Love is a big word. It’s one of the most important things in our lives, and it’s something we all want to experience.
But what does love actually mean? What is it made of and how do we find it?
The Bible is full of references to love—from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation, there are hundreds of references to love throughout the scriptures. And while it may seem like there are dozens of different types or definitions of love, they all point back to one thing: God’s love for us.
This kind of love is unconditional and unchanging—it doesn’t matter what you do or what you’ve done wrong in your life, God will always be there for you. This kind of love isn’t something that just happens overnight; it takes time and work and dedication to really understand what loving someone means. This exposition expatiate about parables about love in the bible, and stories of Gods love in the bible

Story In The Bible About Love
The Bible is full of love stories that teach us how to live our lives. Here are a few examples:
Song of Solomon is a beautiful love story in the Bible
You probably know that there are many love songs in the Bible. But do you realize that there is also a book of the Bible named after one of those love songs? Song of Solomon is found in the Old Testament and is full of beautiful imagery about romance and marriage. It’s full of metaphors comparing women to gardens, fruit trees and flowers—and it may even be the most romantic book ever written!
But wait a moment before we get too excited: Song of Solomon isn’t all sunshine and roses (literally). It’s not always easy to interpret this ancient text because its language and structure don’t follow our modern conventions for writing literature. For example, some people think it’s meant to be read as an allegory where two lovers represent God and Israel; other scholars believe that these poems were actually inspired by real people who lived during biblical times; still others think they were written much later than anyone else thinks by someone who wasn’t familiar with Hebrew customs at all. The truth is probably much more complicated than any one theory or interpretation could account for—but thankfully this doesn’t matter when reading from a Christian perspective because whatever your beliefs about its authorship might be, what matters most is how we use it today!
Ruth and Naomi
In the Book of Ruth, we see a beautiful example of love between two women. Naomi and Ruth were widows who went to Moab, where they lived for 10 years. During that time, Naomi’s husband and sons died in Syria (this was also where David came from). When famine struck Israel, Naomi decided that it was time to return home since her family had all died anyway. She told Ruth how much she meant to her and then asked her to stay behind so that she could find a husband there and have children.
Ruth refused this request because she promised to be faithful to Naomi even if it meant having no husband or children of her own. Instead, Ruth chose instead “to go with [her]” wherever God would take them (Ruth 1:16).
When they arrived back in Bethlehem at last, Boaz saw how devotedly she cared for Naomi—and took notice! After seeing his kindness towards both of these women who had nothing left except each other now too (1:8), Boaz married Ruth despite being related through marriage already (2:10-11).

Hosea and Gomer
God told Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Hosea loved Gomer and even though she turned back to prostitution, he still forgave her. God’s love for Israel is like that.
There are many other stories in the Bible about people who don’t deserve love but receive it anyway because God has such great mercy on us all.
David and Jonathan
The Bible tells the story of David and Jonathan, a tale of love between two men.
Their relationship started when David was just a young boy. The son of Jesse, who served as a shepherd for King Saul at the time, David was able to play the harp so well that he impressed Saul’s son Jonathan. The two quickly became friends and Jonathan protected David from his father’s anger when he discovered his talent for playing instruments (1 Samuel 16:14).
The loyalty between these two men continued even after they grew up; when war broke out between Israelites and Philistines, David was called upon by King Saul to fight against their enemies but instead chose to run away from battle because he did not want to kill anyone (1 Samuel 19:9-11). He eventually returned home after hearing how much people loved him for not killing any Philistines during his escape (2 Samuel 18:20-25). However, when news reached them that Jonathan had been killed in battle while defending Geba against Amalekites led by Joab (2 Samuel 1:10), it caused great grief among all those who knew him including his close friend David who mourned deeply despite having just lost many loved ones as well (2 Samuel 1:19-27).
Adam and Eve
The story of Adam and Eve is a classic tale from the Bible. In this story, God created the first man and woman—Adam and Eve—and placed them in the Garden of Eden to live a life of peace and abundance. As parents, Adam and Eve had three sons: Cain, Abel, and Seth. Their descendants would become the first humans on earth after they were expelled from paradise because they disobeyed God by eating fruit from a forbidden tree (Genesis 2-3).
Love stories in the Bible explain the importance of relationships.
The Bible is full of love stories, and each one illustrates the importance of relationships. In fact, the Bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:16). The apostle John wrote in his first letter: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God.”
