The spiritual meaning of a pig represents the energy of materialism. Pigs can be seen as greedy, but this is often because they know how to get their way. Pigs are also the animals most prone to littering and other forms of pollution in their quest for food, be that garbage or otherwise. Despite these unfortunate tendencies and the bad rap pigs get for being lazy, the fact is that many pigs are hard workers — especially when it comes to cleaning up after themselves. The Chinese Zodiac sign pig is a great example of this hard work mentality; they are always on time and very responsible.
Believe it or not, the origin of the pig is unknown. Many religious people believe that a pig represents greed and evilness, but this doesn’t seem to match up with a Biblical quote which reads “Four things on earth are small, but they are exceedingly wise: Ants are creatures with little intelligence, yet they store up their food in the summer.” And don’t forget that Jesus Himself is said to have eaten pork.
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Pigs are a symbol of greed, gluttony, and sloth. They will eat anything that they can find, including garbage and waste. Pigs are also considered to be unclean animals.
The pig is a traditional symbol of fertility in many cultures throughout history, including ancient Egypt and Greece. The Greeks believed that pigs were sacred to Demeter (the goddess of the harvest).
Pigs are symbols of fertility, abundance, and prosperity.
In ancient Egypt, pigs were sacrificed to ensure a bountiful harvest. In China and Japan, pigs are auspicious animals—they symbolize wealth and good luck.
The pig is also associated with fertility in many cultures. According to Roman mythology, the goddess Venus turned herself into a sow so she could hide from her husband Vulcan while she was pregnant with Mars (the god of war). The Jews used to sacrifice pigs annually during the Feast of the Tabernacles because they believed the animal had divine blood flowing through its veins. The Greeks made offerings to their gods by sacrificing pigs because they thought the animals were sacred to Demeter (goddess of agriculture).
In Christianity, Jesus’ birth was foretold by an angel who said that a “young woman” would give birth to him in Bethlehem (Matthew 1:20). This young woman was Mary Magdalene who had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). She was considered unclean during her pregnancy because she had just given birth to John the Baptist (who was also considered unclean since he too
spiritual meaning of a pig
Power Animal, can help! Pig teaches you how to find the gems buried in mucky situations while maintaining a playful spirit! Delve deeply in Pig symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, assist, and inspire you.
Pig Symbolism & Meaning
While Pigs have somewhat ambivalent symbolism in modern culture, as a “Pig” reference is often used derogatorily, the ancients saw Pigs in a much different light. Ever wonder why people used Piggy banks for savings? Because the Pig represents abundance, wealth, strength, and never wanting for everyday needs.
Pig symbolism ties closely with that of Boars. Wild Boars are ferocious and tenacious when hunting. Here, Wild Boar is an excellent Animal Spirit Guide to call on when you have elusive goals or want to stop procrastinating. Wild Boar Energy can help you hunt down and catch whatever is most important to you.
Pigs are considered the smartest barnyard Animal. They can be trained with ease, and often faster, than Dogs. Because few people get to spend any time with these amazing creatures, they underestimate Pig’s intelligence. Also, remember, Pig does not care what others think. The creature doesn’t worry about who sees how smart they are or whether anyone acknowledges its intelligence. Pig just keeps plowing forward, living life, and enjoys all its simplicities.
Because Pig’s ego does not yearn to be in the limelight, it accomplishes its goals under the very noses of those who cannot see this beautiful soul. Likewise, sometimes, staying out of the line of sight can help you win the day. Sometimes, it’s way better if others do not know your motivations or ever see you coming.
Pig on the Earth plane and in Spirit Realms depend heavily on their sense of smell. Pigs know full well how to survive even amid a changing world and seasons. The creature can guide you through difficult transformations and renew your zeal. If you’re working with Pig and sense a foul wind, take heed. Similarly, when the winds are fair, step forward with confidence and find whatever you need to nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
Not everyone understands Pigs. On the Buddhist Wheel of Existence, a Black Pig represents one of life’s three poisons: greed, ill will, and delusion. Unfortunately, several religions label the Pig as unclean. Because of these ancient ways of thinking, Pigs can symbolize knowing your worth even when others do not respect you.
