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A Prayer To St Anthony Of Padua

    Saint Anthony, illustrious father, illustrious follower of Christ. To you, who as a Franciscan priest and confessor, have know the joy of Christ’s love so intimately that you now experience it more perfectly in the glory of paradise. To you who through your miraculous intercession has obtained from God marvellous graces for your fellowmen. To you, Saint Anthony I pray and beg that by your powerful intercession you obtain for us anew whatever grace we ask of God.

    O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms. The gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.

    A Prayer To St Anthony Of Padua

    Oh, St. Anthony,

    You are the patron saint of lost things.

    I am writing this prayer because I have lost something very dear to me. I want to ask for your help in finding it again.

    It is a white bird that sings songs of peace and joy. It has a golden beak and blue eyes, and it sings with all its heart. And when it sings, there’s no sound like it—it’s beautiful and peaceful and dazzling to hear.

    Please help me find this bird again!

    Dear St. Anthony,

    I come to you today with a heavy heart. I have lost something of great value, and I ask that you help me find it. It is a valuable thing that means a lot to me, and I want to be able to enjoy it again.

    Prayer To St Anthony Of Padua For Lost Things

    Please help me find this item so that it can bring joy into my life once more.

    Dear St. Anthony, you have always been my patron saint and protector. I ask you to please intercede on my behalf and pray to God that he may grant me the favor of finding a new home.

    I am so grateful for your assistance in the past, and I believe that with your help, my prayers will be answered this time as well.

    In Jesus’ name, Amen

    Dear Saint Anthony, please help me find my lost keys.

    I have been looking everywhere for them, but I can’t find them. They are very important to me, because they are the only set of keys that fit my car door and trunk lock.

    Please help me find them so I can get to work tomorrow!

    Dear St. Anthony,

    Help me find my keys. I have lost them somewhere in my apartment. They are not in the usual places, and I am getting very worried that they are lost forever. Please help me find them. Thank you!–WFuhQ