Love can be a powerful force for good—and for change. Let’s see how stories about romance in the Bible illustrate this truth!
Every story teaches us something important about what it means to give and receive love as individuals, as communities and as nations.
With so many different love stories in the bible, it is clear that there is no one way to love or be loved. Each story and relationship has its own unique qualities and imperfections. While all relationships are flawed, they are nonetheless important in building up community.

Parables About Love In The Bible
In Luke 15, Jesus teaches a three-fold parable about God’s love for us by telling three stories (parables). The abundant love of the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is made clear in these three parables (The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son). As the Trinity, God is one God existing in three Persons. This section is also triune. Jesus’s abundant love for us is the theme of three parables found in Luke 15 that he tells. In fact, Jesus treats them as a single parable divided into three sections (v3).
The first two describe devotion to the Son of God, while the third describes devotion to the Holy Spirit and the Father of God.
All three parables feature objects (representing ourselves) that go missing and their respective owners (the Triune Godhead) who go looking for them and, in the end, find them with great joy.
First, we hear of God the Son’s love for the lost sheep; second, of God the Holy Spirit’s love for the lost coin; and third, of God the Father’s love for the lost son.
How long we spend looking for something that we’ve lost and how happy we are when we finally do find it are both indicators of how much that thing means to us.
The Bible tells us that God places a high value on each of us because of the stories. When we are found by Him, He is overjoyed and we know it because of the depth of His love for us and the lengths He has gone to bring us back to Himself. Knowing we are loved is a wonderful feeling. It strengthens our faith in prayer and motivates us to pour out our affection for God. Introduction (v1-3) (v1-3). Then all the sinners and tax collectors crowded around Him to listen. And the scribes and Pharisees grumbled, “This Man receives (repentant) sinners (back into fellowship) and eats with them” (v1,2). These legalists, in contrast to Jesus, positioned themselves as God’s official representatives. They reasoned, “If Jesus was truly from God, he would reject sinners, not welcome them back.”
So, to refute their faulty theology, Jesus told them this three-part Parable: “
Then (v.3) He told them this parable:
Fable 1: THE SHEPHERD AND THE LOST SHEEP (which reveals the Work of the SON in our Salvation).
An illustration of the Shepherd-selfless Son’s love is found in the first: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” And when he finally does, he puts it over his head with a jubilant sigh of relief. When he returns home, he celebrates by gathering his loved ones and proclaiming, “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!” I tell you that in the same way, greater is the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance (v3-7).
The first tale involves a SHEPHERD who owned 100 sheep. The SHEEP had an errant one one day. The sheep knew it was protected by the Shepherd when he was with it, but it was still a moron. He had convinced himself that he didn’t need the Shepherd’s help to survive. He had no use for the Shepherd’s protection, direction, or provision. This would give him the freedom to pursue his own interests in his own way. He decided to take a stroll by himself. He ventured into the wild, where wolves and pits and rocks and bruises awaited him. It’s inevitable that he’ll perish if left to his own devices. Sheep are defenseless. In this situation, he has no control. In addition, a sheep has no concept of directionality.
All of humanity is likened to sheep in the Bible. In the words of the Bible, “all we (people) like sheep, have gone astray,” we have each gone our own separate way (Isaiah 53:6). Turning away from the Lord, our Shepherd, is sin. We go off on our own. Our common response is, “I’m fine, I don’t need God. When it comes to my own well-being, I will always insist on doing things my own way. We have no idea that we are about to enter a period of extreme peril. Then, one day, it hits us: we’ve gotten lost. They have abandoned us. Nobody has any idea where our Shepherd is. It’s getting dark, and we have no idea how to get back.
Jesus declared, “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep (John 10:11,15).
In Matthew 9:36, we see His heartfelt concern for each and every one of His sheep.
The story’s protagonist, a sheep, faints and then lies in a pit, exhausted, hungry, and helpless. A simple statement like, “I still have 99 sheep; I have lost only one” would allow the Shepherd to avoid any responsibility. He was a dumb sheep, whatever. When I tried to get his attention, he completely disregarded me. It’s about time! To hear some people talk, God is just like that. But this sheep was special to the Shepherd. Every sheep was special to him. All of them had significant meaning to him. He was familiar with each one by name. He felt terrible when he realized one had strayed from the pack. Away from the other 99, the Shepherd set out to find the missing one. He ventured near the sharp rocks and deep holes. He kept calling out to it. He was so devoted to his pursuit that he wouldn’t give up until he succeeded. He climbed up and down and searched every nook and cranny. His voice crackled with emotion as he yelled, “where are you?” The wolves were howling and it was getting dark, but he kept going. He had no doubt that it wasn’t far away. The lost sheep are the ones Jesus came to find and rescue, he said. (Luke 19:10). The shepherd begged God to protect his flock.
