When one’s ailing brother is in dire need of medical help, what does a loving brother do? The answer for me was pretty much the same as for many of my fellow humans – pray. My dear brother, you’ve been sick for long and your ailment has gotten noticeably worse over time now. Your family is concerned and so am I. I can’t stand to see you in pain and there are times when I feel like I’m the only person who even notices your suffering. It brings such great sorrow to my heart to see you suffer while doctors can’t seem to find a way to help you. Please pray for my brother who has spent a week in the hospital. Today they found out he has Congestive Heart Failure, which is from the heart not being able to pump blood well, and renal insufficiency, which is from the kidneys not filtering blood well. Dear Lord and merciful Savior, you hold each of us in the palm of your hand. You feel our pain and suffering more than we ever could imagine.
Prayer for a brother who is sick; Dear Jesus, we are here today to pray for our brother [name], who is sick. We ask that you heal him from his illness and restore him to full health. May he be made whole again, and may he return to his family and friends in good spirits. Please give him the strength he needs to overcome this challenge, and help us all remember that we can only do so much on our own. Give us the courage to accept when we need help, and give us the strength to ask for help when it is needed. Dear God, Please bless my brother [name] who is sick. He has been sick for a long time, and I want him to feel better. Please help him heal quickly and completely. Please also bless my family and me as we pray for him and try to take care of him. Thank you for hearing my prayer.

Prayer For A Brother Who Is Sick
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Prayer for a brother who is sick. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Prayer for a brother who is sick. Read on to learn more.
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Heavenly Father, I come before You today in prayer for my brother. I ask that You would heal him, from the top of his head to the souls of his feet. I bind and rebuke any sickness and diseases that is trying to grab hold of his life. I rebuke you in Jesus Name.
Catholic Healing Prayer For My Brother
Heavenly Father, I come before You today in prayer for my brother. I ask that You would heal him, from the top of his head to the souls of his feet. I bind and rebuke any sickness and diseases that is trying to grab hold of his life. I rebuke you in Jesus Name.
O Lord, You are the Physician of body and soul.
O Lord, You are the Physician of body and soul.
To You I bring my brother who is sick.
His health is in Your hands; may You heal him and restore him to good health again.
We pray this in Your holy Name, Jesus Christ.
Do not forsake your child.
- Do not forsake your child.
- God is merciful, forgiving and all-powerful. He can heal anyone. God loves His children and wants to be a part of their lives every day, even when things are difficult for them.
May my brother be cured by your heavenly gifts and absolved by your holy prayers.
Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts, who alone can heal our infirmities and save us from death:
Look with pity on our brother (name), who is so ill as to be unable to attend your holy services; let him rejoice in the hope of a speedy recovery by your heavenly gifts and absolved by your holy prayers.
May my brother be cured by your heavenly gifts and absolved by your holy prayers.
Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, O Merciful One, have mercy on him and save him.
God, You are the Physician of body and soul.
O Merciful One, have mercy on him and save him. Do not forsake your child. God grant him health in his heart, forgiveness for his sins and healing of the body. May my brother be cured by your heavenly gifts and absolved by your holy prayers.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;
The Lord commanded us to make intercession. Because God commanded it is one of the most simple reasons to pray. Discipleship requires a life of obedient service to God.
“Remain vigilant and seek divine intervention. If you don’t, you’ll give in to temptation. Thought and emotion are on board, but the body can’t keep up. Matthew 26:41, New Living Translation
Then Jesus used a tale to impress upon his followers the need of persistent intercession. (Lucas 18:1)
And always, ask for everything you want, whenever you want, in the Spirit. Keep this in mind as you continue to pray for the saints and watch over them. (NIV) Quote from Ephesians 6:18
Why Bother If I Can’t Pray?
When you don’t know what to say in prayer, the Holy Spirit will show you what to say:
The Spirit strengthens us when we are feeble. When we do not know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit prays for us. Whoever examines our hearts knows the thoughts of the Holy Spirit, for the Spirit intercedes on behalf of the righteous in accordance with God’s will. New International Version (NIV): Romans 8:26-27
Short Prayer For My Brother

We often talk about how God calls us to care for our brother in the Bible, but in fact, most of those verses are really talking about just caring for fellow human beings. Still, our relationship with our actual brothers is just as important, if not more so since they are our family. There is no one closer to us than our family, brothers included. In most cases we live under the same roof, we share our childhood with them, we have so many shared experiences that they know us best, whether we want them to or not. That’s also why we need to remember our brothers in our prayers. Lifting up our siblings to God is one of the greatest blessings we can give them, so here is a simple prayer for your brother that can get you started:
A Sample Prayer
Lord, thank you so much for all you do for me. You have blessed me in more ways than I can count and in so many more ways than I probably even know. Every day you stand beside me, comforting me, supporting me, protecting me. I have every reason to be grateful for my faith and for the ways you have blessed me. I ask you to continue to bless me and guide me in my day to day life. Yet that is not the only reason I come before you in prayer at this moment.
Lord, today I am asking you to bless my brother. He is so close to my heart, and I want only the best for him. I ask, Lord, that you work in his life to make him a better man of God. Bless every step he takes so that he can be a light unto others. Guide him in the right direction when he is faced with making the right choice or the wrong one. Give him the friends and family members that will point him toward you and what you want for his life, and give him the discerning mind to know who is giving him Your advice.
Lord, I know that my brother and I do not always get along. Actually, we can fight like no two other people. But I ask that you take these disagreements and turn them toward something that draws us closer together. I ask that we not just argue, but that we make up and become closer than we were before. I also ask you to put a greater amount of patience on my heart for the things he does that normally set me off. I also ask that you give him more patience in dealing with me and the things I do to irritate him. I want us to grow older with happy memories of one another.
And Lord, I ask that you bless his future. As he moves forward in his life, I ask that you guide him down the path you’ve built for him and that you give him joy in walking down that path. I ask that you bless him with good friends, fellow students, and co-workers and that you give him the love he so dearly deserves.
Thank you, Lord, for always being here for me and listening to me as I speak. Lord, I ask that I continue to have your ear and that my heart is always open to your voice. Thank you, Lord for all of my blessings, and may I continue to live a life that makes you smile and gives you nothing but joy.
In your holy name, I pray, Amen.
Have a specific prayer request about your sister (or anything else)? Submit a prayer request and feel free to help pray for others that need God’s intervention and support.
Please pray for my brother as he is sick. I have told you guys about him before but he is in the ICU and needs his health back. Please pray for his recovery so that he may return to his wife and children and be happy again. Thank you all!