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    We all have that friend who’s always trying to sell their house. You know the one: they’ve been talking about it for years, but never seem to be able to find a buyer. Well guess what? I have some great news for them! There is a prayer that will help them find someone willing to buy their home right away—and it comes with no strings attached. All you have to do is say this prayer every night while looking at photos of houses on Zillow or Redfin.

    O, Saint Joseph, you who taught our Lord the carpenter’s trade, and saw to it that he was always properly housed, hear my earnest plea. I want you to help me now as you helped your foster-child Jesus, and as you have helped many others in the matter of housing.

    The prayer below is a traditional Catholic prayer that asks Saint Joseph to help you sell your home. It goes back centuries and has been passed down from generation to generation.

    Here’s what you need to know about it:

    • The prayer itself is easy enough for anyone to say and understand, even if they aren’t religious or don’t speak much English.
    • It comes in handy when someone needs a very specific kind of help–like selling their house! (And if you’re looking for more prayers like this one, check out our Prayer Request Form.)
    • The reason why this prayer works so well is because Saint Joseph was Jesus’ foster father and knows how busy he was with his carpentry work as well as raising him alone after Mary died. He understands what it means to have a house and all its responsibilities attached–and he would do anything possible so that Jesus could focus on his ministry instead of worrying about where they were going next or how they were going to make ends meet each day without her there at home keeping things afloat financially while doing her best not only raise but also teach children too young themselves care for those younger than them

    I wish to sell this {home/property} quickly, easily, and profitably and I implore you to grant my wish by bringing me a good buyer, one who is eager, compliant, and honest, and by letting nothing impede the rapid conclusion of the sale.

    You can say: “I wish to sell this {home/property} quickly, easily, and profitably and I implore you to grant my wish by bringing me a good buyer, one who is eager, compliant, and honest.”

    You can also say: “Dear St. Joseph, please help me find a buyer for my home.”

    Dear Saint Joseph, I know you would do this for me out of the goodness of your heart and in your own good time, but my need is very great now and so I must make you hurry on my behalf.

    Dear Saint Joseph, I know you would do this for me out of the goodness of your heart and in your own good time, but my need is very great now and so I must make you hurry on my behalf. I can’t sell my house without help from someone like you. Please pray for me to find a buyer who will buy it quickly and easily.

    Saint Joseph, I am going to place you in a difficult position with your head in darkness and you will suffer as our Lord suffered, until this {home/property} is sold. Then, Saint Joseph, i swear before the cross and God Almighty, that i will redeem you and you will receive my gratitude and a place of comfort in my home.

    Saint Joseph, I am going to place you in a difficult position with your head in darkness and you will suffer as our Lord suffered, until this {home/property} is sold. Then, Saint Joseph, i swear before the cross and God Almighty, that i will redeem you and you will receive my gratitude and a place of comfort in my home.

    Saint Joseph was not a wealthy man. He lived modestly with his wife Mary in Nazareth before moving into Egypt where he lived for many years as an exile.

    If we don’t speak frankly to St. Joseph about our need for him then we risk losing out on his help altogether!

    St. Joseph’s intercession can be sought for all kinds of difficulties – including needing a miracle to sell your home or property quickly or easily when no other methods have worked!


    Amen is a word that means so be it. It is used in many languages, including English, Spanish and French.

    In the context of Christianity it means “So be it”. This prayer was commonly said at the end of sermons and prayers.

    This word has been around for a long time! It was used by Ancient Egyptians and Greeks as well as early Christians.

    tbh i wouldnt put this on a house-buying blog

    I wouldn’t put this on a house-buying blog, but if you are trying to sell your house and you’re praying to St Joseph (or any other saint), here’s what I’d recommend:

    • pray to the saint of real estate agents. There is an entire church dedicated to buying and selling real estate in Italy; it’s called San Giuseppe dei Falegnami (Saint Joseph of the Carpenters). He’s also the patron saint of carpenters, who should definitely be involved in selling houses.
    • make sure that your prayer is short and meaningful. You want your home selling prayers to be as brief as possible so that they don’t get lost among all the other noise on the internet.


    St. Joseph is the patron saint for people who are trying to sell their homes, and he has been used for many years by many people who wanted to sell their houses quickly. He is known as a powerful intercessor on our behalf, especially when we’re going through difficult times.