The term canker sores is used to describe open sores in the mouth that are small and red in colour. It more commonly occurs on the inside of the cheeks, floor of the mouth and gums, but can also appear on the tongue. A canker sore is normally painless, although there may be a mild burning sensation. They can present as raised or flat sores, and depending on the severity, they can leave a white, yellow or brown scar after they have healed. Some people may also refer to them as Aphthous Ulcers.
Canker sores have a simple, but kind of gross, name: aphthous stomatitis. It’s an oral condition characterized by small ulcers found inside the mouth. Canker sores are not contagious and typically heal within two weeks on their own. However, there are some things you can do to help them along. This article will cover how emotional stress causes canker sores, what canker sores signify, the meaning of canker sores, what causes them, and what you can do to get rid of them or make them go away faster.

Spiritual Meaning of Canker Sores
The spiritual meaning of canker sores is that you need to take care of yourself.
Canker sores are small, painful ulcers in the mouth. These can result from stress or trauma, but they can also just happen for no reason at all. In either case, they’re not a big deal—but if you’re a person who has them frequently, it’s time to start taking care of yourself!
You might be ignoring your needs and trying to push through things on your own when you really just need some quiet time or some extra sleep. You could also be putting yourself under too much pressure at work or at home, which is leading to stress-related canker sores (and probably other health issues).
It’s important to take care of yourself physically and mentally so that these painful little ulcers don’t keep coming back over and over again!
Canker sores are a common ailment that most people have had at some point in their lives. They are small, white or yellowish lesions that can appear on the inside of your mouth or lips. They are often painful, but they usually go away on their own in two to four weeks.
A virus that affects the soft tissue in your mouth and salivary glands is what causes canker sores. The virus enters through the bloodstream and causes inflammation to occur near the base of your teeth. Canker sores tend to occur more frequently during times of stress, but they also may be caused by poor dental hygiene, tooth grinding or biting down on something hard, such as ice cream or gum.
Because canker sores are a result of an infection in your mouth, they should not be treated with topical creams or medications such as those found at your local pharmacy or drugstore. These products may actually increase swelling and discomfort associated with canker sores, making them last longer than usual before healing completely on their own without causing further damage to surrounding tissues within your mouth.
Instead of using over-the-counter medications for treatment purposes, try eating foods like bananas, which contain potassium levels higher than other fruits (such as oranges), which
Mouth Ulcer Spiritual Meaning
Mouth pain is a bitch, no matter how it shows up.
But yeah, a canker sore—which is basically an open ulcer—is definitely near the top of the list of things you don’t want showing up in your oral cavity.
First, the good news: Canker sores and cold sores are not the same thing. “Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus and are true infections,” says Edward A. Alvarez, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City. Canker sores, on the other hand, are not, which also means they’re not contagious.
Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that can appear on the inside of your cheeks and lips. They’re also called aphthous stomatitis or mouth ulcers.
Canker sores usually go away in a week or so, but they can be annoying and painful while they last. They may also leave behind a dark mark that’s hard to get rid of.
What do canker sores signify?
Aphthous stomatitis is a common condition that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks the cells in the mouth. Canker sores are very common in young children, but they also occur in adults.
Some people get canker sores every month during certain times of the year—for example, just before their period or just after starting birth control pills. Other people have recurring canker sores throughout their lives.
Canker sores are small, painful ulcers that appear inside or outside the mouth. They may be difficult to see because they’re so tiny. But if you have them, you probably know it!
Canker sores have been around for ages. In fact, in ancient Greece and Rome, “cancrum oris” was a common name for these mouth ulcers. Canker sores are also called aphthous ulcers, but most people just call them canker sores.
They’re not contagious and they’re not cancerous (although they can be mistaken for oral cancer). They usually go away on their own after two weeks or so. But they can be painful while they last!
How does emotional stress cause canker sores
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a virus that causes cankers. This virus can live in people without causing any symptoms at all; it’s only when something triggers it that it causes problems like cold sores or fever blisters on your lips or face (oral herpes).
There is some evidence that emotional stress can cause canker sores because it causes changes to your body’s immune system, which then overproduces white blood cells in your mouth area. These white blood cells then cause inflammation, leading to pain and ulceration.
What exactly are canker sores?

