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Serenity prayer in spanish text

    A Review of the Serenity Prayer: Serenity prayer in spanish translation and translation to spanish.

    Essentially, it’s giving God control of everything good and bad in our lives, including our desires, needs, suffering, and grief, and doing so while being grateful.

    The more we give gratitude to God no matter what, the more we realize we need Him to guide us through this life if we want to live abundantly. As stated by John 15:5, we are aware of our complete dependence on God.

    God’s methods are better, and His plan and purpose for our lives are wonderful, and we come to know this as our connection with Him deepens and we see His hand at work in our lives.To grow closer to God, it’s necessary to talk to Him frequently. In the same way that you could share your joys and worries with your best buddy over lunch. However, we can first turn to God with all of our concerns.

    Paul tells the church in Thessalonica that we can grow in our relationship with the Lord if we pray and come to Him with a willing heart.

    Understanding Whom we are praying to is the first step toward a deeper relationship with our God. God is a kind and compassionate Father who knows us inside and out, and though we can have a close personal relationship with Him, we must never forget that He is worthy of the highest awe and reverence.

    By celebrating God for who He is, we display our awe and reverence for Him (Deuteronomy 13:4). We can use song or acclaim to do this. We can accomplish this by appreciating the natural beauty around us or by taking pleasure in the many gifts God has given us.

    Praising God is the gateway to a fruitful prayer life. Don’t miss out on the next breathtaking sunset. Take a time to appreciate the fact that God brought you together with a loved one.

    Give God the credit when you accomplish something. Eventually, you will be able to find cause for celebration in the Lord, regardless of your current circumstances, since He has been faithful throughout the good times and the bad.

    The gospels show us how God’s plan came to fruition when we met Jesus and learned about His life, His numerous acts of kindness, and His final sacrifice on the cross. That calls for a moment of rest and contemplation, during which we might offer God our most heartfelt gratitude and praise.

    Serenity prayer in spanish text

    Serenidad a través de Dios, me dirijo a ti con una mente abierta y un corazón limpio.

    Envía tu luz y tu paz para guiarme en este día, así como también lo haces por la noche cuando me duermo.

    Concédeme la sabiduría para reconocer mis limitaciones y la humildad para reconocer tus dones.

    Permite que mi corazón sea paciente y mi alma serena.


    Dios, dame serenidad para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar, valor para cambiar aquellas que sí puedo y sabiduría para distinguirlas.

    Señor, dame la serenidad para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar, la fortaleza para cambiar las cosas que sí puedo y la sabiduría para saber la diferencia.

    May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

    the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    May the Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

    the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

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