Santa muerte prayer to destroy enemies spanish: A blog about the zombie saint and their power. Read about the santa muerte night prayer and santa muerte rules.
Hola Beautiful!Whether you call her Santa Muerte, Holy Death, or La Flaca, celebrating and honoring the spirit of Santa Muerte is becoming increasingly popular, especially amongst women. Some folks think of her as a “remover of obstacles” who helps us in times of great change or grief.
I am a traditional folk artist with a deep commitment and respect to the art of Santera. I am here in the New World to share with you my knowledge and passion for this very old, yet ever-evolving religion in order to provide a better comprehension, and thus, understanding of this spiritual practice. I hope we can all take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the authentic and traditional ways of worshipping these powerful deities from ancient times.
Santa Muerte Meaning
Santa Muerte is a personification of death.[33] Unlike other saints who originated in Mexican folk Catholicism, Santa Muerte is not, herself, seen as a dead human being.[33] She is associated with healing, protection, financial wellbeing, and assurance of a path to the afterlife.[13]
Although there are other death saints in Latin America, such as San La Muerte, Santa Muerte is the only female saint of death in either of the Americas.[13] Though early figures of the saint were male,[7] iconographically, Santa Muerte is a skeleton dressed in female clothes or a shroud, and carrying both a scythe and a globe.[33][23] Santa Muerte is marked out as female not by her figure but by her attire and hair. The latter was introduced by a believer named Enriqueta Romero.[18]
The two most common objects that Santa Muerte holds in her hands are a globe and a scythe. Her scythe reflects her origins as the Grim Reaper (la Parca of medieval Spain),[12] and can represent the moment of death, when it is said to cut a silver thread. The scythe can symbolize the cutting of negative energies or influences. As a harvesting tool, a scythe may also symbolize hope and prosperity.[9] The scythe has a long handle, indicating that it can reach anywhere. The globe represents Death’s vast power and dominion over the earth,[23] and may be seen as a kind of a tomb to which we all return.[9]
Other objects associated with Santa Muerte include scales, an hourglass, an owl, and an oil lamp.[9] The scales allude to equity, justice, and impartiality, as well as divine will.[23] An hourglass indicates the time of life on earth and also the belief that death is not the end, as the hourglass can be inverted to start over.[23] The hourglass denotes Santa Muerte’s relationship with time as well as with the worlds above and below. It also symbolizes patience. An owl symbolizes her ability to navigate the darkness and her wisdom; the owl is also said to act as a messenger.[34] A lamp symbolizes intelligence and spirit, to light the way through the darkness of ignorance and doubt.[9] owls in particular are associated with Mesoamerican death deities such as Mictlantecuhtli and seen as evidence of continuity of death worship into Santa Muerte.[35] Some followers of Santa Muerte believe that she is jealous and that her image should not be placed next to those of other saints or deities, or there will be consequences.[24]
Many artists, particularly Mexican-American artists, have played with Santa Muerte’s image. One of the images considered to be the most controversial in Mexico is the fusion of Santa Muerte and the Virgin of Guadalupe, into what is sometimes known as GuadaMuerte. This image has been very polemical for many Mexicans as it features Santa Muerte dressed like the Virgin, in blue veil with stars on it, red dress, with a fiery yellow halo behind her head and often in praying pose. It has, according to news sources, been so upsetting to the Catholic Church that Santa Muerte leaders in Mexico have advised against its use, while in the Santa Muerte community some leaders and devotees are angered that their powerful, formidable folk saint would be conflated with a completely separate entity and suffering female figure, the Virgin of Guadalupe, as the practices are different on many levels.
Santa Muerte Prayer To Destroy Enemies Spanish

Santa Muerte,
I come to you as a humble petitioner
to ask that you destroy my enemies.
They have done me wrong, and I wish for their destruction.
My enemies are: [list of names].
Santa Muerte, I pray that you remove all obstacles and curses from my path.
I pray for health and prosperity, protection from my enemies, and spiritual growth.
I pray for the destruction of all my enemies, that they may be consumed by the fire of your wrath.
May their souls be taken to Hell, where they will suffer eternally for their transgressions against me.
Santa muerte night prayer
Oh, mighty Santa Muerte,
You who are the Queen of the Dead and who gives life to your followers.
Our Lady of Death, we come before you today to ask for your help. We ask that you put a curse on our enemies so that they might feel the pain we have felt at their hands. We ask that you make them suffer as we have suffered at the hands of those who wish us harm. We ask that you make them pay for their crimes against us and our family.
We pray to thee, Santa Muerte! Our Lady of Death!
Santa Muerte, Mother of the Dead,
I ask you to listen to my prayer.
This person who is my worst enemy has caused me so much pain.
He is constantly trying to destroy my life, but I know they are wrong.
Please help me get rid of this person so that they can no longer hurt me.
Protect me from the evil that surrounds them, and help me to find peace in my life again.
Santa Muerte Rules
Dear Santa Muerte,
I come to you today in hopes that you will help me get rid of my enemies.
I have been the victim of their attacks for far too long, and I think it’s time for them to go.
Please grant me the strength and power to make this happen.
I ask this in your name, Santa Muerte.
Oh Santa Muerte,
protect me from my enemies.
Keep them far away from me.
Let them be blinded by their greed,
let them be blinded by their lack of love for others,
let them be blinded by their lust for power and money,
let them be blinded by their own lies and deceit.