Mortar and pestle is used in several capacities all over the world. But little do we know about the spiritual meaning of mortar and pestle that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries now. Mortar, Pestle, and Medicine are words derived from the same Latin root word: mortarium. It means little death. The mortar is a bowl like container or vessel which is used to grind medication. The pestle is a wooden pounding tool used to crush or grind medications into a powder.
The mortar and pestle is a witch’s tool representing the unification of the male and the female; the phallic symbol of the pestle and the womb symbol of the mortar. Perceiving the tool as the mundane aspect of male and female, as well as the divine God and Goddess, is a powerful aid in our magickal workings
According to Chinese Physical Culture, the mortar and pestle were used not only to grind herbs and chemicals, but also meant to be used by spiritual seekers as a conduit for psychic knowledge. For example, the story of Sun Ce, grandson of Sun Tzu, who became skilled in military strategy at the early age of 16 was recorded in historical books. In order to achieve his success, legend says that he prayed in the back garden with a bowl of water and a mortar and pestle. Learn about; Washing mortar in the dream, Mortar and pestle in the bible.

What Does Mortar Mean in the Bible?
In the Bible, mortar holds symbolic meaning and is often associated with construction and building. It represents the building blocks of faith and the foundation upon which spiritual growth can occur. In Exodus 1:14, the Israelites are described as making mortar for the bricks while they were enslaved in Egypt. This biblical reference reflects the idea that mortar is needed to build and create something greater, even in times of hardship and struggle.
Moreover, mortar is mentioned in the context of building the temple in the Old Testament. In 1 Kings 5:17, Solomon ordered large stones and expensive cedar to be used for the foundation, while the skilled workers prepared the mortar. This highlights the importance of mortar in constructing a place of worship, emphasizing the significance of having a strong spiritual foundation.
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a building to describe the spiritual growth of believers. In Ephesians 2:19-22, he states that believers are like living stones being built into a spiritual house, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone. Just as mortar holds the stones together in a physical structure, the Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in connecting and uniting believers spiritually.
Therefore, the spiritual meaning of mortar in the Bible is closely tied to the idea of building and strengthening one’s faith, creating a solid foundation for spiritual growth and transformation.
Spiritual Meaning of Mortar and Pestle in the Bible
Mortar and pestle hold spiritual symbolism in the Bible, representing the process of transformation and growth. In the Old Testament, mortar and pestle were used for grinding and preparing ingredients, such as spices and grains, for various purposes. This act of grinding symbolizes the breaking down of old patterns, beliefs, and ways of living in order to create something new and meaningful.
One significant biblical mention of a mortar and pestle can be found in Exodus 30:34-38, where God instructed Moses to make a sacred anointing oil. The oil was made by grinding several ingredients, including myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, and olive oil, with a pestle in a mortar. This anointing oil was used to consecrate the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, and other sacred objects. The use of the mortar and pestle in this context emphasizes the importance of preparing and consecrating oneself for divine purposes.
Furthermore, the mortar and pestle symbolize the necessity of breaking down barriers and limitations to access higher spiritual realms. Just as grinding ingredients into a fine powder allows for better integration and distribution of flavors, the spiritual process of grinding helps to refine and purify oneself, enabling a deeper connection with the divine.
The mortar and pestle can also be seen as a representation of the partnership between God and humanity in the process of creation and transformation. While God provides the divine guidance and inspiration, humans must actively participate by engaging in self-reflection, inner work, and spiritual practices to grind and transform their own lives.
Spiritual Meaning of Mortar and Pestle in Dreams
Dreaming about a mortar and pestle holds profound spiritual meaning. In a dream, the mortar and pestle can symbolize the process of inner alchemy, where one’s thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are ground and transformed into a more refined and enlightened state. Just as ingredients are pounded and blended in a mortar and pestle, the dream signifies the need to integrate different aspects of oneself to achieve balance and wholeness.
Carrying a mortar in a dream signifies the burden of self-reflection and inner work that one must carry on their spiritual journey. It represents the need to persevere and be diligent in the process of transformation, even when it feels heavy and challenging. The dream serves as a reminder to stay committed to one’s spiritual growth and to keep grinding away at the inner obstacles and limitations.
Pounding in a dream holds deep spiritual significance. It represents the breaking down of old patterns and limited ways of thinking and being. The act of pounding signifies the need to release negative emotions, destructive behaviors, and limiting beliefs, allowing space for new insights and growth. The dream encourages one to be courageous and relentless in breaking down the barriers that hinder spiritual progress.
In Islamic dream interpretation, the mortar and pestle have spiritual connotations as well. Carrying a mortar in a dream signifies the need to seek knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual guidance in order to achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment. Pounding in a dream represents the purification of the heart and the refining of one’s character, leading to a deeper connection with Allah.
In summary, the spiritual meaning of mortar and pestle in dreams reflects the process of transformation, growth, and spiritual alchemy. It encourages self-reflection, breaking down old patterns, and integrating different aspects of oneself. Whether in biblical references or Islamic interpretations, the mortar and pestle serve as powerful symbols for spiritual development and connection with the divine.
