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Spiritual Meaning Of Pancreatic Cancer

    What is the Spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer? Read on for spiritual meaning of pancreatitis and spiritual healing pancreatic cancer. the Pancreatic cancer is cancer of the pancreas. Cancer starts when a few cells in the body acquire abnormal changes to their DNA, causing them to grow and divide uncontrollably. This article provides spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer with three typical examples.

    What is the spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer? It’s hard to come up with a long-term solution for a disease such as pancreatic cancer. This is one of those answers that the spiritual realm will give you an answer to and then tell you to keep living life. Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive form of cancer that starts when cells in the pancreas start growing out of control and can’t stop. They start to form growths called tumors, most of which are benign (non-cancerous).

    Spiritual Meaning Of Cancer

    The spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer is about transforming your innermost self so that you can achieve health on all levels—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This transformation happens when you take responsibility for yourself, your choices and the consequences of those choices. When you do this work on an ongoing basis, you will heal from within and be able to take better care of yourself physically as well as emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

    The spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer is that it is a time for you to reflect on your life, and how you are living it. This could mean taking time to go on a retreat or doing something that makes you happy. It could also mean spending more time with loved ones and friends, or even just taking care of yourself by eating well and exercising regularly.

    Pancreatic cancer is not easy to deal with. It can take a toll on both your physical body and your emotional health. The best thing you can do for yourself during this difficult time is to find ways to keep yourself grounded during this difficult time, so that you can stay focused on what really matters—your health, happiness, and well-being!

    Spiritual Meaning Of Pancreatic Cancer

    Spiritual Meaning of Pancreatic Cancer

    Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease that affects many individuals around the world. While the physical effects of this illness are well-documented, there are also spiritual meanings and lessons that can be gleaned from the experience of facing pancreatic cancer. Below are 4 spiritual meanings that may be relevant to those dealing with pancreatic cancer:

    1. Transformation

    One possible spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer is the idea of transformation. Just as the pancreas plays a crucial role in the body’s digestive system, cancer in this organ can signify a need for spiritual transformation. This may involve letting go of old patterns, beliefs, or behaviors that no longer serve one’s highest good.

    2. Forgiveness

    Another spiritual lesson that may be associated with pancreatic cancer is the importance of forgiveness. Holding onto anger, resentment, or bitterness can manifest in physical ailments like cancer. By letting go of negative emotions and practicing forgiveness, individuals may find a sense of peace and healing.

    3. Surrender

    Pancreatic cancer can also be seen as a call to surrender to a higher power or divine will. This illness can be a humbling experience that reminds individuals of their own mortality and the impermanence of life. Surrendering to the unknown and placing trust in God can provide solace and strength during difficult times.

    4. Resilience

    Lastly, facing pancreatic cancer can also teach individuals about resilience and strength. Just as the pancreas is a vital organ that supports the body’s overall health, individuals can tap into their inner resilience to overcome challenges and heal from illness. This may involve maintaining a positive mindset, seeking support from loved ones, and relying on faith to sustain them through difficult times.

    Overall, the spiritual meaning of pancreatic cancer can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. By reflecting on the lessons that this illness may offer, individuals can find meaning and purpose in their journey towards healing.

    Bible Verse Meaning
    Psalm 30:2 “Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.”

    Pancreatic Cancer

    Pancreatic cancer occurs when abnormal cell growth occurs in the pancreas, forming a malignant tumor. These cells continue growing out of control until they spread to other parts of the body. Pancreatic cancer has a lower overall survival rate because it’s often diagnosed late. This guide will help you learn more about pancreatic cancer risks, symptoms, treatment and survival rates.

    Patient with Pancreatic Cancer

    What Is Pancreatic Cancer?

    Pancreatic tumors occur when the body’s normal process of breaking down old cells and forming new cells doesn’t work correctly. Extra cells left in the pancreas form tumors.

    Some tumors are abnormal but don’t invade other parts of the body. These are benign tumors. Tumors become cancerous, or malignant, when they continue to grow and spread into other tissues and organs.

    Pancreatic cancer is rare, according to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. It is more likely to affect people that are at least 65 years old.

    In 2021, about 60,430 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and 48,220 people will die from it, according to the American Cancer Society.

