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Spiritual Meaning Of Ear Infection

    There are 2 things that are important: spiritual meaning of ear infection, and spirituality of ear infection. Most people eventually don’t see the difference. Most people fail to see the difference between these 2 aspects of ear infection. If a person doesn’t see the difference, he fails to understand the full picture of ear infection.

    The spiritual meaning of ear infection is an indication of an imbalance in the system of a person. It can also have a bearing on the type of overall health and personality of an individual. The outer sign of an ear infection is well evident, but the inner meaning behind it varies from person to person depending on the unique make up.

    Spiritual Meaning Of Ear Infection

    The spiritual meaning of an ear infection is that you have been given a gift. This gift is one of patience and understanding, which will help you to better connect with the people around you. You need to be patient and wait for the right time to use this gift.

    You may be feeling lost in your life right now, but you are on the right path. Your inner voice will guide you in the right direction if you listen carefully and follow its advice.

    This is a great opportunity for growth and development, so take advantage of it!

    Ear infections are defined as a bacterial or viral infection of the ear. The most common symptoms of an ear infection include a blocked feeling in the ear, pain in the ear, fever and chills, and discomfort when swallowing. Ear infections can affect both children and adults, but they are most common in children ages 2 to 6 years old.

    The spiritual meaning of an ear infection is that you may be not hearing the voice of God clearly because your ears are blocked with what others say about you. You may also be feeling isolated from others because you’re not listening to their words as well as God’s.

    You’ve probably heard the saying that when your ears are burning, it means someone is talking about you.

    The idiom dates all the way back to first-century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder’s 37-volume encyclopedia “Naturalis Historia,” which mentions that it is “universally received that absent persons have warning that others are speaking of them, by the tingling of the ears.”

    Of course, sometimes there are some reasonable physical explanations for why ears burn. But when it seems the symptom just cannot be explained, there are spiritual meanings behind burning ears that you can turn to.

    Some physical causes of burning ears include:

    1. An overactive brain.

    If you’re an over-thinker, you may notice that your ears tend to burn. There’s a reason for this! It’s actually been scientifically proven that high levels of brain activity increase blood flow to the carotid artery, which is located on the side of the neck and causes your ear to burn.

    Here’s a fun hint: whichever ear is burning will give away which side of your brain you’re using more!

    2. Sunburn.

    If it’s your outer ear that’s burning, take a look in the mirror to see if it’s red. The skin that covers your ears can burn just like the skin anywhere else on your body.

    If the sunburn is accompanied by a fever, weakness or faintness, or low blood pressure, see a doctor immediately.

    3. An ear infection.

    Ear infections can cause ringing or burning ears. Caused by a virus or bacteria in the middle ear, symptoms of ear infections can vary but often include ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and drainage from the ear canal along with a burning sensation in your ear.

    4. Emotions.

    Sometimes, strong emotions like embarrassment and anger can cause your ears to burn. Called cutaneous flushing, this reaction is caused by increased blood flow to the blood vessels.

    If this is the case, your burning ears will probably be accompanied by flushed cheeks and a rise in your body temperature.

    5. Temperature.

    Just as a rise in body temperature can cause your blood vessels to enlarge, exposure to cold temperatures can cause blood vessels to constrict.

    Your ears are full of nerve endings, so “very cold air can be super irritating to them,” Jason Abramowitz, MD, at New York and New Jersey’s ENT and Allergy Associates, explains to Well+Good. This includes your eardrums, which can lead to burning both inside and outside of the ears.

    6. Red ear syndrome.

    An extremely rare disorder, red ear syndrome (RES) causes a burning sensation and redness of the outer ear that lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours.

    If you have recurring and unexplained burning in your ears, be sure to contact your doctor.

    There are also spiritual meanings behind burning ears.

    1. Someone is talking about you.

    This superstition has been passed down for ages. According to the prevailing belief, if your right ear is burning it means someone is talking good about you. On the other hand, if there’s a burning sensation in your left ear, it means someone is speaking ill of or gossiping about you.

    Some people also believe that if your right ear is burning it means a woman is speaking highly of you while if it’s your left ear burning it’s a man that’s speaking highly of you.

