Finding animal bones as a spiritual omen, was and still is a common occurrence in the Southwestern United States, including New Mexico. The collection of animal bones is considered an ancient art, passed down from generation to generation. Animal bones can be called upon for wisdom and guidance, or can serve as the embodiment of one’s passion and longing. They are also a source of magic, strength, and protection from harm. So what is the meaning of finding animal bones in your dreams?and the spiritual meaning of finding animal bones?
Animals frequently bury animal bones. Animals have also been known to urinate, defecate and vomit on them as well if they are kept in a cage or if they feel like it. It’s hard to say for sure when bones are discovered in the middle of nowhere, but most laypeople assume that an animal had something to do with it.
The spiritual meaning of finding animal bones is that you should embrace the wisdom of your ancestors.
The animal bones are a sign that your ancestors are trying to get your attention and show you that they have wisdom for you. The only way to access this wisdom is through listening and paying attention to your intuition.
The next time you find some animal bones, make sure to sit down and listen carefully. You may not understand their message at first, but with practice, it will come together.
Spiritual Meaning of Dry Bones
It is comprehended that these animal bones frequently serve as representations of spiritual convictions, ancestral veneration, and artistic expression.
Religious and spiritual practices make use of bones, which are regarded as potent symbols. As an illustration, carved or painted bones may serve as talismans to ward off evil entities or attract good fortune.
Bones are frequently incorporated into jewelry and other objects in numerous cultures as a means of paying homage to and commemorating ancestors.
Certain communities engage in the collection and utilization of bones as a means of resource conservation and waste reduction. By repurposing bones that would otherwise be discarded, artisans can produce one-of-a-kind and aesthetically pleasing objects while simultaneously mitigating their ecological footprint.
As a medium for artistic expression, bones are utilized. Bones are utilized by artists to fashion masks, jewelry, sculptures, and other objects that reflect their individuality and imagination.
Handicraftspeople sustain their families through the creation of jewelry, sculptures, and various other items from bones. Craftsmen who partake in the sale of bones do so in order to generate income.
The utilization of animal bones in handicrafts carries cultural weightage contingent upon the particular cultural milieu, as well as the convictions, values, and customs upheld by the participants. We honor and adhere to these customs and values at Claw, Antler and Hide.
Five Facts Regarding the Metaphysical Significance of Bones
Numerous spiritual traditions regard bones as the fundamental structure or essence of the cosmos. As an illustration, within the Norse creation myth, the initial human beings were fashioned from tree trunks, which were metaphorically referred to as the “bones” of the planet. [Based on Heilan Yvette Grimes’ “The Norse Myths”]
Seeing bones in a dream is frequently interpreted as a warning that the dreamer must confront an innermost, most fundamental truth concerning themselves or their circumstances. This concept is predicated on the notion that bones serve as the “truth” of the body, providing structure and support to the remaining components, just as the truth molds our lives. [From Sigmund Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams”]
Numerous indigenous cultures hold the belief that the souls of their deceased forebears continue to reside within their mortal remains. This emphasizes the symbolic correlation that bones have with ancestral ties and spiritual wisdom. [Straitley Burr Alexander’s “Native American Mythology” is the source]
Certain spiritual practitioners incorporate bones into their divination and ritual practices. They believe that bones can provide insights into the past, present, and future by channeling spiritual energy, as bones are believed to contain the vibration and memories of the living organism from which they originated. [Source: Daniel Foor’s “Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing”]
Numerous religions, including Buddhism and Christianity, attribute substantial metaphorical and literal significance to bones.
As An Symbol Of Foundation And Strength, Bones
Disclosure of the relationship between bones and spiritual strength:
Beyond their tangible function, bones possess a spiritual significance that resonates with profound metaphors and meanings.
One such facet pertains to the correlation between bones and internal fortitude. In this article, we examine the spiritual connection between bones and fortitude.
As the structural framework of the human body, bones serve as the fundamental support and sustenance that we rely on. They symbolize, within the domain of spirituality, the interior strength and tenacity necessary for our spiritual expeditions.
In addition to serving a structural purpose, bones represent fortitude and perseverance. They provide a reminder to maintain a resolute and towering stance, notwithstanding obstacles and difficulties. True strength, bones instruct, consists not solely of physical prowess, but also of spiritual fortitude.
Similar to how bones furnish structural integrity and safeguard the body, inner fortitude functions as the bedrock for our spiritual endeavors. It provides stability amidst the dynamic nature of existence, securing us in our convictions and principles.
