If you dream that someone is complimenting you, you could be feeling insecure about yourself in real life.
A dream that you are complimenting someone else can mean that you feel that you have to flatter other people in order to succeed.
When you dream about someone calling you beautiful, it is a sign that you have been feeling lonely and want to be noticed. The dream is saying that you need to embrace your own beauty and let yourself shine. So, what exactly does it mean when you dream about someone calling you beautiful? Does it mean they actually think that? Or is it merely a dream? Is this even something we should worry about or could it be just due to your subconscious trying to make sense of the world around you? Looking at me, I dream of someone calling me, Dreaming of someone looking beautiful.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone Calling You Beautiful?
The fact that the person who calls you beautiful is not real in the dream means that they are not actually saying those words—you are just imagining it. This means that the person who calls you beautiful really isn’t interested in what they have to say, but they are only trying to get close to you because they want something.
You should also consider whether or not this person is actually attractive or if their looks have anything to do with how much attention they receive from others when talking about how beautiful they are.
Dreaming of Someone Looking Beautiful
I dreamed of someone looking beautiful. I was at a house party and there were lots of people dancing, drinking and having fun. I was standing with my friend and drinking. Then this girl came up to me and offered me some weed. I said no thanks but she insisted that I try it so I tried it and it made me feel really good. Then we started talking about how much we liked each other but we were both too shy to say anything because she thought that I was out of her league and I thought that she would never want me because she was so pretty.
She started to cry because she didn’t want us to get separated again like we did when we were kids (we went to school together then lost touch) so she kissed me while we were still dancing and told me that I looked beautiful too!
I woke up feeling really happy about this dream but also disappointed that it wasn’t real! It’s not often that you dream of someone looking beautiful. But when you do, it’s likely to be someone who matters to you, like a family member or friend.
Dreams about being beautiful can also reflect your inner feelings about yourself. If you dream about being beautiful but don’t feel beautiful in real life, this is likely to be a sign that something is preventing you from expressing yourself as the person you really are.
Dreaming of Yourself Looking Beautiful
To dream of being beautiful, then wake up and feel ugly, suggests that you may be overcompensating for some insecurity by acting the opposite way. For example, if your skin is clear and blemish-free in real life but you have acne in a dream, it could mean that there is something lurking beneath the surface that needs attention before it becomes visible again.
I have always dreamed of someone looking beautiful. And that day came when I met her. She was everything I wanted to be—everything that I ever dreamed of in a girl. She was beautiful inside and out, with a heart of gold and a soul as pure as snowflakes. She was the most beautiful thing in my life and she has been there since the day we met.
Since then, I have been trying to make her happy in every way possible: by being there for her when she needed me, by doing things together and by spending more time with each other than anyone else would allow us to do so. But all my efforts went down the drain when she told me that she didn’t want me anymore.
I am not sure what exactly happened but maybe it was because she found someone better than me or maybe it was because she didn’t feel the same about me anymore. But whatever the reason might be, I still can’t get over her no matter how hard I try to do so.”
This is a story about a woman who dreams of someone looking beautiful.
The woman was thinking about the man she loved and how much she wished he would be by her side. She wanted to see him and be with him. She wanted to hold him close, feel his breath on her face and see his eyes sparkle when he looked at her.
She wanted him to look at her with love in his eyes. She wanted him to touch her gently and tell her how beautiful she was. The woman thought about all the things they had done together and how much fun they had when they were together. She thought about how much fun they had making love together, too!
The woman loved this man very much, but she knew that if he did not want to be with her anymore, then there was nothing she could do about it; he would have no reason to come back into her life again unless he found the desire within himself to do so!
Seeing Beautiful Scenery In Dream Meaning
I was in a dream where I was standing in the middle of a field. The grass was soft and green, but the wind was blowing and it felt chilly. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was dark with clouds, but there were no stars or moons.
Suddenly, someone called me from behind. I turned around and there was a tall man dressed all in black standing there. He had long hair and he smiled at me. His eyes were as black as his clothes and they seemed to be staring right through me.
Then he came closer to me, reached out his hand and touched my face gently with his fingertips. It felt like electricity was flowing through my body when he touched me like that.
After he touched me, he hugged me tight against his chest and held me tightly against him for what seemed like hours! Then he kissed my lips gently at first, then more passionately as we embraced each other tightly together!
The phone rang.
I picked it up, “Hello?”
“Hi. It’s me.”
I knew who it was without seeing her name on the caller ID.
“Hi!” I said, trying to sound cheerful.
“What are you doing tonight?” she asked.
“Nothing really,” I said, which was true.
“Oh good! Do you want to come over for dinner and watch a movie or something?” she asked excitedly.
“Sure,” I said, trying to hide my disappointment at not being able to go out with my friends that night. I had been planning to go out with them all week but this was the first time they had asked me out and it seemed like a good opportunity to pass up if I wanted them to like me. They were already getting annoyed with me because of how unreliable I was when it came to hanging out and doing things together, so if I didn’t make an effort now, then they would probably just stop inviting me altogether.
We agreed on a time and place, then hung up. I looked at myself in the mirror, wondering if anything would look appropriate on such short notice, but everything looked too nice or too casual or