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Spiritual Meaning of Clutter

    The spiritual meaning of clutter can be interpreted in so many ways. Clutter is the resistance we experience in our lives that tells us to wake up and look at it. The most common question asked with regards to clutter is what does it mean? In order for us to find the answer to that question, we will take a quick journey down the rabbit hole of symbolism. We will also discuss the spiritual meaning of a cluttered house and what does the Bible say about being messy?

    Those who work professionally with the concept of clutter know that for a long time it was almost a taboo word; something that is subject to numerous jokes and disrespectful interpretations. But today, we live in an era when everything is changing so rapidly and is evolving in a direction where the spiritual meaning of anything becomes more important than before. Physical clutter manifests our spiritual state of being, which makes us feel scattered, disorganized, and chaotic. Many people use the concept of clutter to describe the state of their mind in one way or another, but not exactly all meanings are the same. To solve your clutter problem, I suggest you read this article.

    Churchgists affords you all the relevant information you need on Spiritual meaning of clutter in the bible, declutter spiritual meaning, spiritual benefits of decluttering, and so much more.

    Spiritual Meaning of Clutter

    Clutter is a very common problem, and one that people often struggle with in their homes. The spiritual meaning of clutter is that it represents the things that you don’t need to keep around. You might have a lot of stuff because you got it in the past and didn’t know how to get rid of it, or because you were given things by other people and now they’re just taking up space. Clutter also comes from accumulating too much stuff over time—for example, if you are constantly buying new things as you move into a new house or apartment.

    The spiritual solution for clutter is to try not buying more stuff than you need, and to find ways to clear out what’s already there. This can be difficult at first because it requires discipline and self-control, but once it becomes routine, it will become easier over time.

    Spiritual Meaning of Clutter In The House

    The spiritual meaning of clutter is that it represents the burden of the past, and the need to release it. Clutter can be physical, mental, or emotional. It can be a literal pile of stuff in one’s home or office. But it can also be a metaphor for feelings we carry around with us—things like guilt, shame, or regret.

    When we feel overwhelmed by our past experiences, they can weigh us down and prevent us from moving forward in our lives. Cluttering up our present with these old feelings is not only counterproductive but also harmful to our health. When we get rid of clutter in all its forms, we are able to make room for something better.

    Clutter is an outward manifestation of an inner problem.

    We accumulate clutter when we don’t feel like we have control over our lives and our environment, and when we feel out of control over how our lives are unfolding. When you’ve got too much stuff in your life, it can feel like you’re being kept from achieving something important, or just not able to make any progress at all. That’s because clutter is holding you back from achieving what you want out of life—it’s keeping you stuck where you don’t want to be.

    Clutter also represents what we’re putting off doing or dealing with in our lives. It’s like a physical representation of our mental and emotional state: if there’s too much stuff around us, then we’ve got too much on our minds! When there’s junk everywhere in your home, it might feel like there are more things than ever before that need to be done around the house, or even more obligations weighing down on your shoulders.

    The solution? Get organized! By clearing out the junk around you and getting rid of the things that aren’t serving their purpose anymore (like clothes that no longer fit), you’ll free up space for other things that actually matter to

    Feng Shui Clutter Clearing Tips

    What IS clutter? It’s a tricky one to define, but I’ve given it a go, and I firmly believe this could completely change how you view clutter in the future.

    So – if you want to truly understand the meaning of clutter, then this ultimate definition will change how you define it forever…

    Clutter – we all talk about it, our cluttered lives, homes and diaries – but what IS it, exactly?

    I went to the dictionary definition first – and a quick google search later came back with this:-

    Clutter: A collection of things lying around in an untidy mess.

    So, in it’s most basic form, it’s anything that’s untidy and messy in your space.

    And for most of us – that’s an obvious description…

    It’s the exact thing that we envisage when we hear the word ‘clutter’ – a pile of mess that needs sorting out and that’s got out of control.

    But it’s so much more – it really is – and getting to grips with defining clutter will totally transform how you think about it in the future.

    So let’s do just that, shall we…..

    Where Does Clutter Come From?

    To understand clutter, you need to define where it comes from, and I believe that it really emerges from indecision.

    We have stuff around our homes because we haven’t decided where to put them, and we have clutter in our lives because we haven’t taken control and decided what is and isn’t important to us.

    When we don’t make decisions – we end up with STUFF in our lives – simple.

    So – we know that clutter manifests itself in several forms – but ultimately it is busy-ness in some part of our lives that needs sorting out.

    What’s The Answer To Being Clutter Free?

    If we start to make these postponed decisions, then we clear a lot of the clutter from our lives without even really trying.

    Think about it – if everything in our home has a place, and we decide to put things back when we finish with them – then clutter won’t exist any longer.

    … and if we work out our goals and priorities in life – then everything else is cluttering up our lives and therefore doesn’t belong.

    Have a plan for your home and life, and you’re pretty much there!

    Definition Of Clutter – What Is Clutter?

    I define it as follows:

    This is focused on physical clutter – our ‘stuff’ – but can equally be used for the stuff we collect in our lives (emotional clutter).

    Basically – if you know your goals and priorities in life, and you have a plan for your home – then everything that is out of place in either space is clutter.

    So – when you declutter – knowing the answer to what IS clutter makes everything so much easier.

    It takes away the emotions from your decluttering decisions, and makes things a much more positive experience overall, because clutter isn’t necessarily something that’s not needed.

    Because of the definition I have – you can see that clutter can simply be something that’s out of place.

    Lets take a couple of examples: –

    Clutter at home (physical clutter)-

    • Items that are broken or unused any longer – they need to be taken out of the house
    • Items that are in the wrong place in your home – simply put in the right place again and they are clutter no more.
    • Items that belong to someone else – they aren’t in the right place so they need to be given back

    Clutter in your life (emotional / MENTAL clutter) –

    • People that bring you down a lot. Yes, you prioritise having a social life and family & friends – BUT if anyone is causing you more hassle than help – then they are clutter
    • Things you are doing because you’ve always done them. You can free up time by re-thinking lots of things you do in your life.
    • Things taking up your headspace. You are cluttering your mind with your thoughts – so why not get them down in a planner/diary and free up the space again. You will feel so much better having them in the ‘right’ place.

    So – define WHAT IS clutter, THEN you’re so much more capable and empowered to being able to do something about it.

    Can you now identify the items you have by using the definition of clutter I’ve given in this article?

    Identifying and understanding the meaning of clutter in your own life will help you to work out the best way to deal with it, once and for all.

    What Does The Bible Say About Being Messy

    The Bible doesn’t really say much about being messy, but it does talk a lot about being clean.

    It’s true that God created us to be messy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But he also created us to be clean by washing off the dirt, which is one of the first things we learn about in the Bible. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree in the middle of their garden because if they did, they’d die (Genesis 2:16-17). And then he explained why: “For in the day that you eat from [the tree], you will surely die.”

    So what does this have to do with being messy? Well, it seems like God was trying to tell Adam and Eve that if they got dirty enough, they’d die. It’s probably not a coincidence that Adam and Eve were both naked at this point (Genesis 2:25). And that’s why we’ve been told since then that our bodies are temples of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and shouldn’t be defiled by sin or any other unclean thing (Ephesians 5:25).

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