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Short Christmas Speech For Church

    Youth day poems for church: you are invited to share your feelings about youth day at church. Poems about youth day poems for church to share with friends, family and everyone else who wants to know more about charity work, fun activities and making a difference. And the winner is…   That’s right, the winner of this great giveaway is: Today we are thankful for our friends and families, our spiritual leaders and the good work in which they are involved. We remember the men and women from past generations who have given their lives to help spread the message of Christ’s forgiveness and redemption.

    When you give a short sermon for a young people ministry, it is possible to put your emphasis on the gospel and its implications. Getting young people involved in spreading the word of God is a big challenge — but it’s possible. Here are some poems to inspire any young person’s enthusiasm for sharing their faith with others.

    Churchgists will give you all you ask on Short Christmas speech for church, Christian Christmas Poems, Christmas Prayers and so much more.

    Short Christmas Speech For Church

    A Short Christmas Speech for church is a required element for any pastor. If you are planning to distribute this speech in your church, make sure that it is written using the best of your resources and has all the elements which include words, images and sounds. Christmas is a great time of year to celebrate with family and friends. No matter what ages you are, there are always Christmas poems you can use to inspire and remind you of how much God loves us!

    At Christmas, we’re so busy decorating and cooking that we sometimes forget to thank God for all His blessings. The best way to show appreciation is by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Your kids would love to hear some Scripture-based poems every day this holiday season. Here’s a nice collection of Christmas gift ideas for children:

    Christian Christmas Poems

    Christian Christmas poems and prayers. Inspirational religious Christmas poetry honoring Jesus and true meaning of Christmas. Religious poems verse for Christmas cards and church.

    True Christian Christmas

    Christmas isn’t showy gifts
     Or glittering decoration;
     It’s honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ
     In humble adoration.

    It’s serving those less fortunate,
     Meeting their needs before our own;
     It’s making sure at Christmas time
     That no one is alone.

    It’s taking what we would have spent
     On things that no one needs,
     And using it to help someone
     With service and good deeds.

    Our Savior showed us how to live
     With charity, faith and service.
     It makes the holidays a joy,
     More peaceful, and less nervous.

    So let’s remember Christmas is
     About our Savior’s birth;
     That’s the way to happiness,
     The way to peace on earth.

    Religious Christmas poems are very popular. This Christian Christmas poem reminds us why we celebrate. 

    Jesus Is The Reason

    In Bethlehem, God gave to us
     The source of Christmas joy;
     A star shown on a miracle:
     The virgin birth of a boy.

    He was born both God and man,
     A Savior for us all,
     The way to get to our heavenly home,
     If we just heed His call.

    So as we shop and spend and wrap
     And enjoy the Christmas season,
     Let’s keep in mind the sacred truth:
     Jesus is the reason.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    It’s time to stop the rampant materialism and be better role models for our children, says this Christian Christmas poem. It’s 

    Christian Christmas poem Real Joy in white text on maroon background with white stars.

    Real Joy

    What is Christmas without Jesus Christ?
    It’s a holiday full of stuff.
    Money and stress, teaching kids greed,
    Some people are saying “Enough!”

    “Love one another,” our Savior said.
    It’s all about love, not things.
    Let’s teach our children to serve, and create
    The real joy the true Christmas brings.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Christian Christmas poetry can explain a bit of Christmas history, as this religious Christian poem does.

    Why We Celebrate

    Why do we celebrate
     Jesus’ birth at Christmas,
     though we don’t know
     when He was born?
     It was necessary and inevitable
     that we select a date
     to celebrate an eternal miracle–
     the coming to earth
     of God in human form…Jesus,
     Who changed the entire world
     with His message of love,
     forgiveness, humility and peace.
     Christmas is an obligatory
     and indispensable holiday
     marking the transformation
     from guiltless selfishness
     to striving to follow His example
     of service to God and our fellow man.
     That is worth celebrating.
    By Joanna Fuchs

    stained glass window with six blocks showing disciples, angel, Mary, star, sun, moon.

