The first thing that comes to mind when you think of Clare, Ireland is probably the weather.
The country is known for its often unpredictable and always changeable climate, which can make it difficult to plan your day around. When you’re traveling through Ireland, whether for business or pleasure, it’s important to know how the weather might affect your plans.
That’s why we’re here! We’ve compiled a list of prayers for good weather in Clare for your convenience. You’ll find a prayer for every occasion: from prayers for bad weather to prayers for windy days and even prayers for sunny days.
We all know that life is full of obstacles, and sometimes it seems like even the most basic things can be a hassle. But one thing that we can always count on is the weather—and if you’re in a place where the sun shines down on you every day, all year long, then consider yourself lucky!
But what about those of us who don’t live in a tropical paradise? What about those of us who can’t go outside without putting on three layers of waterproof clothing, because winter is coming and it’s going to be cold as heck?
Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s hope—even for those of us who are stuck in our homes during the frigid months. And if you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration to help get you through this winter season, I’ve got just the thing: Prayer for Good Weather.
St Clare Prayers for Favorable Weather Conditions
Heavenly Father,
As we come before you today, we ask for the intercession of St. Clare, that she may pray for us in bringing peace and comfort to those who are affected by unstable weather conditions. Grant us, Lord, the blessing of sunny skies and gentle breezes so that we may all enjoy the beauty of nature’s gifts. May your divine power protect us from harsh windstorms and severe rain, keeping our homes, businesses, and communities safe. We trust in your mercy and ask for your guidance and protection. Amen.
Eternal God,
We humbly seek the intercession of St. Clare to bring favorable temperatures upon us. May the sun warm our faces with its gentle rays, neither too hot nor too cool. Help us, O Lord, to experience the perfect balance of warmth and comfort in our daily lives. Protect us from extreme heat or cold, and grant us the temperate climate that we need to thrive. We place our trust in your loving care and ask for your grace to sustain us. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
We call upon the powerful intercession of St. Clare to alleviate the suffering that comes from unstable weather conditions. Protect us, O Lord, from the destructive forces of nature, and grant us your peace and comfort. May we be shielded from the harm caused by windstorms and heavy rain, so that we may enjoy the beauty of your creation without fear. We place our trust in your mercy and ask for your divine intervention in our time of need. Amen.
Almighty God,
We beseech you, O Lord, to hear our prayers for favorable weather conditions. Through the intercession of St. Clare, may you grant us protection from the harsh elements that threaten our peace and safety. Send forth your angels to guard us from windstorms and heavy rain, and bless us with sunny skies and gentle breezes. May your loving care surround us, Lord, and may we find comfort in your presence. We trust in your infinite power and ask for your grace to sustain us. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
We come before you, O Lord, seeking the intercession of St. Clare in bringing favorable weather conditions upon us. Grant us, Father, the gift of sunny skies and gentle breezes, that we may be filled with joy and gratitude for your creation. Protect us from harsh windstorms and heavy rain, and keep our homes, businesses, and communities safe from harm. We trust in your mercy and ask for your divine intervention in our time of need. Amen.
Eternal God,
We pray for your divine assistance, O Lord, in protecting us from unstable weather conditions. Through the intercession of St. Clare, may you grant us sunny skies and gentle breezes, that we may experience the beauty of your creation without fear. Shield us from windstorms and heavy rain, and grant us the peace and comfort that we seek. We place our trust in your loving care and ask for your guidance and protection. Amen.

Saint to Pray for Good Weather
O holy St. Clare, pray for us and make an intercession with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We sincerely pray that you will use your heavenly authority to provide comfort and serenity to anyone affected by erratic weather. Please provide us clear sky and soft winds so that everyone can enjoy the wonders of nature. Please provide us with comfortable temperatures; don’t let the sun burn or stifle us. Assist in preventing intense rain and windstorms from reaching our residences, places of business, and communities. May the bright sunshine of your prayers fill our sky! Indeed!