A pitiful bleating sounded in his ears suddenly. The injured and frail sheep could not move. Just like us, it could do nothing to save itself, but it could bleat its frustration. Shepherd was curious, so he went in that direction. Then he realized what it was. It was now stuck at the bottom of a deep and perilous chasm. He knew that in order to save the ship, he would have to sacrifice his own life. He descended further and further into the abyss. At this point, night had fallen. He grabbed the sheep and held on.
According to Jesus, “when he had found it he laid it on his shoulders rejoicing.”
The shepherd couldn’t hide his glee. His prized sheep had been located. Laughing, he pulled himself up from the depths of the pit. He felt no ill will toward the sheep. He felt nothing but joy at their reunion.
Every one of us is lost sheep who are in need of being rescued by the Good Shepherd. He’s looking for us right now. Through the Good News, He appeals to us. We answer to the name that he calls out to us (Rev 3:20). For our bleating cries, he patiently waits! We have no hope of being saved apart from Him, but we can and should still pray to Him for help (Rom 10:13). As long as we call upon Him, He will answer our prayers and deliver us. When we answer, He is able to locate us.
Jesus recognized us sheep who were lost and helpless in the Abyss of sin and damnation. To put it simply, we got lost. Because we were so frail and helpless, death was inevitable. There were wolves waiting to pounce on us. After leaving the peaceful meadows of heaven, he found himself in a hostile wilderness. Finally, He gave His life as a sacrifice for us. To save us, he descended into the abyss below. He took the punishment for our sins upon His hands when He died on the cross. To rescue us, he descended into the depths of hell and death. Then, on the third day, He arose, triumphant. That “GREAT SHEPHERD of the SHEEP” Jesus Christ, whom God raised from the dead, is the focus of this expression (Hebrews 13:20).
Out of the depths of death and hell, Jesus arose victoriously, lifting us up on His shoulders as He did so. This was the reward He was promised in exchange for the anguish He would experience in saving us from certain doom (Heb 12:2). We were wandering aimlessly, but now we’ve finally found our way.
According to 1 Peter 2:24 and 25, Jesus “bore our sins in his own body on the cross,” allowing us to “be dead to sins and alive to righteousness,” respectively. You’re back with the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls after wandering like lost sheep.
To what extent have you reconciled with your Shepherd?
When one lost sheep is found, the entire flock is reconciled with its shepherd. He now counts himself among the sheep (the Church). The Shepherd was so happy he danced all the way home while carrying the sheep on his shoulders. Like a shepherd carries his sheep, Jesus carries us to the glory of heaven on His shoulders. He pardons us when we stray from His ways and reject Him. He’s simply happy that we’re back with Him.
When he got back to his house, he gathered everyone he knew there. Even though he should have been sleeping, his excitement at finding the missing sheep caused him to wake everyone up. He invited them to “rejoice with me” and threw a party. “For I have recovered my misplaced sheep. “He was misplaced, and I feared for his life, but he has been located. “He’s still here! Do you think this is going a little too far? Yes! God’s love for us is exactly like that. Excessive in quantity and quality! The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Likewise, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents (turns from going our own way to going God’s way and following the true Shepherd).”
When we return to Jesus, He is so overjoyed that He cannot contain His joy and must have the whole of heaven rejoice with Him. That is the depth of God’s affection for us. God thinks that highly of us. Even though only one sheep strays, the Shepherd gives His life to rescue it. This demonstrates that each individual is important in God’s eyes. Jesus would have come to die for you even if you were the only sinner in the world. God has a special love for you. The repentance of even one sinner brings greater joy to God than the salvation of a hundred righteous people. What this demonstrates is that God loves each of us uniquely and deeply.
Can we, then, rely on God’s love despite our sinfulness? To the contrary, you are displaying the height of folly. The Shepherd loves the sheep and wants to save it, but if the sheep ignores his calls, he will eventually become unable to respond and will become lost to death. We can’t save ourselves, but we can decide whether or not to let (or ask) the Shepherd save us. Ignoring God’s repeated attempts to save us will eventually lead to eternal damnation.
