Shechem is a city located in the region of Ephraim, which was part of the Holy Land during Biblical times. The city is mentioned specifically in the Book of Joshua and the Book of Judges.
The Book of Joshua describes how, when Israel entered Canaan, they were commanded by God to destroy all of the indigenous people who lived there. However, as they encountered Shechem and its people, they decided to spare them for a few reasons: firstly, because Shechem was a large city; secondly, because it was located between two other cities that were already destroyed; and thirdly, because there was an impressive temple to Baal built there. As such, the people of Israel decided not to destroy Shechem at this time.
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However, later on in their conquest of Canaan, they returned with greater numbers and decided they would destroy Shechem after all—but not before making an alliance with its people. They made this alliance because they wanted more land; however, when they tried to take it from them by force later on in time (as described in Judges), they failed miserably and lost several thousand men in battle because God was angry with them for breaking their oaths (and for committing other sins).

Shechem in the Bible
Shechem was located in the area bordered by Ebal, Gerizim and Gezer, north of Jerusalem and south of Nablus.
The location of Shechem is described in the Bible as being located in a valley between Ebal and Gerizim, two mountains north of Jerusalem and south of Nablus.
The first reference to Shechem in the Bible is when Abraham arrived at the city after he left Haran (Genesis 12:6–7). After pledging his faithfulness to God by sacrificing an animal on “the mount where God was named” (Genesis 12:8), Abraham received additional instructions from God concerning how he should continue living there.
Shechem was also mentioned in Joshua’s conquest of Canaan and its subsequent division among Israelite tribes who were settling there under Joshua’s leadership (Joshua 18:21; 19:50). Moses also referenced it briefly when describing his journey through Transjordan before he died near Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:1).
It is one of the oldest cities in the world.
Shechem is one of the oldest cities in the world, first mentioned in Genesis 12:6 and 13:3. It was an important Canaanite city in the Amarna letters during Egypt’s New Kingdom period (c. 1550–1070 BC). The Bible refers to Shechem throughout its history, often as a point of contention between Israel and its neighbors. The city was also mentioned in rabbinic texts such as Midrash Talpiyot by Rashi (1040-1105 AD) and Sefer haYishuv by Abraham ibn Ezra (c 11th century).
The city’s Biblical site has been excavated extensively.
The site of Shechem has been excavated extensively by many archaeologists, both before and after the modern state of Israel was established. The first major excavations at the site were conducted by German scholars in the 19th century. In more recent times, British archeologists have dug there as well. And finally, Israeli archaeologists have looked into Shechem from the 1970s until now.
The site includes a temple, two palaces, an Iron Age cemetery and a water tunnel
The most important site in Shechem is the temple and palace complex, which dates to the 13th century BCE. Although this is not the oldest part of Shechem, it is certainly among the most impressive.
The water tunnel built by the Canaanites is another thing that makes Shechem so special. The water tunnel helped keep Shechem alive as a city during times when there were droughts or wars; also, people who lived near it would come to worship inside of it because they knew that they could get some water from here. This may have been why Abraham chose this place when he wanted to build his altar and sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22).
There are various opinions about what happened at Shechem during three famous biblical stories.
There are various opinions about what happened at Shechem during three famous biblical stories.
- Jacob bought land there
- Moses led the Israelites to Shechem after coming out of Egypt
- Joshua built an altar in Shechem and made a covenant with the people there.
Shechem is an important place in the Bible and well worth visiting if you ever come to Israel!
Jacob lived in Shechem for a time after he bought land there from Hamor.
Jacob lived in Shechem for a time after he bought land there from Hamor. He also purchased some of the other nearby towns, including Aijalon and Timnah (Genesis 33:19-20). Jacob’s sons grew up there, but they later returned to Canaan (Genesis 46:1).
Moses arrived at Shechem when he led the Israelites out of Egypt. He convened an assembly of the Israelites at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim at Shechem.
You may know that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the desert. But did you know that he convened an assembly of the Israelites at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim at Shechem?
Moses arrived at Shechem when he led the Israelites out of Egypt. He convened an assembly of the Israelites at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim at Shechem. This was a meeting where all of the tribes were present to discuss how they would live together as one people.
Joshua assembled the Israelites at Shechem after they crossed the Jordan River. He made a covenant with them and erected an altar to God on Mount Ebal.
Joshua assembled the Israelites at Shechem after they crossed the Jordan River. He made a covenant with them and erected an altar to God on Mount Ebal.
The people were told: “You are now standing on the soil of your own land. But you must be very careful not to forget what God has done for you.” They promised that they would obey His law and serve Him wholeheartedly, even if they had to leave their homes again one day (Joshua 8:30-35).
God also spoke directly to Joshua: “This is how I will bless those who take care of my special land,” He said. “I promise that anyone who follows these rules will have peace and prosperity” (Joshua 23:7-12).
Shechem is a significant place in the history of ancient Israel
In the book of Joshua, Shechem is a significant place in the history of ancient Israel. According to its own narrative, it was here that God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 12:6-7). It was also where Jacob made his famous vow to give up all his possessions if God would protect him and his family throughout their journey (Genesis 35:2). And it was at this spot that Joshua gathered the new nation of Israel together for their first reading from Moses’ book (Deuteronomy 27:1).