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Smudging Prayer In Spanish

    Native American Smudging Prayers: A blog with different smudging prayers in different Native American tribes. Although practices differ, smudging is used for medicinal and practical purposes as well as for spiritual ceremonies. The practice generally involves prayer and the burning of sacred medicines, such as sweetgrass, cedar, sage and tobacco.

    Smudging Prayer In Spanish

    Nuestras oraciones son una forma de sincerar nuestros deseos, al mismo tiempo que nos permiten conectarnos con el universo.

    La oración es una manera de manifestar nuestro poder espiritual y es una de las artes más antiguas que tenemos.

    Las oraciones son una manera de canalizar la energía del cosmos para ayudarnos a cumplir nuestros propósitos. En el curso de estas ceremonias, podemos entrar en contacto con los espíritus y aprender acerca del mundo invisible.

    Las ceremonias son sólo un medio para alcanzar la comunión con Dios. Es más importante que la ceremonia sea realizada por personas que crean en lo que están haciendo; si no es así, no tendrá ningún valor real ni beneficio espiritual.

    Dear spirits of the earth,

    I ask that you bless and cleanse this space. I ask that you remove any negative energy that may be present, and replace it with healing, light, and love. I ask that you help me to be mindful of my own thoughts and actions, so that I may serve the world in a more balanced way.

    I thank you for your assistance in this matter.

    Oh, Great Spirit,

    I honor you.

    I am here to cleanse this space of all negative energy.

    Cleanse me as well.

    Bless this space with your loving light.

    Oh, Great Spirit, please guide me to the wisdom of the ancestors.

    Help me to see what is best for my environment and for all living things.

    Open my heart to your teachings and help me to be a good person.

    I am thankful for the blessings that you have given me today and every day.

    I pray to the Great Spirit

    That I may walk in beauty,

    And when I walk, I walk in beauty.

    I pray to the Great Spirit

    That I may talk in beauty,

    And when I talk, I talk in beauty.

    I pray to the Great Spirit

    That I may think in beauty,

    And when I think, I think in beauty.

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