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Spiritual Meaning of Fish Scales

    Fish scales are used by the Chinese to determine a person’s age according to the Chinese zodiac. Reciting an old Chinese saying, “A red fish, a happy man,” once one fish scale is turned over on the hand a baby was born, it is believed if male, provides luck in career and if female in marriage.

    Scales are a segmented, feathery outer structure of fish, reptiles, amphibians and dinosaurs who are covered entirely with scales. Fused into flexible and overlapping pieces, scales protect animals by providing some resistance to predation (even flies have armour), or by providing support. Scales have been made of bone, cartilage, compounds of silicon and all elements other than hydrogen. Contrary to the popular belief, scales are not unique to fish.

    Churchgists is always committed to offering you all the details you need on What is the spiritual meaning of fish scales in dreams, Spiritual meaning of fish scales, I trust that when you done with this article you will be well grounded on this subject matter.

    The spiritual meaning of fish scales is one of protection and strength.

    Fish scales are a reminder that we have the power to take care of ourselves and our families, no matter what happens in life.

    They are also a symbol of unity, as when we work together as a team, we can accomplish great things.

    In the Chinese Zodiac, a fish is a symbol of luck and prosperity. In addition to that, fish scales are used as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

    The spiritual meaning of fish scales is that they represent the ability to find your own way in life. They also symbolize being able to swim through life without being held back by anything or anyone.

    Fish scales are often used in Chinese medicine because they are believed to contain healing properties such as easing pain and curing wounds.

    Fish scales are a symbol of the period when the Sun God was born. They represent the time when the Sun God first came into existence, bringing light to our world, as well as warmth and fire. Fish scales also represent the various stages of life: birth, maturity, old age and death.

    The fish scale is also a symbol of protection against evil spirits (the scales act as armor) and a sign of fertility (the scales represent fish eggs). It can also be used to represent wisdom and knowledge because of its resemblance to an eye (the pupil).

    Spiritual Meaning of Fish Scales

    What Is the Spiritual Meaning of Fish Scales in Dreams

    What is the spiritual meaning of fish scales in dreams? The interpretations of what the dream of fish scales mean characterize the most typical way for you to build relationships. The dream book pays particular importance to the romantic marital relationship. From what you see in a dream you can draw conclusions on how to show your personal qualities the best way.

    Miller’s dreambook pays attention to the turn of events in a dream and the appearance of the symbol. Scaled fish promises a beautiful romance for a lonely lady-dreamer. If the fish scales turned out to be golden, the chances of entering into a profitable marriage are high. One can see the moment of purchasing scaled fish shortly before the successful resolution of the financial issue.

    The dreambooks give interpretation for such unpleasant feelings as fish scales in your mouth. First of all, a disgusting story from a dream can be provoked by malfunction of the digestive system. In Esoteric dreambook, scales stuck to your tongue symbolize inability or unwillingness to reach an agreement. If you have to deal with sensitive issues in real life, try to be diplomatic. Otherwise the conversation will end in a quarrel instead of a constructive solution.

    If you managed to spit out the fish scales that happened to be in your mouth, the Wanderer’s dreambook warns that you may reveal some secret. If you had to swallow it, this means you will have to go on a bad compromise.

    If you happened to clear the skin of a fish in a dream, the dream book connects this occupation with the forthcoming revelation. The dreamer will have to show his real face.

    Cleaning fish also means your own insight. You will discover something that you have not previously suspected. Information may relate to the position of business partners.

    “Scales” is a symbol of the totality of action of initially established by God Laws, Laws, Commandments, which are the spiritual Measure of truth or falsity of human thoughts and actions, his responsibility before his Creator.

    A consequence of the “Scales” established by God is the inevitable “weighing”, i.e. summing up, determining the measure of good or evil of every thought and all human deeds.

    “Scales” are also the symbol of man’s conscience and reason, which are appointed by God to “weigh,” to consider and determine man’s thinking and way of life, the measure of his righteousness before His Commandments.

    “Unfaithful” scales are a symbol of false beliefs, ideas, dogmas, knowledge, the worldview of sinfully living man.  

    “Scales” is a symbol of the totality of action of initially established by God Laws, Laws, Commandments, which are the spiritual Measure of truth or falsity of human thoughts and actions, his responsibility before his Creator.

    A consequence of the “Scales” established by God is the inevitable “weighing”, i.e. summing up, determining the measure of good or evil of every thought and all human deeds.

    “Scales” are also the symbol of man’s conscience and reason, which are appointed by God to “weigh,” to consider and determine man’s thinking and way of life, the measure of his righteousness before His Commandments.

    “Unfaithful” scales are a symbol of false beliefs, ideas, dogmas, knowledge, the worldview of sinfully living man.  

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