Jesus Christ, who has been raised from the dead, is now our eternal Shepherd, as we proclaim by faith in Psalm 23:1.
I will not be in need because the Lord (Jesus) is my shepherd (He provides my needs). He leads me beside placid streams and causes me to rest in verdant pastures (He gives me peace). In him I find spiritual renewal (He heals my bruises and broken bones). For the glory of His name, He directs my steps toward justice (He guides me). To paraphrase the Psalmist, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (He protects and comforts me). You set a table for me with my enemies eating at it (He feeds me). Healing, life, wisdom, deliverance, and strength—every spiritual blessing is on the table. “It’s yours,” he declares. Enjoy it. Eat it.” You pour oil on my head (He gives me the ability to serve), and it overflows (with the fruit, the overflowing love, joy and peace of the Holy-Spirit). “Surely the Lord’s goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever (He grants me a full life on earth and an eternal one in heaven). Being a Christian is a great blessing. I was wandering aimlessly before the Good Shepherd came along and brought me home. After appearing to be dead, I have miraculously returned to life. Jesus Christ is my risen Great Shepherd, and I am confident in his unending care for me.
Two, the MISSING PENNY (the Holy Spirit’s role in our redemption, as described in Luke 15:8–10).
How about this: “Or what WOMAN, having 10 silver coins, if she loses one COIN, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it?” And when she finally does, she gathers her neighbors and friends to celebrate, saying, “Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!” Similarly, I tell you that even one sinner who turns to God in repentance brings joy to the presence of the angels of God.
In this parable, Jesus allegorically portrays the Holy Spirit as a woman. With her, she brought ten silver drachma. Married women would sometimes adorn themselves with a garland of ten of these valuable coins. They were the most beautiful part of her dowry, forming a stunning necklace. She placed a high value on them. She was only missing a single coin. It crashed to the dirty floor of the house. There was no light in the home (the only windows were narrow slits in the wall). Absolutely no illumination was available. This is a metaphor for us, who are created in God’s image but spend most of our time buried under the grime and grime of this world instead of in God’s Presence, led by the Holy Spirit, where we should be, gleaming in the light alongside the other “coins.”
However, this Woman placed such high value on this single coin that she got a lamp, combed the house, and didn’t stop looking carefully until she found it. The uniqueness of each individual before God is demonstrated here. Within herself, she made up her mind: “I must find it.” She searched the entire dwelling thoroughly before finally locating it. What we see here is a representation of the Holy Spirit, who travels the world in search of every lost person. He’s been compared to an oil lamp that keeps on shining.
Seven flaming torches, representing the seven divine spirits (or the sevenfold Spirit of God; see Isaiah 11:1,2), were lit before the throne. (Rev4:5).
There are seven eyes, and they are the seven Spirits of God that He has dispatched across the world.
(Rev 5:6) They “scan (search) to and fro throughout the whole earth,” as the Bible puts it, and “are the eyes of the Lord” (Zech 4:10). With His enlightenment, He makes Jesus Christ known to us. He clears the way for us to see the truth by clearing away the debris of our own doubt and disbelief. No matter how far we try to flee from Him, He will eventually find us.
To celebrate her good fortune, she held the coin aloft. This represents our rescue from the clutches of Satan’s kingdom and placement in the care of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit raises us up and carries our spirits to higher realms when we are found, where they are safe from further abuse (Eph1:17-2:8). He adds us to his collection of coins and displays them with honor on his person (it says the Spirit He clothed Himself with Gideon).
She then announced to her community, “Rejoice with me- for I have found the piece which I had lost.”
Then Jesus added, “Likewise I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over ONE sinner that repents.”
That lone coin is you. Because you are so precious to God, the Holy Spirit will seek you out throughout your existence. When He does, He will rescue you from the filth of your sins and make you into a brilliant reflection of His glory. Jesus would have died for you, the Holy Spirit would still be looking for you, and God the Father would still be celebrating your return even if you were the only lost person in the world. To that extent does God love you.
To bless and sanctify the coin, she submerged it in a mixture of water and oil. We are born again in the Holy Spirit when He draws us to Christ. Through the shedding of His abundant grace on us in the person of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we have been saved (Titus 3:5).
The next step is for us to be baptized both in water and the Holy Spirit (OIL).