Detailed St Clare Prayer For Good Weather
We all know that the weather is a big deal, and it can affect our daily lives in many ways. If there’s severe weather, we may not be able to get out of the house. If there’s no rain, our crops aren’t going to grow. If there’s too much rain, we may have floods or other natural disasters. The list goes on and on! One of my favorite saints is Saint Clare of Assisi. She is one of the most powerful intercessors that I know when it comes to asking for good weather conditions or protection from bad weather conditions. Some people even ask her for protection from tornadoes! In this post, I’ll explain why St. Clare is a great saint to ask for prayers regarding severe weather situations and provide an example prayer that you can use for any situation where you need help with the weather.
O glorious St. Clare, you are an excellent model of virtue for all people, but especially for those who delight in the beauty of nature and who are concerned about their crops and livestock.
St. Clare is the patron saint of gardeners and farmers, so she’s a great saint to pray to when severe weather situations threaten your crops and livestock.
As an example, you may have seen this prayer written on social media by people who are concerned about the drought affecting much of the United States:
“St. Clare, I ask that you please intercede with God on behalf of all those suffering from this terrible drought, especially those whose livelihood depends directly upon agriculture.”
Loving Mother, you have given to all the world this patroness so dear to your heart, as our special protectress against storms and storms of every sort.
All of us who know you know that you are a great saint. But St Clare was a great saint in particular because she served God so well and lived in such humility and poverty, spurning all earthly pleasures and honors. She was also known for her extraordinary devotion to nature – especially when it came to the beauty of flowers. Indeed, we may all learn from her example and imitate her virtues if we wish to be better people ourselves!
This is why we ask you on behalf of those who delight in the beauty of nature: help us not only with this prayer but also with our own efforts toward being virtuous people who love God as He deserves, even though he does not always give us what we ask for when we pray!
You healed the sick who appealed to your powerful intercession with God.
The power of prayer is immense, and the power of intercession is equally powerful. When we pray to one another, we do so in faith. We have faith that our prayers will be heard, and that they will be answered by God because they are offered to him through his son Jesus Christ, who made us holy by his life, death and resurrection.
In this way we are able to reach out to one another as both sinners and saints—as members of the Church Militant here on Earth but also as members of Christ’s Body who are called saints in Heaven with him. We can ask for one another’s prayers when our lives seem tough or when we need guidance on how best proceed through them; when our hearts feel empty with grief after losing a loved one; when someone has hurt us; or even when we find ourselves simply lost in an unfamiliar part of town where there aren’t any people around who can help us out!
It may seem strange at first glance but it makes perfect sense once it’s been explained: “Prayer” becomes synonymous with “asking for help.” The power comes from God himself rather than from ourselves or from other people alone.
St Clare pray for us.
St Clare represents a great example of virtue for all believers. She is known as the patron saint of farmers and gardeners, but she is also an excellent intercessor with God on behalf of all who seek her help.
It is said that she had many miraculous healings during her lifetime, and that she was able to convert even hardened sinners with her words alone!
Pray that we may be delivered from damage or ruin due to floods and bad weather.
- Pray for the safety of those who are in danger from floods and bad weather.
- Remember and pray for those who have lost their homes, their possessions, and even their lives due to the floods.
- Pray that all people will be able to rebuild their homes and return to normal life once again.
St Clare, pray that we may not be deprived by untimely rains or lack of rain of the fruits of the earth which we need for sustenance and our very lives.
St Clare, pray that we may not be deprived by untimely rains or lack of rain of the fruits of the earth which we need for sustenance and our very lives.
St Clair, who experienced a life-changing conversion to Christianity in her own heart, pray for us.
St Claire, you were given an abundance of natural resources and yet you chose to live as an ascetic—praying for those who had less than you did. St Clare, pray that we may learn from your example to be more giving with our time and resources, especially when it comes to helping others.
You have taught us by your life that God is our refuge and consolation in danger, adversity, and need.
St Clare is a great saint to ask for prayers regarding severe weather situations. She was known for her compassion and concern for people in need, including the sick and poor. She founded a convent in Assisi, Italy where she lived with her sisters. St Clare experienced much suffering during her lifetime but continued to pray that God would protect those around her from danger and illness.