    Diagram of pancreatic cancer
    The buildup of abnormal cells in the pancreas causes tumors to form.

    Pancreatic Cancer Facts

    • Slightly less common in women than in men.
    • About three percent of all cancers in the United States are pancreatic cancers.
    • People’s average lifetime risk of pancreatic cancer is 1 in 64.
    • Average age at time of diagnosis is 70.
    • On average, pancreatic cancer has a 10 percent five-year survival rate.
    • Treatment for pancreatic cancer includes surgery, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and pain control.

    Why Is Pancreatic Cancer So Deadly?

    Pancreatic cancer is rare but deadly. This cancer spreads easily, and about 85 percent of patients aren’t diagnosed before the cancer has spread, according to Dr. Conan Kinsey, a pancreatic cancer specialist at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) and University of Utah Health.

    At this stage, pancreatic cancer is more difficult to treat and options are limited. In addition, surgery to remove tumors is difficult to perform because several blood vessels and organs surround the pancreas.


    Part of the reason why doctors have a difficult time diagnosing pancreatic cancer is that patients don’t often have symptoms in early stages. By the time symptoms appear, the tumor has grown.

    “We need to do a better job of educating people and providers to be more alert when symptoms arise. Too many people are not having their symptoms recognized.”Dr. Timothy Frankel, M.D. assistant professor of surgery at University of Michigan

    Source: University of Michigan

    Symptoms vary depending on where the tumor grows on the pancreas. For example, if the tumor grows on the head of the pancreas — the part closest to the liver — people may experience jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and eyes. Tumors on the middle or tail of the pancreas are more likely to cause pain and weight loss.

    Rarely, pancreatic cancer can destroy insulin-making cells on the pancreas and cause sudden onset diabetes with no apparent cause.

    Common pancreatic cancer symptoms include:

    • Dull pain in the upper abdomen or middle of upper back that comes and goes and may worsen while lying down
    • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) that can occur when the tumor blocks the bile duct
    • Unintentional or significant weight loss
    • Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating or swelling of abdomen)
    • Unexplained fatigue
    • Sudden onset diabetes (rare)

    Causes & Risk Factors

    There is no single cause of pancreatic cancer, and researchers aren’t sure exactly what causes it. Scientists believe that DNA damage, or mutation, is the root cause of the cancer. Mutations can occur because of inherited genes, because of harmful behaviors or they may happen by chance.

    People can control some risk factors for pancreatic cancer, such as lifestyle and smoking. Others such as age, race, gender and genetics can’t be controlled.

    Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include:

    • Age – Anyone can get pancreatic cancer, but 90 percent of people who get this cancer are older than 55.
    • Diabetes – People with diabetes have an increased risk for pancreatic cancer, especially if they have had it for a long time.
    • Family history – Pancreatic cancer can be hereditary and run in families. People with 2 or more immediate family members (siblings, children or parents) or 3 or more family members with pancreatic cancer have an increased risk, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
    • Gender – Pancreatic cancer is slightly more likely in men than women.
    • Obesity – Overweight or obese people have a higher risk of a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.
    • Diet and alcohol use – A high-fat diet and heavy alcohol use increase the risk for pancreatic cancer.
    • Race and ethnicity – Black people and people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage are also more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.
    • Smoking – Pancreatic cancer is 2 to 3 times more likely to develop in people who smoke.

    Medications and Pancreatic Cancer Risk

    Some studies show certain prescription medications may increase or decrease pancreatic cancer risk, including diabetes drugs such as metformin, blood pressure drugs called short-acting calcium channel blockers and the weight loss drug Belviq (lorcaserin).

    One 2012 study by Michael Bodmer and colleagues in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found metformin use was associated with a decreased pancreatic cancer risk in women, but insulin and sulfonylureas were linked to an increased risk.

    A 2018 study by Zhensheng Wang and colleagues found short acting calcium channel blockers increased the risk of pancreatic cancer in post-menopausal women.

    In February 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requested Belviq be withdrawn from the U.S. market because clinical trial data showed more patients taking lorcaserin were diagnosed with pancreatic, colorectal and lung cancer.

