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Norse Prayer For Protection

In this post, we will discuss the Norse prayer for protection, norse prayers and blessings and norse prayer for strength. Norse prayer to Odin: May you have a roof over your head, may you have food in your belly and strength in your limbs. May the sun shine upon you when you go out and may noble kinsmen visit you often. May peace sleep with you and wake you from joyful dreams. And this I ask for myself: that I should be beautiful in movement and wise in speech, and may I win the respect of the wise.

The Viking warriors often faced being able to achieve a victory due to superior force, or the battle might end up in bitter defeat. As they were often going into battle knowing that they were probably going to die, they took precautions, such as writing charms and prayers on pieces of wood or bone with the pagan rune alphabet called “Futhark”.

I pray to the All-father, working as I do in Thor’s name. I keep an open mind when dealing with the Aesir, but my faith lies squarely with them. Long have they been unjustly ignored and dismissed. I believe their cause deserves the respect of the world which believes itself just and fair. And so, I ask for luck and protection for those who fight in their names, that they may come out alive from this war.

I add this Norse prayer of protection to every rune reading I do. It is also often useful when working with spirits, deities, and allies that one might not necessarily create a formal “working” with. This prayer can be used in any ritual workings, so long as it isn’t already a part of that ritual.

The complete text of the prayer “Fylgja”, the most important Viking prayer for protection and a long life (as told in the Icelandic saga Hauksbók). This prayer is mostly used by women but men have also been known to use it. To put it into practice, this prayer should be carved on a horn and then carried on ones person, preferably in a pouch. If it was done and the horn were made enchanted with runes, or filled with ones blood, then it would be very powerful.

O mighty and all-ruling Lord of the Aesir, Thor, protector of men, against all perils and dangers of this night shield us. For thee do I humbly pray. Keep far from us all witchcraft and vengeance of opposing men; and in the hour of conflict with hostile powers, vouchsafe to send the help of thy right hand to aid us. Blessed be he who daily contemplates thine handiwork and remembers the divine judgements. Deliver our ships from rock and reef, and peacefully lead them into all havens; for thou rulest over all, both far and near; for thou art a powerful God, King of the World.

Norse Prayer For Protection

1. Prayer for Strength

May Thor, the god of thunder, grant me the strength to face any challenges that come my way. May his mighty hammer Mjolnir protect me from harm and give me the courage to stand firm in the face of adversity.

2. Prayer for Protection in Battle

Odin, the Allfather, I call upon you to watch over me in times of battle. Grant me your wisdom and cunning so that I may emerge victorious. May your ravens, Huginn and Muninn, guide me to safety and lead me to victory.

3. Prayer for Shielding

Lady Freyja, goddess of love and war, wrap me in your protective cloak. Shield me from harm and bring me peace in times of turmoil. Fill my heart with your fierce love and protect me from all evil that may come my way.

4. Prayer for Safe Travels

Thor, Protector of Midgard, I ask for your guidance on my journeys. Keep me safe from dangers on the road and protect me from harm. May your goats, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, carry me swiftly to my destination and bring me home safely.

5. Prayer for Inner Strength

Hel, goddess of the underworld, grant me the strength to face my fears and overcome my struggles. May your wisdom help me navigate the darkest of times and emerge stronger than before. Protect me from negative influences and guide me towards positivity and light.

6. Prayer for Psychic Protection

Yggdrasil, the World Tree, I call upon your ancient power to shield me from negative energies. May your branches extend over me, forming a barrier against psychic attacks and malevolent forces. Keep me grounded and protected in body, mind, and spirit.

Psalm 18:2 – “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

Norse Prayers And Blessings

Dear Lord of the Aesir,

We come before you today to ask for your protection. We know that you are watching over us and guiding us, and we thank you for that. We ask that you keep us safe from harm, and help us to make wise decisions so that we may continue on our path of honor and wisdom.

May your name be sung by all who hear it, O Lord of the Aesir.

Hail to the gods and goddesses of Asgard,

I call upon you for protection against all things that would harm me.

Sif, protect me from any who would try to steal my wife.

Baldr, protect me from those who wish to cause me harm.

Thor, protect me from those who wish to destroy my body or mind.

Odin, protect me from those who wish to make me forgetfulness.

Freyr and Freya, protect my family and loved ones.

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Norse prayer for protection

Runes for protection.

Runes were an alphabet used by the ancient Germanic people of Scandinavia. The word rune comes from an early Anglo-Saxon word meaning “secret” or “mystery,” and they were used for writing, divination and magic. In their divinatory form, runes are stones marked with the ancient Nordic runic alphabet, which is known as the elder Futhark. There are 24 runes in the elder Futhark.

The Norse God Thor.

In Norse mythology, Thor was the god of thunder and storms. He was the son of Odin, the chief god, and Jorunn. He was also the protector of Asgard and Midgard (Earth).

Thor rode in a chariot pulled by goats. He used an iron hammer as his weapon which he threw at his enemies to slay them. His hammer would always return when thrown.

In ancient times, sailors prayed to Thor for protection against storms while farmers prayed to him for protection against lightning strikes on their crops.

Thor was also known as the god of strength and virility.

Tyr’s courage and sacrifice.

The god Tyr was so courageous that he sacrificed his hand to the Fenris wolf to ensure the safety of his fellow gods. To this day, Tyr is held as a symbol of courage and self-sacrifice, with some sources claiming that he was even more important than Odin. In some versions of the story, it was only because of his sacrifice that Fenrir agreed to the binding ceremony in the first place.

Frigg’s protection of women.

Frigg was the queen of the gods, wife of Odin, and one of the most venerated goddesses in Norse mythology. Frigg is a powerful goddess who hears the prayers of women and protects women in childbirth. She is also a powerful seer with knowledge even Odin does not have access to. She spins clouds and creates new life as she spins her golden distaff, which is often associated with spinning wheels. She is sometimes called upon for protection from children’s illness or to help mothers during difficult pregnancies or labors. Frigg is associated with many symbols of fertility, such as bees and flowers. She is also associated with textiles due to her role as an expert spinner and weaver. As the goddess of sky, Frigg has been linked to Venus, Freya, Frige, Thir (the Anglo-Saxon Thursday), Jord (the Earth Mother), Nerthus (Nerthus was a Germanic goddess known as Mother Earth).

Odin’s guidance and sacrifice of himself.

You should draw on Odin’s example when you’re seeking guidance. The Norse god of war is one of the most powerful gods in the mythology, but he wasn’t born that way. Odin made himself into a mythological powerhouse by hanging from the World Tree for nine days and nights, pierced by his own spear. In this self-sacrifice, he learned all of the runes that form the basis of Norse magic.

If you have knowledge you seek, all it takes is a little work and dedication to get there. Take some time out to contemplate what you wish to learn or to better yourself; don’t be afraid to commit your mind and body fully to your quest—the more invested you are in learning something new, the easier it will be for you to do so. Do as Odin did: sacrifice yourself in order to grow stronger and wiser than ever before!

Pray to the gods for help.

You can pray to the gods you believe in. What do you need right now? Pray for that. Do you need help? Pray for it. Do you need protection and guidance? Pray for it. If you need courage and strength, pray for it.

norse prayer for strength

Amongst the many wise words of the Greeks and Romans, there is a prayer that appears in a book by George Ellis. The Prayer is written in what is called runic rhyme-script and uses alliteration. Ellis attributes the poem to the original source and also says this about it; “This tablet was discovered in 1841 on the island of Gotland, Sweden and bears great similarity to other ancient Scandinavian documents. It could easily be dated before 400 CE.” This means that it could very well be at least 1,600 years old.

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