In this post, we will discuss the Dedication of a church building, church building dedication Bible verses and church dedication messages.
The Dedication of the Church Building was a very important event. The church services would no longer be held in the school basement. People from all around came to see the new building and celebrate with the congregation.
Bring us together. We have all come. To remember, to celebrate, and to dedicate. This Sunday morning, I invite you to join us as we dedicate our church building. With this renovation, we have committed ourselves to serving you in a new way, in a new home. We hope you will join us as we walk into the future—following Jesus’ footsteps into a new way of life!
Take the time to visit our catalog right here on Churchgists for adequate information on dedication of church building sermons, church dedication program sample, church dedication order of service, and so much more. You don’t want to miss this!

Dedication Of A Church Building
A new church building was recently dedicated in Poway, CA, in the beautiful outdoors of San Diego County. The sun beamed down on a clear blue sky as the congregation settled into their seats for the dedication. It was a glorious day for God for his new home on earth, and I was honored to be there with them to take pictures of the day.
If you were to create a church building, there is a lot of planning that would have to go into place. The organization and set-up of this building should be based on the design and architecture of the church. There are many aspects of your church building that you must consider when getting ready for a dedication service. With these aspects in mind, it is important to build a solid foundation before heading down the path to building a physical structure.
On June 16, 2012, dedicated members of the Faith-Haven Church of Christ (hereinafter referred to as “this church”) and friends joined together to dedicate this church’s building. This dedication was performed in accordance with and pursuant to the authority vested in the General Conference of The Church of Christ.
Church Dedication Message
The dedication of a church building is an important moment in the life of any congregation, and it marks the culmination of years of hard work and faith. A church building is often referred to as “the house of God,” and it is here that people come together to worship, pray, and help each other through difficult times.
It is therefore no surprise that when a church building is dedicated, it is done with great ceremony and celebration. This ceremony celebrates not only the completion of the building itself but also all those who contributed to its creation—from architects to contractors to donors who gave money for materials or labor. The dedication ceremony may also include special music or choir performances, as well as speeches from community leaders.
The most important part of this ceremony is when the pastor or priest gives thanks for all that has been accomplished so far and asks for God’s blessing on their future endeavors as well as those who will use this space for worship services in years to come.
Dedication of a church building
We are gathered here today to dedicate this church building to the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has given us hope and guidance in our lives. Let us pray.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen!
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on readings for the dedication of a church, scripture for dedication of building, church dedication message, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
Church Building Dedication Ceremony Program
Please, God, have Your way with this place and its contents; use them to your honor and glory. For the sake of Your people, may it be a place where Your glory is revealed and Your Presence abides as we use it to prepare them not only for the abundant life You have promised them in this world, but also for the life that is to come in the world to come.
The dedication of a church building is an important and sometimes complex event. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare for the event, which can be a source of great comfort and joy for both members of the congregation and people in the wider community. To start, it’s helpful to understand that a church dedication is first and foremost a worship service.
The building itself may be new or renovated, but in either case, its purpose remains the same: to provide space where people can connect with God on their spiritual journeys. Thus, regular elements from other services will likely be incorporated—for example, a call to worship and prayer of approach, scripture readings, a congregational creed or statement of belief, a hymn of dedication (or another song), an offering and dedication statement (if applicable), prayers of confession and thanksgiving or benediction with prayer response. Here are some examples:
Call to Worship
Call to Worship:
- Invite people to worship God.
- Invite people to be present.
- Invite people to be prepared, aware of their surroundings and the events of the day.
- Invite people to be silent, giving each other space for silent prayer or meditation if they so desire.
- Invite people to be reverent in spirit and conduct, mindful of God’s presence among them and careful not to interrupt worship with unnecessary chatter or noise (e.g., cell phone use).
Prayer of Approach
Prayer of Approach
During the prayer of approach, the priest blesses the new building and then passes through it in a procession. This is a prayer of preparation (prayer to God), dedication (prayer to people), and consecration (prayer to God). The priest will make three rounds around the church building with special candles, incense, and bells ringing while he chants Psalm 47:2–6. The congregation follows behind him as they sing this psalm along with him.
Hymn of Adoration
The hymn of adoration is sung to praise God for the blessings of the church building.
Scripture Readings
Scripture readings are part of the service, not a sermon. They are excerpts from the Bible that tell stories about God and his people, who lived in different times and places. These readings often contain important lessons for those who follow Christ today.
The Old Testament reading is first because it tells us about God’s faithfulness to his people Israel as he prepares them to receive his son Jesus as their Savior. The New Testament reading follows because it describes how God sent his Son into this world to save us from our sins and restore us as sons and daughters of God.
Prayers of Confession and Thanksgiving
In addition to the dedication of the building, there are prayers of confession and thanksgiving that can be included in this service. The pastor or the congregation may offer the prayers. After all, a church building is not only a physical structure; it is also symbolic of a people’s faith. It is important to express your gratitude for this gift as well as acknowledge any shortcomings that occurred during its construction process.
Congregational Creed or Statement of Belief
As you read, remember that this is a statement of faith. It’s not a list of rules.
You should also know how to pronounce the words in the creed. If you need help with pronunciation, ask your pastor or another church leader.
While reading, please pay attention to what the words mean to you and think about how each one might be important in your life as a Christian today.
Offering and Dedication Statement
The offering is a way to thank God for the building and to help with the cost of maintaining it. It is also a way to show gratitude for all that God has done for the church, including providing land on which you can build your house of worship.
In addition, an offering provides spiritual benefits by helping you reach out in love and support to those who are struggling financially or spiritually.
Hymn of Dedication
A hymn of dedication is a hymn that has been sung in the church for a long time, usually before or after the dedication service. It is not a song written for the dedication service, but rather a familiar congregational song. A hymn of praise and thanksgiving is often used as an anthem during this time as well.
Knowing what happens during a dedication can help you prepare for it.
A church building dedication is a ceremonial occasion that marks the completion of construction on a new house of worship. During this event, you’ll witness the placing of the cornerstone and its dedication to God. The pastor will give an address about why this particular place was chosen for worship and what it means for your community.
The most important thing to remember when attending a church building dedication is to dress appropriately, so you don’t feel out of place or awkward in front of others. For men, wearing nice slacks with a sport coat or suit jacket works great as long as they aren’t too formal-looking; dress shoes are also appropriate footwear choices here if they’re not too fancy either (think something like loafers rather than wingtips). Women can wear dresses that cover their knees without being too formal (think pastel colors instead of bright ones) paired with flat shoes or heels, depending on how long the service lasts; jewelry should be kept simple but noticeable enough so people know who you are without being ostentatious about it!
Readings For The Dedication of A Church
So the king and all the Israelites dedicated the temple of the LORD. 64 On that same day, the king consecrated the middle part of the courtyard in front of the temple of the LORD, and there he offered burnt offerings, grain offerings and the fat of the fellowship offerings because the bronze altar that stood before the LORD was too small to hold the burnt offerings, the grain offerings and the fat of the fellowship offerings. 65 So Solomon observed the festival at that time, and all Israel was with him—a vast assembly of people from Lebo Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt. They celebrated it before the LORD our God for seven days and seven days more, or fourteen days in all. 1 Kings 8:63b-65*
5 So the king and all the people dedicated the temple of God. 6 The priests took their positions, as did the Levites with the LORD’s musical instruments, which King David had made for praising the LORD and which were used when he gave thanks, saying, “His love endures forever.” Opposite the Levites, the priests blew their trumpets, and all the Israelites were standing. 7 Solomon consecrated the middle part of the courtyard in front of the temple of the LORD, and there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the fellowship offerings because the bronze altar he had made could not hold the burnt offerings, the grain offerings and the fat portions. 8 So Solomon observed the festival at that time for seven days, and all Israel was with him—a vast assembly of people from Lebo Hamath to the Wadi of Egypt. 9 On the eighth day, they held an assembly, for they had celebrated the dedication of the altar for seven days and the festival for seven days more. 2 Chronicles 7:5b-9*
Other Scriptures on Fellowship, Loving One Another,
and Passing God’s Peace to Consider Using
13 The next day the south wind came up, and on the following day we reached Puteoli. 14 There we found some brothers and sisters who invited us to spend a week with them. Acts 28:13b-14a*
23 Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy, sends you his greetings. Romans 16:23a*
19 Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house. 1 Corinthians 16:19b*
1 To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker—2 also to Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier—and to the church that meets in your home: Philemon 1b-2*
I hope this blog post has given you some insight into the dedication process. While it may seem simple at first glance, there is more to dedicating a church than just blessing it and cutting a ribbon. In most cases, a church dedication will involve many parts of service—including some that may surprise you. If you are the one in charge of planning your congregation’s next dedication ceremony, I hope this information will help you prepare for what should be an exciting day!