    Keep in mind that these findings don’t necessarily mean you will get cancer if you take these drugs. If you are concerned, talk to your medical provider about all medications, supplements and vitamins you take.

    Belviq & Pancreatic Cancer

    Belviq was withdrawn from the U.S. market after the FDA found an increased risk of cancers, including pancreatic cancer. Read more about the side effects of Belviq.

    spiritual healing pancreatic cancer

    The pancreas is a gland that secretes enzymes that help digest food. Pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor of the pancreas. It can affect both men and women, with the risk increasing with age.

    The pancreas is located behind the stomach and next to the backbone and small intestine. The pancreas has two parts: an endocrine part that produces hormones, and an exocrine part that produces digestive juices for the stomach and small intestine. The pancreas also makes insulin, which helps your body use sugar for energy.

    Pancreatic cancer starts in cells called exocrine cells, which make digestive juices for the stomach and small intestine. These cells grow uncontrollably and spread into nearby tissues and organs such as the liver, spleen, bile ducts, gall bladder and lungs.

    Signs and symptoms may include pain in your abdomen (belly), weight loss despite eating well or feeling full quickly when you eat too much at one time; jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes), pale stools (bowel movements), dark urine (peeing); jaundice; abdominal swelling or fluid buildup; yellowish skin discoloration on your face or neck; blood in your stool or vomit;

    Diagnosis & Prognosis

    Pancreatic cancer is diagnosed using a physical examination, lab tests and imaging tests. Some of these tests will also be used to see how far the cancer has spread. This is called cancer staging.

    Tests for pancreatic cancer include: UltrasoundUltrasounds use sound waves to form pictures of the pancreas. An endoscopic ultrasound uses a thin, flexible device called an endoscope to look inside the digestive tract and looks for tumors. This technique is useful for diagnosing pancreatic cancer. BiopsyA biopsy is a procedure where doctors take a small piece of the tumor or cells from bile or pancreatic ducts to examine in a lab. Blood testsExamining blood for high or low levels of certain substances, such as tumor markers, can indicate disease. CA 19-9 and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) are tumor markers for pancreatic cancer. CT scan (CAT scan)CT scans use radiation to take detailed pictures of the pancreas and can show if cancer has spread to nearby organs. CT scans are better for looking at the pancreas than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)During ERCP, doctors pass a thin, lighted tube called an endoscope through the mouth and inject a special x-ray dye into the pancreatic ducts. X-rays can check for tumors or blockages. Doctors may also take biopsy samples during ERCP. PET scan (positron emission tomography scan)PET scans use a special form of radioactive glucose (sugar) injected into the vein to find malignant tumor cells. Tumor cells use more glucose than normal cells, and they will show up brighter when scanned. It’s useful for seeing how far cancer has spread. Physical exam and medical historyYour medical provider will check for any unusual lumps or other signs of disease. They will also ask you about your medical and family history.

    Prognosis and Survival Rates

    The stage of the cancer determines the prognosis, or how serious the cancer is and the chances of survival. Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive cancer, and its survival rate is lower than most cancers.

    The most popular way of measuring survival is the five-year survival rate from the National Cancer Institute. This rate shows how likely it is that people with a certain stage of pancreatic cancer will live five years after diagnosis.


    The overall five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 10 percent.

    Source: American Cancer Society

    Five-year survival rates based on cancer spread are:

    • Overall average survival rate – 10 percent
    • Cancer that hasn’t spread outside the pancreas (localized) – 39 percent
    • Cancer that has spread to nearby tissues and organs (regional) – 13 percent
    • Cancer that has spread to far away organs or tissues – 3 percent

    Pancreatic Cancer Types

    Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer

    About 95 percent of pancreatic cancers are exocrine cancers that form in the exocrine cells and ducts in the pancreas.


    Adenocarcinoma, a type of exocrine cancer, is the most common type of pancreatic cancer and it makes up about 90 percent of all diagnoses. These cancerous cells occur in the lining of pancreatic ducts. Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss and nausea. Some patients may have joint pain and skin rashes.

    Adenosquamous Carcinoma

    This type of cancer makes up one to four percent of exocrine cancers. It’s a more aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis.

    Colloid Carcinoma

    Colloid carcinomas make up about one to three percent of exocrine pancreatic cancers. These tumors start as a benign cyst. It’s easier to treat and doesn’t tend to spread.