    2. Good luck is on the way.

    One superstitious belief about burning ears is that if your left ear burns at night, it brings good fortune in the coming days.

    3. Your spirit guides are sending you a message.

    Spirit guides send spiritual messages in various ways, such as through vivid dreams and heightened senses. If your ears are burning, it may be your spirit guides trying to make you aware that a message is on its way.

    4. News is on the way.

    One superstition goes that a burning right ear is a sign that good news is coming. However, if it’s your left ear hot, prepare yourself to receive bad news.

    5. A right ear burning is a sign of love.

    Some people believe that when your right ear starts burning, it means someone you love is close by.

    Spiritual Meaning Of Cold Ears

    You’ve probably heard the saying that when your ears are burning, it means someone is talking about you.

    The idiom dates all the way back to first-century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder’s 37-volume encyclopedia “Naturalis Historia,” which mentions that it is “universally received that absent persons have warning that others are speaking of them, by the tingling of the ears.”

    Of course, sometimes there are some reasonable physical explanations for why ears burn. But when it seems the symptom just cannot be explained, there are spiritual meanings behind burning ears that you can turn to.

    If you’re an over-thinker, you may notice that your ears tend to burn. There’s a reason for this! It’s actually been scientifically proven that high levels of brain activity increase blood flow to the carotid artery, which is located on the side of the neck and causes your ear to burn.

    Here’s a fun hint: whichever ear is burning will give away which side of your brain you’re using more!
    If it’s your outer ear that’s burning, take a look in the mirror to see if it’s red. The skin that covers your ears can burn just like the skin anywhere else on your body.

    If the sunburn is accompanied by a fever, weakness or faintness, or low blood pressure, see a doctor immediately.
    Ear infections can cause ringing or burning ears. Caused by a virus or bacteria in the middle ear, symptoms of ear infections can vary but often include ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and drainage from the ear canal along with a burning sensation in your ear.

    Sometimes, strong emotions like embarrassment and anger can cause your ears to burn. Called cutaneous flushing, this reaction is caused by increased blood flow to the blood vessels.
    If this is the case, your burning ears will probably be accompanied by flushed cheeks and a rise in your body temperature.
    Just as a rise in body temperature can cause your blood vessels to enlarge, exposure to cold temperatures can cause blood vessels to constrict.

    Your ears are full of nerve endings, so “very cold air can be super irritating to them,” Jason Abramowitz, MD, at New York and New Jersey’s ENT and Allergy Associates, explains to Well+Good. This includes your eardrums, which can lead to burning both inside and outside of the ears.

    An extremely rare disorder, red ear syndrome (RES) causes a burning sensation and redness of the outer ear that lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours.

    If you have recurring and unexplained burning in your ears, be sure to contact your doctor.

    This superstition has been passed down for ages. According to the prevailing belief, if your right ear is burning it means someone is talking good about you. On the other hand, if there’s a burning sensation in your left ear, it means someone is speaking ill of or gossiping about you.

    Some people also believe that if your right ear is burning it means a woman is speaking highly of you while if it’s your left ear burning it’s a man that’s speaking highly of you.

    One superstitious belief about burning ears is that if your left ear burns at night, it brings good fortune in the coming days.
    3. Your spirit guides are sending you a message.

    Spirit guides send spiritual messages in various ways, such as through vivid dreams and heightened senses. If your ears are burning, it may be your spirit guides trying to make you aware that a message is on its way.

    One superstition goes that a burning right ear is a sign that good news is coming. However, if it’s your left ear hot, prepare yourself to receive bad news.

    Some people believe that when your right ear starts burning, it means someone you love is close by.

    Emotional Cause Of Ear Infections

    Many of you have heard me say that the body keeps communicating with us whether we listen or not.  Each physical ailment is our body’s attempt to communicate something important to us and there is usually an emotional link. I thought it might interest you to know some of the emotional causes behind ear infections, the flu and skin conditions – seeing as how I have covered the physical ins and outs of these ailments in prior posts.

    Ear problems, in general, represent the following –

    Right ear: Challenges in the right ear represent the thought process: “I don’t want to hear it!” A child is extra sensitive to what others are saying to them or around them.  They may even be fearful of what they are hearing around them.  Or they are shutting out criticism or conflict around them.

