was buried there on top of Mount Nebo near Jericho where he had lived for 40 years after leaving Egypt with other Israelite slaves under Moses’ leadership (Exodus 32).
The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written over thousands of years by dozens of authors. It covers a wide range of subjects, including history, law, prophecy, poetry, and wisdom literature.
The Old Testament includes 39 books that were written primarily in Hebrew and Aramaic between the 5th century BCE (around 400 years before Christ) and the 1st century CE (around 100 years after Christ). The New Testament includes 27 books written primarily in Greek between the 1st century CE and the 3rd century CE.
The Bible has been translated into over 2,000 languages and dialects today.
- Genesis: The book of Genesis chronicles the creation of the world, the fall of man, and all the way up to Noah’s ark.
- Exodus: The book of Exodus explains how Moses led his people out of slavery in Egypt, and how God delivered them from their enemies with signs and wonders.
- Leviticus: The book of Leviticus covers laws for sacrifices and other religious practices, along with rules for cleanliness and uncleanness.
- Numbers: The book of Numbers tells the story of how God led His people through the desert on their journey to Canaan (modern-day Israel).
- Deuteronomy: The book of Deuteronomy contains Moses’ final words to his people before his death; it contains instructions for how they should live their lives as a nation under God’s rule once they enter Canaan.
Book of Genesis: The story of the creation of the world, Adam and Eve, and their descendants.
Book of Exodus: The story of Moses leading his people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Book of Leviticus: Instructions on how to maintain a pure society, including laws about diet and worship.
Book of Numbers: A census is taken; the people complain about food; Moses and Aaron are replaced as leaders.
Book of Deuteronomy: Words by Moses that summarize all that has happened so far in Israel’s history; also includes several blessings and curses for future generations.
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66 Books of The Bible and Their Authors
The Bible is lengthy it contains 611,000 words, spread out over 66 separate texts known as the “books” of the Bible.
This is so because the Bible is a compilation of writings from various authors who lived in various eras.
We can read the Bible in “chunks” rather than having to read it all at once, which in some ways makes it simpler to approach. However, it also adds some confusion.
The Bible is a book unto itself.
In actuality, the Latin and Greek words for “book” (biblia and biblos, respectively) are the source of the word “bible.”
It’s a book of books, though.
Consequently, you must familiarize yourself with the 66 documents that make up the Bible if you want to understand it better.
That can take some time, so.
Here is a summary of each Bible book.
Each book of the Bible has a one-sentence synopsis written by me.
They are listed in the Protestant Bible in the order that they appear.
I’ve included links to quick, 3-minute summaries of each Bible book if you’re interested in learning more.
This is a lot to take in, so if you want to start out slowly, see which Bible books are the shortest.
Bible works from the Old Testament
There are 39 books in the Old Testament, all of which were written long before Jesus was born.
The Torah, also known as the Law of Moses, is comprised of the first five books of the Bible.
1. Genesis
How did God’s relationship with the world start? and “What is the purpose of life?” are two major questions that Genesis answers.
and “Where did the Israelite people come from?”
The stories were originally written by Moses, but they are much older.
Fun fact: The book of Genesis likely contains the majority of the well-known Bible stories you’ve heard about.
Here are recorded the legends of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Ark, the Tower of Babel, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob’s ladder, and Joseph’s coat of many colors.
2. Exodus
After rescuing Israel from Egyptian servitude, God establishes a special bond with them.
Traditional Moses is the author.
3. Leviticus
Israel receives instructions from God on how to worship Him.
Moses is the customary author.
4. Numbers
Israel spends 40 years in the wilderness because they don’t trust God or obey him.
Traditional Moses is the author.
5. Deuteronomy
In the Promised Land, Moses gives Israel instructions on how to love and obey God (in some ways, a summary of the laws in Exodus-Numbers).
Traditional Moses is the author.
6. Joshua
Following Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua, the twelve Israelite tribes are given their respective portions of the land.
Nobody is the author.
The majority of the action takes place in the first half of this book, despite the fact that you’ve probably heard of a few fantastic stories from it, including the Battle of Jericho and the day the sun stood still.
Real estate distribution takes up the majority of the second half.
7. Judges
Israel begins a cycle in which it rebels against God, is taken prisoner by tyrannical nations, cries out to God, and is delivered by leaders God sends their way (known as “judges”).
Nobody is the author.
8. Ruth
After losing everything, two widows find solace in Israel, which results in the birth of King David.
Nobody is the author.
9.5 Samuel
Israel demands a king, who ends up being quite a letdown.