St Clare is also known as the patron saint of television because she had a television ministry as well as working with nuns on documentaries about their lives and ministries. She has been an inspiration to many young people who want to help others through media outlets such as film or video production.
St Clare pray for us now.
St. Clare, pray for us now and the hour of our death.
Saint Clare, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Saint Clare is a great saint to ask for prayers regarding severe weather situations
You can also ask Saint Clare to help you in severe weather situations. She is the patron saint of farmers, the sick and those who are suffering from poverty. The miracles attributed to this great woman will give you hope for your situation.
If you need a miracle in your life that will bring about change, pray to Saint Clare!
St. Clare is a great saint to ask prayers from concerning severe weather in order to avoid any damage that may be caused by storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters.
St Clare Prayer For Healing
O Blessed Saint Clare, your life shines like a beacon and casts its light down the ages of the Church to guide the way to Christ. Look with compassion on the poor and humble who call on you for help. As you bow before your Eucharistic Lord in Heaven, speak to Him of my afflicted body and my broken spirit. Ask Him to heal me and to wash away my sins in his precious blood.
Holy and beloved saint, teach me to believe, as you did, that in the Blessed Eucharist I will find Jesus, who has only to say the word that I may be healed.
(Pause and reflect on the power of Jesus to heal us.)
Great servant of Christ, remember the needs of my family and all those I pray for. Defend us from everything that would threaten our Holy Catholic Faith. Hear the cry of the poor and make it a song of intercession rising from your pure heart to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, our healer, our Saviour, and our Lord.
Prayer To St Clare For Eyes
- I look up and I behold the Lord,
Clare says to me, “Gaze upon Him, consider Him, contemplate Him,
I put this more simply:
behold, hold, enfold.
I behold the Lord
I see His outstretched hands
I see the blood from His wounds.
I see the love in the eyes of Jesus.
I see His gracious acceptance of me.
Jesus has come out of the tomb –
He still has the scars, but now they are glorious, with the glory of heaven.
Still looking at the Lord, I reach out and touch Him.
I hold the Lord – and I am held in His love.
Love enfolds
It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me.
I am secure in the Lord.
I can look out, now, through the Lord’s eyes.
I can see the world as He created it, in His mercy,
I can see my sisters and brothers with His love,
and I can worship the Father through the eyes of the Son
in the Love of the Holy Spirit.Here is a blessing from St. Clare’s second letter to Blessed Agnes of Prague:
What you hold may you always hold.
What you do, may you always do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step and unswerving feet,
so that even your steps stir up no dust,
Go forward, the spirit of our God has called you.
St Clare Novena Prayer
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the first day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the second day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the third day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the fourth day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the fifth day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the sixth day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the seventh day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the eighth day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”
From Novena to St. Clare of Assisi on the ninth day
To get things started, let us say this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit respectively. Thank you.
Dear St. Clare, when you were a young girl, you modeled your mother’s compassion for the less fortunate people in your hometown of Assisi. When you were nineteen years old, you devoted your life to Jesus, allowing St. Francis to chop off your lovely hair and invest you with the Franciscan habit. This decision was inspired by the preaching of St. Francis, who sang joyously of His Lord Jesus and Lady Poverty. Throughout your entire life, you allowed yourself to endure a great deal of pain for the sake of your Sisters, the Poor Clare, and the change of souls. You greatly assisted Saint Francis in establishing his new order, and after his death, you ensured that his spirit would live on in the Franciscans. First and foremost, you had a profound love for Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, which served as the impetus for your ministry to love and care for those who are less fortunate. Please say prayers for me.
Describe your request in this space…
that, just as you did, I will make it a priority to keep Jesus as my primary love. Assist me in developing a deeper love for the Blessed Sacrament, in caring for those who are less fortunate, and in committing my entire life to God. Dear Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for the blessing of Saint Clare. In the name of Jesus, Your Son, I ask that you would hear and answer my petition through her intercession.
Thank you.
Say the first phrase: “Our Father…” Say the first phrase: “Hail Mary…” Say the first phrase: “Glory be…”