There are many Catholic prayers for the deceased. If a family member or loved one dies and you know of a prayer that I have not listed, please feel free to leave it in the comments below. This Catholic prayer for deceased parents is recited after the Liturgy of the Word during Mass or at any time later when we remember our dead.
We are living in a world that is filled with so many things that are not good for us. It is easy to get caught up in the bad things that happen and lose sight of what is good. We need to remember that there is always something good in our lives, even if it seems hard to find it at times.
Prayer can help us find the good in our lives and also help us deal with the bad things we may have experienced or are experiencing now. As we pray, we can feel God’s presence and peace surround us. Prayers can be said throughout the day as needed, but there are also certain prayers which can be said at specific times or on special occasions.
One such prayer is known as “The Prayer for Deceased Parents.” This prayer can be said at any time when dealing with grief over losing a parent or parents through death.
We pray for our parents, who are no longer with us. We pray that they may rest in peace and that their souls may be at ease. We pray that they will find happiness in Heaven and we ask God to take care of them.

Catholic Prayer For Deceased Parents
Short Prayer For Deceased Parents
A short prayer for deceased parents is a beautiful way to honor and remember our loved ones who have passed away. It is a way to express our love, gratitude, and longing for their eternal peace and happiness in the presence of God. One such short prayer could be:
“In Your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our deceased parents, [Name] and [Name]. In this life, you embraced them with Your tender love; deliver them now from all evil and bid them eternal rest. Grant them the joy and peace of Your heavenly kingdom, where they will live forever. Amen.”
This heartfelt prayer recognizes God’s loving care for our parents while pleading for their souls to be delivered from any lingering evil and to find eternal rest in the kingdom of heaven. It acknowledges our faith in God’s mercy and His ability to provide everlasting happiness for our departed parents.
Prayer For Deceased Parents in Islam
Islam also places great importance on praying for the deceased and seeking their forgiveness and eternal bliss. A prayer for deceased parents in Islam can be as follows:
“O Allah, forgive our deceased parents, [Name] and [Name], have mercy on them, and grant them the highest ranks in Paradise. We ask You to ease their suffering and shower them with Your infinite love and mercy. Guide our family with patience and strength through this difficult time. Amen.”
This prayer reflects the Islamic belief in Allah’s mercy and the role of family support during the grieving process. It expresses a deep desire for the departed parents’ souls to be granted the highest levels of paradise and asks for strength to cope with the loss.
Novena Prayer For Deceased Father
A novena prayer is a traditional Catholic practice involving praying a set of prayers over a period of nine days, often seeking a specific intention. A novena prayer for a deceased father could be:
“O God, strength of all who hope in You, we entrust our deceased father, [Name], into Your everlasting arms. Grant him eternal rest, O Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon him. In this time of sorrow, please comfort us with Your grace and fill our hearts with hope in the resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
This novena prayer is an offering of trust and hope in God’s eternal goodness. It acknowledges the sorrow and longing for comfort that accompanies the loss of a father, while also emphasizing the belief in the resurrection and the promise of eternal life through Christ.
Overall, these Catholic prayers for deceased parents and the variations in other religious traditions show the universal desire to remember and honor our loved ones who have passed away. Through prayer, we express our faith in God’s mercy and the hope of eternal life, seeking comfort, forgiveness, and peace for their souls. These prayers reflect the biblical teachings of God’s love, compassion, and the promise of everlasting life. As we remember and pray for our deceased parents and loved ones, we join in the collective hope for their eternal happiness and reunification in the embrace of God’s love.
Catholic Prayer For Deceased Parents
As Catholics, we believe that death is not the end. In fact, it’s just the start of our eternal life. This can be comforting when we miss a deceased relative or friend. Though they’re no longer with us here on earth, through God’s grace you’ll meet again in heaven. Still, there are times when it can be easy to forget this. The pain and sadness from losing a loved one can become overwhelming at times and make it so that you feel like you’re not even sure how to pray for them anymore. It’s in these times that we have to rely on the prayers of others as we seek God’s comfort and healing grace for ourselves and for those who have died before us. One such prayer is below:
(For a husband) Lord,
- The Lord is the giver of all comfort.
- The Lord is the father of all mercies.
- He has dealt graciously with us, and taken away all anxiety.
- He directs our minds to heavenly things, by the power of his Holy Spirit, who dwells in us richly through faith in Christ Jesus.
Father of all mercies and giver of all comfort, deal graciously, we pray thee with (name).
Father of all mercies and giver of all comfort, deal graciously, we pray thee with (name).
Behold him with tender pity and clothe him in the robe of thy salvation.
Raise him up from his bed of sickness and restore him to a fullness of life in thy kingdom.
We beseech thee to give us grace to mourn the departure of our father and mother by following the example set before us in Scripture by Jesus who said: “Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1).
catholic prayer for the dead
Look with pity upon him lying under the pressure of so heavy an affliction; and grant that he may be supported by the thought that his anguish is only for a moment.
O God of love and mercy, who dost visit the sick in their afflictions and comfort them by thy consolations; look with pity upon him lying under the pressure of so heavy an affliction; and grant that he may be supported by the thought that his anguish is only for a moment. Thou art just; but even though thou hast made a decree against us, it is not inconsistent with thy justice to admit our prayers in behalf of those who have departed this life. We know that they are destined to rest from all their labors, but we also know that they are still dear to thee, who hast given them birth. Let us therefore say:
Our Father who art in Heaven…
Take away from him all anxiety concerning things of earth and direct his mind solely to heavenly things.
Take away from him all anxiety concerning things of earth and direct his mind solely to heavenly things.
When you pray for your dead parents, there is nothing more comforting than knowing that they are in the arms of God and that you cannot harm them by praying for them. That’s why this prayer is so powerful. It comes from a deep faith, not just in God but also in yourself as someone who has been given this opportunity to connect with your parents on an eternal level and let them know how much you love them.
Grant him strength to bear the trial with patience and resignation; and, as in thy sight all lives are numbered, comfort him with the assured hope that in thy good time thou wilt restore him to health and peace of mind. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Prayer for the Dead
O God, who hast taught us to love our neighbor and to pray for him, grant that we may show forth in our daily lives a true spirit of charity toward all men; that, when it is our time to pass from this life into eternity, we may be able through grace to depart in peace and joy with thee. Amen.
short prayer for deceased parents
“O God,
by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest,
send your holy Angel to watch over this grave.
Through Christ our Lord.”
When burying a father or stepfather, this prayer can bring some comfort to those who have hope of angels and God’s protection.
“Prayer for the Dead” from Catholicism
“God our Father,
Your power brings us to birth,
Your providence guides our lives,
and by Your command we return to dust.
Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,
their lives change but do not end.
I pray in hope for my family,
relatives and friends,
and for all the dead known to You alone.
In company with Christ,
Who died and now lives,
may they rejoice in Your kingdom,
where all our tears are wiped away.
Unite us together again in one family,
to sing Your praise forever and ever.
This prayer focuses on the life that comes after this one, commending the spirit of our loved father or stepfather into the hands of God.
Thank you for reading this article! May it help you to find solace and comfort in your faith.