Wondering what the spiritual meaning of feeding birds is? It is an easy thing to do. You don’t have to go to a park and make a messy sandwich for the pigeons. You can attract friendly birds to your home or office too.
The act of feeding birds is regarded as a spiritual practice with deep meaning in many religions. Although feeding of wild birds is not mentioned in the scriptures, Mormon church leaders have spoken encouragingly of the practice, while John Wesley had an aversion to it.
When you feed the wild birds, you karmically assure that you will always have enough to eat and that wildness will not die inside of you. Birds as well as all wild animals are having a hard time surviving in a world dominated by self-centered human beings.
Spiritual Meaning Of Feeding Birds
If you have really been wondering about the spiritual meaning of feeding birds, then this is the article for you. I will explain to you what it is all about and how you can use it in your own life to help you get the most out of what you do.
Feeding birds is a symbol of peace and harmony, so they’re one of the most popular themes in classic literature, frequently used as metaphors or symbolic devices.
Have you ever thought about the meaning of feeding birds? If you feed them, they will keep coming back. You don’t have to buy birdseed every day to feed them. They will come with their own when they come to visit. Birds come to many people as messengers or symbols of change or renewal. They are often a sign that things are going to be okay or that there is an adventure awaiting you!
Spiritual Meanings of Feeding Birds
Feeding birds has long been regarded as a symbol of peace and harmony in many cultures and religions. The act of providing food for these winged creatures holds deeper spiritual meanings that can offer insight and guidance to those who pay attention. Here are some spiritual interpretations of feeding birds:
1. Provision and Trust
Feeding birds can symbolize the concept of divine provision and trust in a higher power. Just as birds rely on humans for sustenance, the act of feeding them demonstrates a willingness to trust in the universe to provide for our needs.
2. Connection to Nature
By feeding birds, we establish a connection to the natural world and acknowledge our interdependence with all living beings. This act can remind us of our place in the web of life and the importance of nurturing and caring for the environment.
3. Messages and Signs
In many spiritual traditions, birds are seen as messengers or signs from the divine. When birds come to visit and partake of the food we offer, it can be interpreted as a message from the universe, guiding us towards new beginnings, opportunities, or spiritual growth.
4. Renewal and Rebirth
Birds are often associated with themes of renewal and rebirth, as they undergo the transformative process of molting and regrowing their feathers. Feeding birds can symbolize our own potential for renewal and the shedding of old habits or beliefs to make way for new growth and transformation.
5. Protection and Blessings
In some cultures, feeding birds is believed to bring protection and blessings to the home or community. By offering food to these creatures, we invite positive energy and divine grace into our lives, creating a space of peace and harmony.
6. Bible Verse: Matthew 6:26
One Bible verse that speaks to the spiritual significance of feeding birds is found in Matthew 6:26: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” This verse highlights the idea of divine provision and care for all living creatures, emphasizing the importance of trust and faith in God’s provision.
Overall, the act of feeding birds carries deep spiritual meaning that goes beyond simple nourishment. It serves as a reminder of our connection to the natural world, our trust in divine provision, and our willingness to receive messages and blessings from the universe. By embracing this symbolic gesture, we can cultivate a sense of peace, harmony, and spiritual awareness in our lives.

Feeding Birds Meaning
There is a spiritual meaning of feeding birds.
You can feed them with different things, but the most important is love and care.
It is important that you give them food but also that you love them in other ways. For example, sing to them or speaking to them softly.
Whatever the person who brought it to them offers the birds to eat, they will eat. If they are hungry enough, they will eat a little bit of everything. If they are not hungry enough, they will refuse it all together. They will also refuse anything that has been tainted by any kind of negativity or negative energy, such as fear or anger.
If you are feeling negative emotions while trying to feed your bird(s), try taking some time to meditate on what it means to love yourself first before trying again later when those feelings have subsided somewhat or completely dissipated within yourself.”
Birds are a symbol of freedom. They can fly wherever they want, whenever they want. They don’t have to worry about paying rent or finding work. They just need to eat and rest, and then they’re ready to go again.
This is a spiritual reminder that we all need to take care of ourselves and be happy before we worry about anyone else. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, it’s okay—just do what you can and let the universe work its magic on your behalf!
Churchgists has provided well-detailed information on the aforementioned and so much more. You will find these details very useful in whatever course you intend to use them for.
Spiritual Benefits of Feeding Pigeons
Feeding Birds and Animals can change your luck! I am not saying that, but this is a religious and astrological belief and is backed by many ancient Vedic scriptures, especially, in Hinduism.
As an animal lover, you always love your pets, look after them and always work for their welfare without any selfish motive behind it.
From an astrological point of view, caring for animals is a positive addon to your present life Karma and along with it, also appeases many planets in your birth chart and helps you in getting liberated from past life debts.
Let’s find out about the benefits and astrological perspective of feeding birds and animals and the planetary remedies related to it.