Spiritual meaning of mortar and pestle in dream
A mortar and pestle in a dream symbolize a husband and wife. Without the other, neither of the two functions. They put in a lot of effort that no one else will.
The male is symbolized by the mortar, and his spouse is represented by the pestle.
You are in the wrong relationship if you dreamed about seeing a mortar. You like someone who is already taken, therefore you are torn.
Even though you believe they already know how you feel, you will be tempted to share them with them.
You’ll get the impression that they care about you, which will give you hope that you two can truly have a relationship. The best course of action will be determined following an open discussion between you both.
using a mortar to crush something
Crushing something in a mortar in a dream suggests a visit. It’s likely that a long-time acquaintance will pay you a visit. Excited, you’ll organize what to show and tell them, as well as who you’ll meet them with.
It’s possible that you were close to them as a child, but distance and time have taken their toll.
You will be reminded of your childhood during this time, so take advantage of it to spend more time with them and grow closer to them.
In a dream, an empty mortar
An empty mortar in your dream denotes indecision. It’s conceivable that you’ve received offers from several businesses and are unsure which to choose.
Although you know you don’t have the time to devote to everyone and work flawlessly as you are used to, you still don’t want to turn anyone down.
Your superiors will perceive you as immature if you don’t ultimately decide and select the greatest choice.
The meaning of a fully loaded mortar
You won’t know what to choose since there will be too many opportunities and options available to you.
Purchasing a mortar in a fantasy
Having a dream of owning a mortar indicates your readiness for novel challenges. You’ve been through a difficult time that has given you a lot of anxiety and stress.
You will embark on a new journey now that you have completed it. It is plausible that you may choose to launch your own company or relocate as a result of it.
The fear that has prevented you from taking fresh action has entirely vanished. Right now, you’re driven by excitement and eager to get to work.
Spiritual Meaning Of Mortar And Pestle
The mortar and pestle are a powerful symbol in many cultures, representing the creative force of the universe. The mortar and pestle are used to grind salt, spices, herbs, and other ingredients into a fine powder. In this form, they can be used to create medicine or magical potions.
Mortar and pestles are also used to crush various substances for use in cooking. This form of crushing is considered more gentle than using a blender or food processor because it does not heat up the material being crushed as much as other methods do.
The mortar and pestle is one of the most ancient tools in human history. It’s been around for over 6,000 years. It’s believed to have originated in Asia, where it was used for grinding grains, herbs and spices, and other materials. The mortar is a bowl-shaped container made from stone or wood, while the pestle is a stick-like implement used to crush ingredients inside the mortar.
In Buddhism, the mortar and pestle represent wisdom and compassion. This is because the act of mixing ingredients together while crushing them with the pestle represents how everything in life is connected in some way. When you mix ingredients together, they become something new and different than they were before being mixed together—this represents how we can change our lives by changing our habits and thoughts about things around us.
In Hinduism, a similar concept applies: that all things are connected through cause and effect (karma). As such, if you wish to be successful at something in life—like achieving your goals or being happy—you must do good deeds for others around you so that their good deeds will come back around to benefit you later on down the line!
What Does Mortar Mean In The Bible
To see a mortar
Dreaming of seeing a mortar is a sign that you are in love with a wrong person. You are conflicted because you like someone who is taken. You will be tempted to admit your feeling to them, even though you think they already know them. You will have a feeling that they are not indifferent toward you, which will evoke hope that relationship between you two is actually possible. You will have an open conversation, after which you will decide what the best thing to do is.
To crush something in a mortar
Dreaming of crushing something in a mortar symbolizes a visit. Someone you haven’t seen for a long time will probably visit you. You will be excited and you will plan out what to tell and show them and who to meet them with. It is possible that they are someone you were close with, in the childhood, but time and distance have done their thing. Use to following period to get closer to them and hang out with them, because it will remind you of times when you were kids.
Mortar and pestle in the bible
Mortar and pestle are used in the Bible to symbolize marriage.
In scripture, mortar is often a symbol for a husband’s love for his wife. In Song of Solomon, the male lover says that he would “dig” his beloved’s garden (1:15).
The ancient Greeks and Romans used mortar and pestle to grind spices, medicines and food. The symbols have also been used to represent Christ as the Bridegroom who loves His bride the Church.
The mortar and pestle has been used as a metaphor in literature since at least the mid-19th century.[2] In 1853, Nathaniel Hawthorne described it as “a symbolical instrument used by alchemists.”[3] In 1858, Charles Dickens wrote about it in David Copperfield: “I was not aware how my mother had educated me until I found myself turning up my nose at him as if I were some centuries older than he…”[4] By the late 19th century it became common for people to attribute all sorts of meanings to it.[5][6] A story from 1901 describes a woman named Mrs. Carmichael who told her grandchildren about her grandmother’s belief that the mortar represented her husband while the pestle represented her son.
The mortar and pestle is used in the Bible to symbolize the relationship between God and man. The mortar represents the human heart, while the pestle represents the power of God.
