What is the Spiritual meaning of gladiolus? Today, we will look at the spiritual meaning of gladiolus flower. The gladiolus flower can represent different things in different cultures. In some places, it’s considered a funeral flower. These flowers can be seen on graves and tombs around the world. In these cases, the meaning of gladiolus is grief. In other countries and religions, however, the gladiolus represents strength and power. It conveys a sense of strength when used as a design in certain tattoos as well. It’s also been known to symbolize true love as well as victory. So, what does a gladiolus symbolize?
The spiritual meaning of gladiolus is a reminder to be courageous and not give up. Gladiolus represents strength and perseverance, so if you have a problem or setback, don’t let it stop you from pursuing your goals. Be strong and continue on the path towards achieving your goals!
Gladiolus is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family. It is named after the Latin word gladius, meaning “sword”. These perennial bulbous plants are cultivated for their showy spikes of flowers. Gladiolus contains ca 80 species native to southern Africa and Central Asia, but the vast majority of cultivated hybrids are derived from two main species: Gladiolus communis and G. Streptocarpus. Both of these species should not be confused with another plant using the common name “gladiolus,” the Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).
Spiritual Meaning Of Gladiolus

Generally, gladioli represent strength of character, faithfulness, moral integrity, and remembrance.
The spiritual meaning of gladiolus is about the ability to love yourself and your body, even when it’s not perfect.
Gladiolus means “to think well of yourself.” It’s a good reminder that no matter what your body looks like, you are beautiful and you should treat yourself accordingly.
Gladiolus also represents inner strength, which can help you overcome fear and insecurity.
The flower itself is also symbolic. It has a long stalk, which represents strength and growth over time; it has many petals in a symmetrical pattern, representing balance and harmony; and its center is yellow or orange, which symbolizes love.
Gladiolus, the flower of strength, courage and beauty, is a popular symbol for the holiday season.
The gladiolus flower has many meanings. The most common interpretations of this flower include strength, courage and beauty. Gladiolus flowers are often used for corsages and boutonnieres because they represent beauty and strength in a person’s life.
Spiritual Meaning of Gladiolus In Dream
Flower symbolism is not only important when we have to gift someone a beautiful bouquet for their birthday or anniversary; it is also important to know more about nature and the beings that live inside of it. Flower symbolism is full of information about our beloved flower sorts that is combined with a lot of symbolic meaning behind this information.
Every culture has its own symbolic meanings tied to certain flowers, which is why we often find several different meanings of a particular flower. Even though it might not sound like flowers are important to us, if you think about it, they are the best way to express your feelings to another person without even saying a word.
Choosing the right flowers based on their symbolism can make or break a date or reunion. Not all people are aware of the symbolism of flowers they gift, but if you care about the person to whom you are gifting a bouquet, then you should know a little bit about the symbolic meaning of the flower you are giving someone.
In the other half of this article, we are going to explore the secret meaning and symbolism of the Gladiolus flower. If you were ever interested in knowing more about this flower, or if it is your favorite flower, this is the right opportunity to do so.
Meaning of the Gladiolus flower
Every flower has its own meaning and symbolism. No matter how small the flower might be, its symbolic value doesn’t have to depend on that fact. The meanings behind certain flowers were influenced by the way people saw them or by the way they were used. Some of them were tied to ancient stories that forever marked their existence, and that meaning is still worshipped today.
The gladiolus flower has several meanings. Some of them are:
- Faithfulness
- Integrity
- Infatuation
Faithfulness: Gladiolus flowers are symbols of faithfulness and being honest on all occasions. This flower is the perfect one to gift to your partner if you want to show him or her you are ready to commit and show true faithfulness. Gladioluses can be an ideal Valentine’s Day gift for your loved one, especially if he or she understands the secret meaning behind this beautiful flower.
Integrity: The gladiolus flower is also a symbol of integrity and strong moral values. This is an ideal flower to gift to someone you deeply respect and find to be a person worthy of your devotion. You can gift a gorgeous bouquet of Gladiolus flowers to your co-worker to say thank you or to express your appreciation.
