What does geshem mean? The sages explain that the word geshem speaks of God’s ability to lift us above our spiritual low. In this post, we will look into the Spiritual meaning of geshem, geshem name meaning. The Jewish calendar hit a new year just this month. The holiday is called Rosh Hashanah, which literally means “head of the year”—the name being interpreted in many different ways by the different sources, but none other than that—of a new year for us to begin anew.
Geshem is the 12th and final book of the Book of Joshua, the successor to Moses and one of the books in Bible. Geshem is a story of this part in a biblical tale that deals with judgement in the form of warning, devastation and destruction. It also witnesses deliverance, God’s rescuing hand and its restoration in lives. This part also entraps God as we would never notice he would turn right around and bring about destruction to his own people because of their unbelief over what he has done for them. In fact, the theme in this book may be called “the lack of perspective”, where God’s judgment seems unfair since he can show the same amount of devastation just when it seems he had mercy upon his creation. It comes out as a theme in others books of the Bible such as Exodus and Deuteronomy.
geshem name meaning

Geshem is the name of a Jewish holiday that occurs on the third day of Sukkot, which is often translated as “rain.” The holiday commemorates the time when God sent rain to Israel during a drought.
In Hebrew, Geshem means “rain.” In Jewish tradition, it is also called Yom Shabbat Mevarchim le-Bnei Yisrael, which means “the day of rest for the people of Israel.”
The Torah describes this event as follows:
“On the third day it rained upon the earth forty days and forty nights.” (Genesis 7:12)
This passage comes from the story of Noah’s Flood. It describes how God created a worldwide flood to destroy all life on Earth except for Noah and his family. Once they were safe on their ark, God sent rains to continue falling until all land had been covered by water. After 40 days of rain, Noah opened up an opening in his ark so that he could release some birds to see if there was any dry land left above water levels. When he saw that there was not enough dry land left for him and his family to survive on earth anymore, he closed up the opening again until another 120 days passed by without flooding
Geshem is the Hebrew word for “rain.” It is also used as a name, and in the Torah it is described as one of the seven great wonders of the world: “In the days of King Hezekiah, there was a severe famine in Judah. The prophet Isaiah went to King Hezekiah and told him, ‘This is what the Lord says: You must consult me on all matters of state. Do not consult those who are not prophets. I will advise you on your way so that you will be successful.’
“Hezekiah said to Isaiah, ‘Please look into this message of despair from God.’ Isaiah replied: ‘The Lord says that because your heart is proud, and you have said to yourself: “I am rich; I have become powerful; I have inherited a large fortune,” therefore He has decided to make you weak. You will be attacked by many nations and defeated by them.’
“Then King Hezekiah turned to Isaiah and said: ‘Please tell me what kind of sign you are going to show us for all this.'” Isaiah replied: ‘This is what God says: Make an opening in the wall of your house through which water can flow from a spring.’
spiritual meaning of geshem
Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem were three enemies of the Jews who made several attempts to stop Nehemiah from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. Sanballat and Tobiah are first mentioned in Nehemiah 2:10 as upset about Nehemiah’s work: “When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard about this, they were very much disturbed that someone had come to promote the welfare of the Israelites.” In verse 19, they, along with Geshem the Arab, mock Nehemiah, saying, “What is this you are doing? . . . Are you rebelling against the king?” When the construction was taking place, their anger grew: “When Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and was greatly incensed. He ridiculed the Jews” (Nehemiah 4:1; cf. verse 7).
The Horonites and Ammonites were two of the people groups God had driven from the Promised Land for the Israelites. Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem were regional governors serving under the king of Persia. Sanballat, called a Horonite, was probably from Horonaim, a city of Moab. Tobiah the Ammonite was governing an area east of the Jordan River. Geshem the Arab was most likely from the region south of Judah. Generations after Israel had first possessed the Promised Land, some of their old enemies were back, seeking to keep Jerusalem in ruins.
Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem used various ploys in their attempt to disrupt the Jews’ work. These three men sought to harm Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:2); intimidate him with false reports (verses 5–6); deceive him with false prophets (verses 7–13); and influence the nobles of Judah (verses 17–19). Nehemiah adds that Eliashib the high priest was related to Tobiah (Nehemiah 13:4) and one of his grandsons was the son-in-law of Sanballat (Nehemiah 13:28).
The efforts of Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem were futile for the simple reason that they were fighting God’s plan. The wall of Jerusalem was completed in record time (Nehemiah 6:15). Nehemiah’s response to his enemies is instructive to us. Rather than fear or worry or seek revenge, Nehemiah took the matter to the Lord: “Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, my God, because of what they have done; remember also the prophet Noadiah and how she and the rest of the prophets have been trying to intimidate me” (Nehemiah 6:14).
what does geshem mean
Geshem is a Hebrew word that refers to a hot, dry wind that blows from the south. It is used in the Bible as a metaphor for God’s judgment and punishment.
The word geshem occurs only five times in the Bible: twice in Isaiah (30:26 and 33:9), once in Ezekiel (1:13), once in Zechariah (10:11), and once in 2 Kings. In each case, it refers to a destructive storm or drought that causes ruin for those who are experiencing it.