Astrological Significance of Feeding Birds and Animals
- For Appeasing Planet Sun it is considered beneficial to feed Wheat Rotis to Cows and Jaggery to Monkeys on Sundays.
- To get the blessings of Planet Moon one should feed Wheat Flour Balls to Fish or a White Cow and also give water to Cows on Mondays.
- One should feed Gram (Chana) and Jaggery (Gudh) to Monkeys on Tuesdays to please planet Mars.
- To appease planet mercury, one should feed Green Grass or Fodder to Cows and Millet (Bajra) to Pigeons and should not keep birds in cages. The best day to do so is Wednesday.
- To get the blessings of planet Jupiter soaked Gram Lentils (Chana Daal) and Jaggery should be offered to Cows and horses and Corn to Pigeons on Thursdays.
- Friday is considered auspicious to please planer Venus and get his blessing. On this day one should offer Milk to Cats or feed wild fishes.
- On Saturdays, one should feed Buttered or oiled chapattis to Black Dogs and to Black Cows to get blessing planet Saturn related to Lord Shani.
- For planet Rahu, one should feed green grass or fodder to Buffaloes and if possible leaves to an Elephant and for planet Ketu as per astrology, it is advised to keep a Pet Dog, a Cow or a Rabbit and take good care of them or feed Sesame Seeds with sugar to Ants.
- For getting blessings of all planets it is said to give part of your food to a Cow every day.
- Feeding a squirrel is considered to have a positive impact on your life and by strengthening your luck, gain comfort through your hard work.

Astrological Significance of feeding birds and animals
Being a nature lover, I have a habit of getting up early in the morning. The chirping of birds, the mesmerizing view of the rising sun is beautiful enough to melt even a stone heart. For a few days, I fed millets and chapatti to the birds and I was quite happy you saw them eating it. But you won’t believe what happened later. One day I was unwell and therefore could not get up early. My little companions came out and start chirping so loud. It seemed as if they are calling me. I thought I was so blessed and made it a routine to feed them every morning. You know, once my grandfather fell very ill and it was the karmas of feeding these birds that recovered him soon. Yes, It happens.
Feeding birds and animals are beneficial for each planet. It affects planetary motions and brings positive changes in your life. In this article, you will read how are feeding birds and animals effects planetary motions?
Planet Sun
For appeasing Planet Sun, feeding birds and animals is quite beneficial. It is considered good to feed wheat chapattis to cows and Jaggery to monkeys on Sundays. It is considered auspicious and can bring luck.
Planet Moon
Feeding birds and animals also strengthen the planet, Moon. To gain the blessings of calm and composed Moon, one should feed flour balls to a white cow or a fish. In addition, one should also give water to cows on Mondays.
Feeding animals appease planet Mercury as well. For this, one should feed green grass or fodder to the cows. Also, one should feed millets to birds. Moreover, it is also important not to keep birds in a cage. The best outcomes could be noticed if all the above things are performed on Tuesdays.
To get the blessings of the planet Venus, one should offer milk to cats. In addition, feeding wild fishes is also beneficial. All these things should be performed on Fridays for better results.
On Tuesdays, one should feed gram and jaggery to monkeys. It will shower one with the blessings of the planet Moon.
Thursday is the day of the huge planet Jupiter. To get the blessings of this plane, soaked gram lentils and jaggery should be offered to cows and horses. Moreover, one should also feed corn to pigeons on Thursdays.
Black is the color of Lord Shani and Saturn is His planet. On Saturdays, one should feed oiled or buttered chapattis to black cows and black dogs. It is auspicious and Lord Shani can bless them immensely.
To get blessed by the planet Rahu, one should feed fodder or green grass to buffaloes. If possible, you can also offer leaves to an elephant.
For planet Ketu, Astrology advises keeping a pet dog, rabbit or a cow. However, it is also important to take proper care of them. Feeding sesame seeds to ants is also preferred.
Apart from this, to gain the blessings of all planets, one should always give a part of their food to cow. Feeding food to birds not only improves planetary conditions, but it also gets one rid of the past debts and obstacles related to finances. Astrology recommends keeping food and water for birds on a regular basis. Also, feeding dogs is recommended daily. It increases prosperity, reduces conflicts, and lessens the impact of the sins done in the past. It can also bring victory in the cases related to court.
Hindu mythology has many beliefs that feeding animals boosts Karma. Moreover, it is visible that animals play a crucial role in Mythology and are vehicles of many Gods and Goddesses as well. Not only birds, but feeding squirrels is also very auspicious. It leaves a positive impact on one’s life and strengthens one luck.
The Takeaway
Providing food to Birds and Animals can not only improve your planetary position but as I mentioned earlier, is also considered prudent to get rid of past life debt’s, problems related to finances and children.
As per astrology, it is believed that keeping food and water for birds or feeding a dog or a cow on regular basis, increases one’s prosperity, eliminates conflicts, lessens the impact of past life sins and brings victory in court cases.