Splinters are small pieces of wood that get stuck in your skin. They can be very painful and annoying, but they’re not dangerous. Sometimes splinters come from trees or other plants (like bamboo). You can get a splinter by stepping on it or cutting yourself with it–but you don’t have to be outside for that to happen! If a piece of wood gets stuck in your foot or finger and you don’t take care of it right away, it might become infected. Here’s how to remove and treat a splinter:
Splinters: Allowing God to Heal and Restore
The edema had subsided by the time I got back home. I mean, maybe I could just ignore them. Maybe they might fall apart, I thought. However, after a few more days, I realized I had to handle them.
Using a needle and tweezers, I struggled to take them out. However, I had to use my left hand, so I knew right away that I needed assistance. I went to my son since he is patient and has good eyesight. They left in a matter of minutes.
God dealt with my heart on the same day that I dealt with my hand. The night before, I had watched Shark Tank and found myself wishing I had those millionaires’ business acumen. Coming up with concepts that become successful and profitable seemed like a lot of fun.
The next morning, my personal Bible study lead me to James 4:1-10. Shark Tank was on my thoughts while reading it. When I thought about it, my main motivation for wanting such skills was my belief that, if I could do what they do, I wouldn’t have to worry about anything, including money.
A healthy wage is quite acceptable in my opinion. However, I was reminded by my morning Bible reading that the cure for concern is Jesus, not wealth. To be charitable rather than to be self-sufficient is the motivation behind earning more money (2 Cor. 9:8,11; Ephes. 4:28).
Jesus wasn’t withholding happiness from me. More than I do, he wants me to enjoy life and not worry. He was defending me against imposters who deprive me of genuine happiness and safety (Matthew 6:19–34; Luke 12:15).
I’ve discovered it’s difficult to live in the world and not pick up spiritual splinters. We don’t have to feel guilty about them. All we have to do is deal with them. Spiritual splinters that go untreated can manifest as worries, comparison, envy, ingratitude, stress, stinginess, and shattered relationships.

I required assistance in getting the splinters out of my hand. With the spiritual splinter I was unaware even existed, I required additional assistance.
God’s Word revealed my issue and went deeper than an MRI. My High Priest then carefully released me from this discomfort.
Walking about life with “splinters” in our feet is slavery. What anguish, what suffering, what self-made hell we can sink to if we refuse to go to Jesus Christ for his loving healing, restoration, and forgiveness.
Why is it sometimes so difficult to let go of our old nature? We anticipate pain, maybe a little bit of it.but after that, everything will be so much better.
Do you need to give God control over a “splinter” in your life? Have you encountered Christ’s healing and forgiveness? Did you know that God loves you and desires for you to be restored, healed, and to follow Him, even though it appears to be very difficult to be refined by God through repentance, obedience, and confidence in the Lord?
3 Reasons Why You May Be Getting Splinters
There are three main reasons why you may be getting splinters:
- You need to let go of something. Maybe there’s a relationship with your significant other that’s not working out, or an old friend who is causing you stress. Whatever it is, it would benefit you to be rid of it completely before you can move on from the situation.
- Your mind needs a rest, or perhaps some down time in order for all that excess energy and anxiety can lessen up inside of yourself so that way when things get back into motion again, they will not be as stressful than before because there was more space available (just like when one leaves the house when their house gets too full).
- Finally, this person has stepped up and taken action instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to do something about their problem first!
“Letting go of something means you are letting go of a negative emotion. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting about the thing you want to let go of. It means releasing your attachment to it—acknowledging that it has served its purpose and is no longer serving you in a positive way. Letting go can be painful but necessary if we don’t want our lives to get bogged down with negative emotions, bad habits and toxic relationships. We have to learn how to sa* You need to give your mind a rest. Maybe there’s been too much going on in your life lately and you feel like an overwhelmed mess. Whatever it is, it would benefit you to take time away from work or school so that way when things get back into motion again, they will not be as stressful than before because there was more space available (just like when one leaves the house when their house gets too full).y
1. You need to let go of something
If you’re getting a splinter, it’s because you need to let go of something.
Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting about the thing you want to let go of. It means releasing your attachment to it—acknowledging that it has served its purpose and is no longer serving you in a positive way.
Letting go can be painful but necessary if we don’t want our lives to get bogged down with negative emotions, bad habits and toxic relationships. We have to learn how to say goodbye before moving on with our lives!
Letting go of something means you are letting go of a negative emotion. Letting go of something means you are letting go of a bad habit. Letting go of something means you are letting go of a bad relationship. Letting go of something means you are letting go of a bad job.
2. You need to give your mind a rest

- You need to give your mind a rest
Your mind is overworked and needs some time off. This is especially true if you are constantly thinking about things, worrying about things or trying to figure out where you’re going in life. When we do this, our minds can become very easily distracted by what other people are doing or how much money they have in comparison with us (trying to meet up at the same place). Instead of focusing on what we want, we spend all of our energy thinking about other things that don’t really matter. In order for us to be happy and fulfilled in life, it’s important for us not only take time out from thinking but also help others who may not have a lot of resources like ourselves at this time in their lives so that everyone benefits from each other’s strengths instead of focusing on their weaknesses alone.”
3. You need to step up and take action
- You need to step up and take action.
- You need to take responsibility for your feelings and emotions, as well as for your thoughts and words.
- You can’t be honest with yourself if you aren’t being honest with others.
- You can’t be honest with others if you aren’t being honest with yourself.
You can’t be honest with yourself if you aren’t being honest with your feelings and emotions. You can’t be honest with others if you aren’t being honest with your feelings and emotions. You can’t be honest with others about your feelings and emotions if you aren’t being honest with yourself about them.
You can’t be honest with yourself about your feelings and emotions if you aren’t being honest with others about them.
Pay attention to your life and figure out what needs more attention and focus.
Splinters are a reminder to pay attention to your life and figure out what needs more attention and focus. Where are you feeling lost? What’s happening in your environment or relationships that is making you feel overwhelmed?
If you’re constantly feeling like there is too much on your plate, or you’re getting frustrated at the people around you, it might be time for some soul-searching. Think about what’s going well in your life right now—what are those things that make you most happy? Take time every day to appreciate these moments and remind yourself how lucky we all are to have them. Your splinter can help with this kind of self-reflection by forcing yourself into a different perspective: rather than thinking about how overscheduled or busy your life is right now, think about all the good stuff instead! Now here comes the hard part… talk with someone who cares about what’s important in their lives before they get too caught up in their own schedule (or lack thereof).
Now let’s talk about some more specific situations. If you find splinters in the same spot over and over again, then it might be time to pay attention to that area of your life. Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Is there something that needs your attention? Or maybe you have been letting go of things in this spot, but now it’s time to take action.