Additionally, bones represent the interdependence of all things. Comparable to the interconnected bones that facilitate motion and link various body parts, our inner fortitude serves as a conduit to our transcendent selves and the divine. It serves as an intermediary between the material and metaphysical domains.
By utilizing our inner fortitude, it is possible to discover stability in the face of life’s chaos. It provides the foundation upon which we can further our spiritual endeavors, investigate our intuition, and synchronize ourselves with our authentic mission.
Finding animal bones as a spiritual omen

A study of the spiritual meaning of finding animal bones is a study in understanding the human condition. For many cultures, bones are considered to be sacred and spiritual. In some cases, bones have been used as tools for divination.
The psychology behind this belief is that bones represent death, which is a part of life. They also represent the current state of matter that we are in—we are no longer alive and we are no longer flesh.
When you find animal bones, it can be interpreted as a sign that there is something about your current state that needs to be addressed or changed. Perhaps there is a situation in your life where you feel like you have lost control or failed at something important to you. It could also mean that someone close to you has died recently or may die soon.
Findings like this can lead one to consider what they would do differently if they had another chance at life—how they would handle different situations differently so as not to repeat mistakes made before; or how they would treat others differently so as not to cause them harm or pain; or how they would live their lives more joyfully so as not pass too much time on earth without doing things they enjoyed doing but never did because they were afraid of rejection or failure.”
The spiritual meaning of finding animal bones is one that can vary widely depending on your beliefs, but generally speaking it can be understood as a sign that you are on the right path.
There are many variations of this belief, but one common thread is that when animals die, their spirits go to a place in nature where they are reborn. So when you find an animal bone, it’s a sign that your life needs to be reborn as well.
This might mean taking some time away from your current job or relationship, or starting something new. It could also mean leaving behind a negative habit or activity like smoking or drinking too much alcohol.
The most important thing is to remember that when you find an animal bone, it’s not just a random occurrence—it’s something you should pay attention to!
Spiritual Meaning Of Finding Animal Bones
Discovering animal bones in your house can hold significant spiritual meanings. In many cultures and spiritual beliefs, animals and their remains are considered sacred and hold spiritual energy. Finding animal bones within your living space may indicate a connection to the spiritual realm or a message from the divine.
Animal bones found in your house can symbolize various things. They could be a sign of protection, guiding spirits, or even a message from ancestors. Each type of animal bone may have its own specific meaning, determined by the species of animal from which it came. For example, finding bird bones may signify a sense of freedom or spiritual ascension, while finding snake bones could suggest transformation and healing.
In the Bible, animal bones are also mentioned, carrying significant symbolic meanings. One example is the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Before his death, Joseph made the Israelites swear an oath to carry his bones out of Egypt when they were eventually set free. This act represented a reminder of the promise and covenant the Lord had made with their forefathers. Similarly, finding animal bones in your house might signify a reminder of an important covenant or promise within your own spiritual journey.
It is essential to pay attention to the specific animal bones you encounter in your home. Researching their spiritual significance in various cultures and religious beliefs can provide deeper insight into the meaning behind their presence. Additionally, meditating on the significance of the bones and seeking guidance from spiritual leaders or mentors can help unravel their message.
What would happen if you found bones while digging in the garden? Would you know what to do? What is legal and what is safest? Today’s guest post comes from a biological anthropologist with some basic, helpful advice for making the right decisions should your shovel uncover some unexpected bones.
What to Do if You Find Bones in Your Garden
The article is for general information only. Always obey the law and contact authorities in your area to report and identify any unidentified or suspicious finds. Human remains must never be touched and do not ever handle animal remains without first checking local laws and following proper precautions.
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning: birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and all is well. You step out into your backyard, shovel in hand, hoping to get an early start on those new garden beds you’d been planning.
Just as you start digging, the blade of your shovel hits something firmer than the surrounding soil with a resounding THUNK. Intrigued, you clear away the overlying dirt revealing what seems to be some sort of skeleton.
Your mind immediately leaps to all of those CSI reruns you watched last winter before calmly descending to reality again. “It’s probably an animal,” you tell yourself somewhat hopefully, using your gloved hands to brush the soil away from the bone. But, what is it?
For virtually anyone who has worked outdoors this probably a fairly familiar scenario. Unlike humans, animal remains are often left to decompose in the open or—as is often the case with our beloved deceased pets—buried shallowly near the surface. Both of these cases mean that their remains may be easily uncovered by an unsuspecting gardener.