In Ezekiel 4:12-15, God tells Ezekiel to “take for yourself a brick and lay it before you; lay on it a design as if it were a tile” (verse 13). Then He says “lay siege against it” (verse 14). In other words, He wants Ezekiel to take out his heart (brick) and lay it before him. He then wants Ezekiel to put all of his weight behind him (siege), so that he can crush his heart into dust like a potter’s clay vessel (verse 15). This is what God does when He judges us through His Word.
Washing mortar in the dream
Mortar and pestle are used to grind or crush a variety of materials, such as coffee beans and herbs. The mortar is the bowl-shaped container in which the pestle is inserted to grind the material. The pestle is the long rod that you use to crush the material in the mortar.
Cleaning your mortar and pestle is important to ensure that they are sanitary before you use them. Even if you didn’t use your mortar and pestle for medicinal purposes, there may be residue from other things that were ground in it previously. Cleaning your mortar and pestle after each use will help prevent any buildup of bacteria or fungus on its surfaces that could cause illness when you use it again later.
An empty mortar
Dreaming of an empty mortar means that you are indecisive. It is possible that you have a few businesses offers, so now you don’t know what to pick. You don’t want to turn anyone down, but you know that you don’t have enough time to dedicate to everyone and work perfectly like you are used to. You will have to finally decide and choose the best option, or your superiors will get the feeling that you are immature.
A full mortar
You will have too many opportunities and too much options, so you will not know what to choose.
To buy a mortar
Dreaming of buying a mortar means that you are ready for new challenges. A turbulent period which has caused you many worries and troubles is behind you. Now that you are done with it, you will go on a new adventure. It is possible that you will start your own business or you will decide to change your dwelling place because of it. Fear that has stopped you from making new moves is completely gone. Excitement is leading you at the moment and you can’t wait to start working.
To sell a mortar
Dreaming of selling a mortar means that you are disappointed with a loved one. You have probably planned a future with your partner, but they said something which has made you question all of it. You have realized that you don’t want the same things and that your opinions differ completely. You will have a hard time with accepting it, but the fact that nothing more than love is tying you to each other is not enough to you. You will ask yourself if you should continue trying or to search for happiness with someone else who is more similar to you.
To bestow a mortar
Dreaming of bestowing a mortar means that you are a stubborn and difficult person. You have principles you are strictly sticking to. Important things for you are honesty, respect and justice, which people from your environment can’t understand easily. They often think that you are arrogant and that you are unapproachable. However, people who get to know you better change their opinion quickly. You don’t have a lot of people around you, but you don’t need them. No matter how lonely you are, you would never admit it to anyone.
To receive a mortar as a gift
A dream in which someone gives you a mortar means that you will meet an interesting person. You will meet at an unexpected place and you will like them after a few minutes of talking to each other. Similar interests and beliefs will motivate you to get closer to them. However, the main obstacle will be distance, because they live in a different town.
To steal a mortar
Dreaming of stealing a mortar means that you will be tricked. Someone will sell you something that doesn’t have any purpose or you will sign a contract for some service, but it will turn out that it is bad for you. Be careful while making any businesses, because every decision in the following period could cause loss.
Dreaming of other people stealing a mortar means that you will have an argument with a loved one. Different beliefs about many questions will cause an uncomfortable argument. No matter how close you are, you will realize that you just can’t talk without getting into conflict. Let time do its thing and try not to get in unnecessary arguments. You are very moody at the moment, which is not good for communication.
Dreaming of someone stealing a mortar from you means that you will hear good news. You will get an invitation for a wedding, or you will find out that your friend or an acquaintance is expecting a baby.
To break a mortar
Dreaming of breaking a mortar symbolizes a moral dilemma. It is possible that someone will offer you a job from the other side of the law. Considering that you desperately need the money, you will have a hard time with deciding what to do. On the other hand, it is possible that the dilemma is related to something you have found out about a loved one. It will torment you whether you should tell them that or stay quiet.
A metal mortar
Dreaming of a metal mortar symbolizes relief. You might be going through a tough period. You work a lot or you are worried for someone. However, in the near future things could fall into their place, which will give you an opportunity to finally take a breath.
A wooden mortar
Dreaming of a wooden mortar symbolizes good health. Someone’s heath condition was worrying you, but you will find out that the situation is not as bad as it seemed at first. Fear and panic have probably affected you. You haven’t looked at everything from the right angle. However, a more thorough checkup will solve that problem, which will bring you a lot of joy.
A ceramic mortar
Dreaming of a ceramic mortar means that you are an emotional and fragile person by nature. People close to you are scared that they could offend or hurt you with their words or actions. You have a hard time with anything that seems like a problem and you often don’t know how to handle situations you are in, especially if they are related to your loved ones. By worrying about other people, you often neglect yourself. You put your plans, obligations and goals last, in order to be around if anyone needs your help.
A stone mortar
Dreaming of a stone mortar symbolizes the need for protection. You are probably facing a problem and you can’t find a way to solve it. You will ask for help form someone you trust, which will help you find the solution. If you are currently single, this dream can symbolize the need for intimacy and affection.
A marble mortar
Dreaming of a marble mortar means that a nice wish could come true to you. Women who are planning a pregnancy could find out that their prayers are heard. On the other hand, it is possible that you will travel somewhere in the future or afford something that you have been fantasizing about for a long time.