Nobody is the author.
ten. 2 Samuel
David, a person after God’s own heart, ascends to the throne of Israel.
Nobody is the author.

11. 1 Kings
Under King Solomon, Israel experiences a period of peace and prosperity, but later the kingdom splits, and the two lines of kings turn their backs on God.
Nobody is the author.
12. 2 Kings
Until they are both captured by other world empires, both kingdoms reject God and his prophets.
Nobody is the author.
1. Chronicles
This is a succinct account of Israel’s history, beginning with Adam and ending with David’s dedication of the Jerusalem temple to God.
Ezra is the customary author.
2. Chronicles
Solomon, the son of David, constructs the temple, but the Babylonians capture the southern Israelites and destroy it after centuries of idolatry.
Ezra is the customary author.
15. Ezra
A scribe by the name of Ezra instructs the people on how to once more follow God’s laws as the Israelites rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
Founder: Ezra
16. Nehemiah
Nehemiah rebuilds the wall around Jerusalem because the city is in poor condition.
Author: Nehemiah
17. Esther
Someone hatches a plot to exterminate Israel, and Esther is forced to approach the emperor to request assistance.
Nobody is the author.
Old Testament poetry collections
18. Job
Job is attacked by Satan, and he and his friends argue over why such terrible things are happening to him.
Nobody is the author.
19. Psalms
a collection of 150 songs that the ancient Israelites sang as a hymnal to God and to one another.
Authors: Meet them all here. There are so many!
20. Proverbs A collection of proverbs intended to guide readers in selecting actions that will promote justice.
Written by Solomon and other sage men
21. Ecclesiastes
An unusually pessimistic tone for the Bible, this philosophical examination of life’s meaning.
Author: Historically, Solomon
Song of Solomon, verse 22 (Song of Songs)
a song (or group of songs) that honors marriage, love, and desire.
Author: Historically, Solomon (but it could have been written about Solomon, or in the style of Solomon)
Old Testament books of prophecy
23. Isaiah
In addition to informing Israel of impending judgment, God sends the prophet Isaiah to announce the arrival of a king and servant who will “bear the sins of many.”
Written by Isaiah (and maybe some of his followers)
24. Jeremiah
God sends a prophet to Israel to inform them of the impending Babylonian captivity, but the people don’t react well to the news.
Author: Jeremiah
25. Lamentations
a group of dirges lamenting Jerusalem’s destruction following the attacks of the Babylonians.
Author: Traditionally Jeremiah
26. Ezekiel
God picks Ezekiel to speak on His behalf to Israel, showing them the error of their ways and imparting the value of justice.
Author: Ezekiel
27. Daniel
In the Babylonian and Persian empires, Daniel rises to a position of wisdom and prominence while receiving prophetic visions about the future of Israel.
Founder: Daniel (with other contributors)
28. Hosea
Hosea is instructed to wed a prostitute who leaves him and then has to be brought back, representing the relationship between God and Israel.
Author: Hosea
29. Joel
God punishes Israel with a locust plague, but he is also about to punish the neighboring countries.
Author: Joel
30. Amos
Amos, a shepherd, preaches against the injustice committed by the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Author: Amos
31. Obadiah
Obadiah warns Edom, a neighboring country, that they will face judgment for robbing Jerusalem.
Author: Obadiah
32. Jonah
After fleeing from God and being engulfed by a large fish, a disobedient prophet proceeds to preach the gospel to the city of Nineveh.
Typically, Jonah is the author.
33. Micah Micah addresses the injustice committed by the leaders of Israel and Judah and declares that the Lord himself will one day administer absolute justice.
Author: Micah
34. Nahum Nahum predicts that God will punish Nineveh, the Assyrian capital.
Author: Nahum
35. Habakkuk Habakkuk begs God to put an end to the injustice and bloodshed in Judah, but he is shocked to learn that God will use the even bloodier Babylonians to accomplish this.
Author: Habakkuk
36. Zephaniah
God foretells that he will judge Israel and the surrounding countries, but he also promises to bring them back to a state of peace and justice.
Author: Zephaniah
37. Haggai
Haggai chastises the people because they have given up on the task of rebuilding God’s temple in Jerusalem.
Author: Haggai
38. Zechariah
The prophet Zechariah urges Israel to turn back to God and records visions that reveal what’s going on in the background.
39. Malachi
Despite his faithfulness to Israel, who still live apart from him, God sends Malachi to confront them.
Scriptures from the New Testament
There are 27 books in the New Testament that discuss Jesus’ ministry and what it means to follow him.