Pig Spirit Animal
If you discover Pig as your Spirit Animal, it may mean that your life is about to flourish, and while this can mean financial prosperity, it doesn’t always have to be the case. The Pig Spirit has ties to the Earth Element and Mother Gaia, so perhaps your garden will grow prolifically, or may you suddenly start making several new networking leads. As this Spirit Animal’s gifts manifest, show gratitude. It is not the time to become selfish or give into excess. Pig says, “You are secure, so share the wealth!”
The Pig Spirit Animal also symbolizes your ability to stand on your own two feet, weather the storm, and come out even better than before. Pig does not allow for self-righteousness, instead calling for a quiet self-awareness for tapping into your ingenuity so you can turn on a dime without falling over.
When Pig roots around in your soul, it can be a sign that now is the time to move ahead! Pigs never root while moving backward, only forward. They have a nose for opportunity. Make the most of the landscape in front of you. If it is not yielding the nourishment you desire, then move on to find another patch of ground to explore.
Pig Totem Animal
If Pig is your Totem Animal, you’re a person for whom creating your reality comes easily. In Greek myth, Demeter, an Earth Goddess who also holds dominion over fruitfulness, has a Pig companion. The Pig Totem also brings good luck, particularly with money. Some gamblers carry Pig figurines as an amulet with the energetic influences of luck and abundance in mind.
Pigs represent fertility, which can mean giving birth to children, a business, a movement, or a career. If your Totem Animal is Pig, you’re resourceful, honorable, and compassionate. Pig People are without pretense—as are almost all Animals. They use their Throat Chakra and let you know how they feel. With Pig as your Totem Animal, your voice will always be distinctive and clear.
Pig Power Animal
Invoke Pig as a Power Animal when you want to connect with Earth Magic on a deep level. Pig gives you the stability and grounding to have confidence in times of trouble. When you find yourself in a forest of options, turn to Pig to guide you in the best direction. Invoking Pig Energy as your Power Animal also gives you fierce courage. Pigs are weather harbingers too, so calling on the Animal during life’s storms may improve your standing.
As a Power Animal, Pigs are among the most compassionate, sensitive creatures. Many Pigs are pink, which is the color of unconditional love and compassion. Other Pigs are black and white, with both colors representing Yin and Yang’s symbol, balance, and peace. When your nostrils flare, call on Pig Energy to help you calm down. Ask Pig to guide you away from conflict.
Pigs know the wisdom of getting back to nature. So don’t wallow in self-pity or anger. Let Mother Earth remove the toxins in your life stemming from irksome persons and situations. Eventually, you’ll be smiling and happier than the figurative Pig in the mud.
Native American Pig Symbolic Meanings
A theme of abundance continues with Pig in Native American symbolism. The Native Americans celebrated Pig Spirit as a Teacher: A creature offering lessons on companionship’s joys. Pig, as an Animal Spirit, provides you with the gifts of reason, thoughtfulness, fairness, attentiveness, and security. However, depending on how and when the Pig appears in one’s life or one’s Shamanic Journey, the Animal can also represent a caution against greed, gluttony, and egocentricity.
Spiritual Meaning of Pig in Bible
Pigs in your dreams represent several aspects of your life. Four topics will be covered in this article: spiritual combat, spiritual growth, feeling undeserving, and the necessity for prudence.
Pigs stand for feeling undeserving.
Do you think that you are undeserving of a relationship with God or other people? Or do you worry that you won’t measure up at work or church?
Seeing filthy or unclean pigs in a dream can represent emotional issues leading to a low sense of self-worth. God essentially wants you healed so you can be a self-assured son or daughter who doesn’t live like an orphan.
Do you sense being judged?
