There are some really good Caribbean praise and worship song lyrics. As Christians, we need to know the words of the music that we listen to or sing. Below is a list of the best Caribbean praise and worship song lyrics you’ll find on the internet.
We are so excited to share this collection of Caribbean praise and worship songs. These songs have been used in churches all over the world and have been translated into many different languages.
Praise and worship is a form of music that is deeply rooted in the African diaspora, which means you can find examples of it in every part of the world. Praise and worship songs help us to express our gratitude for everything that God has done for us, as well as our desire to give Him glory through song. This collection includes some of our favorite new songs, as well as some classics that have stood the test of time.
Whether you’re looking for songs to use at your next youth group activity or if you’re looking for something new to sing along with while driving down the highway, we hope this collection will be helpful. We hope these songs will encourage you in your walk with Christ and help you connect with God’s love even more deeply than before!

Caribbean Praise And Worship Songs Lyrics
Praise and worship song lyrics continue to be a crucial part of worship for Christians. This list is not exhaustive but definitely one of the largest collections and also the Best collection of Caribbean praise and worship song lyrics. The final section is a collection of Christian gospel songs that can be sung during church services or in any Christian gathering.
Gospel Choruses List
1. A Little Talk With Jesus
- A Little Talk With Jesus
- Amazing Grace
- At The Cross
- Awesome God
- Bless This House
- Come Thou Fount
2. Amazing Grace
John Newton was the song’s author. He wrote the song after he converted to Christianity, and it is considered one of the most important hymns ever written. The song can be sung in any language, but today it is mostly sung in English. Many people believe that the song was written as a hymn of praise to God rather than a personal prayer asking for forgiveness, which is what many people think. The lyrics say:
“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound!”
3. At The Cross
The cross is a symbol of the love of God. The cross is also a symbol of sacrifice, as Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins. It is a reminder that every sin you have ever committed was taken away when He died on the cross for all mankind.
The cross represents the power of God because it was through this instrument that he defeated death itself, defeating Satan by taking back what belonged to him (our souls). Through His death on the cross, we have been given hope in eternity with Him!
4. Awesome God
If you want to praise God, then Awesome God is the song for you! This popular gospel song is often played at church services and other events. The lyrics are about how amazing it is to be able to live in a world created by an all-powerful being. It also tells us not to forget our own ability as humans—to do good things for others and make the world a better place for everyone around us.
If this sounds like something you can get behind, check out these additional resources:
- Jesus Culture – Awesome God Lyrics & Sheet Music
- Awesome God lyrics by Jesus Culture
5. Bless This House
Bless This House is a song written by Doris Ackerman and performed by Cynthia Clawson. It was first recorded by Clawson in 1984 on her album, “In the Presence of Jehovah”. The lyrics are based on Psalm 121:1-8 and it has been sung in churches across the world. Here are some facts about Bless This House that you might find interesting:
- The song is based on Psalm 121:1-8
- It was first recorded by Cynthia Clawson in 1984
- The words have been translated into many other languages, including French, German, Korean and Spanish
Short Choruses For Praise And Worship
Come Thou Fount
- “Come Thou Fount of every blessing,
“Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;”
- “Teach me some melodious sonnet,
“Sung by flaming tongues above.”
For The Beauty Of The Earth
For The Beauty Of The Earth
(arr. Ralph Ford)
ŒÊÊ š†œ œœœ œ‰œ ˙. ŒÊÊ ‰. ˙. ˙ . . . . . . ˙ .. ˙ .. Hallelujah, hallelujah! I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praises. For your love is better than life; my lips will glorify you.
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with thee;
Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not;
As thou hast been thou forever wilt be.
He Giveth More Grace
The song is about trusting God, giving him all your burdens and problems, knowing that he will take care of you. It’s about the grace of God.
Grace is unmerited favor of God to sinners who deserve punishment for their sin instead of mercy and forgiveness (Romans 5:20). Grace is a gift from God in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Grace is power given by God to do something we cannot do on our own strength (1 Corinthians 1:7). Grace is blessing or goodness that comes from God alone, not because we deserve it but because he wants us to enjoy his goodness (Psalm 84:11; Romans 5:15). Grace provides forgiveness when we turn back to Him after we have turned away from Him again and again through our sins against him (Zechariah 1:3).
He Hideth My Soul
“He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock; He hideth me in the shadow of His wings. He hideth me in the dew of His lovingkindness; He hideth me under the shadow of His almighty wings.”
The lyrics above are from one of my favorite songs. I am sure that you have heard it many times before, but I believe that God wants us to learn this song as if we had never heard it before because there are so many things that can be learned from this song!
How Great Thou Art
“How Great Thou Art” is a famous hymn written by Carl Boberg. It was first published in his Swedish translation, O Store Gud as one of nine songs in 1885.
Boberg wrote several poems about nature, but he didn’t start writing the hymn until he was inspired during a trip to Greece to see Mount Olympus. He later told his friend Olof Soderberg that he had been inspired by hearing Greek Orthodox chanting when he visited Mount Athos: “I had the idea for a great hymn about Nature and God’s eternal power and wisdom, but it was so great that I couldn’t write it all down at once.” Boberg thought of calling the song “The Everlasting Arms.”
I Need Thee Every Hour
I Need Thee Every Hour is a classic, traditional hymn that’s been sung in churches across the world for generations. Artists like Judy Collins and Bob Dylan have covered it (the latter of whom included it on his 1963 debut album).
The song was written by Sarah Flower Adams in 1847 and published in her collection Hymns, Sonnets and Songs, which she self-published later that year. Psalm 143:10 served as the inspiration for its lyrics.