The Gospels refer to the first four New Testament books.
Matthew’s Gospel, number 40
This biography of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection emphasizes his function as the real king of the Jews.
Author: Matthew
Mark’s Gospel, number 41
This brief account of Jesus’ earthly ministry demonstrates Jesus’ power and humility.
John Mark, author
42. The Luke-based Gospel
The most comprehensive biography of Jesus is written by Luke, who compiles the testimonies of multiple eyewitnesses to tell the whole story.
Author: Luke
The Fourth Gospel of John
In an effort to convince readers to believe in Jesus, John recounts instances of signs and miracles.
Author: John
44. Acts
The Holy Spirit visits the church, Jesus goes back to the Father, and the message of Jesus is preached all over the world.
Author: Luke
Epistles of Paul
45. Romans
In a letter to the churches in Rome, where he intends to visit, Paul outlines the principles of the gospel of Jesus.
Author: Paul
46. First Corinthians
A divided church in Corinth receives a letter of reprimand from Paul in which he also addresses some of their concerns regarding proper conduct for Christians.
Author: Paul
2. Corinthians
Paul addresses some of their concerns in a letter of reconciliation to the Corinthian church.
Author: Paul
48. Galatians
When Paul learns that the Galatian churches have been misled into believing that the law of Moses is the source of salvation, he writes a (rather vehement) letter to them pointing out the errors of the false teachers.
Author: Paul
49. Ephesians
Paul offers advice on how to live a life of grace, peace, and love to the Ephesian church.
Author: Paul
50. Philippians
Paul’s letter of encouragement to the Philippi church instructs them on how to rejoice in Christ.
Author: Paul
51. Colossians
Paul addresses the church in Colossae in a letter, outlining their identity in Christ and the way they should live.
Author: Paul
52. Thessalonians 1.
Paul exhorts the Thessalonica church to “excel still more” in their faith, hope, and love because he has heard good things about them.
Author: Paul
53. Thessalonians 2
Thessalonians receive advice from Paul on how to maintain their resolve until the return of Jesus.
Author: Paul
51. Timothy
Timothy receives guidance from Paul on how to guide a church by providing solid doctrine and a godly example.
Author: Paul
52 Timothy
Paul, who is nearing the end of his life, exhorts Timothy to keep preaching the gospel.
Author: Paul
56. Titus Paul gives Titus guidance on how to oversee well-organized, anti-cultural churches on the island of Crete.
Author: Paul
57. Philemon
Paul urges Philemon to treat his fugitive slave like a brother rather than a master.
Author: Paul
general epistles, or catholic epistles
58. Hebrews
A letter urging Christians to stick with Christ in the face of persecution because he is greater.
Nobody is the author.
59. James
a letter urging Christians to show their faith through their actions.
Written by James (likely the brother of Jesus)
60. 1 Peter
Peter urges Christians who are facing persecution to speak the truth and live it out in his letter to them.
Author: Peter
61. 2 Peter
Peter writes a letter to Christians in which he reaffirms the veracity of Jesus and forewarns them against impostor teachers.
Author: Peter
62. 1 John
In a letter to Christians, John discusses following Jesus’ instructions, showing one another love, and other crucial information.
Author: John
63. 2 John
A succinct letter on the importance of abiding by the three principles of truth, love, and obedience.
Founder: John
64. 3 John
A letter that is even shorter about Christian fellowship.
Author: John
65. Jude
a letter urging Christians to defend their faith in spite of the fact that ungodly people have quietly snuck in.
Author: Jude
66. Revelation
When John dreams, he sees visions of the past, the present, and the future.
Author: John
study guide for whole bible pdf
The Old Testament begins with the Book of Genesis, which tells the story of how God created the world and how mankind was created. It also describes how God’s people were led out of slavery in Egypt and given their own land to live in. Moses recorded the history of this time period in the Book of Exodus and other books.
The New Testament covers Jesus’ life on earth. Some books describe his birth, his ministry, and his death. Others tell what happened after Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
The Bible is a collection of books that tells the story of God and his relationship with humanity. The Bible is divided into two main parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Old Testament contains 39 books, written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The books were written between 1400 BCE and 100 CE.
The New Testament contains 27 books written between 50 CE and 90 CE. The four Gospels were all written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John (although there are many theories about who wrote which Gospel). Paul wrote 14 letters to seven churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), as well as one letter to a church in Rome. Other letters in the New Testament were written by Peter (2), James (1), Jude (1), John (3), and Peter again (1).