The New Testament is an important book for Christians. It is the primary source of information about Jesus Christ, who is considered by Christians to be the Son of God. While there are several other books that are used in conjunction with the New Testament (the Old Testament), they are not considered authoritative.
The New Testament consists of twenty-seven books written by various authors over a period of about 70 years. The earliest writings date back to around 50 AD, while most were written between 65 and 100 AD.
The reliability of these books has been questioned since the beginning of Christianity. Critics point out that none of the authors had any eyewitness experience with Jesus Christ, and that many stories included in the gospels were written decades after Jesus’ death and resurrection. This makes it hard to know whether those stories are accurate representations of what really happened or if they have been altered over time.
Historical Timeline of The Old Testament
At first glance this seems like a legitimate concern: after all, if no one witnessed anything firsthand then how do we know it really happened? However there are several reasons why historians believe that these stories are reliable enough to warrant inclusion in our canon:
The New Testament is the most reliable historical document in existence. It may be hard to believe that a book thousands of years old could be more reliable than a newspaper or even a court transcript, but it’s true.
And here’s why:
First, there are no other copies of the New Testament—only the original copies themselves. The originals were written by eyewitnesses and apostles who were inspired by God himself. They wrote down their experiences, which included miracles and visions that are also recorded in the Bible. These are not just documents; they are living history!
The New Testament has been carefully preserved throughout history because people have been willing to risk persecution and death to protect these sacred texts. In fact, many have died for their faith in Jesus Christ because they believed his word was true. This kind of dedication to preserving truth would be impossible if these documents weren’t reliable sources of information about Jesus’s life and teachings.

Old Testament Timeline Catholic
When we look at the Old Testament, its easy to get lost in the names and dates. This is a timeline of events from creation to Christ’s earthly ministry. Feel free to print it out for your personal study or Bible reading time
Abraham and Isaac (ca. 1,960 BC)
Abraham, who became the first patriarch of the Israelites and a prophet, was born in Ur of the Chaldees. He was the son of Terah (a descendant of Noah’s son Shem), and he grew up in Ur under very different circumstances from what we would consider normal today.
Abraham later left his home city and moved to Harran where he lived for many years before finally settling in Canaan with his family. In this final place, Abraham made his covenant with God that eventually led to Judaism and Christianity as we know them today.
The Prophets of the Old Testament (ca. 1,500-400 BC)

The prophets were people who spoke God’s word to the people. They warned them of God’s judgement for sin, and encouraged them to repent and turn back to God.
The prophets were also called seers because they could see into the future. Sometimes their messages were not popular with the people because it was difficult for them to accept that God might be judging them or taking away their lands or possessions. The prophets sometimes had to suffer greatly because they spoke out against those in power (some were killed).
The prophets are also referred to as men of God because their work was helping others understand what God wanted from them, whether it be through leading in worship services at churches or writing books containing visions about what life would be like after Jesus’ death on the cross.
Moses and the Exodus (ca. 1,300-1,200 BC)
Moses was born in Egypt, where he spent his youth as an adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He became a powerful leader and led the Israelites out of Egypt when they were enslaved there. For forty years, they wandered in the wilderness until they entered their Promised Land.
Moses was buried on Mount Nebo in Jordan (ca. 1406 BC), overlooking Jericho and Jerusalem. The Bible says that God appeared to him before his death and told him that no one would ever find his grave except if God had already revealed its whereabouts through divine revelation (Deuteronomy 34:6-10).
Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan (ca. 1200-1000 BC)
Beginning in the year 1200 B.C., God gave Moses a new set of laws and commandments to give to the people of Israel. These were written down in what is known as Deuteronomy (meaning “second law”), which includes many reminders about how God’s people must live their lives.
Joshua was an important leader who led the Israelites into Canaan, conquering various cities and towns along the way. As they went forward, Joshua divided up the land among them based on how much each tribe had contributed to fighting against Amalek at Rephidim (Num 24:7). The tribe with the most victories over Amalek would get land closest to Mount Sinai; that tribe would then give some of its land away to other tribes so that everyone got their fair share of territories within Canaan’s borders – but only after defeating their enemies!
The book ends with Joshua’s death at age 110 years old around 1400 B.C., although scholars believe there may have been additional books added later due to its abrupt ending
The Israelites Divided Into Two Nations (931 BC)
- The Kingdom of Israel was divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah after Solomon’s death (931 BC).
- The northern kingdom was ruled by Jeroboam, while Rehoboam ruled over Judah in the south.
- This division lasted until 722 BC, when Sargon II conquered Samaria (the capital city of ancient Israel), effectively ending its independence.
The United Monarchy under Saul, David and Solomon (1050-930 BC)
- King Saul of Israel.
- King David of Israel.
- King Solomon of Israel.
- King David’s son, Solomon (reigned 970-931 BC).
- His son, Rehoboam (reigned 931-913 BC). * Rehoboam’s son, Abijah (reigned 913-911 BC).
- His son Asa (reigned 911-870 BC).
The Prophets Elijah and Elisha (931-800 BC)
Elijah was a prophet who was sent by God to the people of Israel. After Elijah had been sent to King Ahab of Israel, God told him that he would be able to live for two years without food or water if he chose to stay in the desert (1 Kings 19:9-18). In this time, many miracles occurred such as: rain for three years and six months; an earthquake; fire from heaven destroying Elijah’s enemies; and whirlwinds carrying him upwards into heaven.
Elijah also had an apprentice named Elisha. After he learned from his master how to work miracles, Elisha went into Syria while Elijah went into the wilderness (2 Kings 2:6-14).
The Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah (930-586 BC)
In 930 BC, the Kingdom of Israel was divided into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. The northern kingdom was conquered by Assyria in 722 BC, but the southern kingdom continued to exist until 586 BC when it was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon.
Israel Captured by Assyria (722 BC) | Judah Captured by Babylon (586 BC) | Return to Jerusalem from Babylonian Exile (539 BC)
In 722 BC, Assyria captured Israel and carried off many of the people to other lands. Judah was left alone to face Babylonian attacks in 586 BC, which resulted in Jerusalem being completely destroyed. In Babylonian exile (539 BC), the Jews returned to their homeland and rebuilt a new city called Jerusalem.
This is a timeline for the Old Testament period of history according to the Bible.
The Old Testament is the first section of the Bible, which consists of 49 books that chronicle the history of Judaism from Creation to about 400 BC. The Old Testament begins with Abraham, who was born in Ur, and ends with Babylonian exile, when Jews returned to their homeland after being exiled for 70 years by their enemies.
The following timeline provides a summary of this period:
In the future, we hope to be able to update this timeline with more accurate dates and events that have been discovered in recent years. By studying Biblical history such as these timelines and related content, we can better understand the Scriptures and connect their teachings to our lives today.