Luke 15 contains three parables, each revealing a different aspect of the divine nature, culminating in the story of the prodigal son and the father’s rejoicing over his return. The previous two parables revealed the love of the SHEPHERD (SON) for the lost SHEEP and the WOMAN (HOLY-SPIRIT) for the lost COIN; this final parable reveals the love of the FATHER for the lost SON. The father’s prodigal (excessive, abundant, extravagant) love for his son is the focus of this parable, so the title should reflect that.
There is no limit to God’s generosity, and his love is infinite.
Then He continued, “A man had two sons. The son asked his dad for his fair share of the family’s possessions. He belittled his devoted father by saying, “I can’t wait for you to die; I want my inheritance now.” I’m itching to get out of here and do my own thing. As a result, he shared his means of support with them (v11-13). He gave half of his fortune to each of his two sons.
A short time later, the younger son accumulated all of his wealth (one third of the family fortune, since the eldest son received twice as much).
He packed his possessions and animals onto numerous carts and left.
Like those of us who choose to follow our own desires and sinfully wander away from God, our Father, “He journeyed to a far country.”
And there he went and spent everything he had on a life of prodigal (excessive) living.
He made a lot of friends due to his wealth, but he spent it all on himself and reckless behavior. But after he spent it all, “a severe famine arose in that land,” and he fell into poverty. After he spent it all, his friends abandoned him. Sin brought curse, and now he was feeling its effects. The great famine followed his financial collapse. Without God, we will starve spiritually. When we descend further, we’ll stop. The need to eat forced him to sell everything he owned, including his clothes. He was now a homeless beggar, dressed only in rags. To satisfy his hunger, he bought himself into servitude.
And then he sank even further: “Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country.”
However, things progressed to a much worse state. The worst job for a Jew, since pigs were considered unclean, was to tend to pigs in the fields, so this is what happened to him: “and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would have eaten the pods that the pigs were given if anyone had given him something to eat (v14-16). In the pit of despair known as the PIG-PEN OF SIN, he now found himself. He had gotten to the point where he would have eaten the pigs’ food if he had been given it, but he was still denied. The swine were now his only known companions. A pig was worth more than he was. Feeding the pigs took precedence. His sense of dignity was completely shattered. This is what happens when we go our own way, reject God, and think we know better than He does what to do with our lives, as he did: we hit rock bottom. In order to finally snap out of it, we need to hit rock bottom.
When he finally sobered up, he cried out, “How many of my father’s hired servants (the lowest servants who were hired on a temporary basis as the need arose, in contrast to the permanent house servants) have bread enough and to spare, and I perish (I am dying) with hunger!
In the morning, I will get up and go to my father and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven (God) and before you (all sin is against God first, and man second), and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Turn me into one of your employees (v17-19). When we return to God, confess our sins, and beg for His forgiveness and restoration, we have taken the first step toward true repentance. Even though he had committed terrible sins, he had faith in his good Father. He could ask his father to let him serve as a lower servant, and maybe even get some food occasionally. He prayed his dad wouldn’t disown him.
And “he got up and went to his father.”
Nothing but himself accompanied him on his return trip. All he had to offer was his sincere regret. While walking home, he kept wondering, “Will my Father take me back, or will he be angry and reject me as I deserve?” What happened next, however, completely shocked him, just as it did the Pharisees who were listening to the story, who, like the older brother, expected the Father to totally reject him, even as a lower servant, let alone as a son.
But his father, moved with compassion, “saw him when he was still a great way off, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” (v20).
See, even though he had abandoned his Father, his Father had not abandoned his son. The first thing he thought of every morning was, “I hope he comes home today.” On numerous occasions, he checked the horizon to see if he was nearing his destination. It seemed like his go-to question whenever he encountered a new person was, “Is that my son?” Though the years, months, and days passed without a breakthrough, He never lost faith. Then, one day, he saw a man off in the distance, walking slowly, and he thought, “Is that my son?” Again, he inspected. “It could be him; it’s a little thin, but it looks like him.” Again he looked, this time with tears of happiness streaming down his face, and he said, “Yes it’s him.” Full of compassion for his ailing son, he made a frantic dash to reach him. If you turn back to God, He will rush to greet you. As He approached, the foul odor of the pigsty hit His nostrils. Similarly, God hates the smell of our sin, but He welcomes us back with open arms. The father embraced him tightly and smothered him in kisses. To see him again made him incredibly happy. Our Creator genuinely cares for us. Once he sees us, he’ll lead us back inside.
