Dear Lord, Help us to meet today with the trust that only comes from knowing you are always with us. May we come to this meeting with minds and hearts open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Help us to work together in unity and to listen carefully to what others have share. May we listen without interruption and without imposing our own opinions on others. Teach us the value of true collaboration. Help us to find ways to build each other up as we seek solutions together.
O God, You know that none of us can live without You. Direct our meeting today and help us to discern the choices we make. Help us to guide one another as we look to achieve common goals. Guide us with the Word of God, especially your Holy Spirit within us. Keep us true to our Catholic Faith, lead and guide us as we discern what is best for our families and our community. Bless these families and bring Your healing light into. May Your Holy Spirit guide each of us through this day so that Your Name may be glorified O God, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Dear Jesus, we thank you once again for blessing us all with the opportunity to gather in your name. We pray to you so that our love will be more evident and tangible today, as we open our hearts to each other. We pray also that we may continue to work together as a community of believers, offering one another the greatest sign of love: selfless service.
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Opening Prayer For A Meeting Catholic
Heavenly Father, We come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community.
We pray for the meeting of this body to be a time of grace and insight.
We pray for guidance and inspiration as we discuss these important matters.
We pray for wisdom and discernment, for strength and courage, for understanding and compassion.
We pray for peace on earth, goodwill toward all people; may we live in harmony with one another, respecting our differences and striving to understand each other’s needs. Amen
Dear Lord,
We thank you for this time together. We are grateful for the opportunity to work together and to serve the people of this parish.
We ask you to help us to have an open mind and a kind heart as we listen to one another’s thoughts, feelings, concerns, and needs. We pray that your guidance will lead us in making decisions that are best for our community.
We pray that you bless those who have been affected by recent events. May they find peace and healing in your loving arms.
Short Opening Prayer For Event
Opening Prayer for a Meeting (a prayer suitable for a bible study, worship meeting or church service) Lord, May your grace be upon us as we gather together.
Opening Prayer for a Meeting (a prayer suitable for a bible study, worship meeting or church service)
Lord, May your grace be upon us as we gather together.
We come to you as your children and acknowledge that we are only able to hear you through the love of Christ.
May the spirit of Christ be with us this day, guiding our hearts and minds in wisdom and knowledge so that we may serve him well.
As we begin this meeting today I ask that you bless these activities which we undertake in order that they might be used for the glory of God and his kingdom on earth. May each person here feel thy presence among them at all times during this time together; granting them peace and joy within their hearts through thy divine love.
Give us a sense of your presence in our midst so that we may know that you are among us.
Dear God, we ask for your presence in our midst. We invite you to come and be with us, so that we may know that you are among us. May your spirit guide our discussions and decisions today and give them direction by your grace.
In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen
Fill our hearts with love and compassion, and our minds with wisdom and understanding so that we may know how to keep your commandments in all things.
Fill our hearts with love and compassion, and our minds with wisdom and understanding so that we may know how to keep your commandments in all things.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
May this meeting be blessed with the generous spirit of your giving, that those who have much may share with those who have little.
The following is a prayer for abundance:
- May this meeting be blessed with the generous spirit of your giving, that those who have much may share with those who have little.
- The abundant grace of God fills us all and overflows to others. Your generosity will not go unrewarded as we support our brothers and sisters in need.
The following is a prayer about sharing resources:
- You are the source of all good things, O Lord; fill our lives with true joy and contentment through your divine providence, that we may show forth your glory in all things, now and evermore. Amen!
And bless all those who help to make this meeting what it is – the people who prepare the rooms, the food, the meetings; those who lead us in worship.
- And bless all those who help to make this meeting what it is – the people who prepare the rooms, the food, the meetings; those who lead us in worship.
- O God, we thank you for your love which gathers us together here today. We pray for one another as we walk on pilgrimage towards heaven. Amen
Bless us all and draw us closer to you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The opening prayer for a meeting should be done with an open mind. It is worth saying that the person who does it must be someone who is good at leading meetings and knows how to keep them on track. It is also worth saying that prayers should be done before the meeting starts and not during, unless it’s very short and needs to be done quickly.