Do wrongdoing and unbelieving thinking make you feel unworthy? That is not acceptable. Conviction and censure are not synonymous. Conviction and condemnation are not the same. You can feel remorse for sin, but you shouldn’t feel dirty or believe God loves you less because of it. Jesus didn’t die for you to have painful flashbacks and burdensome shame. (1 John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 7:10)
God has ultimate authority to make unclean things pure by the finished work of Jesus Christ. There is NO sin that can’t be cleansed by Jesus’ blood.
Under Old Testament law, pigs were unclean animals that were unworthy of being eaten or sacrificed to God. (Leviticus 11:7; Isaiah 66:3) Then, in Acts 10:9-16, Peter received a vision indicating that all unclean animals are now clean. The unclean animals represented non-Jews, pagans, or Gentiles which didn’t know God and were living in sin.
Through the vision, God made it clear that sinners were deserving of Christ’s purifying blood. Fortunately, Christ’s death made unclean and imperfect humans become clean and receive salvation.
God said to Peter: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” (Acts 10:9-21)
Also, the prodigal son left home, spent his inheritance on prostitutes and ended up in poverty. To support himself, he got a job taking care of pigs which was a degrading and low paying position. Unfortunately, his rebellion and love for the pleasures of the world made him financially and spiritually poor.
He eventually realizes that his father is forgiving and he can return to his wealth and goodness. This biblical story is a reminder that God has open arms for back-sliders. He saves us from filth and then gifts us with purity, favor, and blessings. (Luke 15:15-31)
A Pig Being Cleansed Means Purification
Essentially, seeing a pig that needs cleansing or is being cleansed in a dream represents purification in your life. Remember, accepting Jesus’ finished work on the cross makes us clean: “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirt.” (Titus 3:1-11)
Pig as a Celtic Animal Symbol
In Celtic tradition, the Pig and Boar both symbolize bravery, riches, and fertility. Many of the stories of Pig in Celtic tales give great power to the Boar’s bristles. Even King Arthur fought a boar with silver and gold bristles, colors usually associated with royalty. The symbolic value of the bristles equates to great power.
Metaphysically, the Celtic system aligns the Pig and Boar with the Fire Element. The elemental correspondence then ties Pig to the Cardinal Direction of South and its energetic influence. Celts also suggested ties between the Boar, bravery, and heroism.
Pig Dreams
In reviewing dream interpretations about Pigs, it’s impossible to separate Pigs from Hogs and Boars. One thing to remember about dreaming is that sometimes an image refers to a play on words. So, the Boar mean something in your waking life is boring you, or you may perceive others as a bore. The word Hog might reference someone monopolizing your time, or it can even refer to a motorcycle: The key here is to figure out what resonates with you.
If the Pig you see in your dreams is clean, the imagery foretells of abundance. Piglets predict children or the birth of a pet project. Pigs in mud may represent a muddy situation from which you need to remove yourself. Or perhaps you or someone you know is lingering in the mire of selfishness.
Pig in Astrology & Zodiac Signs
In the Chinese Zodiac, people born under the sign of Pig or Boar are the world’s humanitarians. Pig People will likely always be involved in a charity or helping to make the world a better place in some form or fashion. The Chinese Pig Person has a heart of pure platinum. They love unconditionally, through good times and bad.
Also, in the Chinese Zodiac, The Year of the Pig or Boar is a year of completion. It’s the time to conclude to those relationships, decisions, and circumstances which need closure. The Year of the Pig brings good luck and fertility.
Far Eastern Pig Symbolic Meanings
In the Far East, Pigs symbolize abundance, happiness, and high intelligence. In Japan, Pigs or Boars symbolizes restlessness and ferocity. They can also serve as symbols of fertility and prosperity.
Pig Symbolic Meanings Key
- Abundance
- Good Luck
- Fertility
- Forward Movement
- Forward Thinking
- Sincerity
- Determination
- Agriculture
- Greed
- Materialism