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Spiritual Meaning Of A Gust Of Wind

    While the wind is invisible to the naked eye, it can effortlessly make its presence known wherever and whenever. Over time, humans have learned how to harness the wind to generate electricity and power turbines, which is once again a hallmark of man’s perceived triumph over nature.

    Many people use the metaphor of a windstorm to represent transition. The proverbial phrase “the winds of change” and the symbolic significance of a breeze before a significant change both point to an undeniable spiritual connection between wind and transformation.

    A gust of Spirit is one of the five positive or negative forces that are said to emanate from God. It is one of the Spirits of God which many believe to represent action, movement; swiftness. The Spirit is also referred to as a single-legged subtle body which carries divine wisdom. Learn more on Wind is the Element of Air in Action, A Gust of Wind and the Spirits.

    Spiritual Meaning Of A Gust Of Wind

    Whether it comes in the form of a gentle breeze or a destructive hurricane, the wind is a force of nature that can be used to symbolize many things. Read on to learn more about how the wind has been used to get different messages across.

    Change – The very phrase wind of change refers to the symbolism of wind as a force that has the power to change things. This meaning comes from the weather, as winds can signify an impending change in the weather. For example, for the British Isles, northerly winds tend to bring cold air from the polar regions. Oftentimes, when people feel the change in the wind, they know that the weather too is going to change. This has made the wind a symbol of impending change.

    Direction and Travel – As winds travel from certain directions, they’re associated with direction, movement, and travel. They move from one place to another, never staying still. We only hear the wind if its on the move, indicating that its always traveling. In addition to this, when outdoors or in the wild, people often check the direction of the wind to predict the weather so that they can plan their best route or activities.

    Freedom – The wind is a symbol of freedom in that it can move when and where it pleases, without restriction. To be as free as the wind is a common phrase used as the title of songs as well as the subject of paintings.

    What is the meaning of a gust of wind? And by that, we mean, what is the spiritual meaning? Additionally, we’ll look at the symbolism and omens associated with a sudden gust of wind.

    An unexpected breeze or squall can really convey a sensation of spiritual significance. That’s why, all over the world, cultures have long associated wind with spirits. It makes sense because, like the spirits, a breeze is an unseeable power.

    Wind and Change

    It’s difficult to discuss the meaning of a gust of wind without talking about the wind’s longstanding association with change. You’ve surely heard the expression “the winds of change” before. So, naturally, a gust of wind is also considered an omen of change.

    However, it’s worth considering that the wind that symbolizes change is more of a sustained wind as opposed to a sudden gust of wind. This means that if the idea of an incoming change in your life resonates with you, then it could well be that change is indeed coming. Alternatively, if that idea doesn’t ring true, then follow your instincts—it could be that the message from a gust of wind is actually something different.

    Wind is the Element of Air in Action

    The ancient concept of air as a fundamental element is important when trying to understand the spiritual meaning of a gust of wind.

    So, what do we associate with the air element?

    • Intellect
    • Mind over matter
    • Importance of thought
    • Clarity of mind
    • Communication

    So, when a gust of wind passes us by, think about those things and how they relate to your current context. Are you embracing what the air element embodies? This means that you should focus on your mind, and use it to help manifest the attainment of goals in your life. The same goes for communication—a sudden breeze empowers you to be clear, direct, and concise in your communication. Because, through that focus, you will be better able to achieve your goals.

    A Gust of Wind and the Spirits

    You’re probably well-aware of that special feeling. Sometimes the wind catches your skin on a warm summer day and, you can’t help it, you think of a lost loved one. Therefore, it’s only natural that so many cultures around the world associate gusts of wind with the spirits and with their ancestors.

    As such, it would be understandable to take a sudden gust of air as a message from the other side. Think of it as what it is: a gentle feeling. Think of it as a gentle, cool, calm, and kind reminder from those who love that they are still here with you. And, like angels, they are, of course, watching over you.

    Spiritual Meaning of a Gust of Wind in Your Hair

    The wind in your hair is a fantastic feeling, isn’t it? Sure, if it’s sustained wind, it can get annoying. You get it all set in the morning, leave the house, and then the wind blasts it all over the place and you end up looking wild! However, a little gust of wind in your hair once in a while can feel great.

    But what does a gust of wind in your hair symbolize? Well, our hair is a very symbolic part of our body. It represents many things. Firstly, it is a symbol of our strength, potency, and virility. Also, when you have your hair down, it represents freedom.

    As such, when the wind blows through your hair, it means you are both strong and free. Wind in your hair means that, yes, change is coming, but no matter what that change is, you are strong enough to not only navigate it successfully but also profit from it.

    So, wind in your hair is an omen of good change.

    Gust of Wind Dream Meaning

    To dream of a gust of wind is an amplification of the spirits trying to reach you. This is because many see the dream world as a place where dimensions and realms intersect. In dreams, we’re able to connect with other souls (both living and deceased) and receive messages from them. So, considering a gust of wind in the real world can be taken as a message from the spirits, that means a gust of wind in a dream is a very clear message from the spirits that you are being watched over and protected.

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