But what do you do when this happens? This post will help you determine the best course of action for dealing with bones found in your garden.
Bones Spiritual Meaning
1 Is it Human?
Stop digging. Keep your gloves on. And do not touch anything.
The first (and hopefully most obvious) question to ask is: Could the bones be human?
This seems like a relatively straightforward question, but can actually be pretty complicated to answer.
If you’re looking at a full skeleton, you may be able to tell just by looking at it. However, individual bones or fragments of bones are much trickier to identify.
As a rule, if you’re not absolutely sure, it is safest to assume that the bones could be human and call your local police department to send someone to check it out.
Much better to be safe than sorry!
2 What Kind of Animal is it?
Once you—or the authorities—have determined that the bones are not human, you may then want to try to figure out what type of animal it is. The internet is a great resource for this—there are forums where you can post pictures of animal skeletons and get them identified.
Sometimes backyard gardeners turn up incredible things like dinosaur bones and ancient fossils. All things are possible.
Identifying Bones by Size and Weight
The easiest way is usually by looking at the size and weight.
- Are the bones big or small?
- Do they feel heavy or light?
The range of sizes of possible suspects will vary depending on where you live, but in general very small skeletons will be more likely to belong to a bird or rodent, while larger ones are probably a mammal. Bird skeletons are by far the lightest and may feel very brittle.
Identifying Animal Remains Using Teeth
Another clue may be the teeth:
- Carnivores will have much sharper, pointier teeth.
- Herbivores have flatter chewing surfaces on their teeth.
- Rodents have long incisors (front teeth) for gnawing.
Can you guess what type of animal these teeth came from?
These ones are from a groundhog. Groundhogs are omnivores although the bulk of their diet is herbivorous.

Here’s the groundhog skull and jaw bones:
Meaning of finding animal bones in your dreams
- Depending on where you live, the deaths of certain types of animals may need to be reported to your state or provincial government.
- This is important if you find several dead animals of the same species in one area as this can be indicative of disease or mistreatment.
Can I Keep Animal Bones?
Now that you have some idea what type of animal it is, it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with it.
There are three basic options:
Rebury it. Discard it. Keep it.
A Rebury it
- Often the easiest thing to do if you find animal bones in your garden is simply to rebury them where you found them, or to relocate them to a more convenient place in your garden.
- When doing so, use a shovel and gloves and avoid touching the remains with bare hands (especially if they have any fur or fluids left!).
- We recommend burying them at least a foot below the surface and placing a marker of some sort over top to help you avoid running into them again later.
B Discard It
- The second option is to discard the bones. Usually this can be done along with your regular household garbage or green waste, but you may want to contact your local municipality to make sure.
- Again, always wear gloves when handling carcasses of any kind and wash your hands and gloves thoroughly afterward.
C Keep It
- The third option (and the most fun, if you’re a nature nerd like us) is to keep the bones as part of a collection of natural treasures.
- When prepared properly, bones can be safely handled and stored both as a decoration and also as a teaching tool.
- One thing to keep in mind is that most places have laws dictating what type of animals you’re allowed to keep and what you’re allowed to do with them.
- In most places, you’re okay to keep a skeleton for personal use as long as it’s not a member of a protected species and you’re not planning to sell it.
What Do Bones Symbolize In Literature
A long lasting relation connects all cultures of the world with the cult of bones from the beginning of time. From a symbolic point of view, bones are often considered as a symbol of mortality, but they also represents permanence beyond death as well as our earthly passage. In some way, bones represent our truest and barest self: they are the frame of our bodies – our home and anchor in the physical world. As minerals, they remind us of our origin from inanimate matter. As adornment bones are usually used as a connection with the dead ones, exorcism of fear, they may also represent aging, self-empowerment, appropriation of the strength of the enemy or the prey.
By virtue of this symbolic power, bones and skeletons have deep significance in our dreaming activity. For instance, ‘being stripped or cut to the bone’ may signify a sudden insight or an attack on your personality, ‘fractured limbs’ may be interpreted as a threat to the foundations of life, and to personal power, ‘broken bones’ may mean weakness in your plans or psychology. Additionally skeletons can sometimes refer to a secret as revealed by the idiom ‘skeleton in the closet’ used to describe an undisclosed fact about someone which, if revealed, would damage perceptions of the person. An “inconvenient truth”, fact or event, kept secret for so long that it has decomposed to bones.
