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Color is a big deal in the Bible. And no, we’re not talking about all the mentions of red, green, and blue. Instead, we’re talking about the colors that are actually mentioned in the Bible and what they mean.
So what’s it all about? When it comes to color in the Bible, there are two main things you need to know: first, that colors can be symbolic; and second, that different colors have different meanings depending on who is wearing them or using them.
For example, if you see someone wearing white, it might mean that they’re pure—like an angel or something like that. Or if you see someone wearing red, then they might be angry or even violent (think blood). And if you see someone wearing black? Well… then it could mean anything from “they’re trying to look cool” to “they’re going through some tough times.”
You may also notice that there aren’t many references to certain colors being worn by specific people—like how there are multiple references to soldiers wearing purple garments in The Book of Kings (1 Kings 18:36). This might seem strange at first glance since purple was supposed to be reserved for royalty.
Spiritual Meaning Of Colors In The Bible
The colors in the bible are significant and have a lot of meaning. They can show us the beauty of God, who created everything in the universe, or they can show us the darkness of sin and evil.
In general, the color white represents purity and innocence. White is used to represent light or goodness. The Bible also uses white to describe heaven as a place where there is no sin or darkness.
Black is another color that appears in the Bible often. It represents death, darkness, and sin. Black can be associated with evil people or things such as demons or Satan himself. It is also used to describe hell as an unlivable place where people go after they die if they do not accept Jesus Christ into their hearts first!
Red is another color that appears throughout scripture; however red has two different meanings depending on how it’s used in a particular passage: red may mean life or death depending on whether it refers to blood or fire (or whether it refers to something else entirely). Red can also symbolize anger when used alongside other colors like green (as in “green with envy”
In the Bible, colors have a great deal of meaning.
The color white is used to symbolize purity and righteousness, as well as holiness. The prophet Isaiah describes God’s people as “saints,” or holy ones, who are driven by their purity (Isaiah 1:8).
The color blue represents heaven, the dwelling place of God. In the Old Testament, Isaiah describes a vision in which he sees God sitting on a throne surrounded by angels (Isaiah 6:1-4). In this vision, God’s throne is described as being high above the earth with winged creatures standing around it. These creatures are described as having six wings and covering their faces with two wings while they fly around their Lord’s throne (Isaiah 6:2-3). Blue is often associated with these winged creatures because they are usually depicted wearing robes that are colored blue or purple.
Purple also has significant meaning in the Bible. Purple was an expensive dye used for clothing during biblical times; therefore wearing expensive purple clothing signified royalty or wealth. This color also represents royalty because it was one of only three colors acceptable for use in royal robes (the other two were red and blue).
Meaning Of Colors In The Bible Pdf

God shows us much more than a simple natural phenomenon when a rainbow appears in the sky after the rains. Even when the Earth was flooded after the great biblical flood, God showed Noah the rainbow so he could expect miracles. We have already discussed the 7 rainbow colors and their meanings here.
In this guide, we will study the colors in the Bible and uncover their spiritual meanings.
Colors in Nature and Biblical Meaning of Primary Colors
Sunset in blue, red and yellow colors with spiritual meanings
In nature there are three primary colors: red, yellow and blue. They cannot be formed by mixing any other colors. These colors come from Earth itself. You can mix these together or mix them with black and white to get almost all of the beautiful colors that we have today.
In the Bible, the Hebrew word for red is Oudem. Its actual meaning is “red clay”. Many biblical names (Adam, Esau and Edom) are derived from this Hebrew word which means flesh. Thus, it is the root word for mankind as stated in the Bible.
The second primary color is yellow. The counterpart of this color is also mentioned in God’s principle and in I Peter 1:7, God talks about trials and purging. (The trial of faith will be more precious than Gold and be tried with fire). Here the meaning is: yellow is associated with fire, which in turn, has always been associated with the purification process.
Blue is the third primary color. It spiritually signifies the Healing Power of God. It is the most sublime subject and color which biblically represents the Word of God. The 15th Chapter of Numbers, verses 38-41 denote this biblical meaning of blue (fringe of the borders a ribband of blue). The very fact that the Sky is blue stands for the presence of Yahweh. God’s chosen nation Israel is also denoted as blue from the time of David. In Matt 9: 21, the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years says “I shall be whole again, if I touch the hem of His garment” – the garment hem is also blue.
Secondary Colors and Biblical Meanings
Panoramic photo of northern lights or aurora borealis in green, purple and orange colors
On the basis of this we can derive the spiritual meaning of colors in the Bible as follows for the three secondary colors.
Green is obtained by mixing yellow (trials) with blue (Word of God). Therefore, the biblical meaning of the color green is immortality. (The leaf shall not wither (psalm 1:3). Green is also symbolic of resurrection which we see each Spring.
Orange is obtained by mixing red (flesh) and yellow (trials). The result is a color of fire which represents the Fire of God, deliverance and passionate praise.
Purple is obtained by mixing red (flesh) and blue (Word of God). The resultant color meaning in the Bible is royalty or priesthood.
List of Colors in the Bible and Their Meanings
Sunrise with biblical colors and cross symbolizing Jesus Christ
Amber – Glory of God, judgment upon sin, endurance
Orange – Fire of God, deliverance, passionate praise
Pink/Fuchsia – Right relationship with God
Scarlet – Royalty, fine linen for tabernacle
Red – Blood of Jesus, love of God, blood of lamb, atonement, salvation
Blue – Heaven, the Holy Spirit, authority
Purple – Priesthood, kingship, royalty, mediator, wealth
Gold – Glory, divinity, kingship, eternal deity, foundation, altar, beauty, precious, holiness, majesty, righteousness
Wine – New birth, multiply, overflow
Sapphire – Law, commandments, grace, the Holy Spirit, divine revelation
Turquoise – River of God, sanctification, healing, New Jerusalem
Green – Praise, growth, prosperity, new beginning, flourishing, restoration
Silver – Word of God, purity, divinity, salvation, truth, atonement, redemption
White – Bride of Christ, surrender, harvest, light, righteousness, conquest, victory, blessedness, joy, angels, saints, peace, completion, triumph
Brown – End of season, rags, people, pride, weary, faint
Yellow – Faith and Glory of God, anointing, joy.
biblical meaning of colors in the rainbow
The meaning of colors in the Bible is something that has been debated for centuries. Some believe that the colors in the Bible have a specific meaning, while others believe they are just symbolic.
The color purple is often associated with royalty, power and wealth. It is also believed to symbolize wisdom, justice and humility. Blue is often associated with peace, purity and tranquility. White symbolizes purity and innocence; black represents death and mourning; red symbolizes anger or sin; green represents new life or healing; yellow represents jealousy and greed; orange symbolizes joy; brown represents sorrow; pink represents affection or love