The son confessed, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son” (v21).
To the Father, that was all he needed to hear. Before the son could propose a deal based on his works, he cut him off midway through his prepared speech. Instead of accepting him as a slave again, He adopted him as a son. A servant would have to work for his position, but God adopts us as sons without any payment on our part. Salvation is not something we can work for or deserve.
The Father bestows upon us upon our salvation:
First, He clothes us in His Righteousness (the robe). But the Father said to His servants, “(Hurry) – Bring out the best ROBE and put it on him” (rather than making him a servant) (v22). When we put our faith in God, we stop feeling like outsiders. He adopts us and makes us His sons. The Lord strips us of our sin and clothes us in His righteousness. Make my boy resemble me, he implores. We clothed Him in robes. Because of what Christ has done for us, we can stand before God free from guilt and guilt-inducing condemnation: “There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1). It’s finally safe for us to look God in the eye. Because he did not want his son’s sin and shame to be made public, the father hid it. He was the only one to witness the son’s humiliation, as He was the one to bring the robe to him so he could wear it on the way home. Everyone treated him more like a beloved son than a despised beggar because of this. The robe was a symbol of his father’s high regard for him. For our heavy hearts, he wraps us in a robe of praise, a cloak of divine strength. We’re off to a fresh start (2Cor 5:17)
V22b: “And put a RING on his hand (He gives us His authority, the Name of Jesus, saying: ‘do business on my behalf’) and put SANDALS on his feet (saying: “I have set you free – go and share the gospel”). Act as My representative and witness.
Titus 3:4-7 makes it clear that the son was washed (washed clean) of his sins.
For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry. 4. The Party: “And bring the fatted CALF here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (v23,24). The patriarch hosted a lavish feast, serving the finest calf that he had saved for the occasion. When we break bread together, we affirm our commitment to each other and share in the joy of fellowship with those who have been forgiven. In other words, God is like a father, according to Jesus. Because He loves us so much, when we repent (turn back to God) He celebrates by throwing a big party to welcome us home and rejoice over us, for we were once dead in our sins and are now alive in Christ. We went astray and have finally returned home (back home). He tells the heavenly hosts, “That is my dearly loved son, and I am overjoyed that he has returned to Me.” So, let’s all get together and celebrate!
They began to celebrate and throw a party because of the older son (vv. 25-32). (working hard).
And as he approached the house, he could make out the sounds of music and dance. As a result, he summoned one of the helpers and demanded to know what was going on. And he said to him, “Your brother has come back, and your Father has killed the fatted calf because He has received him safe and sound.” The problem was that he was too upset to enter. He flat-out declined to participate in the festivities. He appeared to be an obedient and hardworking son. In reality, he was just as much of a sinner as anyone else. He had nothing but contempt for his sibling and hoped only for his utter rejection. He was adamant that he not be pardoned or given a second chance. It’s fitting, he told himself, that he should be lost forever.
He replied, “Lo, these many years I have been serving (slaving) for you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends (‘I’ve worked hard and you never gave me a party’).
But when this son of yours (notice how he refused to acknowledge him as his brother) arrived, you slaughtered the sacrificial calf for him.
His superiority complex, jealousy, and tendency to assume the worst were all on full display.
Actually, both sons had drifted away from their dad. One’s sin was manifest to the world, while the other’s was hidden (though he appeared close to the Father on the outside, he was actually far removed from the Father’s loving generosity on the inside). Unfortunately, he mistook His affection for that of a slave master and responded with hostility and defiance. He mistook his efforts as a means to gain his father’s approval. Yet, because of the Father’s love, he already possessed everything he needed. In other words, he was working to merit the gifts that had already been bestowed upon him. He’s a prototypical example of a morally superior sinner (like the Pharisees). In his relationship with his father and brother, he exhibited pride, bitterness, resentment, and a hard heart. Not even after his brother had lost everything he’d inherited did he forgive him.
(As the saying goes, “the wages of sin is death.”) However, this was not enough to satisfy him. He intended to cause him additional pain and suffering and was therefore cruel. And the Father said to his son, “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have (left of my estate) is yours (‘I love you.’). Everything I gave you was done so without any strings attached on my part. You could have thrown a party whenever you wanted. It was proper for us to rejoice and have a good time (Why do you seek vengeance? When your brother comes back to visit, why should you be sad? Your brother was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is now found; why are you so angry that he has been found? And he’s your brother, too! While some are similar to the eldest son (whose sins are obvious to all), others resemble the younger (seemingly good- but with sin in their heart). Both need to turn from their sins and accept the Father’s love and salvation, because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory (standard) of God” in our imperfect demonstration of God’s perfect love.
