The body is the pillar of life, and God says it’s good to glorify it…But what does that mean? And why are there so many parts? What spiritual meaning does each body part have? In this article, we’ll look at a few different body parts and try to find their spiritual meaning as well as truths about them.
Body symbolism as it appears in dreams and its interpretations can be bewildering, if not downright confusing. What do the feet, fingers, toes, hands and hair mean? The simple answer to this question is that they are all related to a person’s body.
Are you interested in obtaining valuable information on body parts with meaning, right side of body pain spiritual meaning, spiritual meaning of pain in body parts book, amongst others? Churchgists is the right stop for you. You don’t want to miss this!

Spiritual Meaning of Body Parts
The spiritual meaning of body parts is a way to understand the deeper meaning of our bodies and what they mean to us. Our bodies are, after all, our vehicles for experiencing this world. They are how we interact with the world around us and how we express who we are as individuals.
Each body part has a unique function, but they all work together to create an incredible experience. The heart pumps blood throughout the body; the liver processes toxins; the kidneys filter impurities out of urine; the lungs take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide; the brain controls thoughts and feelings; and so on.
When you think about your own body parts in terms of their spiritual meaning, it can help you appreciate them more fully—and even heal yourself physically and emotionally when necessary. It’s amazing what understanding our own bodies can do for us!
Our body parts have a spiritual meaning, and it’s important to know what that is.
The head is the most important part of our body. It contains the brain, which is the seat of our consciousness and intellect. The heart is also very important because it’s what keeps us alive. The liver filters toxins out of our blood and helps us digest food. The kidneys regulate our blood pressure and keep us hydrated by filtering out excess water from our blood. The lungs supply oxygen to all other organs. The reproductive system allows us to reproduce offspring and pass on genes, including those that make up our unique personality traits (which come from both parents).
The intestines are also very important because they allow food to be digested before being absorbed into the bloodstream for use by cells throughout the body. This process allows nutrients like glucose or amino acids into cells so they can be used as fuel for energy production or for building new proteins for muscles or other tissues that need repair after being damaged by physical activity such as exercise or sports activities like running around outside at school recess time during lunch break during spring break vacation week vacation days off from work from working overtime shifts after work during holidays away from home family vacations trips with friends
Symbolism of Body Parts In The Bible
One way to view our nature is that we have a material part, our body, and an immaterial part, our soul and/or spirit. A frequently held view is that we have a bipartite nature where the “soul” and “spirit” are taken as different terms for the same entity. In a 1931 issue of The Evangelical Quarterly, A. McCaig wrote a comprehensive 17-page review of scripture in an article titled “Thoughts on the Tripartite Theory of Human Nature” in which the author makes the case that we are bipartite.
Many other theologians suggest that our immaterial nature has two distinctly different parts – a soul and a spirit. This is known as a tripartite view. Information to include scripture references are at this website and the site of Andrew Wommack Ministries.
We tend to lean towards those who hold a tripartite view and the following is my understanding of our design and how the spirit, soul and body are interconnected. Indeed, we are very, very complex beings and only a living God could have created us as we are. I urge you to study the scriptures to arrive at your own understanding of man’s design.
Our Body
It is by our body that we function. It’s comprised of organs and cells which consists of protein carbohydrates and fats. Our body contains our nervous system with nerves and the brain. It’s through our bodies that we connect to the physical world with our five senses.
Psalm 139:14 says that “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Open this document for examples of how marvelously God made our bodies to function as they do.
Our Soul
Our soul is what gives us our personality and it’s through our soul that we live out our relationship with God, with other people and with our self. Our soul likely has three major components — our mind, will and emotions. Our mind has a conscious part and a subconscious part. The conscious mind is where we do our thinking and reasoning. The sub-conscious mind is where we hold our deep beliefs and our attitudes. It’s also where we have our feeling, our emotions and retain our memories. Our will is what gives us the ability to make choices. Through a very complex way, our mind, our will and our emotions are connected to the body through our endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
“The mind and body communicate constantly. What the mind thinks, perceives, and experiences is sent from our brain to the rest of the body.” Herbert Benson, M.D., The Benson – Henson Institute for Mind Body Medicine
Our Spirit
It’s in our spirit that we have meaning and purpose in life. At the deepest level our spirit gives us meaning and purpose and our spirit enables us to love one another, our self and God. It’s through our spirit that we have communion and fellowship with God. Our spirit gives us intuition between right and wrong. For in-depth reading about the distinction between spirit, soul and body consider material written by Watchman Nee, especially The Spiritual Man which is a book online and free.
Our spiritual health will have a significant impact on our emotional health which will have a major influence on our physical health. The inter-connection between the spirit, the soul and the body is certainly a complex connection, nevertheless, the connection is very real. The apostle John was inspired by God to write in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” This is an indication of the importance of attending to matters of the soul as it relates to being healthy.
The Interaction Between Spirit, Soul and Body
Many of us are affected by how we handle the stress that life brings us. If chronic stress is left unchecked, over a period of time our bodies will take a toll. A strong faith can help us to cope with the stress that we experience in our life and enable the impact of that stress to be less significant. Without a strong personal faith we must resort to our own resources to cope with the stress present in our life. Often we attempt to cope with this stress through addictions and other methods of escape. This behavior can further exacerbate the effect of stress on our physical health. A strong personal faith can be a resource that helps to manage stress. Read more at Stress, Health and Faith.
Our beliefs and attitudes, determined in large degree by our faith, will play a major role in our thinking patterns. Our day to day thinking will have an impact on our emotions and feelings, and our emotions and feelings will have a major impact on our behaviors. In this regard, our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health. In the page on Spiritual Exercises we address the importance of our thinking patterns and how we can change our thinking which can transform our life.
Caring for our heart – our ‘spiritual’ heart as well as our physical heart – is a huge part of being healthy.