The Gospel of John is a record of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, including seven miraculous signs that he performed.
The first miraculous sign was when Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana. When his mother told him that there wasn’t enough wine for all the guests, Jesus turned water into wine. This was the first time that Jesus showed the power of God through him.
The second miraculous sign was when Jesus changed water into blood. This happened when some men came to kill Jesus, but they were prevented from doing so by an angel who told them not to do anything until after he had risen from the dead on the third day.
The third miraculous sign was when Jesus healed many people with leprosy (or Hansen’s disease), including one man named Naaman who lived in Syria and whose leprosy kept him from ever going back to Israel because it would mean death for him there due to his illness being contagious. Naaman asked Elisha about what could be done about this problem, so Elisha sent word back to Naaman that if he went down into Jordan River seven times then he would be healed from his disease; which is exactly what happened!

Seven Miraculous Signs of Jesus in the Gospel of John
The Changing of Water into Wine
The story, which appears in the Gospel of John 2:1-12, is a powerful one. In it, Jesus attends a wedding and mystically turns water into wine. This miraculous act was one of seven signs that John gives to show that Jesus was God’s Son and Messiah.
The significance of this story is clear: even though it is symbolic, it shows us how much God loves us and what he thinks about us as humans. He has given us everything we need for life on Earth—and then some! He cares about our health (the wine) as well as our happiness (the party). The meaning behind this miracle isn’t so much “look at what I can do,” but rather “look at what I did for you.” And when you think about all the things Jesus did while he was here on Earth—including dying on the cross for our salvation—it’s no wonder why Christians believe he was sent by God himself!
It’s important to note where this event took place: at an actual wedding! It happened in Cana (or Kana), which is located southeast of Nazareth along Israel’s mountainous northern border with Syria; there were two people involved: Mary who was married off into an arranged marriage despite being a virgin; her father (Joseph); and his best friend Matthew who owned the banquet hall where everything took place; finally there were many guests who attended because they wanted nothing more than good food and entertainment during their special day
The Healing of the Nobleman’s Son
One of the most amazing miracles in John is the healing of the nobleman’s son from a distance. The nobleman was told that Jesus could heal his son but he had to go on a journey. Because the nobleman believed, he came and fell at Jesus’ feet, saying: “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him and said: “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately he received his sight (John 5:8-9).
How did this healing occur? It happened through faith, prayer, God’s Word or all three at once!
The Healing at the Pool of Bethesda
In this account, Jesus heals a man who has been an invalid for 38 years. The man’s faith in Jesus healed him—and it happened on the Sabbath.
The Scripture says that when the Lord saw him lying there and noticed his condition, he said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” The sick man said to him, “Sir I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up while I am coming. While I am coming another steps down ahead of me.” Then Jesus said to him again: “Get up! Pick up your pallet and walk!” And immediately he was made well…Now it was Saturday; so some Jews were saying among themselves that because Jesus did this miracle on a Sabbath day therefore He must be doing these things by Beelzebub whom they call father of all evil spirits…
The Feeding of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish
The Feeding of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish is one of many miracles in the Gospel of John that are a sign that Jesus is God. It was done to show his love for all people, no matter how they were treated by society and those in power.
Jesus was walking with his disciples on a Sabbath day when he saw people sitting along a road eating their last meal before Passover. The disciples asked him if it was appropriate to eat on this day, since it was against Jewish law; however, Jesus told them they should give food to these hungry people because they had nothing else at home.
As soon as Jesus said this, he told his disciples to have everyone sit down and bring out some baskets full of bread and fish so there would be enough for everyone who came over! He told them not only did he want their stomachs filled but also their hearts too!
Jesus Walks on Water
In John 6:15-21, Jesus walks on the water and invites his disciples to do the same. Peter is excited about this challenge and tries to walk on water himself, but he begins to sink. When he calls out for help, Jesus reaches out his hand and pulls him up onto the boat.
The next day when they are crossing a lake that is rough with waves because there had been a strong wind all night long, they see him walking on the sea as if it were dry land (John 6:19). They are terrified of drowning so they say among themselves “It’s a ghost!” (v. 20). Then Jesus turns around and sees them and tells them not be afraid because it is really me!
Then both winds and waves obey Him (v20). He makes them stop for awhile so that His disciples can eat something which leads us into another miracle story with miraculous signs in John 6:22-27 where we learn about Jesus feeding thousands of people from five barley loaves and two fish without any sign of hunger remaining after everyone had enough food according to their own need in each case regardless how much or little they might have had left over afterwards – it seemed like an inexhaustible supply but there were still twelve baskets full left over unused after everyone else ate their fill – showing us clearly how much God cares about us individually even though He loves all humanity equally too!
The Healing of the Man Born Blind
In John’s gospel, Jesus performs three miraculous signs:
- The turning of water into wine (John 2)
- The healing of the man born blind (John 9)
- Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11)
The Raising of Lazarus from the Dead
The raising of Lazarus from the dead is a miracle that Jesus performed shortly before his crucifixion and resurrection. Because no other religious figure has ever brought back someone from the dead, this is one more sign that Jesus is God, who alone has power over life and death (John 11:25-27). This miracle is particularly important because it shows how much God loves us—and it’s also just an awesome story!
Jesus is God.
John calls Jesus God several times in his gospel. He says that Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, and that he is also the savior of the world (1:14). He tells us that Jesus is God’s son, King of kings, and Lord over all things (1:49; 17:3; 20:28). John even refers to him as “I AM” (8:58), which is one of God’s names in Exodus 3:14. In other words, John tells us that Jesus is God himself! But how does this make sense? Since we know today that there are three persons who comprise one being—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—what does it mean for them to be separate beings? How can they be three when they’re just one?