God of the sick and suffering, You who grant us the courage and endurance to carry our burdens, hear my prayer for my brother/sister (name) who is afflicted with arthritis. Benefit him/her through Your healing touch as he/she shares his/her loneliness with You. Help him/her feel Your loving presence and know that You are near with comfort and hope in this hour of need. Amen.
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Patron of the Sick
Dear St. Alphonsus, who suffered from arthritis himself, please obtain for me the grace to be able to carry my cross patiently and joyfully. Grant that I may have patience with the ills of my body and find consolation in suffering, because it is a means of salvation. Let me not be proud of my health, but rather let me thank God for the ability to serve him as long as I am well.
Alphonsus was a Doctor of Moral Theology who dedicated his life to serving God through his writing and teaching. He was an expert in canon law and theology, but he also cared deeply about people’s physical needs. He established hospitals and shelters throughout Italy during a time when they were desperately needed. His work inspired many other Catholics to follow his example in caring for their fellow man.
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St Alphonsus Prayer for Arthritis
The St. Alphonsus Prayer for Arthritis is a prayer that can be said to any saint, but in this case it’s St. Alphonsus Liguori who’s the subject of the prayer, as well as the one who prayed it often himself. And what is this prayer? Basically, he asked God if he could share just a small part of Jesus’ suffering while crucified on the cross so that he could prove his love and devotion to Christ. As you might imagine, God was pleased by this request and granted it to him.
St. Alphonsus Liguori was a doctor of the Church and he prayed to God that he could suffer one hundredth part of all the afflictions and torments of Our Lord’s Passion just to console Him.
St. Alphonsus Liguori was a doctor of the Church, who prayed to God that he could suffer one hundredth part of all the afflictions and torments of Our Lord’s Passion just to console Him. He was born in 1696 to a poor family in Marianella, Italy and made his First Communion at age 7. At 10, he experienced his first religious ecstasy during Mass and began studying for the priesthood at age 15.
After being ordained as a priest, St. Alphonsus had many callings: he became rector of several colleges and seminaries; professor at several universities; Bishop; founder of two religious congregations (the Redemptorists* and The Congregation of Saint Joseph); author over 400 books on spirituality; spiritual director to Pope Gregory XVI (Pope from 1831-1846) who said that “there is nothing I am not ready to do” after reading one of St. Alphonsus’ books!
St Alphonsus Liguori died on May 27th 1787 after receiving Holy Communion hours earlier on May 26th.* Both dates are significant because they are both feast days for Our Lady—the Immaculate Conception falls on December 8th which celebrates Mary being conceived without original sin so she could be Mother for us all!
O Jesus, I humbly implore Thee, by the afflicted state of Thy body on the cross, covered with wounds, and by the pains which tormented Thy sacred soul, have mercy on me suffering from this affliction!
You can pray to St. Alphonsus as you would to any other saint or angel, and he will help you in your time of need.
St Alphonsus was a great preacher and writer who lived in Italy during the 19th century. He was canonized by Pius XI in 1931 after he died of tuberculosis at the age of 78.
Have pity on me who, day and night, am in continual anguish, who can find no rest or repose in any position of my limbs; whose life is one long series of painful and humiliating circumstances; whose days are passed in groaning and nights in tears.
- Pray to St. Alphonsus
- Pray to St. Alphonsus for help with arthritis
- Pray to St. Alphonsus for pain relief
- Pray to St. Alphonsus for comfort
In pity think on me, O my God! See how my head burns as though it would melt away! See these eyes, almost consumed by incessant weeping, and no wonder! for nothing do I see but hardships, nothing feel but attacks of pain.
When you think of someone who has arthritis, you should pray for them. If you have arthritis yourself, pray for yourself and your family members who are suffering from this disease. You can also pray that the cure for arthritis is found soon so that no one needs to suffer any longer than necessary.
If you don’t have any friends or family members with arthritis but want to help others in their time of need, consider making a donation to a research foundation that studies the causes and cures for this debilitating disease.
I know O God, that it is my duty to bear all this patiently and with resignation; but, alas! I am weak, very weak; and the pain becomes sometimes so violent that I feel as if I should lose my senses.
prayer to st james for arthritis
Saint James the Greater is said to be the first apostle to join Jesus. He is the patron saint against arthritis and Spain. We see St. James holding a bible and sword. The title “the Greater” was added to St. James’ name to help distinguish him from the Apostle James “the Less,” who is believed to have been shorter than James “the Greater.” Saint James the Greater was martyred for his faith by King Herod, who decapitated him.
As he was not allowed to be buried following his martyrdom, his remains were taken to Compostela, Spain, by some of his followers, who buried him. Today, his remains can still be found in the Cathedral of Santiago.
Prayer to Saint James the Apostle
O glorious Apostle, Saint James,
who by reason of thy fervent
and generous heart
was chosen by Jesus to be witness
of His glory on Mount Tabor,
and of His agony in Gethsemane;
thou, whose very name is a symbol
of warfare and victory:
obtain for us strength and
consolation in the unending
warfare of this life,
that, having constantly
and generously followed Jesus,
we may be victors in the strife
and deserve to receive
the victor’s crown in heaven.
If you like this prayer, you’ll love these prayer cards!

st james healing prayer
Healing Prayer Circle Prayers
These are prayers the Healing Prayer Circle have been using – you may find them helpful in your own prayers at home when you do not know what to pray.
O Christ our Lord,
as in times past not all the sick and suffering
found their own way to your side,
but had to have their hands taken,
or their bodies carried,
or their names mentioned;
so we, confident of your goodness, bring others to you.
As in times past you looked on the faith of friends and let peace and healing be known, look on our faith, even our little faith and let your kingdom come.
We remember before you those for whom pain is the greatest problem; who are remembered more for their distress than for their potential; who at night cry “I wish to God it were morning” and in the morning cry “I wish to God it were night.” Lord Jesus Christ, bring healing, bring peace.
We remember before you those whose problem is not physical; those haunted by the nightmares of their past or the spectres of their future; those whose minds are shackled to neuroses, depression and fears; those who do not know what is wrong and do not know what to pray. Lord Jesus Christ, bring healing, bring peace.
We remember before you those in whose experience light has turned to darkness, as the end of a life or the breaking of a relationship leaves them stunned in their souls and silent in their conversation,
not knowing where to turn or whom to turn to, or whether life has a purpose anymore. Lord Jesus Christ, bring healing, bring peace.
Lord God,
you alone are skilled to know
the cure for every sickness and every soul.
If by our lives your grace may be known then in us,
through us, and, if need be, despite us,
let your kingdom come.
On all who tend the sick, counsel the distressed, or sit with the dying, we ask your blessing, that in caring for your people they may meet and serve their Lord.
Watch now, dear Lord,
with those who watch or weep tonight,
and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Jesus,
rest your weary ones,
bless your dying ones,
soothe your afflicted ones,
shield your joyous ones
and all for your love’s sake. Amen (St Augustine of Hippo)
For those who administer the agencies of health and welfare, or develop medical research, we ask your guidance, that in all they do, all life may be valued and the service of human need fully resourced.
The God of all hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen