If you are a church leader, then you should realize that your role as a church leader changes with time. Pastors used to be more about leading worship and sermons, but now pastors are more about providing leadership for the youth; it is almost like having a different mindset when you are leading kids. Therefore, if you want to become an elder in your church or youth pastor, then you will need to have some sort of bio for yourself so that people know who you are without having to come up with one yourself.
Are you looking for sample of biography for church? Then you have come to the right place. Right here on churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on sample of biography about myself for church, how to write a mini biography for a church ministry outreach, samples & tips on how to write your local church history, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.
A church leader’s bio is more than a letter of introduction to your congregation. It’s also an opportunity to deepen their understanding of who you are and what motivates you as a leader. And it can make all the difference in how people view your church. Hi there. I’m Pastor Mike, the Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church of New Orleans. In this bio we’ll take you through my journey and what is going on in my life today.
When you’re writing a biography for your church, the most important thing to remember is that it should be interesting and engaging. The best way to do this is to talk about the people who have had an impact on your life and ministry and then weave those stories into a larger narrative that demonstrates how they have shaped you.
You also want to include some details about yourself—what your hobbies are, what your family looks like, etc.—but don’t feel like you need to go overboard with these. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t explain why something is important to you in two sentences or less, then leave it out.
If you’re looking for examples of biographies written by other pastors or ministers, check out our catalog for more information on similar topics!
Churchgists affords you unrestricted access to a litany of valuable information on the aforementioned and related topics. Take out time to surf through our catalog for more information on similar topics.
5 Short Sample of Biography About Myself for Church
1. Early Life
I was born and raised in a small town in the Midwest. My parents were devout Christians, and they raised me with strong Christian values from a young age. I attended church regularly with my family and participated in various church activities throughout my childhood.
2. Education
I graduated from high school with honors and went on to attend a Christian college where I studied theology. During my time in college, I became actively involved in campus ministry and served as a leader in several student-led Bible study groups.
3. Mission Work
After graduating from college, I felt called to do mission work overseas. I spent several years living in a rural village in Africa, where I helped to build churches and schools, and spread the message of Christianity to the local community.
4. Family Life
Upon returning from my mission work, I met and married my wife, who shares my passion for serving the church. We now have two young children who we are raising in the church and teaching them the importance of faith and service to others.
5. Church Leadership
Currently, I serve as a deacon in my church and help to organize various outreach programs and events. I am passionate about helping others grow in their faith and connecting with the community through service and fellowship.
Ministry bio examples
A ministry bio serves as a concise and impactful way to introduce oneself and share key aspects of their ministry engagement. Examples of ministry bios can vary depending on the unique gifts, talents, and roles of individuals within the church community.
In my ministry bio example, I focus on highlighting the areas of ministry that I am actively involved in. These may include leadership positions within specific ministries, such as the worship team, youth ministry, or outreach programs.
Furthermore, my ministry bio example incorporates relevant Bible verses that align with the specific ministries I serve in. For instance, if I am involved in the children’s ministry, I may include a verse like Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This serves as a reminder of the spiritual impact and responsibility entrusted to me within that ministry.
How to write a ministry bio
Writing a ministry bio can be an exercise in self-reflection and prayerful consideration of one’s unique calling and involvement in ministry. Here are some steps to guide you in crafting your own ministry bio:
- Begin by praying for guidance and seeking the Holy Spirit’s leading in reflecting on your ministry involvement and experiences.
- Identify the key areas of ministry that you are actively engaged in or have a deep passion for.
- Reflect on the impact and transformation you have witnessed within those ministries.
- Consider incorporating relevant Bible verses that align with your passion and areas of ministry. This will demonstrate your biblical foundation and inspire others.
- Write a concise and compelling summary of your ministry involvement, focusing on the unique gifts, skills, and experiences that equip you for service.
- Proofread and edit your ministry bio for clarity, grammar, and cohesiveness.
- Share your ministry bio with trusted friends or mentors for feedback and suggestions.
- Continually update and revise your ministry bio as you grow in your faith journey and undertake new ministry opportunities.
Remember, a ministry bio is an opportunity to share your passion for serving God and others. It should embody both your unique calling and your commitment to utilizing your gifts for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
Short pastor bio examples
A short pastor bio is a concise introduction to a pastor’s life, ministry, and calling. These examples are useful for bulletin inserts, church websites, or programs where a brief overview of the pastor’s background is desired.