    Christian Christmas poetry can explain parts of Christianity. This Christian Christmas poem reminds us that the basis for Christmas is religious Christianity. The word “Christmas” refers to a Mass for Christ, a religious ritual. 

    Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

    Why do we celebrate Christmas,
     A “Mass” for Christ, each year?
     Why do we shop and give out gifts,
     Basking in Christmas cheer?

    Our joy is based in the Gospel,
     The amazing “good news” of Christ;
     We’re grateful for what He gave to us
     And all He sacrificed.

    Priceless gifts He brought,
     Eternal life, and more,
     A perfect role model for all of us,
     He opened heaven’s door.

    At Christmas time let’s be
     Reverent and devout,
     Celebrating a Christmas real and true:
     Jesus Christ is what it’s about.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Here’s a short Christian Christmas poem in free verse, perfect for use as a Christmas card message. 

    God Bless You at Christmas 

    God bless you at Christmas;
    May the Light of the World
    Shine on you and those you love
    As you share this blessed, holy season. 

    By Joanna Fuchs 

    Here’s another short Christmas card message. 

    Christmas Contentment 

    At Christmas,
    May Jesus fill your hearts with peace,
    May God grant you abundant grace,
    And may you have sweet contentment
    In the New Year. 

    By Joanna Fuchs

    A Different Kind Of Christmas

    Sometimes Christmas is just overwhelming, it seems,
     As we rush around buying up stuff.
     We spend without end, and we rack up those bills,
     But it feels like it’s never enough.

    So this Christmas, let’s all take a different approach:
     Let’s try to be more in accord
     With God’s Christmas gift, the best one of all–
     Our sweet Jesus, our Savior, our Lord.

    We’ll be gentle and patient, and loving and kind,
     And we’ll keep our priorities straight;
     The gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of the heart
     Are the ones that we’ll all celebrate.

    And our stress will decrease, and we’ll feel more at peace,
     As we decorate, package, and trim;
     Our new Christmas will be a pure joy and delight,
     As we try to be much more like Him.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Religious Christmas poetry can give gentle advice. This Christian Christmas poem suggests how to make every day more like Christmas. 

    Practice Jesus

    If we practiced Jesus every way,
    It’d be like Christmas every day;
    If we, like Him, were meek and mild
    And loved each woman, man and child,
    If we’d read our Bible, it’d remind us,
    So that every single day would find us
    More and more in sweet accord
    With our sweet Jesus–Master, Lord. 

    Then every day that we’re alive
    Would be like December 25.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    This religious Christmas poem addresses the selfish materialism we sometimes see at Christmas time. It’s religious Christmas poetry with a message.


    If we would take just half the measure
     Of what we spend on Christmas pleasure
     To give to others who have less,
     Our love for Jesus we’d express.

    What we spend on Christmas stuff
     (It’s really way more than enough)
     To others can mean so much more
     Than trifles we often use it for.

    The Bible tells us how to live;
     A frequent lesson we read is “give.”
     It’s time to spread uncommon cheer;
     Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    A deep dive into Christmas history reveals Jesus, Jesus, nothing but Jesus and celebrating His birth. This Christian Christmas poem is about the real Christmas.

    The Best Kind of Christmas

    The best kind of Christmas
    Would be peaceful, serene,
    No chaos, no stress,
    Just Jesus, pristine.

    We’d worship and pray;
    We’d help those in need,
    To be like our savior,
    And follow His lead.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    This Christian Christmas poem follows Jesus’ birth to its ultimate consequence: eternal life for us.

    To Heaven’s Gate

    Jesus’ birth was God’s first sign
    We would be with Him, divine.
    That is why we celebrate
    This babe, who leads to heaven’s gate.

    To you, whom we’re often thinking of,
    We send our Christian Christmas love.

    By Joanna Fuchs

    Christmas Prayers

    Christmas prayers are one of the top Christmas searches, so here are some Christmas prayers. This Christmas prayer is a rhyming, short Christian Christmas poem that recognizes the most treasured Christmas gift of all. 

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