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    This type of cancer is very rare and forms in the pancreatic ducts. These tumors are made up of squamous cells that aren’t usually found in the pancreas. Most of the time doctors don’t discover this cancer until it has already spread.

    Neuroendocrine Pancreatic Cancer

    This type of pancreatic cancer makes up less than five percent of all pancreatic cancers. It forms in the endocrine gland of the pancreas responsible for regulating blood sugar.

    Pancreatic Cancer Stages

    Pancreatic cancer staging described how far the cancer has spread from the original tumor site.

    According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, doctors most commonly classify pancreatic tumors using four categories: resectable, borderline resectable, locally advanced and metastatic.

    These categories help doctors determine a treatment plan. ResectableResectable cancers have not spread outside the pancreas. Doctors can remove these tumors. Only about 10 to 15 percent of patients are diagnosed at this stage. Borderline ResectableBorderline resectable tumors are not impossible to remove, but they are difficult. Doctors will often try chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumor before surgery. Sometimes cancer cells may be left behind. Locally AdvancedLocally advanced cancer has spread to areas around the pancreas and cannot be surgically removed because it has grown into nearby organs or other structures. But it hasn’t spread to distant parts of the body such as the lungs or bones. Up to 40 percent of patients are diagnosed with this stage. MetastaticThe tumor has spread beyond the area of the pancreas and to other organs, such as the liver, lungs, or distant parts of the abdomen. Up to 55 percent of patients are diagnosed with this stage


    Some people can survive pancreatic cancer with treatment, but on average only one in 100 people survive five years after diagnosis.

    Early stage cancer that doctors can completely remove with surgery has the best prognosis. Later stage pancreatic cancer treatments can help delay tumor growth and help patients live longer.

    “We need both better screening and better treatments. It’s not either/or. Even if we have great screening tools, we will also need effective therapies.”Dr. Marina Pasca di Magliano associate professor of surgery at University of Michigan

    Source: University of Michigan


    Most pancreatic cancers have spread by the time doctors diagnose them, and only about 20 percent of people can have surgery. To shrink tumors, doctors may recommend chemotherapy and radiation before surgery.

    Depending on the location of the tumor, doctors will remove parts of the pancreas, all of the pancreas or the whole pancreas and parts of surrounding organs.

    Radiation Therapy

    Radiation uses high-energy particles or x-rays to destroy cancer cells. The type of radiation therapy most used on pancreatic cancer is called external-beam radiation therapy.

    The standard regimen consists of daily, low dose treatments for about five to six weeks. Patients may receive shorter, high-dose treatments — called stereotactic body radiation (SBRT) or cyberknife — for as few as five days.


    Chemotherapy uses intravenous or oral drugs to kill cancer cells. It’s given in cycles with a rest period in between. Patients may use one drug or a combination of drugs.

    FDA-approved chemotherapy drugs for pancreatic cancer include: Xeloda (capecitabine), Eloxatin (oxaliplatin), Gemzar (gemcitabine) and Abraxane (nab-palitaxel).

    Targeted Therapy

    Targeted therapy targets specific genes, proteins or the tissue environment related to cancer growth. It limits damage to healthy cells and blocks the growth of cancer. Doctors use these treatments in combination with chemotherapy.

    Targeted therapy drugs FDA-approved for pancreatic cancer include: Viktravi (larotrectinib), Lynparza (olaparib) and Tarceva (erlotinib).


    Immunotherapy, or biologic therapy, boosts the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Anti-PD-1 immunotherapy drugs such as Keytruda (pembrolizumab) may be used to treat certain types of pancreatic cancers.



    Cigarette smoking causes about 25 percent of all pancreatic cancers. The risk goes down once a person quits

    Source: American Cancer Society

    Because pancreatic cancer is so deadly, prevention is important. Even if there is no sure way to prevent pancreatic cancer, people can lower their risk by making lifestyle changes.

    Tips to prevent pancreatic cancer include:

    • Quit smoking or don’t start smoking
    • Maintain a healthy weight through a healthy diet and exercise
    • Avoid drinking alcohol
    • Stay away from chemicals on the job

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