The spiritual meaning of left and right is a concept that goes back to ancient times. I’m sure you know the religious terms “left-handed” and “right-handed”, meaning respectively working with the left hand or with the right hand. It also refers to more subtle concepts, such as in spirituality, where you have the left path or right path, referring to being on one side of the metaphysical divide or the other. Check up on the symbolism of the left and right sides of body and what does the left hand symbolize spiritually?
It is said that there are two sides to every story. The left-hand side or the right-hand side, right? That’s because our lives revolve around two things: the past and the future. At this point, it is unnecessary to explain further how each of them plays a vital role in dictating the course of development in your life.
Spiritual Meaning of Left And Right
When you think about the spiritual meaning of left and right, what comes to mind?
On one hand, we’re all familiar with the idea that a person’s dominant hand is their “right” hand. But what does it really mean to be right-handed? What if you’re ambidextrous? What if you’re left-handed?
When we talk about being right-handed or left-handed, we’re actually talking about something more fundamental than just which hand we use more often. We’re talking about how much energy we put into our actions—whether they come from our logical brain or our intuitive brain. The right side of our body is where our logical brain lives, and the left side of our body is where our intuitive brain lives.
So when someone who is right-handed makes a decision based on their feelings, it means that they’ve decided to use their intuitive side in lieu of their logical side. They’ve chosen to trust their gut rather than thinking everything through rationally before making choices about things like relationships or finances. This doesn’t mean that people who are right-handed can’t have good relationships or manage money effectively—it just means that when they do make decisions based on feelings alone
Symbolism of Left And Right Side of Body

The spiritual meaning of left and right is a reflection of the duality that exists within all things. The left represents the feminine and the right represents the masculine. In order to achieve balance and harmony in your life, you need to harness both energies.
In the Bible, the Old Testament is considered more feminine while the New Testament is considered more masculine. The Old Testament deals with sin and redemption while the New Testament deals with grace and mercy. The Old Testament emphasizes laws while the New Testament emphasizes love.
In Buddhism, left represents wisdom and right represents compassion. In Hinduism, left represents Brahma (the creator) while right represents Vishnu (the preserver). In Islam, left is associated with evil while right is associated with good.
In Christianity, Jesus Christ is associated with being on the right side of God because he was sinless when he was born into this world but had to die on his own behalf on top of a cross which represented being in debt for sinfulness from humanity’s past transgressions against God’s laws (which are written law).
The spiritual meaning of left and right is one of the most ancient and universal symbols in the world. The word “right” comes from the Old English word “riht,” which means “to be correct.” In many religions and cultures, the left hand is associated with evil or misfortune, while the right hand is associated with good or fortune. This has led to the widespread use of right-handedness as a symbol of virtue, prosperity and success.
The left side of your body contains your heart chakra and governs love, passion, compassion, forgiveness and self-acceptance. Your right side corresponds to your solar plexus chakra, which governs your ego and personal power. In some cultures, it is believed that when you pray with your hands held together over your heart (the left hand on top), you are asking for guidance from God or a higher power; when you place your hands over your solar plexus (the right hand on top), you are asking for help with your own problems or concerns.
Spiritual Meaning of Left And Right
Spiritual meaning of left and right
In the world of spirituality, the left hand is seen as a symbol of darkness and evil, while the right hand is a good omen.
Left hand:
-The left side is considered to be the side of evil spirits, for example in Latin America it is believed that if you are carrying something in your left hand, it will be stolen from you by an evil spirit.
-In Judaism, it is believed that God resides in the right side and Satan (who represents evil) resides on the left side.
-The Bible says that Satan appeared to Jesus on his right side when he was tempted by him.
Right hand:
-In Buddhism, the right hand represents wisdom and knowledge while the left hand represents ignorance.
What Does The Left Hand Symbolize Spiritually
The spiritual meaning of left and right is based on the premise that people are always divided between two camps: those who believe in God, and those who do not. The spiritual meaning of left and right is what gives us our sense of identity as a species—what we believe in, how we think about ourselves and others, and whether we see ourselves as part of a community or as individuals.
The left side represents the side of the body that is weaker than the other side. In other words, if you put your hands over your heart, your left hand will be on top. This is why the left side has historically been associated with weakness and vulnerability. It also represents an unconscious desire to be vulnerable or weak because it’s easier to connect with someone else when you’re open about your own weaknesses and needs.
The right side represents strength and power because it’s opposite from the left side—it’s stronger than its counterpart on the body. This means that even though we may be feeling vulnerable at times, we’ll still have an inner strength that allows us to keep going even when life gets rough!
-In Christianity, Jesus performed miracles with his right hand while he cursed people with his left hand (Mark 3:5).