The PDF of Bible Translations currently available to download are:
- The World English Bible
- The New English Translation
- The King James Version Bible.
The KJV is what I cut my teeth on as a baby Christian and I love the poetic Old English that was used. It’s my first love of God’s word when I gave my heart to him. I also use other versions when I am doing word studies and compare versions.

The NET and World Bible Translation have a narrower margin compared to the KJV.
You can see an example of them compared to the KJV that I have used in this blog post.
Here is an example at right.
What you’ll Need to use your Free PDF Bible Download

What will you need to use your free pdf Bible download? You could simply print it out. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Personally I upload mine into Goodnotes and use it for daily digital Bible reading and taking digital Bible notes in the margins.
These free bible study guides pdf are created by pastors and people who have a much deeper understanding of the bible and put out on the internet and other various documentation so they can reach the general public with ease.
These are top bible questions and answers including those that are in common use today and those that need a deeper understanding of the bible for a reader to comprehend them.
For further convenience, you can create free bible study worksheets pdf with these lessons for group or personal study. These lessons can also be printed for continuous use and other purposes. For example, if you are holding a group bible study, you can easily distribute already printed bible study lessons gotten from the internet so that everyone can keep track.
These free printable bible study lessons coming along with questions and answers contain various subjects which work well for bible study teachers or individuals who are just beginning to study the bible. They are also designed for your family or bible study group be it a large or small group.
Also, they are perfect for individual study and youth bible study lessons. The lessons feature discussion questions and weekly chapter studies.
Starting your bible study group with these free printable bible studies for small groups with questions and answers will be highly beneficial to you and the group involved. Make use of the lessons anywhere and anytime to lead you on the path of finding faith-building teachings about the life of Jesus Christ.
You can also use the information here to create your own bible study questions and answers pdf that you can use for family, church, or group bible classes. This will help you have a bible quiz questions and answers pdf you can use at any time to enhance interaction in your class.
Free Printable Bible Study Lessons with Questions and Answers (PDF)
We at Study Abroad Nations have compiled a list of free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers which can be downloaded in a PDF format. This is for the further convenience of persons, groups, or organizations that may need such information.
Instead of doing so much research looking for these bible study lessons with questions and answers to print or download for free, you can access them all in one place at the same time
This way you can download more than 4000 questions and answers on the bible in pdf format that can be accessed anytime with your phone or laptop.
The free printable bible lessons with questions and answers are;
1. Ephesians Bible Study
The Ephesians Bible Study is one of the free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers and teaches of Paul’s great privilege to the Ephesians.
It contains six weeks of bible study with a week being dedicated to a chapter and each chapter holds daily bible questions and answers, about two to three per day.
2. Philippians Bible Study
The Philippians Bible Study is one of the free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers and has questions that help learners develop a deeper understanding of biblical principles.
The study is suitable for individual daily study or weekly group reviews and provides individuals with an opportunity for personal growth
3. The Book of James Bible Study
According to many, the Book of James is the Proverbs of the New Testament due to the many exhortations for good Christian behaviour.
The book has five chapters which are covered weekly for five weeks and about two to three bible questions and answers daily.
4. The Gospel of John Bible Study
The Gospel of John offers individuals the opportunity for personal growth and it has free printable bible study lessons with questions and answers designed to guide you through this growth. The Gospel is mainly about the life of Jesus Christ and how you can learn from His behaviour while He was on earth.
The Gospel of John Bible Study format is suitable for individual study, family study, couples, youth groups, and Sunday school classes. It contains bible questions and answers to help the moderator of the class engage his students properly.
5. A Pride Bible Study
In the bible, pride is portrayed as objects and fruits and it is highly condemned by the Holy Book. This bible study lesson on pride teaches you what God says about pride, why it is a sin, the consequences of the sin, and what you can do about it.
The bible study is best studied alone to help you reflect on your personal life and also help you achieve personal growth. It can also be taught in group reviews such as Sunday school and among couples as the bible questions and answers contained in the study is suitable for both young and old.
6. Jesus and the Pharisees
You may be new to Christianity or already involved, there’s no way the New Testament can be talked about without mentioning the Pharisees at least once. The Pharisees play a huge role in the teachings of Jesus Christ and in this bible study, you get to learn about them, study who they are, and how they influenced Christianity.
The Pharisees are seen as a symbol of hypocrisy and this character or behaviour is obvious in today’s churches. Through this study, you can learn how to minimize the issue and study the relationship between Jesus and the Pharisee and at the end, you will have access to free bible questions and answers for assessment.
7. Parable of the Ten Virgins
While He walked among men, Jesus Christ told his disciples and other followers a lot of parables some of which are recorded in the bible.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins is one of these parables and it is an interesting story filled with insights that the ordinary person cannot understand.
Through this bible study lesson, you will get a clearer understanding of the parable and get the messages hidden within the story.