This is what a canker sore looks like.
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Canker sores—which are also called aphthous ulcers—are small, round sores that pop up on the inside of your mouth, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The sores will usually have a red edge and a gray center.
They typically appear on your inner cheeks or inside the lips, says Philip Gallegos, D.D.S., a dentist in Albuquerque, NM, but they can show up on the back of your throat, too.
So yeah, they’re annoying (and painful) AF, but, good news: Canker sores are benign, non-contagious, and very common, says Elisa Mello, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist at NYC Smile Design.
What are the symptoms of canker sores?
Basically, you’ll know when you have one. The first sign of developing a canker sore is typically a tingling feeling in a certain spot, says Gallegos—kind of like a cold sore.
That spot then turns into a red bump that eventually reveals a white or gray center, says Gallegos. The sores typically end up being about one to three millimeters in length, and can occur in clusters or as a single lesion.
Oh, and they’re also pretty damn painful (I mean, they are ulcers, after all). Some more serious ulcers may even leave scarring behind.
What causes canker sores?
Honestly, tons of things. For one, they occur in response to trauma inside the mouth—such as biting the side of your cheek or bumping your gum hard when brushing, says Alvarez.

Canker Sore Vs. Cold Sore: What’s The Difference?
Mouth appliances, such as braces, mouthguards, and retainers, can all irritate the lips, cheeks, and gums, causing canker sores, too. “This is especially true if the appliance doesn’t fit properly,” says Mello. If you have a mouth appliance, be sure to tell your dentist or orthodontist if you frequently develop cankers in areas where the appliance rubs or pokes the inside of your mouth, she suggests. So yeah, don’t just live with it.
Stress and poor diet can also play a role in canker sores since both can affect how your immune system functions, says Mello. Though it’s not entirely clear why, according to the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM), a lag in the immune system might cause your body’s white blood cells to attack the mucosal tissue (a.k.a., the soft, slimy part) in your mouth, which in turn might cause canker sores.
And if you’re a woman, hormones can come into play, too: “Progesterone increases during the menstrual cycle and can cause canker sores and red, swollen, or bleeding gums,” says Bryan Simone, D.D.S., a dentist in Grove City, Ohio—that’s something he sees a lot of in his practice.
Okay, so how do I treat a canker sore?
Canker sores are self-limiting, according to the AAOM—that means they can typically heal on their own without any treatment within one to two weeks.
That means you probably won’t have to go see a dentist or doctor, says Simone. In the meantime, an over-the-counter topical medication like Anbesol can help numb the area and reduce the pain, Simone says (any topical treatment containing benzocaine will do, though). For another at-home treatment, Gallegos also suggests dabbing a few drops of milk of magnesia on the sores three to four times a day.
But if you’re desperate for more immediate relief—or if your sores are excruciatingly bad—go ahead and make a dentist appointment. Alvarez uses a certain type of laser that coats the surface of the ulcer, forming a protective layer on top that stops pain immediately. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe a topical anesthetic, such as viscous lidocaine or a topical steroid, that can coat the sore, reduce inflammation, and work harder than an OTC treatment, Alvarez adds.
Keep track of your diet while you’re on the mend, too: “Avoid spicy and salty food, citrus fruit, nuts, or tomatoes, all of which may irritate the open sores,” Gallegos says. Instead, stick to foods that are easy to chew and swallow, like yogurt, soups (not too hot!), and cottage cheese, he suggests. Cold liquids and foods, like ice cream or Popsicles, might also bring some relief.
One thing to keep in mind, though: If you have recurrent canker sores—frequent outbreaks or new sores that develop before old ones totally heal—you’ll want to talk to your primary care doctor about those, as it could signal another underlying health issue like inflammatory bowel disease or a gluten sensitivity, says Gallegos.
But if you’ve got one or two rogue canker sores, you may just have to wait it out…and for god’s sake, don’t poke it with your tongue!