Deer Bones Spiritual Meaning
Deer symbolize grace, innocence, intuition, quickness, and gentleness. Seeing a buck symbolizes speed, stamina, virility, leadership, and regeneration, whereas fawns represent the innocence and purity of youth.
Sometimes as adults we lose touch with our inner child, and seeing a deer can help us reconnect with that part of ourselves. Deer remind us to be gentle with ourselves and others around us.
Deer Encounters and Omens
Encountering a deer out in the wild can fill us with peace, compassion and warmth. And that’s because deer are symbolic of gentleness, kindness, renewal, and spiritual awareness.
Deer move graciously, are genuine and pure of spirit, and serve as a reminder to always be kind and aware of others’ feelings, as well as holding yourself to high standards of goodwill.
What Deer of Different Colors Symbolize
A real-life deer comes in colors ranging from chocolate brown to light brown, with accents of white.
White-tailed deer, for example, also have white on their undersides and tail, and have a reddish-brown coat in the warmer weather, with a grayish-brown color in the colder months.
However, sometimes you may dream of deer with different colors.
White or Albino Deer Meaning
Because white represents purity and spiritual awareness, dreaming of an albino or white deer symbolizes connecting with your spiritual side, intuition, and divinity.
Black Deer Meaning
Black deer symbolize shadow work and a situation that may be preventing you from moving forward in life. Dreaming of a black deer will give you the guidance you need to power through.
Brown Deer Meaning
While brown deer do exist in the wild, dreaming of one symbolizes fertility and earth. Dreaming of a brown deer means you are beginning to be aware of your surroundings, physical and spiritual, and are ambitious in your efforts to find contentment.
Golden Deer Meaning
A dream of a golden deer represents your quest for knowledge, and the positive consequences of seeking out your true ambitions and goals. However, a golden deer can also symbolize an impending danger lurking in your future.
Deer Symbolism in Dreams
In general, when you dream of a deer, it means you should become more gentle, try a different approach to life, shed all of the past problems and move forward in a positive way, change your environment, have more focus, and be more compassionate.
Deer are known for hiding out and keeping themselves hidden until they are ready to be seen, which represents a spiritual awakening. If you see deer in your dreams, it means you are ready for a breakthrough or awakening, which could happen soon.
But dreaming of deer holds many different meanings, depending on the subject matter.
Dreaming of a dead deer
Death isn’t always a bad thing since it’s a natural part of life. Seeing a dead deer in a dream may represent the ending of a relationship, or warn you of a change in your relationship.
It could mean that you might have to sacrifice or give something up for the sake of spiritual growth, growing your relationship, or one of your passions.
Dreaming of a deer attacking you
A deer attacking you in a dream symbolizes the stress you feel in the waking world, whether it’s energetically or financially. You may be worried about moving forward and are preventing yourself from success.
Dreaming of hunting a deer
If you hunt or kill a deer in your dream, it’s symbolic of the need to express your inner emotions, particularly the ones holding you back or throwing you off-balance. In addition, this dream might mean that you’re ruining a chance at a healthy relationship due to your inability to be honest with yourself.
Dreaming of being chased by a deer
Dreaming of being chased by a deer means you fear most things in life, but you are willing to take risks. If you are frightened while being chased by the deer, it symbolizes your fear of messing up in life and your desire to never do anything wrong.
Dreaming of a baby deer/fawn
Because a fawn, or baby deer, is symbolic of innocence, dreaming of one is a message that it’s good to be vulnerable with yourself and others. Dreaming of a fawn is also related to divinity, spiritual energy, peace and healing.
Dreaming of a deer staring at you
When a deer stares at you in your dream, this is connected to your intuition and finding the strength within to trust it. It might also be a sign that you have empathic abilities.
Dreaming of turning into a deer
Dreaming of turning into a deer usually indicates innocence in oneself. Deer are known not to trust so easily, so a dream like this may be trying to tell you to live your life with integrity and self-respect, and to be honest with yourself.
Dreaming of feeding a deer
When you dream of feeding a deer, this is symbolic of your compassion in life and your need to heal the emotional pain of others. This may also be indicative of your desire to share the wealth among those you love.
Dreaming of deer antlers
A deer’s antlers represent spiritual awareness and staying connected, so to dream of them symbolizes the beginning of a new phase in life. It’s a reminder to keep moving forward and not stay stagnant.
Dreaming of a deer skull
Dreaming of a deer skull means you may have lost some of your compassion, for whatever reason, and you feel guilty about it. It’s a message that perhaps you should reconcile with a certain person or situation.