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Spiritual Meaning of Lilies

    Lilies are one of the largest flowers in existence, and yet they hold a delicate place in the natural world, being associated with grace, peace and purity. In this article, we would like to share with you the spiritual and biblical meaning of lilies. Read more on the spiritual meaning of lilies, what lilies symbolize and types of lilies and their meanings. Lilies are the most divine flowers there are. According to the Bible, they have an important spiritual meaning and their association with the Virgin Mary is what makes them so special. People often associate lilies with funerals, death and funerary rituals in different cultures, but in Christianity, there’s another story.

    The lily represents purity, innocence and fertility, which sum up as a symbol of Jesus’ mother, Mary. The spiritual meaning of lilies is one of love and devotion. The lily is a symbol of purity and innocence, but also of the beauty that comes from a simple life. The lily represents faithfulness, purity and innocence. It is also a symbol of eternal life and resurrection. The lily is associated with the Virgin Mary in Catholicism, as she is often depicted holding a lily in paintings and statues.

    Spiritual Meaning of Lilies

    This association extends to other religions where the Virgin Mary is revered. In Christianity, the white lily represents purity, while red ones symbolize martyrdom or blood sacrifice. In Hinduism, white lilies are used during weddings, while red ones represent passion or desire. Chinese Buddhists use white or pink lilies as offerings to deities on special occasions such as weddings or funerals.” Lilies are a symbol of purity. There are many references to lilies in the Bible, and they’re often used as a metaphor for purity and innocence.

    In the Old Testament, lilies were used to symbolize God’s promise of resurrection after death. In the New Testament, lilies were also a symbol of Christ’s resurrection. Lilies are also seen as symbols of purity in other religions. For example, in Buddhism, lilies represent wisdom, patience, and generosity—all traits that help people become more spiritually advanced.

    You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on purple lily spiritual meaning, orange lily spiritual meaning, white lily meaning love. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about spiritual meaning of lilies .

    Spiritual Meaning of Lilies In Love

    Apart from being very versatile as a flower in terms of use, the lily is also one of the most meaningful and symbolic flowers out there.

    It is mentioned a lot of times in biblical texts; it appears in Greek mythology specifically to the goddess Hera and of course, it has a multitude of meanings.

    If you think you have seen and known everything about the lily, perhaps it is time to look at it in a different light, and in this article, we will tell you everything about the meaning of the lily flower meaning. 

    Lily Symbolism

    Lilies never fall short of anything, not even fun facts. So before we get into the nitty-gritty meaning of the lily flower, here are some fun lily flower facts that you might want to know if you ever grow one. 

    • It belongs to the genus Lillum and it has more than a hundred species. Do not be mistaken, though, because water lilies are not part of the family. 
    • This flower has the longest in-vase lifespan (up to three weeks!). You can maintain these by gently ripping the pollen off from the center. 
    • Only the tiger and white lily emit fragrance. 
    • While the flower is never toxic to humans, it is for cats specifically. 
    • The lily is considered a social plant because it can only thrive in groups of three to five. 
    • It is said to have been discovered 2,400 years ago. 

    What does the name Lily mean?

    In Biblical perspective, the name lily means purity, chastity, commitment and devotion. It is one of the top fifty most popular names for baby girls.

    Oh, and did we mention that since the Hebrews and Egyptians had the name shoshannah for the lily, the names Susan, Sussane/Suzzane, Suzzette and other names within this range also mean purity and innocence?

    Lily flower meaning

    Although mythology illustrates that the lily flower was borne out of the milk drip from Hera’s refusal to feed Hercules, Zeus’ son, from another woman, the lily flower’s meaning is actually profound.

    Because it is mostly white, it is associated with purity, commitment and devotion and is a symbol of femininity and motherhood. It also represents 30 years of marital commitment. 

    Lily varieties with meaning

    As with colors, lily varieties also have many symbolisms and meanings. This will come in handy later on when you need to choose which one to get and which one to give as a gift so you have to carefully digest what lily varieties mean individually. 

    Tiger lily meaning

    This is a favorite lily known for their spots in their petals. This lily is known to symbolize pride, optimism, luck and fortune. 

    Calla lily meaning

    This lily variety is the one most known for its spiritual symbolism across cultures. In Greece, it is a symbol of beauty, while in Christianity, it stands for purity, devotion and faith.

    In Europe, it is a symbol of grace and strength because it is able to re-bloom even when it is cut. 

    Oriental lily meaning

    It is normally used at weddings and as a celebratory flower. It represents purity, commitment and rebirth and is also usually associated with the Virgin Mary. 

    Asiatic lily meaning

    It is the one that comes in many colors. The white varieties stand for commitment and purity in marriage, while the orange and yellow varieties are for celebrations of new beginnings. The pink ones are for budding romance and healing.  

    Stargazer lily meaning

    This variety is associated with sympathy, humility and devotion, but also with prosperity, fortune and luck. 

    Star lily meaning

    Associated with the stargazer, it stands for abundance and also wellness. 

    Leopard lily meaning

    Its red petals and brown spots stand for budding romance and passion. 

    Royal lily meaning

    Also associated with the fleur de liz, it is known to stand for royalty and privilege. 

    Etymological Meaning of Lily

    To the Greeks, lily came from the word leiron while in Latin, it is Lilium which means pure light.