In my short pastor bio example, I focus on highlighting the key aspects of my journey as a pastor, including my educational background, ordination, and primary areas of pastoral focus. I also include a reference to a Bible verse that encapsulates my passion and guiding principles as a pastor.
Here is an example: “Rev. John Smith is an ordained minister with a deep love for God and His people. With a Master’s degree in Divinity from XYZ Seminary, Rev. Smith brings a wealth of theological knowledge and practical pastoral experience to his role. His passion for discipleship and fostering spiritual growth is reflected in his favorite verse, 2 Timothy 2:2, ‘And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.'”
By providing a short pastor bio, congregants can gain insight into their pastor’s background and calling, fostering a sense of familiarity and connection.
Sample Of Biography About Myself For Church
I love working with young people. It inspires me to help others grow in their faith, regardless of the age or stage of life. I began my journey in youth ministry as a Bible teacher my senior year of high school. I wanted to become the best youth minister there ever was, but soon realized that God already had plans for me. Now I’m a Youth Pastor at my local church and like many pastors, I know there’s no road map to leading well.
Church leaders are a vital part of any congregation. They are responsible for implementing the principles and doctrines taught in their particular denomination; training youth workers; counseling and discipling members; and showing the importance of spiritual growth to everyone who attends. But it’s not just the role they play that makes them important — it’s what they bring with them as well.
How to Write a Personal Biography About Myself
It’s not easy to write a personal biography. You want to be honest, but you also want to make yourself look good—and you don’t want to bore the reader with the same old facts that everyone else includes in their bios.
Here are some tips for writing a compelling bio that will get people’s attention:
During your career, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to write a biography about yourself for websites, social media, conference programs, membership in professional organizations and more. The problem is, too many people seize that moment to pontificate about themselves as if they’d won an Academy Award or Nobel Prize. But writing an effective bio can do more than just tout your accomplishments—it can really serve to advance your ideas and message. Now’s a good time to rethink your bio, and here’s a handful of important principles to keep in mind:
1) Mention your accomplishments, but don’t go over the top. Far too many bios include phrases like “changing the world,” “bestselling author,” “in demand speaker” or “internationally respected _______.” Unless those types of accolades can be verified, don’t stretch the truth. It hurts your credibility. Always remember that in the Internet age, everything can be verified.
2) Focus on your “One Big Thing.” Too many bios list a wide array of interests and work, and leave the reader wondering what your area of expertise actually is. Instead, use your bio to share what you feel called and prepared to accomplish with your life. (And if you don’t know what that is, then read my book.)
3) Write your bio for a specific audience. Is the bio being used for a leadership conference? Then focus on your expertise in that area. For a job site? Focus on your qualifications. For a professional organization? Make it clear why you’re part of that group. Always think about the specific reader of the bio and what they need to know.
4) Keep it short and sweet. Generally speaking, I’ve noticed that in conference programs, the least experienced person usually has the longest biography. That’s because the most qualified speakers don’t need to promote themselves in their bio. Keep it short and focused on the purpose at hand.
5) If you’re young or haven’t accomplished a great deal, then don’t fake it. When someone starts in a new career, they often feel like there isn’t much to say. If that’s the case, then make what little you’ve done look good. And think about things outside the workplace to talk about—maybe your work for a local cause or nonprofit. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself, but don’t make things up. Your integrity matters, so just keep it simple.
6) Finally, have some fun. When Paula Zahn joked on CNN that I was “the only working producer in Hollywood with a Ph.D. in Theology,” I included that in my bio. The only reason my wife went out with me on our first date is that when I called her, she thought I was someone else—so I’ve used that in a bio. Maybe you have an odd hobby, or a quirky past. Don’t be so serious all the time. People will enjoy seeing your personality.
Religion and faith have been a part of my life since the day I was born. My grandfather has been a pastor at Selma Church of God for 39 years and my mom, along with my grandmother and aunts, run our churches worship team. One could only assume, I have spent much of my life in the church. From years of children ‘s church and Sunday school, I learned of God ‘s unconditional love for me and His constant willingness to forgive me of my sins. My family and teachers explained the crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. As a child, I knew all these things, these wonderful things about my God and my religion, but it was not until my early teens that I began to thirst for more.
At my church, one had to be in seventh grade to attend our youth group service. I could not wait to going into junior high so I could hang out with the teenagers and talk about actual teen issues and how The Bible tells us to handle them. The summer before seventh grade our church had new…show more content…
I was always lying to my parents, going out to parties, and staying at places I should not have been. My lifestyle was something I could not talk to my parents about, but I could confide in other friend ‘s parents or my youth pastors. I always wonder how different my teenage years would have been if my parents were more open and approachable about living life in God ‘s image. At home, we all knew of our faith and acted according, no cursing, no drinking, but we never specifically spoke of how difficult it can be to not fall into temptation. My parents were not understanding of any mistakes; it was, “you better not be doing those kinds of things,” the end. This is not to say my parents are at fault for me being a rebellious teenager who lied to her parents and got drunk on the weekends because I was well aware of the sins I was committing and I attempted many times to
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Truman State Application Essay
The biggest influencers in my faith have been my family, The Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization, and ultimately, myself. As I stated before, I grew up in church. In fact, the church I attend today is the one my father started attending when he was only seven months old. I have strong familial ties to my church and that is ultimately where my faith began. I sometimes reminisce back to when my father would sing Amazing Grace with me and my mother would teach me Bible stories.
Spiritual autobiography
Many factors in the past have influenced my relationship with God and continue to do so daily. I first learned to be a Christian from my parents. They took me to Sunday School and “preaching” on Sunday mornings when I was young. They made sure I was involved in the youth group and children’s and youth choirs while growing up. They taught me to say a blessing before every meal, and they laugh when I still occasionally break into our traditional “God is great, God is good.
Personal Testimony
Church became a hobby to me, I didn’t hate going there but it was just what you did. I thought that all families were like that also, I didn’t realize till my teenage years that not everyone goes to church every Sunday morning and Wednesday night. But as I grew older and started really listening to what my friends would talk about at school, I saw that life wasn’t all about going to church and being a Christian for some people. During my seventh grade year, my church went to a youth rally at a local church on weekend. Because of this rally and the message it sent, I realized and wanted to give my life to Jesus through baptism.
Speech On Generosity
What have I done to show my generosity to others? I pray for each student in my every class every day, no matter he or she is a Christian or not. I listen whatever my students want to share with me about their lives patiently and give them my advice from the Bible guiding them in the way they can see the grace from God. I spent a whole week with some youth using reusable materials to finish decoration for VBS event. I spent two months talking to my parents via international calls every midnight, prayed for them, and wanted to let them know how much love they have been receiving from Jesus Christ.
Reflective Essay On Spiritual Life
Sunday school really impacted my life by showing me what I was missing out on and that you can always learn new things. Around my freshman year in high school, I decided to get baptized and confirmed into the church which was a big step in my spiritual life. Being baptized and confirmed into the church was scary because you have this sense that you have to be better and always succeed. At the age of 15, I decided to take God into my life and continue to learn what he has to offer. Confirmation classes went for about a year as we studied the bibles and certain scriptures to prepare us for our test.
Are you and your family active members in a faith community? Yes If so, please tell us the name of the faith community (church, parish, other) and describe your involvement in this community. Our faith community is St. Paul of the Cross Church and School in Park Ridge, Illinois. We have been parishioners of St. Paul of the Cross since 1998 when we moved to Edison Park. We attend mass regularly as a family – on Sundays, Holy Days of Obligations and special occasions.
British Evangelists: Smith Wigglesworth
His decision to believe Christ for his salvation was decided that day. He was immediately filled with the desire to evangelize and led his own mother to Christ. Smith has been to many different church’s growing up in his time. He began at an Episcopal Church and then at the age thirteen he attended the Weslyan Methodist church. Once he was sixteen he started working at a Salvation Army and was doing very well there.
Haslett Community Church
Those involved in the early days of the Haslett Community Church were united in their purpose and included persons with many vocations – plumbers, electricians, painters,… … middle of paper … …9, 1997, Rev. Miles preached his last sermon at HCC. Since our newly selected minister, Rev. Kurt A. Kirchoff, was not scheduled to arrive until mid August, Romi Chaffee – long-time HCC member and ordained UCC minister, provided pastoral care and Sunday sermons for this interim six-week period. Finally the Kirchoff family arrived, and Rev.
The Turning Point Of My Life
My Dad found a different church as well.His church was near Atlanta, Georgia and it was named Berean Christian Church. So, once my dad founded a home church, I was going to church with my Dad every single Sunday. Faith played a huge part in my parents forgiveness of each other. The weeks I’m with my Dad, he cooked more. Talked to more to my sister and I more and he became a better listener.It was like he was becoming a better father.
Thus, I grew up in a Christian family, with devout Christian parents, who exemplified the Christian faith in their commitment to the Community. Every morning and evening my daddy who had a little knowledge about scripture would yet read and expound from the Scripture and my mother being the Sunday school teacher would always encouraged and helped me involved in singing, drama and other Christian activities as a young boy. Home and Sunday school were the first places where my Christian faith took shaped and grew. However, until the age of 14, I was not sure of my salvation. Then, during a youth crusade, I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, and I became sure of my salvation.

How To Write A Mini Biography For A Church Ministry Outreach
A biography is a document that highlights the milestones of a person’s life and tells an audience general facts about him. While longer biographies often detail life events, shorter biographies also serve a purpose in introducing a person and focusing on specific portions of their lives. For example, a short biography for a church ministry outreach may introduce the person to the reader, yet also include personal and professional ties to the church. Knowing what facts to include will help you write a short biography that still provides enough information about a person’s life and professional ties.
Step 1
Gather a list of facts about the person. Answer basic questions such as her hometown, current city of residence and connection with the church. Put the facts in chronological order.
Step 2
Write a list of specific qualities about the person. Ask yourself which qualities make this person interesting. Write the first qualities that come to mind.
Step 3
Discover the person’s education and certifications. In the case of a biography for a church ministry outreach, double check with the person to make sure the credentials you have are correct.
Step 4
List the person’s accomplishments. Tie these accomplishments in with her work for the church.
Step 5
Review the list of the person’s outstanding qualities and accomplishments. Choose the ones that describe her best and represent her ties to the church.
Step 6
Write the mini biography in chronological order. Start with the general facts about the person, followed by her initial contact with the church. Finish by describing the qualities and accomplishments that make her an outstanding member of the church.
Step 7
Let the biography sit for a day then edit and polish the final copy.
Samples & Tips On How To Write Your Local Church History
History is important in every realm of life. No matter your occupation, location, or background, your daily life is influenced by history and those who made discoveries before you. In the same way, Christianity hinges on history. In fact, the Nation of Israel recognized history as a means through which God made His mark in the world. Literally speaking, it is “His story.” Therefore, it is no doubt that local church histories play a significant part in the progression of the world, and God’s plan for the world.
What are the samples and tips for how to write local church history? There are 13 main points to include in local church history. Additionally, there are 13 stylistic and detailed oriented points to add. Furthermore, it is beneficial for churches to first understand their purpose of establishing church history. From there, churches can gather their information and format it in over 7 ways.
This blog outlines and explains the necessities of local church history. It also expands on details to help churches find what works for them. I have written tips for gathering information and where to get it. I have also presented reflection questions for churches to better understand their goal and vision for their church history. Lastly, I discuss, various formatting and three distinct samples.
The Main Elements to Include
When it comes to church history, it is personal to each and every church. There is no right or wrong way to assemble church history. Cultural and societal atmospheres greatly impact local churches. The way that a city progresses through history also plays a role.
Areas that have experienced great hardship (the Great Depression, lack of daily needs, deep loss, progression, political uproar, etc.) are often shaped by these things. With that in mind, there may be additional things that your church should include in its history. Despite these variances, I do believe there are a few key things to include. This list can help give you an idea of the types of content that should be in your church history.
- The Original Vision or Reason to Begin the Church.
- Who the First Leaders Were.
- When the Leaders First Decided there Was a Need for the Church.
- Significant Needs that the Church was Seeking to Meet.
- Any Connections to Other Church Plants.
- What the Process looked like.
- Where the First Place of Meeting Was.
- The Major Statements of Belief and Doctrine.
- The Church Mission Statement.
- The First Landmark Occurrences (baptisms, success in evangelism and discipleship, unique ways that the Lord worked).
- Church Growth and Fruitfulness.
- The Progression Over the Years and the Factors that Influenced Them.
- Where the Church Stands Now Compared to its History.
Additional Information to Provide
Here is some additional information to provide. These add interest and style to your church history. Furthermore, these types of elements make church history more personal, informational, interactive, and memorable. Choose what is best for your project and church.

- Interviews with Church Members of All Ages.
- Pictures and Videos of Past and Recent Events.
- Charts, Graphs, and Timelines to Easily Display Content.
- Quotes and Inspirational Content from Church Members or Leadership.
- Testimonies.
- Prayers.
- Scripture References.
- History of the City or Town.
- Pictures of the First Building Project. (Before and After Photos).
- Financial Statements or Use of Funds.
- Future Goals.
- Steps to Reach Those Goals.
- How Members of the Church Can Become Involved.
Deciding the Purpose of Your Local Church History
Before I give a list on how to construct your history and where to make it available for your church attenders, you should be clear on your purpose. You may decide on a few of these methods and strategies, depending on your purpose. If you are clear on your vision and intention, you will have a better idea of what types of resources to use.
Are you providing church history for first-time attendees to understand the church vision? Is your church history geared towards honoring the older generations in your church? Is your history designed as a gift to a Pastor or leader?
What is the overarching purpose of documenting your local church history? Do you seek to inspire or influence others for change? Are you hoping to stir up faith and hope within your local church and community? Will you present your church history and movement online as a means of evangelism? Is this more for logistical reasons than anything else?
Gathering Information
The best place to look for information is from the church itself. If you can, look through old records, pictures, and documents that the church has kept. If you are the Pastor, elder, or in leadership, check with the other leaders in the church to ensure accountability and that you aren’t opening any sensitive or personal documents about church members.
For those who are not in leadership, ask your church leadership for permission before you dive into their paperwork. Additionally, you may find information from your town’s city hall or government offices that may contain records. Looking at the history of your city can provide great information and background into the needs that the church was seeking to meet.
Another great place to gather information is from church members. If you have members in your church who were involved at the beginning of the church, this is ideal. If these individuals are no longer present, ask their close family members who have been involved. Chances are, these individuals told stories or raised their families in the church.
You can also interview various generations within the church. Staring with oldest to youngest. This will give a fresh perspective. It will be exciting for the older generations in the church to see the young people being impacted. Moreover, it is beneficial for the young generations to know their heritage, the hardships, and the joy that was experienced. Ask your church attendees if they have any photos, memories, objects, or anything else to contribute to the project.
Formatting Church History
Once you gather your information, it is time to decide how you will organize and present it. I recommend making photocopies of documents, pictures, and historical information. Use the photocopies in your project records or upload them in a file online. Keep the original copies in a safe and secure place.
I don’t recommend using the original content for your presentation. That is to say, if you are formating your church history in a hardcopy form. If you are using a digital program, you don’t have to worry about preserving important documents. In addition, label personal items that church members have contributed so as not to lose them.
Service Bulletin
Many churches have a bulletin that they hand out each service. You may want to add a section within this bulletin for history. Since a bulletin is limited in space, use the most crucial information and keep out the details. You can use the details in another location.
The design and layout of this depend on the theme that you are already using for your bulletin. You may desire to write a short paragraph, use a listicle form, or dedicate a whole page to your church history.
Additionally, you can use a timeline. A timeline can be placed in any format. For example, you may make a hard copy timeline to display in your church lobby. You can also create a timeline to add to your church website, social media, a PowerPoint presentation, or a video.
A timeline is a creative way to display history because it can include pictures and various details that may be left out in other formats. Furthermore, a timeline is a simple and quick way for members to understand church history. Since there are many different learning styles, the timeline format would cater to your members who are visual learners.
Wall of History
In the same vein of thought, there is a wall of history. This wall is a dedicated place in the church to display photos, testimonies, facts, the mission statement, major beliefs, and personal church history. This is helpful because it is a concrete place for history to be recognized and for new announcements and landmark events to be documented.
Establish your wall of history in a strategic place so that first-time visitors see it upon entry. Many people who are searching for a church want to know more about the church before they commit. This is especially helpful in large churches where newcomers can easily walk in and out without connecting with church leadership about their questions.
PowerPoint Presentation
Speakers may give a PowerPoint presentation during a service. The speaker may want to incorporate written details, pictures, videos, interviews, a timeline, graphs, charts, ministry opportunities, and financial information. This is a great avenue for churches who are specifically reviewing their church history and deciding goals for the future.
Video Presentation
A video presentation fits any purpose you decide. Presentation times can be in church services, church events or parties, or through continual viewing. Continual presentations are played on TVs or computers in the church lobby. Additionally, videos can be added to the church’s website or social media.
Social Media
Social media is prominent worldwide. Especially for the younger generations, social media is a significant way to reach people. You can use your church history video or media content to reach the unchurched. Or, you can use it for personal needs and reasons of the local church. Either way, it is beneficial to have your local church history readily available.
Church Website
A church website is crucial. Since we live in a digital age, I advocate that the church uses media for God’s glory and purposes. The extent of this varies. However, a church website is where many people experience church before they walk through the doors. The website should contain information about service times, location, contact information, and ministries. Moreover, it should give statements of belief.
Church history is crucial in this process. You may present your church history through any of the means presented above. Having church history readily available to all attendees of a local church is favorable. The way in which you do this may vary. Yet, I do recommend that the history is clearly displayed and located.
Sample of Written History
Here is a sample of local church history from Bethany Church in Bloomington, MN. Find the following section word for word at bethanychurchmn.com. For the purpose of format replication, I have split up the statement of history. I have established subheadings that were not originally used by Bethany Church.
My purpose in this is to provide you a clear example. You may use the subheadings as a basis for your church history. After we look at this sample, we will discuss certain elements and how they were positively utilized.
The Igniting Factor and Progression
“The beginnings of Bethany Church are rooted in God’s intervention and transformation of the life of Ted Hegre in 1935. Ted and his wife Lucile were newlyweds when Rev. Joe Stump spoke at the church they attended in South Minneapolis for a week of evangelistic meetings. Ted later wrote, ‘For the first time I heard God’s estimate of sin and the sinner and I discovered I was hopelessly lost. But thanks to God, Jesus was revealed as the Savior of sinners and I accepted him as my Savior.’
In late 1942 in the midst of World War II Ted started a Bible study where 40 young people began coming regularly. The group eventually purchased a chapel at 57th and Nicollet and the first service of Bethany Chapel was held on Palm Sunday, April 25th, 1943.
In the coming season, the Holy Spirit spoke to the tiny congregation about a vision for missions, and specifically, sending 100 missionaries. Five families from the church committed themselves to missions, sold their individual homes, pooled their personal resources, and moved into one home to form Bethany Fellowship to fulfill the vision to train, send, and support one hundred missionaries.
Development and Fruit
From this radical commitment, God blessed the efforts of Bethany Fellowship – one organization with different ministries including the church (today called Bethany Church), Bethany Fellowship Missionary Training Center (today Bethany Global University), Bethany Fellowship Missions (now Bethany Gateways), Bethany House Publishers (now owned by Baker Publishing), Bethany Academy (K-12 Christian school), Bethany Press International, and other entrepreneurial efforts started to support world-wide evangelization.
The values that gave birth to our church and to the move of God at Bethany still prevail as we cultivate a community of believers who pledge to continue “going deep, reaching wide, and living for the age to come.”
The Content that Bethany Church Included
Bethany Church presents their history on their webpage. They dedicated an “about” section on the website for this information. Additionally, they added a black and white photo of the church’s early beginnings.
Specific information is added. For example, dates, the first street address, and reference to Palm Sunday are used. Any information like this makes local church history standout.
Then, Bethany Church outlined the initial goals of the church. They explain what God was speaking during that time. Next, they show the steps of obedience they took. From there, they add all that God has done. They explain the ministries, organizations, and fruit that has resulted over the years.
Sample of Testimonial History
Bethany Global University also has a section on its website about its history. Since it began as a branch of Bethany Church, much of its history is similar. However, two elements that Bethany Global University uses on its website stand out to me.
First, it categorizes its history in a broad category labeled, “about”. Within this category are a detailed history, videos, frequently asked questions, the mission statement, and statement of faith. Then, the University presents testimonies. Here are some of the testimonies (verbatim).

“Everyone here is so passionate and focused on Jesus and the beautiful mission He gave the church. I’m thankful to be around people who want to go out and share his love. It holds me accountable and gives me a ton of joy and hope.” —Maddy C.
“I like being in an environment where I know that God is present. Being involved here has helped me develop time management and given me valuable life skills.” —Logan F.
“BGU is an awesome community to grow and learn in fellowship about God and His word.” —Chris M.
“I love and trust the leadership and staff members at BGU. I appreciate their passion and that they really care about us.” —Tiffany G.
“Bethany has a rich heritage, a spiritual DNA of faith, international fruitfulness, and a great future ahead.” —Loren Cunningham
Verses to Use in Church History
Scripture is crucial to all Bible-believing churches. Therefore, you may want to include scripture in your church history. The following verse references are derived from the blog, A Primary List of Verses about the Local Church. You may refer to this blog if you are looking for additional verses.
- Hebrews 10:25
- Hebrews 13:17
- 1 Peter 5:1-2
- Colossians 3:16
- 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
- Ephesians 3:10
- Galatians 6:10