Jesus tells this parable to demonstrate that God is not like the older brother but more like the loving and forgiving father. The Pharisees, in contrast, viewed God as being more like the stern and unforgiving older brother.

Stories Of Gods Love In The Bible
Brief Synopsis of the Love Story Between Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19) For young readers, the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Bible is a nail-biting account of a father’s faith, love, and obedience. Even as Abraham prepares to carry out God’s command and sacrifice his son Isaac, God stops him and provides a substitute sacrifice. One of the clearest pictures we get of Jesus and his willingness to die for the sins of the world is found in this Old Testament story. There are echoes of John 3:16 throughout this children’s bible story about love: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Scripture Reference: Genesis 22:8 “Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” They continued on together, the two of them.
The lesson here is that love isn’t free. In order to love another person, one must be willing to sacrifice everything for them. This was represented by Abraham and Isaac, but it took on flesh and blood in the crucifixion of Jesus.
Biblical Material for Teaching Children About Abraham and Isaac
- A Mother’s Love for Her Son, Moses (Exodus 2:1-10): Following Joseph’s reign, the new Pharaoh ordered the infant Hebrew boys to be thrown into the Nile and drowned. In a last-ditch effort to save her child, a mother named Jochebed placed her child in a basket and sent it floating down the Nile. As a result of Jachobed’s brave and selfless actions, an Egyptian princess discovered the baby in a basket and raised her as her own. One of the most important people in Israel’s history, Moses the baby would grow up to be the one God would use to free his people from slavery.
Exodus 2:3 – When she could hide him no longer, she put him in a papyrus basket and sealed it with tar and pitch. She then put the baby in it and set it down among the reeds on the Nile’s bank.
The greatest duty of a parent is the upbringing of a child. Although we show our love for our children in many ways, trusting the Lord with their eternal destiny is the greatest of these. It takes tremendous bravery and faith to love like Moses’ mother did.
Bible Study for Children: The Story of Baby Moses
Samson and Delilah: A Terrible Love Story
Judges 13–16 Synopsis Samson was a judge in Israel, which means he helped to guide the nation and protect its citizens from its adversaries. To help him defeat the Philistine invaders, God gave him superhuman strength. Unfortunately, his ability to lead was hindered by his involvement in a questionable romantic relationship with a woman named Delilah. When he revealed to the Philistines how he was able to become so powerful, they captured him. He took his own life in order to exact his vengeance upon the Philistines.
Then she cried out, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you!” (Judges 16:20). He awoke with the intention of “going out as usual and shaking himself free.” However, he did not realize that God had abandoned him.
A false sense of love that serves only one’s own interests is easy to develop. We turn inward, away from serving God and others, and toward ourselves, because of this distorted love.
Bible Lesson About Samson and Delilah for Children
Ruth and Naomi’s Story in Brief: A Summary of Their Faithful Love (The Book of Ruth) One of the greatest stories of love and friendship in the Bible is at the heart of this children’s Bible story. With the loss of her sons, Naomi is left with nothing but resentment. Naomi’s son and daughter-in-law, however, accompany her as they return to Naomi’s native land. Ruth starts over in a new place, with new people, and new love.
Ruth said to Naomi, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you” (Ruth 1:16), which is a key verse in the book of Ruth. As long as you invite me along, I’ll go wherever you go and sleep wherever you sleep. I pledge allegiance to your people and to your God.
Putting Jesus’ teachings about love into practice, we see that genuine affection involves making sacrifices for the benefit of others. In spite of everything that is going on, Ruth remains by Naomi’s side. What an amazing model of love she is to the rest of us with her unwavering devotion.
Bible Study Materials for Children: Ruth and Naomi
Synopsis of “Mary and Joseph” (Luke 2:1-21): “Trusting Love.” The birth of Jesus is the subject of an epic story told at Christmastime. However, the miraculous account of Mary and Joseph can be overlooked. Collectively, they put their faith in God’s promises, risk their lives and their reputations, and follow God’s lead on an unforgettable journey.
