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St Gerard Prayer For Safe Delivery

    When your baby is born, the first thing you want to do is take a good look at them. You want to see if they have all their fingers and toes, if they’re breathing properly, and if they have any other visible signs of health or illness. But what about the inside? What is going on in there?

    As a parent, you want to know that your child is healthy before they even leave the womb. And this can be difficult to determine without an ultrasound.

    But now we have something better: Gerard prayers for safe delivery! These prayers are specifically designed to help you get through childbirth safely and with as little pain as possible.

    Churchgists will give you all you ask on St Gerard prayer for safe delivery, St Gerard prayer for safe delivery introduction, St. Gerard, I want to thank you for answering my prayer and so much more.

    With a Gerard prayer for safe delivery, you can be sure that your baby’s health will be protected from conception until birth.

    St Gerard Prayer For Safe Delivery

    A safe delivery is everyone’s wish. It is a good habit to ask saint Gerard for his help and protection during the time of pregnancy.

    St Gerard members, if you know a pregnant woman seeing the advent of her delivery, please pray for her. This St Gerard prayer for safe delivery accompanied with other prayers and Rosary can be said to bring peace to not only the expecting mother but also makes preparation for a happy delivery. Make sure all of it are said in one session, preferably in the morning and evening.

    Nursing mothers often find themselves in need of some support and this is when a good prayer can help. The Catholic prayer St Gerard was used to pray for Queen Victoria’s safe delivery from her labor with Prince Leopold to her mother, the Duchess of Kent. This should be called for in the circumstances of difficult labors and deliveries.

    Novena For Safe Delivery And Healthy Baby


    Saint Gerard Majella, patron saint of mothers and unborn children, is a great intercessor for pregnancy and childbirth. St. Gerard helps us see our need for God’s grace and asks for it on our behalf. Below you’ll find the text of a novena prayer to St. Gerard to pray while expecting a child or praying that someone else will have a safe delivery.

    St. Gerard, I want to thank you for answering my prayer.

    St. Gerard, I want to thank you for answering my prayer. When I asked for your intercession and prayed to bring our baby safely into the world, you were there for me in more ways than one.

    I know that when we pray, God hears us and answers our requests. And when we ask for things that are pleasing to him, he’s even more likely to respond favorably! So it’s important that when we ask God for something—whether it’s a favor or a blessing or just some peace of mind—we make sure that what we’re asking is something he’d approve of before asking it of him. This helps ensure that not only will his response be favorable but also that whatever answer he gives us is the right answer because it was what we actually wanted (and not just what was easiest).

    Another thing I learned from this experience is how much better things can go if they’re done with faith; when my wife had her C-section scheduled at first, everything seemed hopelessly confusing: why did they need an operating room? What kind of surgery were they doing? How long would she be under anesthesia? Would she wake up okay after all this? But once she decided firmly in her mind: “Everything will go fine,” none of these questions mattered anymore because now all she could think about was having faith in herself and knowing there was nothing else left but trusting God completely with everything else too!

    Saint Gerard Majella, great wonder-worker in every kind of bodily suffering and especially in assisting women in childbirth, hear my prayers.

    Saint Gerard Majella, great wonder-worker in every kind of bodily suffering and especially in assisting women in childbirth, hear my prayers. I entreat you to pray for me that I may be delivered from all bodily and spiritual sicknesses. You who have been so greatly glorified by God as a miracle worker, I beseech you to obtain for me the grace of a happy and easy delivery for both myself and my child.

    Saint Gerard Majella, intercede for us that we may receive the mercy of God with true repentance so that we can one day live with Him forever in heaven. Amen!

    O glorious Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of thy meek and humble Saviour, and devoted child of the Mother of God: enkindle within my heart one spark at least of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in thine own soul and made thee ever so wholly devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    O glorious Saint Gerard, beloved servant of Jesus Christ, perfect imitator of thy meek and humble Saviour, and devoted child of the Mother of God: enkindle within my heart one spark at least of that heavenly fire of charity which glowed in thine own soul and made thee ever so wholly devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Saint Gerard was a humble man who lived an exemplary life dedicated to serving others. He had great love for all people, but especially children. Saint Gerard loved children so much that he founded an order called Brothers Hospitallers in order to care for them.

    Prayer to Saint Gerard Majella for a safe delivery during labor

    Prayer to Saint Gerard Majella for a safe delivery during labor

    Saint Gerard was born in the year 1726 in Ireland. His father was a poor farmer and his mother died soon after he was born. Although young, St Gerard showed signs of holiness and piety and was known to pray at all times. He became an orphan at age 18 when his father also died.

    A few years later, he went off to study at a seminary where he received the name “Gerard” (meaning “strong arm”). After completing his studies, he was ordained as a priest and continued living an austere life with great devotion to God and close attention toward others regardless of circumstances or conditions they may be experiencing. Father Gerard loved animals very much so; once while still in the seminary days, he rescued an injured bird from being eaten by cats outside campus grounds where no human beings were around except him! He nursed it back into health until it could fly again then released it back into wilds—this amazing act of mercy earned him respect from other students who immediately took notice of how kindhearted this young man really is despite being poor himself back then (and always would be).

    St. Gerard helps us see our need for God’s grace and asks for it on our behalf.

    St. Gerard helps us see our need for God’s grace and asks for it on our behalf.

    As a result, we can more readily accept the grace of God when it is offered to us in the sacrament of reconciliation or other forms of spiritual guidance.

    St. Gerard Majella, who was gifted by God with such power that he could heal the sick, cast out evil spirits, ascertain the hidden thoughts of men’s minds and foretell future events; we beseech thee to assist us by thy powerful intercession with the most benign Heart of Jesus.

    Saint Gerard Majella was born in 1726 in a small village called Moleta, in the Abruzzi region of Italy. He was the youngest of 14 siblings and died at 23 years old on March 15, 1750, after contracting tuberculosis from nursing a sick relative.

    Saint Gerard is known as one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic Church and is often depicted with an infant Jesus or child on his lap. During his life he worked many miracles including healing physical ailments such as blindness and paralysis as well as casting out evil spirits from those who were possessed by them. Saint Gerard is also known for helping women during childbirth through his intercession with Christ’s Most Merciful Heart.

    Novena to St. Gerard Majella

    The Novena to St. Gerard Majella is a great way to pray for safe delivery. You should pray it every day for nine days, beginning on the 18th day of the month and ending on the 27th. The novena should be said before going to bed at night. After making the sign of the cross, say:

    O Blessed St. Gerard Majella who didst obtain from God a special grace in favor of expectant mothers; I beg thee earnestly that through thy intercession I may be preserved from miscarriage or if this cannot be granted me, that my child may be born healthy and strong and not die in infancy nor suffer any serious illness before he reaches his eighteenth year; if it please God that one or both parents are barren let them be blessed with offspring through thy mediation so that they may have children who will live lives worthy of their parents’ care; then shall they render thanks unto You eternally in Heaven.”


    St. Gerard, I want to thank you for answering my prayer.

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