    For the Egyptians and Hebrews, it is called Shoshannah which is associated with femininity and fertility but also of commitment, love and passion. Today, Lilium is used to refer to the genus of lily flowers. 

    Lily Meaning in Different Cultures And Religions

    You might be surprised by the cultural and spiritual significance of the lily across cultures and religions.

    For example, among the Chinese and Japanese, the lily is a traditional symbol of luck.

    Additionally, the Chinese use white lilies during weddings as they are associated to 100 years of love and prosperity while the Greeks associate the flower with the purity of motherhood thanks to Hera and the lore that lilies were born out of milk drops from her bosom when she refused to feed Hercules. 

    In South America, lilies are symbols of devotion while it means fertility for the Assyrians and Babylonians associated with the goddess Ishtar.

    In Christianity, it is associated with the Virgin Mary being the Queen of All Angels and the virgin mother of Jesus.

    In France, it is associated with God-given royalty and power, thanks to King Clovis’ account stating that he saw the Virgin Mary covering lilies with oil. And the fleur de lis, the accented lily, was the emblem of French revolutionaries in 1830. 

    Lily Tattoo Meaning

    Much can be said about the meaning of lily tattoos depending on the personal intention of the person who had them inked but generally, a lily tattoo symbolizes deep faith in God, as well as innocence and rebirth. 

    Lily color meanings

    At a general level, lily flower represents purity, royalty, passion and resurrection or rebirth. But of course, these are not all of them because the meanings change depending on the color of the lily flower.

    • White: This is the most popular color for lilies and it stands for sympathy, commitment and purity of love. 
    • Pink: This lily flower color represents undying friendship, compassion, understanding, love and femininity. 
    • Orange: A bright and giddy color, it symbolizes warmth, energy, confidence and also honor. 
    • Red: This one stands for love and passion. 
    • Purple: This has a strong symbolism as it stands for passion, royalty and privilege but also of pride, success, strong admiration and dignity. 
    • Yellow: This one will surely evoke a sense of joy, happiness and lightheartedness. 
    • Black: This lily color stands for elegance and mystery. 
    • Blue: A blue lily flower not only stands for tranquility but also of hope and inspiration. 

    Symbolism of the Lily flower

    We have already covered the fact that the lily is a versatile flower with truly profound symbolism. Across many cultures, religions and traditions, the lily flower is associated with spirituality, devotion and faith.

    Depending on the intention of the giver, it could also symbolize a lot of things, including love, compassion, passion, rebirth, happiness, luck, abundance, and wellness. It also stands for innocence and purity, two of the meanings it is famously known for. 

    Message of the Lily flower

    Reflecting from everything that we have mentioned here, there is an intense meaning behind the lily flower and it revolves around purity. So although various lily colors evoke different meanings, it truly all boils down to the genuineness of the feeling that you want the receiver to have.

    Therefore, when given a lily or when it is used, the message of the lily flower must be taken in superlatives. It means the deepest commitment, most unconditional love, deepest faith. That is the message of the lily flower. 

    Types of Lilies And Their Meanings

    Aside from being a resilient indoor plant and a versatile gift for almost any event from as jovial as weddings and celebrating promotions and new homes to something as melancholic as funerals, the lily flower is also ever present in medicine use and even traditional cuisines. 

    In Asian countries like Japan, China, Bhutan and Mongolia, lily flowers are cultivated as added ingredients to local cuisines ranging from salad bowls, soups and pork dishes to be specific.

    In traditional medicine, lily flowers are also widely propagated by South American native groups. They dry the bulbs to make as tea and are known to be potent diuretics and laxatives.

    It is also used in treating fever and a wide range of digestive tract disorders, in treating sores and burns and as an aid in laboring pregnant women. In present-day medicine, lily flowers are processed for their astringent properties, which are helpful in treating ulcers and inflammation. 

    The Poignant Symbolism of the Lily Flower

    mourning lilies

    Lilies are one of the most popular flowers in the United States, rivaling several of the nation’s other favorites, like roses, tulips and daisies. A delicate but flamboyant bloom with elegant petals, lilies are popular choices for both weddings and funerals and are a staple of many bouquets.

    But like most flowers, lilies have also taken on more specific meaning over the years. If you’re wondering about what this flower represents or symbolizes, read on.

    The name lily comes from the Latin word for this type of flower, “lilium.” The flowers represent purity, innocence and rebirth: in religious iconography, they often represent the Virgin Mary, and are also often depicted at the Resurrection of Christ.

    Lilies can also represent femininity and fertility. This meaning may have its roots in a Greek myth about Hera, the wife of Zeus. So the story goes, Zeus fathered a son with a mortal woman, and then tricked Hera into breastfeeding the baby as her own. When Hera discovered the deception, she was so angry that she flung the baby away from her—and in that process, a few drops of her breast milk spilled onto the ground. According to the myth, from those drops of milk sprang the first ever lily flowers.

    Other cultures throughout history have also coded lilies in a similar way. In Babylonia and Assyria—both empires in ancient Mesopotamia—the flowers are linked to Ishtar, a goddess of creation and fertility. So it makes sense that white lilies are such a popular choice at weddings, perfectly complementing a traditional white bridal gown (which also represents chastity).

    But lilies can also represent grief and mourning; they’re one of the most popular flowers at funerals in the United States, and are often sent as sympathy flowers. According to some interpretations, lilies symbolize death because they represent the moment when the soul departs the body.

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