Luke 2:16–20, a central passage – A quick search led them to Mary, Joseph, and the infant in the stable. The news of what they had seen and heard about this child quickly spread, and everyone who heard it was astounded by the shepherds’ accounts. Nonetheless, Mary kept all this in her heart and gave it careful thought. Upon their return, the shepherds gave thanks and praise to God for all that they had witnessed, finding it to be true.
Practically, a couple’s love for God should serve as the bedrock upon which they build their love for one another in marriage. Because of their shared devotion to God, Joseph and Mary are able to persevere through the trials and celebrate the victories of the Christmas story together.
Children’s Bible Study on Mary and Joseph – Resources
Summary of Matthew 5:38-48’s teaching on loving one’s enemies (tough love) Despite God’s law, Jesus commanded His followers to model their behavior after His own. He counseled his followers to look for peaceful resolutions to conflicts and to respond to wrongdoing with acts of love and forgiveness rather than seeking out opportunities to inflict harsh punishment or return evil for evil. Our response should mirror that of our heavenly father. Do good to those who wrong you and show love even to your adversaries.
Verses of Particular Import: Matthew 5:43, 44
That which you have heard said is true: ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ I say, “On the contrary, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
A practical takeaway is that it’s simple to love those who love us back. The fact that we’re supposed to love even those we have no interest in is what makes love so challenging. In doing so, we model God’s love for us, who loved us despite our many flaws.
Helpful Materials: A Bible Study on Loving Your Enemies for Children
Summary of Luke’s Parable of the Prodigal Son (Chapters 15:11-32) The prodigal son wastes his inheritance and disowns his father in this parable, which is also known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The Prodigal Son reluctantly returns home to his parents. But when he gets home, the father is so happy to see his son again that he hugs him tightly and kisses him.
Luke 15:11 summarizes the father’s reaction to his prodigal son: “But while he (the prodigal son) was still a great distance off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.”
This children’s Bible story about love paints a beautiful portrait of the incredible love our heavenly Father has for each of us. His affection is unwavering, unconditional, and empathetic. Despite our transgressions, he welcomes us back with open arms and a full heart.
The Prodigal Son: A Bible Study Guide for Children
Summary of Luke’s Parable of the Good Samaritan (verses 25-37) In this well-known tale, Jesus answers a lawyer’s strategically-motivated question. Who are my nearest neighbors? Jesus replied by telling a parable about a man who was abandoned and later revived by a Samaritan. Jesus makes it clear that whoever shows mercy to their fellow man is truly one of their neighbors. In this parable, Jesus frees the concept of love from a legalistic mandate and shows how it functions in the real world.
Scripture Reference: Luke 10:36-37 Who among these three do you think lived near the man who was mugged? The legal expert said, “The one who had mercy on him.” In essence, Jesus told him to “Go and do likewise.”
Love is not abstract or impractical, something that can only be thought about or put into words. But love is not a feeling; it’s a verb. It quickly arrives at the aid of those in need, snatching them up and giving them a second chance at life.
Bible Lesson on the Good Samaritan for Children
Summary of the Crucifixion as a Model of Selfless Love (The Gospels) 9. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is depicted as the greatest act of love in this children’s Bible story. Jesus, after being flogged, mocked, and forced to wear a crown of thorns, gave his life on a Roman cross, as recorded in Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 18. The sacrifice Jesus made to atone for humankind’s sins was entirely voluntary.
John 3:16 is a pivotal verse. God gave his only son so that anyone who puts their faith in him would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
Real love requires making concessions. Also, “greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,” as Jesus puts it in John 15:13. I pray that each of us will be selfless enough to prioritize the safety of others over our own.
The Crucifixion: A Bible Study Guide for Children
Love Defined: A Summary of 1 Corinthians 13 (1 Corinthians 12:1-13) 10 Some of the most well-known words ever written about love are found in the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians. In this children’s Bible story, we learn what love is and why it matters. God’s love is the greatest present he has ever given us.
Key Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is longsuffering and charitable. It doesn’t feel jealousy or boastfulness or arrogance. It is respectful to others, not egocentric, not easily angered, and not keeping score. Love takes joy in the truth and is not pleased by falsehoods. It never fails to defend, trust, hope, and persevere. The power of love can’t be stopped.
Relevance: If you’ve ever struggled to define love, you need look no further than 1 Corinthians 13. Interestingly, if you change “Love” to “Jesus” in verses 4-8, you get a compelling description of our Savior.