Infatuation: Linked to two previous meanings, the Gladiolus flower is also a symbol of the infatuation and deep admiration you have for someone. This can be seen in both romantic and non-romantic ways, so this is a safe flower to gift to someone you find worthy of your respect and admiration.
Strength: The gladiolus flower is also a symbol of strength and overcoming difficulties in life. This flower sends a strong message of support and love to the person you are gifting it to, so make sure you have chosen the right person as the receiver of such a gift.

Gladiolus – Etymological meaning
The name Gladiolus is both scientific and a name that is usually used among people to represent these flowers. There are many different names that are commonly used among people, and every culture uses a different name to name this beautiful flower. Some of the most common names are sword flowers or even sword lilies, because these flowers have a sword-like shape in the foliage and flower spike.
In ancient Greece, Gladiolus flowers were called xiphium, which is a word that comes from the Greek word xiphos. The word xiphos means sword, and we can already conclude why this flower got this name by simply looking at it. This name was later changed into gladiolus, which is the word that comes from the Latin word gladius and also means sword.
Gladiolus – Symbolism
As we already mentioned, gladiolus flowers have several symbolic meanings and references. Each culture has its own view of this flower and the symbolism behind it differs according to these different views. Gladiolus flowers were often related to gladiators because of their resemblance to swords. This is actually the origin of the “strength” symbolism behind the Gladiolus flower.
Because of its unusual appearance and association with swords, the flower got this symbolic meaning. Besides that, gladiolus flowers grow in the wild, where living conditions can be rough, which is why they are considered to be symbols of strength.
Gladiolus flowers are usually seen as old-fashioned because the old Americans planted them in their gardens and backyards. Gladiolus flowers came from Africa and Asia, and the European continent was deprived of these flowers until the 18th century.
There are also many biblical references to the lilies, but many believe that these references are actually to Gladiolus flowers, which were common flower sorts in this region.
Gladiolus Meaning By Color
The color of the flower can add or take away a lot from its meaning. It is important to know the flower color and to understand what this color represents in general. Gladiolus flowers come in several different colors and they are:
- The color red in general symbolizes romance, passion, love and sometimes aggression. The red Gladiolus flowers are symbols of love and passion and you can gift them to your partner if you want to pick something different for Valentine’s Day. This beautiful flower can be gifted for anniversaries if you want to express to your loved one how much this person means to you. Combined with the symbolic meanings of Gladiolus flowers like faithfulness and infatuation, this is the perfect flower to show how much a certain person means to you.
- The color yellow in general symbolizes happiness, joy, positive energy and friendship. The yellow Gladiolus flower symbolizes cheerfulness and compassion. This is the perfect flower to gift to someone you want to make happy or to someone who needs consolation at this moment. Combined with the general symbolism of the Gladiolus flowers, the yellow ones are just a perfect gift for a friend or a family member who needs your support and love at this time.
- The color white in general symbolizes innocence, purity and spirituality. White gladiolus flowers symbolize exactly this and they are usually used in weddings and other religious ceremonies. Gladiolus flowers can often be used in wedding bouquets and in wedding decorations. Besides these purposes, the white Gladiolus flower can be gifted to someone you find to be an important part of your life or someone who deserves your deep respect.
- Color pink in general is a symbol of romance, gentleness and love. The pink Gladiolus flower symbolizes feminine energy, compassion and motherly love. This is the perfect flower to gift to someone you love as a partner or in any other way. Pink is a very neutral color but with a little bit of love mixed into the symbolism. Therefore, the pink Gladiolus can be the perfect gift for someone you love in any way and someone you respect deeply.
- The color purple in general symbolizes royalty, nobility and beauty. The purple Gladiolus flower is a symbol of grace, mystery and charm. The purple Gladiolus flower is a perfect gift for someone who likes unusual things and wants to stand out in any situation. You can gift the purple Gladiolus flower to your partner, friend or co-worker because the symbolism behind the Gladiolus flowers comes out the most in this particular flower color. The symbolic meanings of strength, faithfulness and infatuation are perfectly combined in the purple Gladiolus flower.
