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Spiritual Meaning of Gum Problems

    Spiritual meaning of gum problems: Gum problems can be a spiritual sign of your need to slow down and take care of yourself. When you allow yourself to take the time you need, you’ll find that it makes your life better in many ways. We will also discuss affirmations for gum disease and spiritual meaning of mouth pain.

    Gum problems can be uncomfortable and also embarrassing. Often, they occur without warning – and when they do, it may seem like a barrage of problems all at once. One problem leads to another and you end up with a host of issues that make it difficult – if not impossible – to go about your normal business. The good news is you don’t need to suffer through any more pain no matter what the cause.

    Gum disease is a common condition that can lead to major problems in your mouth. Left untreated, it can cause tooth loss and even damage other parts of the body. A lot of people just assume that gum disease is caused by lack of oral hygiene, which isn’t true. In fact, the reasons behind this condition are more complex and stem from plaque build-up along with bacteria in the mouth. Occasionally these bacteria will form a harmful biofilm that can cause multiple issues in your mouth, such as:

    More than half of men and a third of women over age 30 have some degree of gum disease. Everyone is susceptible because even healthy mouths teem with the bacteria that can cause gum disease. The bacteria, along with food residue, build up in a sticky, colorless film called plaque that can trigger inflammation and infection. Mild inflammation (gingivitis) can usually be corrected with good oral hygiene. But when plaque is not removed, the bacteria can make gums recede or pull away from the teeth, forming infected pockets that can destroy bone and tissue—a condition called periodontitis.

    Here’s what you can do about it:


    preventing gum disease

    1. Brushing

    Brushing your teeth at least twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time prevents bacteria from gaining a foothold. Brush in a circular motion, which is most efficient, advises dentist Salvador Nares, director of research and head of the periodontics department at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.

    2. Flossing

    Some research has suggested that daily flossing provides little protection against gingivitis, but dentists defend the practice, as flossing reaches plaque where brushing can’t. “Floss should form a C around the tooth so it goes down alongside the gum rather than slicing across it,” says Sally Cram, a periodontist in Washington, DC.

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    3. Regular cleaning

    Even with careful hygiene, you’ll inevitably miss some plaque, leaving it to harden into tartar (or calculus), a tough, bacteria-laden substance that further damages teeth and gums. “You can’t brush or floss it off,” says Nares. See a dentist at least every 6 months for a professional cleaning that removes tartar.


    home remedies for gum disease

    1. Good-for-gums food

    Eating foods high in antioxidant nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, such as apples and sweet potatoes, can make periodontitis less severe in nonsmokers. (Smoking increases the risk of gum disease.) Consuming calcium-rich foods, such as milk and yogurt, is associated with lower rates of periodontal disease.

    2. Dental aids

    Use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper to remove material from your tongue—”a reservoir of bacteria that could spread,” Nares says. Scrub larger gaps between teeth with an interproximal brush—a small pipe-cleaner-like tool that may remove material from wider spaces better than floss does.

    3. Mouthwash

    Swishing with an antimicrobial rinse can prevent plaque buildup and reduce gingivitis. But you still need to brush and floss to get results. “Brush, floss, and scrape your tongue first to reduce the volume of plaque,” Nares says. “That way, when you hit what remains with the rinse, it will be more effective.”


    medical treatments for gum disease

    1. Deep cleaning

    If your gum disease has progressed to periodontitis, the gold standard treatment is a professional cleaning called scaling and root planing. Your dentist first scrapes away plaque and tartar below the gum line, then smooths the surface of tooth roots to get rid of pits and rough spots that bacteria easily cling to.

    2. Oral surgery

    If bacteria have formed infected pockets between gums and teeth, your dentist or periodontist can perform pocket reduction surgery, which involves making small incisions in the gum, pulling the gum tissue back to expose roots for more effective scaling and root planing, and then suturing the gums back into place.

    3. Implants

    When treatment has failed and localized gum disease has caused so much damage that a tooth can’t be saved, it can be replaced with an implant—a metal (usually titanium) insert that your periodontist or dentist screws into the jawbone in an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia.

    Spiritual Meaning of Gum Problems

    Gum problems can be a sign of a spiritual problem.

    It’s normal to get a little frustrated when your gums start to hurt, but if it doesn’t stop after a few days, it could be a sign that something deeper is going on. Gum issues can be caused by stress or anxiety, which are common problems for people who are struggling with their spirituality.

    If you’re feeling like the world is against you, or like there’s nothing left for you to do but give up and die, that’s probably not true! The universe is here to support us, if we let it. The first step is getting in touch with your inner self—that place within all of us where God lives. That’s not as hard as it sounds—you just need to take some time each day and ask yourself: “Who am I?”

    Gum problems are a sign that you’ve been neglecting yourself. If your gums are bleeding or inflamed, it’s likely that you’re not taking good care of them by brushing and flossing regularly. You may also be neglecting other parts of your body if your gums are hurting—perhaps by spending too much time on the computer or phone, or eating junk food all day long!

    You don’t have to change everything about how you live immediately if this is happening to you—just make sure that the next time you brush your teeth, do it for at least two minutes instead of trying to rush through it like usual. You’ll feel better immediately!

    Gum problems are the result of your ancestors’ inability to properly chew their food.

    A spiritual meaning of gum problems is that you are not fully digesting your life experiences, and as a result, you are unable to fully process them. You should be more mindful when chewing your food so that you can better digest the experience of life and fully understand it. This may mean taking time to sit down and focus on chewing each bite slowly and completely before swallowing it.

    Black gums spiritual meaning

    Dream about Black Gums expresses a sense of confidence and inner strength. You are living the high life. You can find value in the least expected of places. This dream suggests your commitment to some important life decision you have made. You are well on your way to achieving your goals. Black Gums is an indication for your instinctual and animalistic nature. You are looking for advice on some decision or the direction you should take in life. You feel that you are being scrutinized. Your dream is a message for your full potential and your ability to achieve your goals. You have attained a high level of authority and power.

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