For anyone who needs pregnancy related prayers, I don’t know if this will work but I’ve been praying to St Gerard and recently had a miracle happen after my prayer with him. St Gerard pray for me please! (please remember this is not medical advice just my experience and opinion.)
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Prayer For Pregnancy St Gerard
Dear St. Gerard,
We come to you with a prayer for our unborn child. Please help us to be strong and to trust in your guidance as we make this journey through pregnancy. We are so grateful for you and all that you have done for us. You have always been a guiding light in our lives, and we know that you will be there for us during this time as well. Please help us to trust in your wisdom, and help us to trust in the love of God above all else. Bless the child within me, and keep it safe from harm until it is born into this world. Amen.
Dear St. Gerard,
I pray that you will be with me as I enter into this time of great change and growth in my life. I ask for your guidance, support and protection as I prepare for the birth of my child.
Please keep me safe from harm and allow me to remain healthy through this time. Watch over my unborn child and bring him or her safely into this world. Help me to be a good mother, guide me when I need advice and give me courage when I feel afraid.
Thank you for blessing us with a healthy baby who will grow up to be a loving member of society. Thank you for protecting my family from harm and guiding us through this journey together. Bless our marriage so that we may always work together as one unit in raising our child(ren).
We ask this through Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You forever! Amen
st gerard prayer for child
Dear St. Gerard,
I have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, and I am beginning to worry that I just won’t be able to. Please help me with this, St. Gerard! I am so anxious about being able to become a mommy, and I want nothing more than to be able to bring a baby into the world and love it with all my heart.
Please let me know if there is any way that you can help me achieve my goal of getting pregnant. Thank you so much!
st gerard prayer for expectant mothers
Dear St. Gerard, please pray for me as I am pregnant and my husband has not been a faithful husband and I need your prayers that my child may be born healthy and whole.
I have been blessed with a new job as a secretary at [company name]. I have been working hard to prove myself in this position and would like to continue being employed. Please pray for me to be successful in this job so that my family will not suffer financially because of my husband’s actions.
Please pray for the health of my unborn child and that he/she may be born healthy and whole.
Dear St. Gerard,
Please pray for me and my wife during our pregnancy. We are very worried that we will have a miscarriage again and that the baby will be born with serious problems. We beg you to intercede on our behalf with God so that we may have a healthy baby and not have any complications during labor or delivery. Please pray especially for the health of our baby and his/her development in utero. Thank you for your help, St. Gerard!
Dear St. Gerard,
Please pray for me and my husband as we prepare to welcome our first child into the world. We are so excited to have this new addition to our family and can’t wait to meet him or her! Please pray that he or she will be healthy and happy, and that we will be able to support each other like a family should.
Thank you for all you do for us, dear St. Gerard, and please keep us in your prayers!
Saint Gerard, you cared deeply for your fellow man. You offered up your life so that others might have a chance at salvation.
Please intercede for me and my unborn child. Please ask God to bless us with a healthy pregnancy, and to give us a safe delivery.
Please pray for me as I prepare for motherhood, and help me be the best mother possible by bringing me closer to Jesus Christ.
I pray these things through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.