Gladiolus: botanical facts and characteristics
Gladiola is a garden flower that grows from bulbs or tubers. These, depending on the species, grow from 30 cm up to 150 cm. From the tubers, Gladiolus grows up in the beginning of the summer with festoons and long leaves of green, and during the summer it grows a sturdy flower in bloom. Flowers grow so that on a stalk, like a class, flowers with six petals blossom. And we can find them in almost all shades of color. Just as they differ in height, we distinguish them by the size of the flowers. We have them from a few inches to those with a large flower and a diameter of up to 15 cm.
The flowers are opening at the beginning of July until the frosts at the beginning of the winter. When the flower opens, it stays like that for two weeks. So when planting, you also need to have in mind how to plant the tubers and make sure you make a two-week planting distance. Flowers are always used as cut flowers, and they are beautiful decorations for our home.
It likes being in a sunny place in a rich and gentle soil that does not retain moisture and is well drained. It is usually planted from mid-March to May in the continental parts, while in the warmer regions it may be somewhat earlier. Plant it by placing a tuber deep into the ground, at a depth of 12 to 15 centimeters, and the distance from the tuber to the tuber should be 20 centimeters.
It should be regularly sprayed with water and provided with enough moisture during the summer and during high temperatures. During flowering, add a little liquid fertilizer twice a month. This is going to help your gladioluses grow faster and stay loomed for a while longer. Make sure you don’t overdo it with the fertilizer, because it can have the opposite effect.
In the autumn, when the flower passes and the leaves begin to decay and get almost brown, it is necessary to remove the plant from the soil and shorten the leaves on a length of about 15 – 20 cm. And cut off the roots that grew out of the bulb. Then place them in a breathable place to dry. You will know that they are completely dry when the outer wreck is easily removed from the bulb. Then save it to the place where it will be until spring and new planting. This place should be dry, cool and airy.
Gladiolus reproduces with the help of its own bulbs or tubers. Their bulbs should be planted in the spring or early summer. It is necessary to wait for all the dangers of frost to pass. Before planting bulbs in the garden, first plant them in a pot in February if you want them to start to bloom early.
Gladiolus reproduction can be done with the help of seeds, but this is not practiced as often since the Gladiolus seed is very sensitive and this whole process is more complex than previously described. Planting seeds entails ensuring the perfect temperature and conditions for it to grow, which can be demanding, especially because Gladiolus grows in nature in specific areas of our planet. Trying to recreate the climate of these areas is hard; therefore, reproduction with bulbs is definitely a better idea.
Gladiolus: A Secret message
Every flower has its own secret message behind it, which encourages us to see life through a different set of eyes. Sometimes a flower can open up our minds to something we have never seen or experienced before.
Gladiolus flower secret message is to always be unique and not to be afraid of being different. This beautiful flower comes in several different colors, and there is literally a color for every occasion you are going to. From weddings to anniversaries, Gladiolus flower can become a part of any event and make it even more special.
The peculiar appearance of the Gladiolus flower is what makes it so unique. This sword-like flower symbolizes strength, faithfulness and infatuation and can be a perfect gift to almost anyone. If there is a person in your life and you highly respect this person, then Gladiolus flower is the perfect choice to show that appreciation. Choose the right color; express your feelings to this person and you won’t make a mistake.
What Does A Gladiolus Symbolize
The meaning of gladioli is often associated with courage and strength, but the flower has a deeper spiritual meaning as well.
The flower is named after the Latin word gladium, which means sword, and it has been used in many cultures to symbolize both victory and death. In addition to its association with war, the gladiolus has also been used to symbolize religious devotion. In some Hindu traditions, for example, it represents the god Krishna and is considered sacred by Hindus who believe that Krishna himself revealed this hidden meaning in his own life when he was born on earth as a human being.