If you want to find churches near me that worship on Saturday, you’re in the right place. Searching for local places of worship is an important part of choosing a new church home. You need a spiritual leader who’s going to speak to your needs and answer the questions you have. It can be tough to find churches that meet your specific needs, though, which is why I’ve taken the time to search for them.
Churches that worship on the Sabbath can be found across the United States. While about 44 percent of Americans identify one particular religion as their own, a growing number have no religious affiliation. This page is intended for any person who might be interested in attending a church that worships on Saturday or Sabbath, including those who seek fellowship or wish to learn more about how such churches worship. Talking of: When does Saturday become Sunday in the Bible? Is Sunday a pagan day of worship?
Churchgists is replete with relevant information on churches that keep Saturday sabbath, list of churches that worship on Saturday, and so much more. Take the time to surf through our catalog for prompt information on similar topics.

Saturday Sabbath Keeping Churches Near Me
Worshiping God every day is a commandment in the Bible. Yet, there are many times we can’t meet on Sundays. It could be due to work obligations or medical-related issues. However, you may find a list of churches that worship on Saturday that support Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Finding a church near you that meets on Saturday is possible, but it may be more challenging than you think. First of all, you must find a church that meets on a Saturday. Searching online for churches near you can produce less than desired results.
If you’re looking for churches that worship on Saturday, we’ve got you covered.
We’ve done some research for you and found the top 5 churches that are open to worshipping on Saturdays:
- The Church of Christ
- The Church of God in Christ
- The Seventh-day Adventist Church
- The United Methodist Church (UMC)
- The National Baptist Convention of America
If you’re looking for a church that worships on Saturdays, there are several options in the area.
First, there’s [church name]. They’ve been around for decades and are well-known for their commitment to serving their community. They have weekly services at 11 a.m. on Saturdays.
If you’d rather go to a more traditional service, consider [church name]. Their worship style is more traditional than most churches in the area but they do offer contemporary services as well.
There is a lot of confusion regarding what day we should worship. Many people think that because Sunday is the first day of the week, it is automatically the day that Christians should worship. However, there are many churches out there that worship on Saturday instead of Sunday. They claim this is based on Biblical evidence showing Jesus rose from the dead on Saturday and ascended into heaven on a Sunday, so in celebration, we should worship Him one day later than He did. We will explore this further below, along with some other issues surrounding how to know what days are right for Christians to worship God together.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 21:13 to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 21:13 to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
In Hebrews 10:25, we are told that Christ is our High Priest and intercessor for us. As Christians, we should be able to come before God with confidence because Jesus has already paid for all of our sins once and for all on the cross. Worshiping God with a contrite heart is important because it shows Him that we recognize His mercy and grace toward us as sinners!
One of the Ten Commandments states that the Sabbath day is to be kept holy (Exodus 20:8-11).
One of the Ten Commandments states that the Sabbath day is to be kept holy (Exodus 20:8–11). The word “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew word shabbath, meaning “to cease from labor or rest.” In other words, it’s a day of rest from normal activities like working, shopping, and going to school.
Many Christians celebrate this day as one dedicated to worshiping God by attending church services at their local church on Saturdays (or Sundays). However, there are places where churches do not meet on weekends because they believe that Saturday should be observed as a day of worship instead of Sunday.
What do you do on Saturday if you are a Christian?
If you’re a Christian, you know what to do on Saturday: worship. But since most churches don’t celebrate services on Saturday (and even some that do will not have one near you), what are your options?
I’m glad you asked! Here’s a list of all the churches that worship on Saturday near me:
When Does Saturday Become Sunday in the Bible
You might be wondering, “What’s the difference between Saturday and Sunday?” To answer that question, let’s look at the Bible.
The seventh day of the week is called Saturday. Abraham and Moses spoke Hebrew thousands of years ago, which is where the word itself originates. It means “to cease,” which is why we don’t work on this day—we rest! Nowadays, we call this day Saturday.
The first day of the week is called sunday because it falls after Saturday in our modern calendar system. It’s also known as Sunday because it’s named after Sol Invictus (“Unconquered Sun”), a pagan deity who was worshipped at one time by some members of ancient Rome before Christianity came into existence. For this reason, many Christians prefer to call their holy day Sunday instead of its traditional name: “the Lord’s Day.”

Is Sunday a Pagan Day of Worship
The first thing you might wonder is whether or not Sunday is the day of pagan worship. The answer is yes, it’s true that the majority of churches in America worship on Sundays. However, this doesn’t mean that they are worshipping the sun god or following a pagan practice.
In fact, unlike many other Christian denominations in Europe and Asia, most American churches don’t observe Saturday as their holy day of rest and worship (or even Saturday at all). Instead they celebrate Sunday as their day of rest and worship because it was set aside by early Christians who were trying to separate themselves from Judaism. They wanted a day where they could focus on Christ instead of Jewish customs like keeping kosher or observing Shabbat (which means “Sabbath” in Hebrew).
The Bible says that we should worship on the first day of the week, Sunday. The Bible also says we should gather together for worship on this day.
The Bible says that we should worship on the first day of the week, Sunday. The Bible also says we should gather together for worship on this day.
The Lord said, “On the first day of the week let each one of you put aside and save whatever extra he can afford; lay it up with him for yourselves as a treasure of heaven, so that when I come I may reward each one of you according to your deeds” (Luke 15:4-5).
The apostle Paul wrote to his disciple Timothy: “But as for me and my household, we will serve the living God! For this reason I endure all things for those who are beloved because they are yours (1 Timothy 4:10).
It was customary in biblical times for Jewish people to gather together every Sabbath Day (Saturday) around sunset time where they would read from old scrolls that contained stories about how our people were punished by god since they disobeyed his laws. On Sunday morning after sunrise they would meet again at another location where they would sing songs praising god while holding hands together in a circle formation around one another while standing or sitting down depending on what type of venue there was available back in those days before technology existed but now thanks goodness there are many more options available today which makes it easier than ever before especially when living far away from home which makes life easier yet still stressful at times due to traffic jams along with other reasons too numerous too mention here
We believe that Sundays are the best day of week to worship God. This belief is based on the Bible saying that we should worship on the first day of week, Sunday. The Bible also says we should gather together for worship on this day. We hope this information will help you when trying to decide whether or not you should go to church on Sundays instead of Saturdays or other days during week!