I Surrender All
English poet, lyricist, and evangelist Fanny Crosby wrote the Christian hymn I Surrender All in 1874. The hymn was first published in her book Sacred Songs and Solos in 1875. In the United States of America and Australia, it is one of the most popular hymns sung at weddings.
It is also commonly used as an Easter hymn or Pentecostal song of praise during Holy Week services, particularly among black churches, where it may be referred to as “The Blues.”
In The Garden
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed. Jesus was troubled in spirit and he sweated great drops of blood. He asked God to remove the cup from him but to do so would give him an opportunity to be saved.
It Is Well With My Soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
For I am resting in the bosom of Jesus
It is well, it is well with my soul
Jesus Paid It All (All To Him I Owe) (Because He Live) (Lion and the Lamb) (Medley) (The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power) (There Is Power In the Blood) (To God Be the Glory) (Victory Chant)(What a friend we have in Jesus) (You Gave Your Life Away\nHoly, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Early In The Morning Our Song Shall Rise To Thee\nHoly, Holy, Holy! Merciful And Might! God In Three Persons, Blessed Trinity!)
- Jesus Paid It All (All To Him I Owe)
- Because He Lives
- Lion and the Lamb (Medley)
- The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power (There Is Power In the Blood)
- To God Be the Glory (Victory Chant)(What a friend we have in Jesus) (You Gave Your Life Away\nHoly, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! Early In The Morning Our Song Shall Rise To Thee\nHoly, Holy, Holy! Merciful And Might! God In Three Persons, Blessed Trinity!)
Let’s end with a big reminder: Singing is worship. You don’t have to have the voice of an angel or the best melody in the world to praise God. You just need to open your mouth, breathe out what’s in your heart, and sing. If you need extra encouragement, then look no further than Psalm 33:3, “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts” (NIV). This verse doesn’t say that we all must be virtuosos when it comes to instruments or singing for our praises to be pleasing in God’s sight. The act of singing itself is enough for Him!
Pentecostal Worship Choruses
In the cycles of the church calendar, Pentecost Sunday is the final Sunday of the Easter Season. On Pentecost, we celebrate the reversal of the curse of Babel, the birth of the body of Christ, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the daughters and sons of God. The full work of Jesus, his dying and rising, aimed to see us baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire, and as a people being refined by the indwelling Spirit, Pentecost Sunday should be a blow-out party! God did not leave us alone! The great Helper has come! Hallelujah!
For those of us who design worship, it’s an opportunity to bring some incredible themes into the gatherings of our church. Specifically, the worship of the church on Pentecost should emphasize the sending of the Spirit to the church, the birth of the church as the body of Christ, and the sending of the church by the Spirit into her mission. We have an incredible heritage of songs that fit into these themes, and as someone who is always collecting songs for the church, I want to offer you ten modern worship songs to add to your list as you plan for Pentecost Sunday:

1) Awakening – written by Reuben Morgan and Chris Tomlin
One of the things I love about this song is its prayer-like structure. Pentecost stirs a hunger in the church as we wait and welcome the Spirit together, like the church in Jerusalem in Acts 2. This song also highlights how the Spirit is being sent not only for our awakening but for the sake of the world.
2) Breathe on Us – written by Ed Cash and Kari Jobe
Cash and Jobe offer a great corporate song for Pentecost, as the chorus and bridge use collective language to emphasize the collective experience of the Spirit in the church. Pentecost Sunday always emphasizes how we experience the Spirit as “us,” not just “me.”.
3) Build Your Kingdom Here – written by Rend Collective
This is another fantastic song that emphasizes the role of the Spirit in empowering the church as a body for the mission of God. The writers keep the redemption and renewal of the world through the Spirit and the church front and center throughout the song (and it is a blast to play, especially if you have bluegrass musicians or Mumford fans in your band).
4) Burning in My Soul – written by Brent Younker, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, and Matt Maher
Some of the most powerful songs sung in the church allow us to stand within the stories of Scripture and sing from them. This song does this exceptionally well, as the verses position us the singers with the church in Acts 2, and in doing so awakens us that this story from our history is also our story today.
5) Fall Afresh – written by Jeremy Riddle
I love this song. It is an especially powerful response to the preaching of the word, whether in a time of communion or altar ministry. If your church needs to be more “awake”, this song offers a beautiful prayer for the filling and awakening of the Spirit.
6) Holy Spirit – written by Katie Torwalt and Bryan Torwalt
When I use this song in worship design, it is usually used as a gathering song, as the chorus proclaims a huge welcome to the presence of the Spirit in the midst of the people. The presence of God defines the people of God, and to sing a welcome to God, or more correctly, a welcoming of awareness to the already-present God, is a powerful way to begin a time of worship, especially on a day like Pentecost.
7) Spirit of the Living God – written by Audrey Assad
The depth of this song always floors me. Assad captures this wonderful yearning for the Spirit of God in this hymnic song from her Fortunate Fall album. One of the things I love most is how broadly she covers the work of the Spirit from verse to verse, from sanctification and holiness to mission and unity.
8) Spirit of the Living God – written by Jacob Sooter and Mia Fields
This is a worship leader’s song. If your church doesn’t talk about the Spirit much or doesn’t “get” worship, this song offers them an incredible foundation, as it sings of the role of the Spirit in how God speaks and how we respond.
9) Spirit Fall – written by Daniel Carson, Jason Ingram, Kristian Stanfill, Louie Giglio
Simple songs often get stuck in your congregants’ minds and hearts. This is a simple prayer song, easy to teach and sing, and deeply anchored in the work of the Spirit in magnifying Jesus to the world.
10 Walk in the Promise – written by Jeremy Riddle
Like “Burning in My Soul”, this song situates the singers in that waiting place in the Upper Room, though in a more contemplative light. I also love how Riddle emphasizes the sending of the Spirit as the fulfillment of God’s promise to his people.