    Left ear: Challenges in the left ear represent the thought process: “I don’t want to listen to myself” A child is extra sensitive, fearful or not wanting to hear their inner voice or thought process.  Or they are avoiding internal criticism or conflict.

    The Flu or Influenza, represents the following –

    When an adult or child contracts the flu, they feel overwhelmed by negative forces or beliefs and feel weak and helpless i.e. “at their mercy”.  There is a fear that the worst is going to happen to them and as a result, are afraid of taking life in fully.  They may feel unsupported or unprotected and may be undergoing great change at this time in their life.

    Skin problems, represents the following –

    “I hope I pass the audition.”  They have intense concerns about how they think others see them and often have deep insecurities and fears.  They might be letting things or others “get under their skin.”  They have a strong desire for affection but are fearful of being hurt if they search for affection and do not receive it.

    I feel that these descriptions will help you gain further insight into why you or your child experiences any of these health challenges.  And, if you are a parent, the more insight you gain into how your child’s mind works, the better able you will be at guiding your child towards a healthier and happier adulthood.

    Just to give you an example of how I accomplished this within my own family, let me share with you what happened with my daughter, Paige, in December.  So, Paige is 9 years old.  She had never had an ear infection in her life but her older sister had experienced a few over the years.  I have always treated the infections in the way I shared with you in my earlier post, and they would invariably disappear within 24 hours. Well, this was not the case with Paige – let me tell you!

    The pain subsided for Paige but then, unbeknownst to me, she went into the washroom and used about 6 Q-tips to clear the wax from her right ear.  Surprise, surprise, her ear started to hurt again and it remained that way, despite the natural remedies that I continually administered.  Two full days later, she seemed no better.  I called our local health store to see if there was a remedy that I had not thought of giving her.  They told me to take her to the doctor to obtain a diagnosis.  This is not something that I readily do anymore due to past experiences, which some of you may recall.

    After more time passed, I decided to take her to the doctor for a diagnosis and didn’t he puncture her eardrum with the scope!  And then he told me that he couldn’t see anything in her ear but proceeded to prescribe antibiotics.  As soon as we were out of the doctor’s office, Paige collapsed in excruciating pain and could not even bear to open her eyes as the light bothered her to such a degree.  I got her home and looked in her ear and it was literally filling up with blood – the level of blood just kept getting higher and higher.  That night was literally one big nightmare for her. The next day, I took Paige to a hands-on healer who made Paige more comfortable and she slept much of the next couple of days but every once in a while, she would awake in considerable pain.  It was one high dose of homeopathy that got her on her way to healing.  It took 4 weeks for her eardrum to stop leaking fluid and to heal fully (the books warned that it would take 4-6 weeks to heal).

    In the many days that she was at home with me, I read my usual flurry of books in order to obtain the answers to what was going on with Paige.  Just prior to her ear hurting, she had eaten well and had not consumed dairy or wheat (the two biggest dietary culprits for ear infections).  She had, however, complained for a number of nights about how much the things that the children at school were saying, were bothering her.  As I read about the emotional connection to the right ear, her words came flooding back into my mind.  It was time for us to have a discussion.

    I explained to Paige what causes infections in the right ear, from an emotional perspective.  I asked her if she remembered being extra bothered by those around her, before this happened.  She admitted that she remembered.  I asked her if what she heard others say had seemed unwise to her.  And she was happy to embellish her response to that question.  I told her that she had let others’ words literally hurt her ear, showing her the books that explained this in greater detail to her.  After further discussion, we role-played.  I pretended to be one of the children in her class, teasing her.  Her job was to say to herself, “He does not know me.  He does not know my life or what I have been through.  He knows not what he says.”  Paige did an excellent job of understanding the concept and role-playing.  A few days later, when she was back at school, Paige put her new learning to use.  A girl teased her.  This time, her mind’s response was “You do not know me or what I have been through.”  Paige let the girl’s words roll off her back. Paige’s horrible ear infection allowed her to learn a valuable life lesson. And if it had not gone on for the length of time it did, I would not have been able to teach her that lesson.  Paige went on to become the happiest I have ever seen her and remains that way two months later.  Apparently, others’ words had been bothering her for a lot longer than I knew!

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