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Blessing Prayer For Food

    ‘Blessing’ comes from the Latin word ‘benedicere’ which means to speak well of. In Christian tradition, a blessing is a prayer or issuance of good wishes by one person, for another. It may be specifically intended as thanks, acceptance in place of thanks, or an expression of sympathy and concern; although there are also more formal non-religious blessings.

    Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on short prayer for food blessing, prayer before meals for kids, lunch prayer thank you god, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

    Blessing Prayer For Food

    Dear Lord, we thank you for this food. Thank you for the hands that prepared it, and the hearts that cared for it. We are grateful for your bounty and care in providing us with nourishment. We ask that you bless this food to our bodies, that it may be used to build and sustain us, and that it may bring us closer to you. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

    Dear God,

    We thank you for the food we are about to eat. In this meal, we are reminded of all that you have given us and how much you love us. Bless this food, and bless us as we eat it. In Jesus’ name, Amen

    The practice of saying a food blessing before meals is an ancient Christian tradition. As we sit down to eat, we can express our gratitude for what we have and ask God’s blessing on the food. We might also pray for God’s protection during our meal or afterward. From humble, heartfelt prayers to formal liturgical blessings, there are many ways Christians can pray before eating. Here are some of the most famous and powerful:

    Bless us, O God. Bless our food and our drink. Since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in this food so may you give us a share in eternal life.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that in all things You do work for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that in all things You do work for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. I thank You that Your grace is sufficient for me. I thank You for loving me so much that it led you to send Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. I am grateful for your mercy, kindness, goodness and grace toward us.

    I thank you also for being our guide through life as we seek your will each day. Please protect us from evil and give us wisdom when making decisions so we can please you more fully with our lives than ever before!

    Dear Lord, I pray that You would be with us as we eat this food. I pray that You would bless it and use it to provide us with physical nourishment.

    Dear Lord, I pray that You would be with us as we eat this food. I pray that You would bless it and use it to provide us with physical nourishment.

    I ask for your protection over our mealtime and over the food which we consume. Protect us from harmful illnesses and diseases, especially those of a digestive nature (such as irritable bowel syndrome). Help our bodies to digest what they need and to eliminate what they don’t need.

    I also ask that you would bless this food so that it can provide us with energy, strength, endurance and vitality.

    Dear Lord, I pray that You would bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our spirits.

    Dear Lord, I pray that You would bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies and our spirits.

    Blessings are important because they are a way to express gratitude for what we have. In blessing this food, we will be able to glorify Your name more fully.

    short prayer for food blessing

    Dear Lord, we praise you for your great goodness and your loving kindness to us. We are so grateful for the joy of family and friends, and for the pleasure of sharing this meal together.

    • Thankfulness for the food:
    • Thankfulness for the company:
    • Thankfulness for the pleasure of sharing this meal together.
    • Thankfulness for love of family and friends

    Dear Father in heaven, thank you for providing us with food to eat. Bless me as I prepare it and bless those who will eat it. Thank you for all of the blessings that you give me every day..

    Dear Father in heaven, thank you for providing us with food to eat. Bless me as I prepare it and bless those who will eat it. Thank you for all of the blessings that you give me every day..

    Thank you for the sunshine on my crops, which nourishes them and makes them grow. Thank you for providing water so that we can irrigate our fields so that they will be fertile ground on which to plant seeds, which then become crops where we can produce food that is healthy to eat!

    Thank You God!

    Food Blessings can be powerful ways to express gratitude for what we eat

    Food blessings can be powerful ways to express gratitude for what we eat. They are a great way to incorporate spirituality into your mealtime routine and express your thanks for the bounty that has been provided.

    Before, during and after meals, food blessings can be done individually or in groups. They are often performed by children and adults alike, making them accessible for everyone.

    prayer before meals for kids

    Children learn to be fearless in their faith by watching those around them.  One of my favorite traditions that our family has is saying grace before meals.  There’s nothing that warms the heart faster than seeing little hands folded under bowed heads, while their tiny voices give thanks for their food.  In talking with other parents here and there, I’ve been asked what we say at grace.  We have several poem-like prayers that we recite, while other times we freestyle it.  Here are some verse table prayers for children and their families.  Some of them are from my childhood.  Others are ones Bear learned at Preschool.  Here they are…

    God is Great

    God is great.

    God is good.

    Let us thank Him for our food.

    By His hands, we are blessed.

    Thank you, Lord, for this daily bread.


    Come Lord Jesus
    Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest,
    And let this food to us be blessed.

    Thank You, God, for Everything
    Thank you for the world so sweet.
    Thank you for the food we eat.
    Thank you for the birds that sing.
    Thank you God for everything.

    The Yummy Prayer
    For all food yummy
    That fills my tummy,
    Thank you, God!

    We Fold Our Hands
    We fold our hands.
    We bow our heads.
    We thank you, God,
    For this daily bread.

    Another thing that we often do is to go around the table after grace is said and share one thing that we are grateful for.  It’s an excellent way to tap into the little things that are important in our children’s lives.  It also helps me stay grounded and remember that though I may get stressed over lunches, laundry, and cleaning house, there’s always something to be grateful for.


    Food is a powerful thing. It has the ability to nourish our bodies and feed our spirits. With this in mind, let’s remember that prayer can be a powerful force for blessing our meals as well.

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